Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 Powerless

On the official road shrouded in night, King Ren’s team is still running wildly. Without Zou Heng and Li Sheng, everyone in the team seems to have lost their backbone. What everyone can do now is to keep moving forward.

Everyone knows that now they can continue to run for their lives. This is an opportunity that Zou Heng has won for them, and Zou Heng himself may not be able to come back again, so they must seize this hard-won opportunity.

With the passage of time, the effects of the wind and speed techniques blessed by Zou Heng gradually disappeared, and everyone in the team slowed down. In addition, they continued to move forward quickly. If you feel tired, the speed will naturally be slower.

But even though they were tired and their speed slowed down, everyone still didn’t dare to stop and rest at all, because they knew very well that time is precious to them now, and this is time for real escape.

However, just as everyone continued to move forward desperately, someone still heard it from a distance. On the official road behind him, there seemed to be a crisp and sweet ringtone, moving from far to near.

This crisp and sweet ringtone, to everyone now, is like a reminder. It doesn’t feel good at all. When you hear it, you will only feel panic, because it means that the enemy is catching up.

“Zou Heng, he…!”

Zhang Xiaonian, who was riding on the horse, looked back and looked behind him. He did not see the enemy. But at this moment, he still couldn’t help but say something, but when he was halfway through, his voice stopped. On the one hand, it was because of the horse The bumps on his back, on the other hand, he also knows that there is no need to say more about the next words, Zou Heng estimates that it is already too bad.

Thinking about the dangers in the team mentioned by Li Sheng and Zou Heng before, he originally thought he was mentally prepared, but until this moment, he really felt how dangerous what they were talking about. Things that really cost your lives.

Zhang Xiaonian even had a trace of fear in his heart, and there was also a trace of regret. What he regrets was not that he joined the team of Nioh, but that he regretted that his decision to come out was too hasty, and he learned a little bit to follow the place where he lived before. Compared with those warlocks, they thought they were already great, but after the results came out, they realized that their skills were so sparse.

In contrast, Zou Heng, whose cultivation base was about the same as his own, and whose actual age was a little younger than himself, was much better than himself.

The crisp ringtone is getting closer and closer. Zhang Xiaonian and others can already hear it. The ringtone has reached close. Even the King Ren in the carriage can hear that the ringtone is very close to them. I already know in my heart that they are probably Can’t run.

The soldier walking at the end of the team looked back and found that in the field of vision, there was a figure with a simple wand in his hand, slightly squatted, and his head covered in messy hair. They come.

Although the person’s footsteps seemed unsatisfactory, the speed was actually not slow. They looked back and found that the distance between the other party and them was closer. If this goes on, I am afraid that it will take less than a dozen breaths. Time, the other party really caught up to them.

The two soldiers walking at the end of the team looked at each other and then at the carriage in the center of the team. Suddenly they both pulled out their weapons at the same time, then stopped, turned around, and turned towards the figure. .

This behavior of the two of them immediately stopped the soldiers who were close to them, and they also took out the weapons in their hands, preparing to stay and temporarily block the enemies who were chasing them.

The two soldiers who stopped at the beginning came to the man’s side within a few steps, and the two long knives were raised and lowered, and they cut directly at the man. This time, they almost used all their strength. The knife was anxious and ruthless, clean and neat, full of the kind of decisive battlefield killing.

When the two long knives approached the man, the man’s footsteps were still not rushed, but his free hand was raised, the whole arm was covered with a layer of black air, and he slapped forward. The people flew upside down at the same time, flying out several tens of meters, and then they all hit the ground.

The two who fell on the ground, except for a mouthful of blood at the same time, fell to the ground without any sound.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who stopped at the same time couldn’t help but feel cold. Even the courage to go to death with generosity that had been born was shocked by the opponent’s strength at this time. However, after a little hesitation, this Several soldiers rushed up.

A soldier stabs a long knife straight forward, and the whole person slams straight forward. He knows that he is not the opponent of the opponent. He may not be able to hold a single move in front of the opponent, but at this time, he can stop it. The other party is also good, so that even if they die, they can die with some meaning.

Facing the soldier who rushed forward, the man raised his hand again, this time the black energy that enveloped his palm, vaguely turned into a hideous ghost hand, following his movements, he slammed forward. .

The long knife in the soldier’s hand was shattered piece by piece, and the ghost hand passed through his chest and came out directly, but he did not fall. Instead, relying on the last force in his heart, he opened his arms and thought. To hug the man, try to use this method to delay the opponent’s footsteps.

However, he still failed to reach the opponent. The man in front of him with a staff in his hand shot out a green ghost fire, which instantly enveloped him, ignited his body, and instantly turned to ashes.

However, his goal was also achieved, because he finally took a sigh of relief to make the man who was crouching, his footsteps finally stopped, and he stood in front of him, watching his body turn to ashes. Zhong is also a little moved.

“It’s a tough one. It’s a pity, if it weren’t for Nioh, it would be a very good choice to train you into a ghost army!”

His gloomy voice sounded, looking at the pile of ashes left on the ground, and then looking at the few soldiers who also remained.

And under his gaze, the few soldiers who also stayed looked at each other at this time, without saying a word, they chose to draw a knife and slashed towards him.

They must do this now, because if they don’t, the courage to go to death with generosity in their hearts will probably disintegrate step by step under the strength of the other party.

There is a big fear between life and death. Even those who can go to death generously do not really want to live. This is the situation he is facing, and he has to stand up.

It takes a lot of courage to give up one’s own life, and this courage can be disintegrated little by little under the consumption of time and other factors, so for some decisions, we still have to take advantage of this courage. Only then can we continue to make it.

Looking at the soldiers who rushed forward, this time, this crouched man did not let them rush to his side, but at the moment they moved, his hand also quickly shook the law. Jue, and then raised the staff held in his hand at several people.

“Jun Hun!”

A ray of green light covered the staff, and then, a big hand, which was somewhat illusory, broke away from the staff, and quickly grabbed the soldiers in front of him.

The big hand skipped their bodies, and did not cause any damage to them on the surface, but when the palm of the hand grabbed, there seemed to be a few more illusory figures in the illusory big hand.

Then, a few soldiers who had no injuries, the momentum of the original forward movement immediately stopped, and the figure froze in place, and then fell directly, and there was no life.

“Although you can’t make a ghost army, but you have such a generous will to die, it’s okay to use it as a material for raising other ghosts!” He murmured again, and he stepped forward to chase.

The total time these soldiers won against him was only this moment. From the time they stood up to the time they died, there was not enough time for the front team to completely leave and squat. Shaped man’s sight.

The crisp and sweet bell rang again. For the people in front of the team, this seemed to be a desperate spur to them, telling them clearly that he had caught up so that they could run faster.

However, even if they use the strength of the breastfeeding and run as hard as they can, it is still impossible to run against each other, and they will be caught up in a short time.

In this almost desperate situation, at the end of the team, a few more soldiers stopped, panted slightly in place, and then rushed towards the crouched man.

They made the same choice as the previous soldiers, choosing to stay and use their lives to fight for others a moment of escape. Although they also know that this may be futile, it will at least make them dead. Have dignity.

People who have been fighting on the battlefield will never allow themselves to die without the courage to resist.

Their behavior was very heroic, but the result was the same as the previous soldiers, without any change, and they were easily solved by the other party, and the time they gained was almost as short as before.

In the team that is still running wildly, everyone has a heavy heart now, and it is very complicated. Watching their comrades in robe and comrades who are getting along day and night graciously go to death, the hearts of these soldiers are already full of grief and indignation. .

At this moment, it is difficult to escape the despair of ascending to heaven. It seems to be diluted by this feeling of grief and indignation. Their psychology also has the generosity to die. When it is their turn, they will also be with the previous soldiers. Same, with the courage to go to death generously.

As for Zhang Xiaonian, who was also in the team, his eyes were already moist at this time. He felt that his heart was congested, his nose was a little sour, and tears were about to come out of his eyes, and the fear in his heart was less at this time.

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