Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 628

Chapter 622 Warlock standing up

Watching the strong evil spirit cast down in front of him, Zou Heng held the dragon head that was chopped down by him in his hands, and took two steps back.

Zou Heng didn’t expect that things would go so smoothly. The process of cutting off the dragon’s head by himself basically did not encounter much hindrance, and it was relatively easy to complete.

If it weren’t for the dragon head in his hand, even after he was cut off by himself, the strong evil spirit on it still hadn’t dissipated, and Zou Heng had some doubts whether he really accomplished this feat.

But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem to be a problem. After all, Zou Heng is not weak in his own strength. In addition, he uses a powerful strange treasure in his hand, and there are people secretly helping to cut down evil. The leader, this seems quite normal.

The strong evil spirit, like blood, continuously gushes from the place where the dragon’s head is cut off, spraying on the ground, while the evil body in the air is still twisting crazily, not immediately Die.

As the evil body twisted, blood-like evil air was sprayed everywhere, and it slowly penetrated into the ground.

At this time, Zou Heng had little power left, and he could only do his best to suppress the leader in his hand.

The evil spirit’s head has been chopped off, and the immortal will be severely injured at this time. Zou Heng felt that the evil spirit would at best be struggling for a while. When the blood drained, he would almost lose the power to resist. He should die completely. Now what he has to pay attention to is that before dying, the evil will eventually explode with some powerful methods, so Zou Heng held the dragon head in his hand tightly.

Zou Heng hugged the dragon head in his hand tightly. He did feel that the evil aura that had not yet dissipated was gathering in the dragon’s mouth, and that power could feel very violent.

Fortunately, the entire dragon’s head has been chopped off, even if the remaining evil aura is still very impressive, but Zou Heng did his best to hold it firmly, and to a large extent prevented the power from erupting.

However, Zou Heng was able to hug the dragon’s head, but he could not contain the evil body.

I saw the evil body, which had lost its head and was twisting crazily, suddenly began to attack the surroundings. The dragon claw left by evil left a shadow in the air, like raindrops toward the surroundings. The ground fell, and at the same time, the wound that originally shed blood-like evil air, the evil air had also undergone some changes, becoming as dense and hot as magma.

Suddenly, Xing Zhao and others backed up and quickly avoided the evil’s final attack. Zou Heng felt that the violent force in the dragon head he was holding could no longer be suppressed by himself, so he suppressed it. The dragon head was thrown out.


With a bright light rising, the power of the dragon head thrown out by Zou Heng completely exploded, setting off a strong wave of air.

When Zou Heng retreated, he saw that the evil body that had lost its head seemed to be covered by a layer of frost. The evil spirit that was attacking frantically, after being covered by that layer of frost, the extent of its struggle became It got smaller and smaller, and after a while, it stopped moving completely, as if it was really dead.

However, Zou Heng was able to see that the strong evil aura on the evil body had not dissipated. This showed that the evil spirit had not really died yet, and its vitality could be said to be quite tenacious.

However, even if the evil spirit is still alive, it is already at the end of the force. The evil spirit remaining on the evil spirit’s body has been greatly weakened, and the evil spirit remains in the cut wound. It flows out like blood and falls toward the ground.

After Zou Heng retreated some distance, he stood still and began to regain his strength. He wanted to see if this evil creature would really die in the end, and he heard Min Xiaoxing’s voice just now, and he wanted to see you again. This was once a national teacher of Yu Kingdom.

After waiting for a while, the evil spirit that was almost frozen in ice, the evil spirit no longer flowed from the wound, the movement became quieter and quieter, and the evil spirit on the body basically disappeared. It’s almost there.

At this time, the tightly contracted spatial channel seemed to relax a bit. It may also be because the evil energy in the body has already flowed out, and the evil body has shrunk, causing the evil body to be drawn out of the space channel. , Fell heavily to the ground.

Zou Heng originally thought that Xieyi’s huge body would make some noises after it fell to the ground. However, after the huge body fell, he didn’t hear the sound of colliding with the ground, but only saw Xieyi. As soon as Yi Na’s huge body touched the ground, it was as if a drop of water merged into the sea and directly merged into the ground.

This scene made Zou Heng nervous for a moment. His immediate reaction was to think that the evil hadn’t died, and he escaped from the space channel at this time, but just took the opportunity to escape. Subconsciously, Zou Heng wanted to chase him. .

However, at the next moment, a few more figures flew out of the space channel, causing Zou Heng to stop.

With Zou Heng’s eyesight, he could tell at a glance that among the several figures, there was one figure he was very familiar with, that was Min Xiaoxing, the former master of Yu Kingdom.

Zou Heng heard the other party’s voice just now and knew it was him. At this moment, seeing the real person, Zou Heng didn’t feel too surprised. The only surprise was that there were still a few figures beside Min Xiaoxing. Moreover, looking at the appearance of these figures, they also came out of the realm of phantasmagoria, and the aura exuding from their bodies was no weaker than Min Xiaoxing.

After a few silhouettes flew out, Zou Heng originally thought that they would follow the evil spirits next, but he didn’t expect those silhouettes to just glance at the ground below, and then flew in the direction of Zou Heng and others. come.

“Zou Heng, it’s been a long time!”

Min Xiaoxing’s voice sounded again, and he greeted Zou Heng directly.

After hearing this, Zou Heng immediately replied to Min Xiaoxing, “Maybe the national teacher is missing, the cultivation base is better than before!”

When I saw Min Xiaoxing again, the opponent’s cultivation level seemed to have improved a lot compared to before. It should be a step forward in the realm, but it seems that the opponent did not choose the path of becoming a god, and the few people around him are the same.

“Don’t mention the word national teacher any more, now you are the national teacher of Yu country, and I am just the former national teacher of Yu country!” Min Xiaoxing said to Zou Heng after hearing Zou Heng’s words.

Hearing him say this, Zou Heng didn’t bother with this issue. He quickly glanced at a few people around him, then looked down at the ground, and then said to Min Xiaoxing.

“It was just a few seniors who made the shot. The evil has been severely damaged. It is a good opportunity to get rid of it. Please also a few seniors must cut the grass and root!”

He had already said this, Min Xiaoxing and the warlocks around him all smiled when they heard the words, and then one of them spoke.

“You misunderstood, the evil spirit has been beheaded, and the other party has no chance to escape. The reason why its body merges into the earth is just because it is about to become the evil earth, swallowing its last remnant body! ”

When Zou Heng heard the words, his heart moved, and then he realized it after another thought. He knew that he was a little too nervous, and that the dragon-shaped evil had actually been resolved.

But thinking about his own experience of severing the evil dragon’s head so smoothly just now, Zou Heng’s eyes fell on the few people in front of him again. He guessed that the reason why he had just cut off the evil head so smoothly was mainly because The help of these warlocks including Min Xiaoxing.

They probably also checked the timing, and then shot in the psychic desire world, restraining most of the power of evil and strangers, and this allowed Zou Heng to cut off his head smoothly.

Zou Heng thought of this, but he heard Min Xiaoxing speak: “It is about to become an evil earth. After swallowing this evil body and blood, it should be completely evil soon. The real disaster is about to begin. We are running out of time, Zou Heng, you’d better return to your respective countries as soon as possible, prepare for the catastrophe of the earth, and protect as many people as possible! ”

As soon as Min Xiaoxing’s words fell, one of the few people beside him stepped forward and looked at Zou Heng and said, “You should only have a day or so. After one day, the earth will truly become At that time, we will do our best to suppress the evil. If we can succeed, then there will be a silver lining. If we fail, you and the people of all countries can only ask for more blessings!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zou Heng felt a powerful aura and a mysterious rhythm from the warlock’s body.

“Predecessors are ready to suppress the earth and turn into evil disasters, how sure are you?” Zou Heng looked at Min Xiaoxing and the others and asked.

Zou Heng actually has a lot of questions in his mind now, such as the identities of these people in front of him, and Min Xiaoxing’s recent experience, but these words seem to have no time to speak slowly.

From what they just said, and the strength of the few people in front of them, plus the timing of their appearance, Zou Heng roughly has an idea in his mind. These warlocks in front of him, plus Min Xiaoxing, are probably all gaining ground. After learning about the disaster, he secretly tried to find a solution to the disaster.

When I entered the realm of spiritual desire, Ji Changshou, who had become a god, helped him find the traces of Min Xiaoxing. However, Ji Changshou was not able to find it at that time. It may be because Min Xiaoxing at that time was with these people around him. Stay together.

After the sorcerer’s cultivation reaches the realm of becoming a god, in addition to becoming a god, he can continue to follow the path of the sorcerer. Those gods who know the news of the disaster in advance may plan some things secretly. These cultivation bases have surpassed the realm of becoming a god. Warlock, they also knew the news of the disaster early, and it was reasonable to plan.

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