Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 620

Chapter 614 Add fire fan

On the ground next to him, another huge stone ball appeared. Zou Heng used the square inch technique to reduce the size of the stone ball again, and then quickly threw it forward.

At this time, another face of the face was shattered, and a broken mask fell off his face. The aura seemed to be stronger again. Looking at the stone ball thrown by Zou Heng, the face of the face shot out from the eyes. After two black lights, the front collided with the stone ball.

After the two black rays of light collided with the stone ball, the space where they collided with each other seemed to be unable to withstand the strong force, the space began to crack, and then suddenly separated from the body of the treacherous face. One by one avatar.

All kinds of masks with different facial makeup are continuously separated from the body of the strange face. The number is no longer more than a dozen before, but a densely packed piece, at least as many as hundreds.

So many masks suddenly unfolded in the void. It seems that in the void ahead, the densely packed masks are all masks, and the powerful evil aura radiating from them also made Zou Heng feel his heart at this moment. shock.

“Zou Heng, hand in your Facebook!”

These many masks opened their mouths together, and their voices overlapped each other, and with a breathtaking power, they passed into Zou Heng’s ears.

At this moment, the snake spirit, who had just plunged into the earth, had already formed a huge ball of earth and pushed it to Zou Heng’s side.

Zou Heng quickly grabbed the earth ball, and this time he threw the earth ball forward without using the square inch technique.

As he moved, the many masks began to attack.


A sharp scream sounded. As soon as Zou Heng heard the sound, he felt that his eardrum was about to be shattered. Then, the sound drove a powerful force in the void and shattered that one. The earth ball made the surrounding ground, the earth was deeply lifted up, and the dust fluttered towards the surroundings.

Even if Zou Heng quickly closed his hearing through his supernatural powers, he could still feel layers of invisible sound waves, like a sharp blade across his skin.

The surrounding evil-level evils and several magicians whose spirits were sustenance were all affected to varying degrees after hearing the sharp voices.

Most of those evil-level evils are okay, but those warlocks who have entrusted their spirits here only feel that the spirits they entrusted here are agitated, and then the heads of a few people begin to explode one after another, and they are directly restored. One by one paper people.

At the same time, in the capital of Yu State, several warlocks who had been sitting quietly cross-legged suddenly shook their bodies, and then bleeds one by one, opened their eyes and let out a scream, and their bodies all fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the surrounding warlocks hurried up to check the situation, and found that several people were alive, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

As for the seven-hole bleeding warlocks, at this time one of them spoke with difficulty to those who were surrounding them.

“Quickly, inform them of the first seat, so that they must speed up, State Yu Guoshi Zou Heng, he may not be able to last long, the evil name of the creepy face is really amazing!”

When the surrounding warlocks heard what the other party said, someone immediately turned around and notified them. They can only pray in their hearts now, praying that Zou Heng can support them for a longer time, and also pray that Xing Zhao and the others can be faster.

On Zou Heng’s side, he didn’t notice at this moment. The few magicians who entrusted their minds, and the paper men they put their minds on, had been exploded. At this time, Zou Heng only felt that he was in a trance, although he was conscious. I was still awake, but I felt that my thinking reaction slowed down a lot.

It seems that the treacherous face did not show its true power until just now. The destructive power exerted by the hundreds of masks of different styles after they attacked together made Zou Heng bear it down very hard. This is still on his body. With the blessing of powerful strength, he was able to bear it so hard.

At this time, the eyes of the hundreds of masks were filled with dark light, and before Zou Heng evaded, the dark light had already shot towards Zou Heng.

Zou Heng only felt that at this moment, he had endured thousands of attacks all over his body, and every attack was so powerful. The magical powers he mastered made him use the fastest speed to improve himself. Defensive ability, and controlled the body to twist, avoiding part of the attack.

When the black light that could not be avoided hit Zou Heng’s body, the layers of defense on his body began to be broken open. It didn’t take long for Zou Heng to feel a pain in his body, right next to his shoulder. The abdomen that was twisted to one side, as well as the legs and arms, all felt pierced by the black light.

The kind of drama after the body was injured, because the power contained in the black light, seemed to be particularly strengthened, so that Zou Heng felt the pain of the wound, which was completely several times that of the normal state.

At this time, Zou Heng could only use the square inch technique on himself, shrinking his body to avoid the remaining attacks, and then Zou Heng was injured all over. At this time, there was no intention to retreat, but instead he charged quickly. Arrived in front of those masks, and then relieved the state of Fangcun Dashu, and blasted forward with a punch.

Among the numerous masks, one of them was immediately smashed by Zou Heng’s punch, but after he smashed the mask, Zou Heng felt like he was locked up in a cage. With a subtle sense of spatial transformation, the surrounding environment instantly changed in his eyes.

Zou Heng discovered that he was in a dark and narrow space at this moment, as if he had been put in a coffin.

Before he could make any reaction, Zou Heng felt that this space was broken open again. A sly mask with a vertical line drawn on his face appeared in Zou Heng’s field of vision. At the same time, he felt it. On top of his head, a very sharp force fell, like a rapidly rotating blade, through the force of rotation, it strengthened its cutting ability.

Zou Heng once again performed the square inch technique against himself, reducing his size, and then against the treacherous face that appeared in his field of vision, also used the square inch technique to suppress its power.

Afterwards, Zou Heng mobilized the power in his body and threw a punch to the front with all his strength, breaking the dark and narrow space, but at this moment, Zou Heng felt a pain in his shoulder, and the sly attack was on him again. A scar was left on his shoulder.

The pain stimulated the flow of blood in Zou Heng’s body to become faster and faster. Under his own strong will, Zou Heng’s intent to fight in his heart became stronger.

He endured the pain in his body, gathered the strength of his body onto his fist, in a trance, Zou Heng seemed to have entered the same state as when he helped Ji Changshou open up the gods’ realm, vaguely saw a glimmer of light, his Along the trajectory of the light, his arm blasted forward with a punch.

And among the numerous masks of the sly face, at this time there is a mask with a sharp thorn on the surface and a face that looks quite determined. It flies directly out of the numerous masks and meets Zou Heng’s. fist.

Zou Heng hit the mask with his fist and smashed the mask without accident, but at the moment he smashed the mask with a punch, the fragments after the mask was shattered quickly gathered together. , Also turned into a fist, colliding with Zou Heng’s fist again.

When the two fists collided, the surrounding space was like broken glass, cracking towards the surroundings one by one. Zou Heng only felt a powerful force coming along his arm. The light that seemed to be able to open the world seemed to be towards him. The direction flew over, and it also became clearer in his eyes.

Suddenly, there was an enlightenment in Zou Heng’s heart. The mana in the body and the power transformed from the earth’s turbid energy began to circulate rapidly, and the magical powers that were being conceived, at this time there was something to be conceived. sign.

However, immediately afterwards, the numerous sly face masks suddenly exploded with a powerful impact. Compared with the previous attacks of the sly face, the impact exploded this time was several times stronger than before. Not only that, but this time the impact force was almost completely applied to Zou Heng’s body. Coupled with the force of the collision of the two fists, Zou Heng’s huge body was actually knocked out.

After the shock on his body, Zou Heng’s feeling that the supernatural powers were about to be bred became a little fuzzy again. He felt that he had been hit hard. The huge body flew upside down for about 100 meters in the air, and then fell heavily. On the ground, the ground shook slightly.

The fast-moving power in the body became a little chaotic the moment Zou Heng was hit by a heavy blow, and the speed of its rotation also slowed down at the same time.

However, the trace of enlightenment born in Zou Heng’s heart was still clear at this time, and after receiving a heavy blow, he did not interrupt this enlightenment.

However, the tricky attack did not stop. After it knocked out Zou Heng’s body, among the numerous masks, a whole red mask flew out, becoming a little larger than the surrounding area. Then the mouth opened, and a flame burst out of it, covering Zou Heng’s body.

At first, this flame was only ejected from the mouth of the evil, but after the flame enveloped Zou Heng’s body, all the remaining masks turned into that red mask in an instant, and they also turned towards Zou Heng. Flames were expelled from the horizontal direction.

Hundreds of flames gathered and landed at the location where Zou Heng was, and immediately enveloped a large area of ​​the surrounding area. The billowing high temperature also caused the air to be burnt a little distorted.

Among the evil-level evils around, one of the evil-level evils suddenly smiled and stretched out his hand to point at the flames over there.

“The fire is very good, I will fan the flames again!”

With its movements, the flames that had originally wrapped Zou Heng rose more and more, and even formed a pillar of fire rising into the sky, reflecting the sky red.

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