Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 54 – Some Alone Time

Some Alone Time


The fast pace they took out of the scrubland led to the group getting back to Brento in the early afternoon. While they all wanted to get back to Ancona as quickly as possible, when they tried to rent a carriage, the next one wasn't leaving until the morning.

“We can just stay at one of the inn's here. Let's just think of it as a little vacation after finishing,” Betty tried to cheer the others up.

Feya cheered herself up, “We can get more shrimp!”


Taking Feya's suggestion, the group went over to the shrimp place again and indulged themselves. While Damien was a little bummed they couldn't leave right away, he was glad to see everyone enjoying themselves after the dangerous journey. And the shrimp is pretty good, too, he thought as he chomped on another piece.

After eating, the group went to an Inn nearby to get rooms. While it wasn't super late, everyone was sleepy after hiking and eating a large meal. As they were walking over, Betty pulled Damien back.

“What's wrong?”

Betty blushed slightly, but then asked, “Your new ability...can you see if you still need to get closer to Kara and Feya?”

Damien wasn't sure how he should respond at first, but decided he was going to trust Betty. After he thought this over, he whispered back, “Yes.”

“Spend the night in their room.”

Damien shook his head. “I'm not going to suddenly sleep with them.”

Betty shook her head. “No, that's not-” she said loudly, before blushing as everyone looked over at her. “That's not what I'm saying,” she whispered, “Just spend some alone time with them your thing.”

“My 'thing'?”

Betty nodded. “Yeah, win them over like you normally do with girls.”

Damien shook his head. “I'm just going with the flow for a lot of it...”

Betty smiled, “Then do that.” She then went over and started whispering in his summons ears. They all glanced at him before nodding. Then as they were about to enter the inn, she ran in front and stopped everyone. “Feya, Kara, Damien is going to stay in the room with you tonight.”

Feya and Kara had opposite reactions. Feya came over and hugged Damien, squishing her breasts into his face. Kara blushed and seemed to get a bit concerned. “But...why aren't you sleeping with him?”

Betty explained, “He needs to power up his new ability, which means he needs to get closer to you both,” she said, holding her fists up confidently.

Damien held up his hands. “We don't need to do anything, uh....” he trailed off as Kara blushed more. “It's just to get to know you both better.”


The group then awkwardly went and rented two rooms for the night. Damien gave a goodnight kiss to the other four girls, then followed Feya and Kara to their room.

Damien was a bit worried about Kara, but got distracted by Feya constantly pushing her breasts up against him as they went to and entered the room. Inside, there was only one bed (the inn only had single rooms). It was at least somewhat large, but they would still have to huddle together if it were three of them.

“I can sleep on the floor, so you two-”

“Nonsense!” Feya said, dropping her bag and crossing her arms, and looking a bit angry for the first time Damien had ever seen. “I get a chance to sleep with you so I'm going to take advantage of it.”

Damien was about to clarify if 'sleep with' meant just sleeping next to, or having sex, but Kara interrupted. “It's fine, I can sleep on the floor instead.”

Feya shook her head. “No, you have to sleep on the other side, so he can't escape!”

“Escape?” Damien was taken aback.

Feya seemed incredulous, then held her forehead like she was thinking. She then looked at Damien, “Go take a bath, I need to talk with Kaykay a bit.”

“I don't need-”

Feya pushed him into the bathroom, with him too confused to resist, and then had the door closed behind him. “Don't come out 'til we say!” Feya shouted.

Damien sighed, but after looking at the bath, decided to draw one anyway, since he did want to take one. He stripped and put some of the provided simple soap onto his body as the tub filled, then got in and started scrubbing.

After he finished, he sank in and soaked for a bit. Now what? I know Betty is probably right, but I don't know if this is the best way to get to know them. I should...take them to dinner, or maybe dress shopping. Well, Feya would probably enjoy that, at least...

Of course, because of the Goddess' upgrade to his Reader, he knew both of the women in the other room wanted to be lovers with him. Just because they want to, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Well, maybe not right now, at least, but-

His rambling thoughts were interrupted as the door opened. Since this wasn't a particularly uncommon occurrence for someone to intrude on him in the bath, he instinctively turned around.

Standing there was Feya, completely nude, not even bothering to grab a towel to cover herself. Her tannged breasts were jiggling as she turned around to face him. They were probably close to the same size as Bluey's, although since Feya was shorter they seemed bigger. Her long blonde hair flipped around her shoulders, and on her face was a devious grin. “HI-iiiiiii...” she said, leaning forward and stalking towards him.

“Wha-what are you doing?” Damien asked, sinking down a bit and turning around.

“I've come to wash your back,” she said.

“Really?” Damien said in disbelief, not believing that was the only thing on her mind.

Feya giggled, “Yes. I tried to get Kara to help me, but she didn't want to.” She came up and grabbed the brush, and pushed her breasts into Damien's neck. “Silly, lean forward or I can't scrub.”

Damien did, partly at her request and partly to break the connection with her breasts.

Feya started scrubbing, lightly going back and forth until she had thoroughly brushed him. “Now the front.”

“I already scrubbed the front,” Damien said, avoiding turning around.

“Silly, I need to-” she started moving her hands around Damien's waist, and he grabbed her hands.

“I don't think that's-” Damien started, when he heard Feya start to softly cry behind him.

“Am I ugly? Do you not want me because I've been with other guys? I even waited like you wanted me to, I talked with Betty, I-” she sputtered as she started wiping her eyes, leaning against the side of the tub.

Damien's heart hurt a bit. While he still felt like he had had the right idea with Feya, he realized he was being unfair to not explain to her. “I'm sorry. Let's...let's just talk a bit,” he said, grabbing her hands.

Feya nodded.

Damien pulled her into the tub, and sat across from her. Her breasts floated on the water a bit, but he tried not to stare. “Do you still feel the same way you do back when we met that day?”

He didn't need to specify, Feya knew what he was talking about, the day after Kevander had left her. “Yes! Actually, no, I feel even stronger about it! I wanna be one of your women too!”

Damien held back a sigh, but nodded. “Okay. I just...I was worried about you, and I didn't want you thinking you had to be with a guy all the time.”

Feya blushed, “You were worried about me?”

Damien nodded. “Of course. I also would feel like I was taking advantage of you if you had just broken up with Kevander.”

Feya smiled, “I think you're being too nice to me, I don't deserve-”

Damien put a finger to her lips. “I think you need more self-esteem, too. You deserve to be cared for just as much as anyone else.”

Feya let go of his hands and grabbed her cheeks.

“When we get back, let's go on a fun date together. Whatever you wanna do,” Damien suggested.

“Then we can have sex?”

Damien nodded.

Feya jumped across the tub and hugged him, squishing her breasts into him. “I'm so excited!”

Damien put one arm around her and patted her head with the other. “I am too. I hope you're not mad at me, I just want our relationship to be deeper than just sex.”

Feya leaned back, and nodded excitedly. She then looked at his member. “Will you be okay?”

Damien nodded, blushing. “Yeah, I'll be fine.” His member was currently standing up a bit.

Feya blushed again, this time a bit bashfully. “Can...can I at least have a kiss? To tide me over?”

Damien leaned forward and gave her a firm kiss. He didn't use tongue, but pressed his lips tightly to hers and held them for a moment.

Feya looked at him, then looked away, holding her cheeks as she blushed. “I've kissed so many times, but that was the best one.”

Damien chuckled, then got out of the tub and dried off.

Feya pouted again. “You're leaving already?”

Damien nodded, “I'm feeling a bit lightheaded.

Feya looked at him more. “Are you sure-” she then shook her head, looking determined. “Need to make sure I'm clean for the date,” she told herself, turning around and scrubbing.

Damien decided not to mention that they weren't going on a date right after this, but to sleep, but since she seemed the most determined she had been, he left it alone and slipped out after he got dressed.

In the bed room, he didn't see Kara at all. Did she go get a drink? Or maybe she felt awkward... He was hoping he'd be able to talk to her too, although the conversation would have been a bit different.

He sat on the bed, then laid down to look up at the ceiling.

'Guh' he heard underneath him. Damien shot up to his feet.

From under the covers, Kara emerged. She was wearing just her white shirt and shorts she normally wore under her armor.

“Sorry, I didn't realize-”

Kara looked at him then blushed. “I two would I hid where I couldn't hear...”

Damien realized what she meant, then quickly shook his head. “No, we didn't do anything.” Well, I guess we kissed, but that's not what she means.

Kara blushed, looking at the bathroom, then nodding. “I guess I'll believe you.”

Damien stood there a moment, as Kara was averting her gaze. He hadn't planned on being this direct, but thought maybe it would be fine in this situation. “Are you interested in sex?”

Kara took a moment to take in what he had said, then blushed even heavier and put the sheets back over her. “Why-why would you ask that!?” she said, muffled under the blanket.

“Just...the way you have been acting. And our discussion in your tent that one time.”

Kara moved the blankets back slightly, revealing her eyes. “I...I don't know. Sometimes I think about it, and I think about you, but I'm not sure, and...what am I even saying!” she said, pulling the blanket back over once more.

Damien sat down. “I think you're very cute.”

“You think every girl is cute!” she said, pulling the blanket back again to reveal her slightly red face. She (lightly) berated him. “Are you just trying to add me to your collection!?”

“No, I-” Damien started, then stopped. “I don't think that's a nice way of putting it, but I guess I am. Everyone really likes you, including me, so we thought you'd want to join our family.”

Kara went back to blushing. Instead of covering herself, she just looked down. “It was fine at first, but I...I got jealous of how close you all were.”

Damien shook his head, “You don't have to have sex with me just to get closer with us.”

Kara blushed heavier again and hit him with her fists repeatedly, “You idiot! I wanna have sex because I like you, not because-” she then stopped when she realized what she had said, and dove under the blanket again.

Not sure what he should say next, Damien pulled out his status reader and looked at Kara. Her third bar was now filled up slightly. Putting it away, he said, “Don't feel rushed, just do what you want. And I'll be ready if you decide you are.”

Kara squirmed a bit under the blanket, but stayed under.

“I'm going to go get a snack at the main desk, you should take a bath,” he said, leaving the room.


Kara stayed under the blanket until she heard the door close. She then got out and looked over, before collapsing onto the bed.

What am I supposed to do after blurting that out!? Ugh, I can't keep lying to myself.

The bathroom door opened, and Feya stuck her face out. “Did Damien leave? I wanted him to scrub my back.”

“He went to get something to eat,” Kara replied.

Feya smiled, “Can you? Actually, we can scrub each others!”

Kara sighed, “Alright, just don't grab my boobs this time.”

Feya giggled, “Fine, fine...


When Damien got back to the room, Feya and Kara were lying in bed, talking quietly. Well, Kara was, Feya was giggling.

“What's up?” Damien asked, suspicious.

Kara blushed slightly, while Feya got up and grabbed a handful of nuts from the plate he'd brought. “Fwanks,” she said with a mouthful.

Damien nodded and grabbed a couple himself.

After they snacked and made some small-talk about the request, Feya grabbed his arm to pull him into bed. “Come on!”

Damien let himself get dragged to the middle of the bed. Feya grabbed his arm and laid down, snuggling into it and closing her eyes to sleep. “Come on Kara.”

“I'm fine,” Kara said, laying down next to him on the other side.

Damien decided he should make another move with Kara, and carefully reached his hand over to grab Kara's. She squirmed a bit, but didn't recoil away. He laced his fingers around hers, and after a moment, she reciprocated.

I need to thank Betty, I think this turned out pretty well.

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