Cultivation Technique of the Great Witch

Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Near death

As a magic weapon, the oil lamp that Zou Heng obtained is really very good. It is extraordinary in terms of power and function, especially suitable for him now.

After Zou Heng activated the oil lamp, the green ghost fires and figures near the oil lamp shining on it were really temporarily blocked, because the mana in his body was consumed a little faster in this process.

Because the mana in the body was consumed very quickly, Zou Heng got up almost instantly after falling to the ground, then turned around and ran without stopping for a moment.

Previously, I heard from others that a warlock who reached the Profound Profound Realm would not have to worry about someone fighting in close quarters. Now that he has experienced it for himself, he knows that this is true.

Fortunately, he attacked directly after a certain distance, so the palm of the man who was crouching body shot out. In fact, only a part of the strength injured Zou Heng in the air, adding a little bit of injury to him.

Although he didn’t suffer too much injury this time, the opponent’s hand also let Zou Heng know that he had almost no chance to face the opponent, so his only choice now was to escape.

Seeing Zou Heng who was escaping quickly, the crouched man slowly withdrew his hand, a strange color flashed in his eyes.

In his opinion, his attack just now could at least make Zou Heng lose the power to resist, but because of the attack method that the opponent suddenly used, the power of his attack was mostly offset, and the remaining power was also separated. Kong had reached Zou Heng, so Zou Heng had a chance to escape.

Zou Heng was really running for his life at this time, so he naturally tried his best to escape.

Holding an oil lamp in one hand, blocking the green ghost fires and figures from approaching him, the other hand snapped his fingers quickly, and applied a shadowing technique to himself, putting himself in a state of invisibility, and then directly separated from it. Official Road, fleeing to the side.

After hiding his figure, he added another layer of wind and speed to his body, and performed wall penetration, hitting a stone wall in front, and the whole person passed through the stone wall. .

There was no pause in the middle of this set of actions, and the completion could be described as fluent and flowing. In just a few breaths, Zou Heng could no longer be seen in the sight of the crouched man.

However, the man with a crouched figure did not see any urgency now, and it was not so easy for Zou Heng to easily escape under his nose.

The staff in his hand shook slightly, and the crisp and sweet bell rang again, but this time, after the bell rang, the ghost fires floating in the air did not move.

“Interesting, this means of escape is much stronger than yours, but unfortunately, it’s still just a trick!”

The man’s gloomy voice sounded again, and then, his free hand slowly closed to his chest, and a seal was formed on his chest.

“Sanyin evil spirit, come out!”

With a low drink from his mouth, three shadows floated out of thin air from his body, standing in front of him, and the appearance of these three shadows immediately made the surrounding temperature seem to be lowered again. , It also seemed to make the surrounding darkness thicker.

If you look closely at the three shadows, you will find that these three shadows are all humanoids, but they can’t see their faces anyway. They just stand there quietly, motionless, but there is something about them that makes people human. At a glance, I felt a sense of horror and gloom.

The images of the three figures are exactly the same, as if they were carved out of a mold, but if you feel it carefully, you will still find that the three figures are actually somewhat different. The difference lies in the horror on them. The nuances of the gloomy feeling.


The crouched man looked at the Sanyin evil spirits in front of him, and spoke to them, and at the moment his voice fell, the three ghosts had disappeared.

When they reappeared, they suddenly reached the stone wall where Zou Heng had crossed just now, and the speed seemed to be teleporting.

As they approached, the vegetation around the stone wall was first covered with a layer of hoarfrost, and then the vegetation wilted, and then he lowered his head.

The three ghosts walked to the front of the stone wall and passed through the stone wall lightly. After reaching the end of the stone wall, they walked forward slowly.

Wherever they passed, a layer of hoarfrost fell on the vegetation, and even on the ground, a layer of cold was spreading, and it spread to a large area around it. They seemed to be using this method, wanting to remove Zou Heng found it out.

Zou Heng didn’t actually run far at this time, but after passing through the stone wall just now, he quickly ran the method of absorbing the earth’s stale air in a relatively concealed situation, connecting himself to the earth temporarily, and at the same time concealing his breath. .

The cold air has actually spread to Zou Heng’s surroundings, but looking at these three obviously very powerful ghosts, Zou Heng is currently not daring to move, for fear that if he moves, he will be spotted by these three ghosts immediately, and then pounced. Come up and devour yourself alive.

In fact, Zou Heng could bear the cold, but he wanted to hide himself firmly in the cold, but Zou Heng still failed to do it after all.

After the three ghosts floated forward for a while, they suddenly stopped at the same time and turned to look in the direction of Zou Heng. At this moment, Zou Heng knew that he had been discovered, and he also knew why he was discovered. What is it.

Even if the method of absorbing the earth’s stale air was operated, Zou Heng still had body temperature. He stepped his feet on the ground and absorbed the earth’s stale air. The cold air would naturally be expelled from contact with the ground, and he was easily exposed.

The moment they were discovered, both Zou Heng and the three ghosts reacted very quickly. Zou Heng re-ignited the oil lamp, and the three ghosts arrived in front of Zou Heng in an instant.

When these three ghosts appeared in front of him, Zou Heng felt as if he was stripped naked and thrown into the ice and snow in an instant. His whole body was trembling with cold, as if his blood was about to be frozen. Now, the soul also has a shuddering feeling, it is really cold to the depths of the soul.

The flame on the oil lamp in his hand was also controlled by the terrifying cold pressure, leaving a little bit the size of a soybean, still burning tenaciously.

Zou Heng poured mana into it with all his strength, only then barely supported the flame, while also resisting the three ghosts around him.

However, Zou Heng’s mana was obviously not enough to stop these three ghosts, so his resistance did not last long. After only three breaths or so, the flame on the oil lamp in Zou Heng’s hand was completely extinguished. Up.

At the moment when the flame was extinguished, Zou Heng felt a more bitter cold, and at the same time there was a sense of fear from the heart, which was the great fear between life and death.

Zou Heng found that he couldn’t move at this moment. The three ghosts were already firmly attached to his body. He couldn’t feel their weight, but he could feel their coldness and hide in their bodies. , The kind of evil spirit.

Some messy thoughts suddenly popped up in Zou Heng’s mind, and some chaotic sounds like ghost roars seemed to be poured into his ears, making people involuntarily upset.

Under this kind of messy thoughts and voices, Zou Heng had a heartfelt resentment. He felt that his emotions were being provoked. An anger, resentment, violent, and desire to destroy everything was breeding in his heart.

Zou Heng subconsciously wanted to raise his hands and drag down the three ghosts attached to his body, but his movements were a bit stiff. A simple movement of raising his hands was as slow as a dying old man.

And the slowness of this action further encouraged the violent emotions in his heart. The little mana remaining in his body, also under the frenzied emotions, became a little out of control, running around in his body.

Zou Heng has another idea of ​​wanting to destroy himself. This idea comes from resentment towards himself. He hates why he is so weak, and hates the hands he wants to raise. Why is he so reluctant at this time? Between the lightning and flint, he still remembered a lot of past events in his mind, especially those who were clearly capable but did not do the best thing, which made him hate himself even more.

And when Zou Heng was on the verge of losing control of his emotions and about to destroy himself, he slowly raised his palm and finally caught a ghost attached to him. Although his fingers were a bit slow, he pinched very strongly. After him, with his own flesh and blood, he tightly grasped a ghost.

Then, Zou Heng didn’t know the power surging from his body and place, which drove him to drag this ghost from his body. Then, he dragged another ghost down. He was originally on the verge of losing control of his emotions. The mood suddenly calmed down at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Zou Heng’s already very cold body suddenly felt a flow of heat in his body, which was the flow of his own blood. Even at this moment when his body was frozen, his blood was still hot.

It seemed that he had been stimulated. At this moment, Zou Heng’s calm mood rose again, but this time there was a change, from the chaotic negative mood to a very positive mood.

Some pictures that he had seen appeared in his mind, and they all represented the shining points of human nature. They were unyielding in desperate situations, persisted in facing difficulties, had the courage to face challenges, and sacrificed generously. .

These pictures in memory, the emotions conveyed, also deeply infected him, like a flame, igniting his hot blood, making the blood flowing in his body seem to become even hotter. .

The ghost that was still attached to Zou Heng seemed to have felt something, but he took the initiative to leave Zou Heng’s body. Zou Heng was holding a ghost with both hands, and the hot heat on his body seemed to have been transferred to his hands. On these two ghosts, the two ghosts struggled wildly in his hands, and finally turned into two black qi before escaping from his hands.

“How can it be?”

Not far away, the crouched man sensed the situation here and finally let out an incredible low cry.

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