Culture Conquers Foreign Worlds

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Reviewer’s chat

The publishing of novels and periodicals in this era is still dominated by traditional methods. Generally, publishers are responsible for reviewing manuscripts, and the approved works are published. After that, the author can get a part of the sales share every month. As for the wealthy businessmen or nobles, they can choose to publish at their own expense, which is equivalent to paying the printing fee to the publishing house, and relatively they can obtain most of the sales share.

In this era, there is no complete copyright law and the distribution of publishing benefits is simple and rude. Harvey asked Shirley to submit a copy with the idea of ​​preventing copyright disputes in the future. Publishing houses belong to a large number of people, and they really dare not do anything to occupy the copyright of novels. In this era, the literary field has developed breakthroughs. Many large cities have established organizations similar to novelists’ associations. They are in the society. The status of the junction is not low. The status of a well-known writer is not as good as hereditary aristocrats and is much higher than the average wealthy businessman.

The Leonard Press’s call for papers is over. It takes a week for the reviewers to decide which works to publish. In the future, readers and reviewers will jointly determine the winners of this batch of published works. The actual works to be published have basically been decided at the time of solicitation. Every novel manuscript sent to the publishing house will have the reviewer’s first judgment on the value of the work and the value of the author’s identity.

Now that “The Earl of Monte Cristo” has been sent to Leonard Press, Harvey can relax a little bit. He has strong confidence in whether the novel can stand out from the first round of review. He was also at the El Roy Library. After reading many novels, I think “Count of Monte Cristo” is one of the best in all aspects. As long as I read the beginning, I will naturally be attracted by the story.

Next, Harvey still wants to go to the library to read books to enrich himself and prepare for the next story creation of “The Count of Monte Cristo”. As his writing level increases, he needs to improve his knowledge reserve to give full play to the advantages of this skill. Reading in the library, he borrowed books in the evening to read at night. He reads books very fast, and when he devotes himself wholeheartedly, it is more than enough to get dozens of books in one day.

Harvey reads books very fast in the library. The woman who received guests at the front desk has wondered many times whether Harvey is pretending. How can anyone turn a dozen or twenty pages a minute? After seeing Harvey doing this for several days, his suspicion turned into admiration. If someone could sit in the library for several days and read the book aimlessly, his patience would be admirable enough, compared to reading a book. Faster is a more reasonable explanation.

Harvey discovered the influence of [writing] skills improvement on his reading. When he read the book, he quickly figured out the style and plot structure of the whole book, and greedily ingested the knowledge and concepts contained in it. It was obviously a classic he did not catch a cold before. Literary novels can be read with gusto.

While reading in the library, Harvey met his nominal fiancée Diana several times, and the two had nothing to do with each other except for their daily greetings.


Leonard Press, the publication meeting about this call for manuscripts ended. A group of reviewers sat in the open-plan office drinking and chatting, chatting about interesting events encountered in the call for manuscripts, or interesting plots in the submitted novels, or something Who is the author of this work, or proudly announces which author’s reviewer he is.

Puran García is one of them. Compared with his colleagues, his reviewing experience is much dull and there is nothing to be proud of.

The reviewers of Leonard Press are young people who have recently graduated from university. They love literature, are talented, can accept new ideas and understand the trend of literature. The flaw is that they have no experience.

The young reviewer was drunk and proud to announce: “There are so many excellent works this time. I am in charge of Mr. Bradley’s new work “The Girl by the River”, which is a good work!”

Other reviewers gave admiring glances.

“Just fine with you. Mr. Bradley is one of the famous writers in recent years. Novels are very popular. Many aristocratic women have difficulty seeing him. Perhaps you have had several good affairs based on this. Those The noble lady would certainly be willing to please you in order to meet with Mr. Bradley.”

The drunk reviewer waved his hand and pretended to be humble: “Haha, let alone that exaggeration, I’m just a reviewer.”

Seeing his colleague’s triumphant look, Pran drank in silence. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, “It’s not all boring to talk about it. The maid from the Adrian family came over to submit the article on the last day of the deadline. A novel written by Drian.”

“Ah, the maid with elven blood in the rumor?” The young reviewer was attracted by this sentence, and automatically ignored Harvey Adrian’s name.

“I also know that it is said to be very beautiful, how about her ears? It’s a pity that I didn’t pay attention at that time, otherwise I wouldn’t let Pulan take the lead. It would be an honor to just talk to her.”

Pulan put down the wine glass, his heart was floating, and on the surface he shook his head and explained dumbly: “The appearance is indeed the most outstanding woman I have ever seen. She is submitting the article on behalf of the host. Instead, what I want to say is this matter. She took it. The manuscript turned out to be handwritten.”

“That Harvey also writes novels?”

“It’s not surprising that many of the participants in this essay are young nobles. Anyway, this essay was originally held to make them stand out.”

The young colleague asked with interest: “Handwritten novels, how about the quality of the content?”

Pulan shook his head: “I don’t know, anyway, Harvey Adrian is just a playboy. The works he wrote have no review value, and they are still handwritten. How can I manage so much.”

“Haha, that’s what I said.”

“Instead, I will definitely check it out, so that there is an excuse to visit. That is a maid with elven blood, it is hard to meet in this era.”

The laughter of young people in the office was endless, but there were also reviewers who could not blend into the lively atmosphere. A stern-faced middle-aged man packed up his office documents and prepared to leave here. As he passed by, he glanced at Pulan and said indifferently: ” You are a reviewer and do your responsibilities well.”

Pulan raised a glass to him and smiled indifferently.

The middle-aged man leaves, and there are comments about him in the open-plan office.

The young reviewer commented in a mocking tone: “That guy is still like this, I can’t understand the atmosphere.”

“Who made him one of the veterans of our agency? I heard that he brought many writers to our agency to publish, so that our agency’s novel industry will develop.”

“I have the ability, I just don’t know how to be a human being, otherwise I won’t be just a reviewer now. If I can get acquainted with those beautiful ladies in the social world, maybe there is a chance to get to know Fangze.”


One week is not long. Harvey reads books every day to enrich that he feels very comfortable. When he was very proud, the list of the first batch of novels solicited by Leonard Press came out, and it was published in the newspaper one day in advance. .

“There is no “Count of Monte Cristo” on the publication list…”

In the living room, Harvey furrowed his brows and stared at the newspaper in his hand. UU reading www.uuká looked gloomy and ugly. A large page of the newspaper published a list of novels that will be officially published tomorrow. There were more than ten novels in total, but he could look for them no matter what. Not a word in “Count of Monte Cristo”.

“The Count of Monte Cristo” was unsuccessful in the first round of review, and he did not even qualify for publication! ?

He didn’t believe this result in his heart. He thought that his “translation” work was in place, and he also used his experience as a later novelist to perfect the plot structure of the novel. Is the quality of “The Earl of Monte Cristo”, a masterpiece of the earth world, not good enough? Are Leonard’s reviewers eye-sighted?

Harvey believes that it is the latter. It is impossible for a masterpiece witnessed by billions of people around the world to be even qualified for publication! He put down the newspaper, closed his eyes and leaned against the chair, taking a deep breath.

Now how to do? The result was completely unexpected. To be honest, he couldn’t swallow this breath. Whether he can win the prize is the next best thing. This is the work he spent a whole week working hard to create, combining the last world masterpiece with his modern writing experience. creation.

“But there is no publishing qualification…”

Harvey smashed his mouth and whispered to himself. The fingers holding the armrest of the chair turned white due to excessive force. The body and mind once again tasted the bitter taste, and he was unwilling to give up in vain.

After pondering for a long time, he took out the attachment that Shirley had brought back from the publisher from the drawer. It clearly stated the proof of his submission and the name of the reviewer responsible for reviewing the “Count of Monte Cristo”. He needed to personally confirm that it came from him. Is the hand-written “Count of Monte Cristo” really so unbearable in the field of world literature?

Harvey changed into a good outfit, overcoat and hat, and he looked alike. He was handsome and delicate, with a calm and gentle temperament. He changed his previous frivolous image and became a young scholar.

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