Curing My Loneliness by Becoming a Summoner in Another World

Ch. 40 – Getting to Know a Pixie

Getting to Know a Pixie


Damien followed Poppy into the bedroom, then helped close the door when she tried (and failed) pulling the doorknob to shut it.

Poppy blushed, then poked his cheek repeatedly.

“What are you doing?” Damien decided he needed to put his foot down. “Look, let's just start off slow, alright? Besides, we just met each other today.”

Poppy blushed, holding her cheeks, “But, don't you expect me to get all...intimate with you?”

Damien coughed, “I wouldn't mind but you know we can't really do anything right now. I didn't with the others until they were already level 10, anyways.”

Poppy seemed to calm down, floating onto the bed softly.

Damien sat down next to her, taking a finger and patting her head. “You don't need to pout.”

“I'm not pouting, I just feel awkward now...”

Damien thought for a moment, “Well, why don't you tell me about yourself?”

“Well, my name is Poppy, I'm a pixie-”

Damien sighed exaggeratedly, causing Poppy to giggle. At least that cheered her up.

“I don't really remember much. It's sort of hazy, but I was living in a forest. It feels almost like it was a dream.”

“Are you upset I summoned you?”

Poppy shook her head. “No! I feel I wanted to be summoned...I think? That's the best way I can describe it.”

Damien nodded again.

Poppy nodded excitedly. “That doesn't matter though, I'm glad to be here!” she said, flying up and hugging his cheek. She then sniffed a bit, “'re a bit smelly though.”

Damien chuckled, “I was out fighting dinosaurs so I could summon you!”

Poppy blushed a bit, “We should clean you off, then.”

Damien nodded. I've had good success at bonding in bathtubs.

Damien walked over, taking off his shirt and pants, before slowly taking off his undergarment as he noticed Poppy was watching.

She held her hands up, looking through her fingers. “That's bigger than I am!”

“That isn't saying a ton though...” Damien replied, before slipping into the tub.

Poppy shook her head, then took off the green dress she was wearing. She flew over, her mischievous smile appearing again. “You like what you see?” and pushed her breasts into him.

Damien pulled her off, sitting her in his hand. “Come one, let's just wash.”

“Scrub me!” she said, laying face down.

Damien thought for a moment, then rubbed a little bit of soap on his index finger, before scrubbing it on her back.

“My butt too!”

Damien paused, then realized it didn't make sense not to clean it, so he scrubbed off her backside too, causing her to giggle.

She then turned around, showing off her breasts and stomach.

Damien decided it would be better just to scrub her instead of arguing, and washed her front as well. She giggled a bit as he went over her breasts, but made a little moan as he touched her nethers.

“Master...” she said, flying up. She gave him a wet kiss on the cheek.

Damien cupped some water then poured it over Poppy. She shook her whole body and head, spritzing water every which way as she flapped her wings. She seemed satisfied, “Now I'll scrub you!”

Trying to stay a step ahead, Damien suggested, “Scrub my back while I scrub my front.”

Poppy nodded, grabbing a scrub brush and flying around. There wasn't any pattern to her scrubbing, but she was going around everywhere enough it did the job regardless.

After finishing scrubbing, he dunked into the bathtub to clean off the suds, then leaned back against the tub, stretching out.

Poppy flew around and laid on his chest belly-down, looking up at his as she held her head with her fists. She hummed slightly and kicked he feet “Hmmm, hm-hmmm...”

Damien decided just to pat her back gently between her wings, which caused Poppy to blush.


They soaked in silence for a bit, before Damien started feeling light-headed from the steam. He slowly got up, and Poppy flew off. He gave her a hand-towel to dry off, before drying himself off and putting on his pajamas.

Poppy put her dress back on, then flew over to his shoulder. “Master, let's sleep together!”

Damien nodded, and laid on the bed. Poppy flew onto the pillow next to him, lying inches from his face.

“Hopefully I don't roll over onto you...” Damien joked.

“I'll be fine. You buffed my stats pretty well with your ability,” she giggled.

Damien nodded slightly, and Poppy leaned over and kissed his cheek (which felt to Damien like a raindrop hitting his face).


In the morning, Damien woke up with Poppy, who was half in his pants, laying out as if using them as a bedsheet.

“What are you doing!?” he asked, pulling her out.

Poppy giggled, “I was cold exposed on the pillow, and it was warm down there,” she responded, flying out of his grasp and latching onto his cheek.

The door opened, and Betty walked in, seeming concerned at first, but then confused, “I thought I heard Damien upset, but you two seem to be getting along fine.”

Damien sighed, deciding it wasn't worth the trouble. He quickly changed into his armor as Betty talked to Poppy.

“Did you get along with Damien?”

Poppy nodded, flying up and down. “Yeah, we rubbed each other's naked bodies a bunch.”

I mean, we technically did.

Betty raised an eyebrow at Damien, but then just said, “Well, we should get going.”

Damien held up his hand. “Why don't you take the others and do a money request? I think today I should take Poppy to fight some slimes or murder-rabbits.”

Betty nodded. “You want to focus on getting her level up quickly?”

Damien nodded back, “I want her at least a few levels up before we take her somewhere more dangerous. I don't want her accidentally getting...hurt by something too powerful,” he explained, not wanting to say something like 'killed' in front of Poppy.

Poppy flew into his cheek again. “Master is worried about me, I feel so special!”

Betty giggled, “He worries about all of us...”


After explaining to Bluey and Aurora (and having to promise to spend the night with both of them) they split up. The other girls went to meet up with Kara and get some elemental or other small request to earn some money for that day, while Damien and Poppy walked towards the gate.

He thought this might be the case, but he got a few stares as he walked by with Poppy on his shoulder, or flying around his head.

For her part, Poppy seemed to be enjoying herself. “Wow, this is so cool! There's so many nooks and crannies to fly and explore in.”

“I don't mind if you want to later, but just make sure you're careful,” he called as she started to fly off.

Poppy flew back and grabbed his cheek again, and Damien had to peel her off as people were staring.


After they got out of the city, Damien pulled out his map and found some slimes nearby. As they walked towards them, he explained, “Alright, let's start with having you blind them, then I'll finish them off. Hopefully we can get you some quick experience with Start-up Boost.

Poppy nodded quickly. “Yeah! I'll get to level 10 in no time.”

“You really wanna have sex that badly?” Damien asked, half joking, half teasing.

Poppy blushed, half covering her face with her hands. “I saw how they looked at you. And I don't want to be left behind.”

Damien blushed slightly, then patted her head with his finger. “Don't worry, you won't be. I won't let you be.”

Poppy blushed deeper, although their moment was interrupted as they got to the slimes.

Poppy flew up towards them. Her wings started glowing, then a blinding flash shot out at them.

The slimes...kept bouncing towards them.

“Master!” Poppy cried, easily flying away from the slow moving slimes and hiding behind Damien.

Damien raised an eyebrow. Why didn't it work? Is it because slimes don't have eyes? He went up and punched the slime, causing them to deflate and die.

“Wow, you're so strong Master!” Poppy said, elated that the slimes were dead now. “Sorry I couldn't do anything.”

Damien shook his head. “I think it's because they don't have eyes,” he explained as he picked one up. Looking at it, he took a bite. “That's nostalgic.”

Poppy giggled, “You just eat them!?”

Damien held out the slime, and Poppy took a small bite. “Hmm, it's not bad.”


He decided they should try on something with eyes, next, so he pulled out his map and looked for murder-rabbits. They walked towards the nearest one, chomping on one of the slimes as they walked.

“Do you always do this with your new summons?”

Damien nodded. “With Bluey, she was the only one and we were trying to find a city. With Aurora, we did this where we went and specially trained.”

They got up to the rabbits, and Poppy looked at them, a bit scared. “We're really gonna fight...those?”

Damien nodded, “Yeah, I was a bit scared of them at first too.”

Poppy nodded, then flew over at them.

The murder-rabbits seemed to catch onto her, and started charging.

Poppy's wings glowed again, and a brilliant flash aimed at the rabbits went off.

The effect was immediate. The rabbits let out a cry, either stopping or tripping, and two even ran into each other.

Poppy got all excited. “I did it Master!”

“You sure did,” Damien replied, casing Fire Wall to finish them off.

“Oh, oh, I leveled up, too!”

Damien nodded. Start-up Boost working wonders.


Poppy leveled up

Pixie – Level 2

STR – 36

VIT – 46

MAG – 91

DEX – 69


Pixie Sparkle


New Ability Available


MAG +5

Pixie Dust – Can sprinkle powder that will put enemies to sleep if inhaled.


This situation again.

“Master, I should pick the new spell, right? I get enough MAG from your abilities.”

Damien nodded, “I agree. Let's go test it out.”


They quickly found some slimes again. Before Damien even prompted, Poppy flew over and used Pixie Dust. A pink powder flew out from her wings, showering onto the slimes.

As it hit them, the dust got absorbed, and the slimes slowly stopped moving

Damien cast Fire Wall and roasted them.

“Haha! That was great!” Poppy laughed, flying and latching onto Damien again.


The two of them continued practicing into the afternoon, Poppy getting to level 3 (and taking a MAG +5), until Damien was fairly tired.

“Master, I want to keep going!” she shouted, trying to tug his shirt as he sat down.

“Sorry, I need a break,” Damien said, wiping his forehead of sweat. “Even if these aren't hard enemies, walking and casting spells takes it out of me.”

Poppy fluttered down onto his lap. “Are you happy with your selection?”

Damien nodded, “Of course. I think you'll be really helpful once we get you leveled up.”

Poppy smiled, rocking back and forth as she hummed to herself.


They relaxed for a while, until Damien decided to message Aurora. 'How are you all?'

'Master...we just finished a bear request and are coming back. Do you want to meet for dinner?'

'Yeah, we'll go get a table at the inn.' Damien replied.

There was a pause, before Aurora replied. 'Okay. Bluey wants you to Message her too.'

'Okay...' he stopped, then Messaged'd Bluey. 'What's wrong Bluey?'

'Nothing, I just wanted to talk to Master.'

Damien sighed but smiled. 'It's good to hear you too. I'll see you in a bit.'

'Of course Master, I love you!'

'I love you too Bluey.'

“What are you doing? Are you using some sort of magic?” Poppy asked.

Damien shook out of his Message-stare and looked down at her. “Yeah, you can tell?”

“Sort of. Pixie's are very attuned to magic and can sense it somewhat, especially when it's actively being used.”

Damien nodded, “That might be useful. But yeah, I was using Message to talk with the others.”

Poppy flew up, “Oh, oh use it on me!”

“But you're right here...”

Poppy pouted, “But, we're practicing today, right?”

“I guess that's true...” Damien concentrated, then used Message. 'Can you hear me, Poppy?'

'Of course Master. This is so cool. We can talk in secret.'

Damien raised an eyebrow. 'Why do we need to be secret?'

'Like if we want to have a little rendezvous in your room gain...' she replied.

Damien could see her mischievous smile was back. “With our party, you can just say that normally...”

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