Cursed Explorer of the Arcana

Chapter 81 - Unexpected Company

“May I sit with you?” The mysterious hunter asks again, grabbing a small pouch from his belt and dangling it before our eyes.

The bribe.

But then there’s that strange yet familiar feeling I get when an obscuring amulet is doing its magic before my eyes. Bennett made sure to train this special talent of mine since mobile and reliable methods of detecting one are rare like a scholar goblin.

I can only think of three ways this could play out. One, and the worst-case scenario, I am right, he is wearing one of those illegal amulets, and he’s either with those soldiers or the shadows. Now, this is quite unlikely because we’re not strong enough to do anything against a powerful adult. Deception would be a waste of time.

Then there’s the chance I’m just imagining things or that he’s weaker than he portrays himself to be in hopes of deterring any potential attackers. I can’t decide honestly, but Valka already made that choice for me, and the only thing certain right now is the bag of salt swinging in front of my eyes.

“How about we trade and then you leave?” She scratches her side, frowning deeply.

Yeah, she despises humans, all of them without exception. And elves. And mages… She’s one hostile creature.

“C’mon, I understand your caution but what is so suspicious about a hunter in a forest?” He’s got a point. “You on the other hand, two young ladies wary, tired, and with little survival know-how,” He glances at the brutalized dear carcass. “maybe I’m the one in danger?”

“And you still approached us?” I huff, actually hoping he’d stay because salt is not the only thing I’d like to extract from this man.

“What can I say, hunger is a reason just as great as any and some sleep would also be welcome.” He flashes another innocent smile, one as fake as they get.

I don’t like him. Call me paranoid but I find everything suspicious about him. Not threatening, not to us I think, just simply… I don’t know how to describe it.

I wonder if his attitude works with ordinary people. Kind, respectful, nonconfrontational… sounds like my exact opposite.

“Badge!” I command and he complies with a wink, flashing his emblem depicting a stag and making it glow to prove it indeed belongs to him.

“The name is Damien and I’m a hunter, a pleasure to meet you.” His charming smile bounces off me like goblin arrows when meeting Valka’s skin.

Anyone can steal one of those things or forge an insignia but experienced eyes are able to discern fake ones and every single piece is custom-made to react only to their owner. Everyone's body is unique as is their mana vessel and the mana itself flowing through their being. With that said I’m almost certain experienced tricksters can play the system without breaking a sweat.

With that said, I’ve never met evil hunters before. Dad is of course cool and Darcy and that big oaf Joseph were also insanely friendly. The only thing I have against Damian is the place and timing, my recent experiences, and a bad hunch.

“Now that we’ve got to know each other,” He steps closer, pauses, and looks between me and Val. “and calmed all hostilities.” He pauses again. “Can we settle around the fire to enjoy a late-night snack?”

Fuck it, let’s just stay cautious.

“Since my butchering skills weren't up to par you can handle that part. Leave the cooking to me.” I simply throw my knife at him and he effortlessly grabs it out of the air.

If this doesn’t prove he’s not just a simple hunter then I don’t know what does. But if this Damien, if that’s his real name, is far beyond our scope of strength acting rashly might cause us more trouble than simply playing along.

“Did your mother not tell you to be more careful…” His eyes bore into me.

“Elyssia. And this glutton is Valka, a pleasure.” I try to answer in a neutral tone, sitting back on my rock and staring into the campfire.

“Hey!” Said glutton revolts.

It’s been a long day, many long days, and all I want now is food and some peace. Let’s just hope Aelion is willing to grant those two things just this once.

“So what brought you two out here this late?” Damian initiates the small talk while his hands work wonders.

“We were, are hungry and there’s no cheaper meal than a free one. Took us a few hours to down this one.” I answer the truth and the truth only without revealing anything significant.

I need to steer this conversation carefully without revealing anything significant or sounding like an interrogator. The problem is, my genius doesn’t extend to socializing, and Valka… yeah, she will be of little help.

“Then it must be fate that brought us together.” Damian chuckles and with this one, I cannot disagree. I hate the meddling hands of fate. “That means your home must be nearby, right?” He hands me the first cut to be prepared.

Instead of answering I just stare at him flatly before using my favorite tool to get out of a pinch. Sass. “Sure, I’ll just tell a stranger I met in the woods late at night where I live, sounds totally reasonable to me.”

“Yeah, and why are you still here?” Valka keeps scratching herself and it’s going on my nerves.

“Oh don’t be like that,” The awkward head scratch tells me the trick worked, more or less. “is it Katrich, Fonica, or maybe Somnir, I’ve been there a few times before, loved the nighttime market.”

This time my silence is not the result of reluctance to speak but rather astonishment. His irritating attempts at getting all chummy ended up giving me just what I was looking for. A vague description of where we are just in case someone official asks the same questions as Damien.

Words keep leaving the man’s mouth but I pay him no attention as my eyes focus on the fire dancing above my palm and the meat on the tip of my knife. I’m perfectly able to multitask but right now I choose not to for obvious reasons.

I’m tired, not the sleepy kind of tired but rather exhausted. I don’t want to be cautious anymore and have my guard up constantly, I never… I never imagined the real thing the Fist prepared us for to be like this. And yet I can’t imagine leading a peaceful, normal life for myself anymore. Even the thought of boredom is more unbearable than anything I’ve faced.

But the last days have been a little too messed up, they’ve cut too deep. When I lost myself to the fruits of the storm, not thinking clearly and basically being trapped in my body while something played with my mind… That was worse than any wound. And it came from the most unexpected place. Not a person aiming for my life or a beast luring me into a trap but a plant. And the dream… It was so real, it made me question so many things.

Then we almost died in the spike trap, the closest I’ve been to death in my entire life. Then we were faced with beings of fairytales, and spirits. And then met with something… otherworldly.

And even today in the goblin burrows. Those creatures were the embodiment of malice and cruelty, ravaging anything they come across and treating anything living or dead with abhorrent curiosity. I don’t know if anything had been alive in the brood chamber when I incinerated everything and I never want to find out.

It’s been too much. I just want someone to hug me tight and a few moments to vent it all out.

“Eli?” Valka’s voice pulls me back to reality. “Are you alright?”

But now is not the time for that. I have to hold it in. I have to stay strong for a little longer.

“Yeah, I just zoned out.” I play it cool and change the topic. “This one should be ready any second now.”

And I need to stay strong not just for me. Valka is completely lost in a world foreign to her and even though I respect her resolve and do wish for her to find happiness, giving her guidance and her freedom back is the most I can do. Or rather the most I’m willing to offer.

I sprinkle some of the tiny treasures of the pouch on the still sizzling perfect cut that makes even my mouth water before letting it rest for a few seconds just as Dad always instructed me to. I’d have to be blind not to see Valka’s face slowly inching closer and closer to the food, like a moth to the light.

“Here.” I hand her the first serving gracefully, like an owner feeding their pet before getting back to work.

“Hmmm, so you’re one of those people.” Damian hums, observing our interaction.

“Pretty, brilliant, kind, or all of them combined?”

“Considerate.” He answers, ignoring my cheeky comment. “Not many people can look past the universal prejudice and treat slaves like people, or even friends.” He glances at the oblivious Valka happily squealing next to me. “To forgive their mistakes and offer a second chance… You’re a good person.”

Uhum… I’m immune to sweet-talking so you might as well stop. I’m no saint for treating people like people and neither am I a naive idiot to trust actual criminals. Valka is just different.

“As if.” I huff, finding his words funny for the first time. “You talk like you’ve been there.”

“Well, yeah, I’m a fugitive after all.” A sentence leaving Damian’s mouth manages to steal my voice the second time tonight, however, my reaction is a little different this time.

Both Val and I jump to our feet simultaneously, which means she was listening all along, and make sure the next move this snake makes will be his last. She grabs one of his arms, lifting her other fist to crush his face at a moment's notice while I aim a hand clad in frothing white flames at his body willing to erase any evidence of what’s about to happen here.

“I hoped we could stay civil.” Damian sighs, his voice a disturbing embodiment of composure. “But this is still better than the usual reaction. Remember Elyssia, don’t judge a book by its cover. Take that lesson as my parting gift, and if I may…” His eyes wander towards the food still cooking in my hand.

What is his deal? First, he approaches all chummy and harmless, looking for company and now he openly admits to being on the wrong side of the law just for a quick moral lesson. This man is nuts, killing him might be the safest option.

But just out of curiosity, I throw him his meal and hope for the best.

“I’ve got what I came for, mostly. You can keep the salt.” The fake smile returns to his face and before we can react he sort of half morphs into a gaseous state and lets the soft breeze carry him to the edge of our campsite. “Oh and Valka, I’d have a healer take a look if I were you. That’s a nasty venom and you either lose a limb or have it cleansed by an expert.” His words hit me like a cold shower. “Best of luck ladies.” And he’s gone.

Now, even though this Damien turned out to be just as dangerous as I suspected my attention is somewhere else.

“Lift your tunic!” I order Valka leaving no room for negotiations, just like Mom used to do.

“It’s nothing-” And she still dares talk back.


Reluctantly she pulls her clothes out of the way and reveals a horrifying sight. Her skin is brown and festering while the veins below have an unhealthy orange color to them.

“How can you be this stupid? Why didn’t you tell me?” I yell in outrage, surprising her and even myself.

“I- I thought it would heal. It's really not big of a deal.” Her voice is meek and quiet like a newborn kitten’s yet I don’t let her off the hook with just this much. “And… and I didn’t- I didn’t know what to do, okay? I didn’t know if you’d agree or help at all and visiting a human city is risky so-”

“So you still don’t trust me?” I mutter.

We’ve only known each other for about a week but even so… this stings a little I’m not gonna lie.

“No that’s not it, I just don't want us to get bogged down.” Valka protests but her words fall on deaf ears. “I’m trying not to be a burden, to help-”

“Don’t!” I shut her up. “Just eat then get some rest. I’ll take the first watch.” I settle back down and return to my task. “We’re going to the nearest city first thing tomorrow.”

“I didn’t mean to…” She whispers but I always trusted actions more than words.

I don't care if she thought this would benefit our journey. I'm not this selfish, I can be mean and say things but I do care for her.

I feel betrayed.


Last night’s meal was the best one I had in weeks. The night was calm, serene almost, as only a few pesky flies intruded on our camp. We finally had the time to rest without worry.

Except I didn’t sleep a wink. We’re about an hour after the crack of dawn when the shadows are still long but the land is already awash by the light of Solaire.

I was worried and that feeling hasn’t changed ever since. I also wanted to let Valka rest as much as possible while keeping an eye on her condition and it’s just as I feared. The patches on her arms and side are expanding and there’s only one culprit that comes to mind. That goblin with the disturbing collection.

It was odd how easy the nasty thing went down yesterday but I didn’t think much of it. Or rather I didn’t expect more from a goblin.

“Hey wake up.” I nudge the still soundly asleep Valka. “Don’t make me do this, you slept for like eight hours, I can’t give you more, c’mon!” I start shaking her, using both my arms and my entire weight since she’s so heavy.

“Wha- Is it my turn?” She rubs her eyes but a few seconds are enough for her to drink everything in. “You didn’t tell me…”

“Oh yeah? How does it feel?” I cross my arms.

“Heavenly, just another minute or two...” She lies back down and makes herself comfortable in the lush grass.

“Don’t make me drown you this early in the morning, I know you hate water and I’m not in the mood.” I start kicking her arm gently. “C’mon, if we get moving now we might find a merchant caravan to join and help us get into a city.”

“I’m telling you I’m fine.” She mutters with irritation clear in her voice. “Just rest a little-”

“Okay, then you can catch up later, I’ve already packed everything so I’ll go ahead.” She acts like, more precisely me when I was little, so I’ll do just as my parents did.

The good old ‘Move or be left behind’ threat. It took me like two years to realize they were bluffing.

I shoulder my bag and start walking towards what should be north, keeping a steady pace but for a change walking without any haste. I made plans last night, I had plenty of time, all I had was time actually, so I came up with contingencies for every possible roadblock we might encounter.

I kinda look forward to finding myself behind walls once more, taking safety and an easy meal for granted, and sleeping with my guard down. With that said I don’t plan on staying too long among humans, not with our funds and without anyone to rely on. Humans are not beasts, they’re people, and they are worse.

“I’m lucky you’re short.” Valka finally catches up. Her hair is like a bird’s nest and her eyes are barely open yet the same can’t be said about her mouth. “You look grumpy, didn’t sleep well?”

I can’t tell if she’s joking or not.

“I’m not telling you. That’s how we do things, am I right?” I quip back and pick up my pace.

Call me childish but she won't hear the end of this for quite a while.

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