Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 – 【Write Something Good】

Chapter 88【What to write】

Fang Chang walked out of the house and looked at the sky.

It is sunny today.

The next whole month will be similar weather.

After entering the summer, there have been several heavy rains in Yunzhongshan.

The grass and trees in the mountains were well watered and strong. Fortunately, the rains were continuous and not sudden, and did not cause secondary disasters such as mountain torrents, nor did they have much impact on Xianqi Cliff.

When the rain comes, the square-length kilns cannot be used, whether it is a disposable charcoal kiln or a large kiln for smelting copper, firing pottery, and making bricks and tiles.

At the same time, in his acre of fields, millet and sorghum seedlings sown in spring, as well as some variegated vegetables, grew thriving after being moistened by rain.

Presumably he will also have a good year.

By the way, the small kiln for firing pottery was demolished by Fang Chang.

Because it has some overlapping functions with the big kiln built later for casting tripods. Moreover, the firing of pottery is carried out in a large kiln, and the firing temperature is higher, which will make the pottery denser and of better quality.

Because Fang Chang can predict when it will rain, he always extinguishes the kiln, puts away the tools and materials before the raindrops come, and re-dugs the drainage ditches in the small courtyard before moving the deck chairs back to the house. inside.

The mountain is generally in the dog days now, but the Xianqi Cliff is not only not hot, but also a bit cool, and the temperature of the firepit in the house is just right.

Whenever rainwater strung bead curtains outside the house, Fang Chang would find a comfortable position to lie or sit in his bamboo and wooden hut, drink tea and read books, and occasionally do some handicrafts according to his mood.

The days passed by like this bit by bit.

Fang Chang didn’t have a calendar, and he didn’t record the date. He estimated that it had been about three months since he put the batch of tender bamboo into the puddle for soaking. He was going to process the bamboo and make a batch of paper.

Already have ink, inkstone, and pen, just need to make paper, and then you can get together the four treasures of the study and do some literary work. Compared with papermaking, a high-tech project, pens are much simpler. During this period of time, he has already made a few with bamboo, glue, and rabbit hair.

Moreover, when it was raining, Fang Chang suddenly had an inspiration and made a semi-finished umbrella.

The main material is bamboo.

There is no shortage of bamboo in Yunzhongshan, which is also Fang Chang’s luck. Bamboo is a good material with a wide range of uses, easy to obtain, easy to handle, easy to regenerate, and has good toughness and strength.

After cutting the umbrella ribs, soaking in water to dry, use some small bronze tools to drill holes and thread strings, and splicing them in series to form a hedgehog-like umbrella stand.

Of course, it took him three times as many parts to string these thin bones together.

The core technology of umbrella is called bamboo jumping.

This is a small curved part with elasticity, which can hold the open umbrella, and can also release the umbrella surface after pressing it down, and fold it up. After a lot of work, Fang Chang finally cut out a bamboo jumper that can be used to hold the umbrella. On the handle of the umbrella where the hole has been dug.

But at this time, the umbrella is still only a semi-finished product.

It takes paper to complete it.

Fang Chang raised the bamboo tube in his hand and drank the wine in it.

This is the sorghum wine he brought back when he went down the mountain last time. Fang Chang only drank a little every now and then. Today there is the last inch deep, so he simply didn’t keep it.

Stretched out his hand and threw the diabolo tube back into the fire pit in the middle of the room. The flame licked the bamboo tube and quickly ignited it.

“When the sorghum in the field is mature this year or next year, I will brew it myself.” With this in mind, Fang Chang left the courtyard and walked towards the stone pit not far away.

“Immortal Elder.”

Seeing Fang Xianchang walking out of the small courtyard, lying beside the stone ring and looking at the dazed Liu A Niu, he immediately woke up and stood up to say hello. On the edge of the cliff, the silly eagle who had just found a spouse who was a circle smaller in size was startled by the sound and looked over.

Pressed it with his hand, smiled and nodded in return, Fang Chang walked towards the bamboo pit.

With a move of his hand, a piece of bamboo in the bamboo pit flew into his hand. After observing it, he squeezed it again.

Although I have never made paper myself, it seems that the soaking degree of the bamboo in the pit should be enough. Take out all the bamboo sections in the pit, and there are stones all around, take a piece of thick firewood as a tool, and beat lightly and **** the edge of the pit.


Although Fang Chang didn’t use much strength, due to his divine power, every blow was so powerful that it seemed that he would break the wooden stick.

Wash off the rough shell and green skin in the pit, and the preliminary treatment is completed.

This step is also called “finishing”.

The making of bamboo slips is also completed, and the making of tea is also completed, the same name is just different.

Fang Chang didn’t have a big pot, and his tripod was too small, so he had to take out the water vat he had made in the kitchen, pour out the water, and put it in the kiln. Then he put bamboo segments into the vat, mixed it with lime water, and made a Put the lid on and bring to a boil.

No fire for eight days and nights.

Fortunately, he is already an extraordinary person. Although he was a little sleepy, he would be fine if he didn’t sleep. He persisted until the end. After the fire was turned off, Fang Chang went to rest for a day, and then came back to open the vat to take out the bamboo and hemp, and rinse it in the Huanhua Creek clean.

The bamboo at this time has long since lost the appearance of bamboo, but looks like a handful of silk.

Next, it needs to be drenched with hot grass and wood ash water for ten days. After the bamboo and hemp are soft and rotten, they are put into a stone pit and pounded into mud. pit, use a wooden stick like a jade rabbit to pound medicine, and quickly make the required bamboo pulp.

The papermaking tool is a trough and a curtain. The trough is made of wooden boards and is square. After putting in the bamboo pulp, add water and add some oleander juice to make the water level a few inches higher than the bamboo pulp before papermaking can be done. Curtain paper.

This curtain is made of extremely fine bamboo silk, which took Fang Chang a lot of time.

It took a long time for Fang Chang to succeed in papermaking.

Shake the bamboo pulp to make it enter the papermaking curtain, lift it up gently, and the water will flow back to the papermaking tank from the curtain eye. Turn over the curtain net, let the paper fall on the wooden board, pile up a hundred sheets, and there is not much bamboo pulp.

Put away the tools, Fang Chang took another wooden board to cover it, and squeezed with both arms to dry out the water.

Use small bamboo tweezers to gently uncover and dry one by one…

Fang Chang has paper.

Calculated, regardless of the time of soaking the bamboo, it took more than 20 days, nearly a month to make. The last time it took so much time to make an item was when black and white Go pieces were fired.

There is no paint, and the table in the house is the original color of the wood.

Just polished smooth.

Fang Chang took a piece of paper, spread it out on the table, used two clean pebbles as paperweights, soaked a new pen, and added water to the inkstone to grind the ink.

Sitting in front of the table, dipped the tip of the pen in the inkstone fully, scraped the remaining ink on the edge twice, and began to meditate:

What should I write on the paper I made for the first time?

This is not a big or small problem. He hung the pen tip above the inkstone, and when two drops of ink dripped into the inkstone, he didn’t make up his mind. Should he write “Hello World”? Or “Fang Chang came here for a visit”?

After deliberating, Fang Chang moved the brush like flying, his wrist was shaking, and the writing was done in one go, but the words he wrote were correct, peaceful, and unpretentious.

Four large characters suddenly appeared on the paper—

“Tao follows nature”.

As soon as I sat down in front of the computer at night, I had to send my daughter-in-law with a fever to the hospital, so I poked out this chapter with my mobile phone in the hospital, and I will update it tomorrow, sorry…

Thank you, I am the dog of Ma Ji, Crazy Mo Xiao, Chi Chi and others, Dongchenxuan丨Star Soul, and my super demon king for the reward.

(end of this chapter)

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