Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 – 【Action In The Shadow Corner】

Chapter 85 [Actions in shadow corners]

Then Lu Yangcheng spoke first, arched his hands in the distance, and said with a smile: “Brother Song, is this journey safe and sound?”

But he was mocking them for running over, showing off how fast he arrived by car, and he was already full here.


Song Hongye heard the sarcasm in Lu Yangcheng’s words, he just snorted vigorously, did not speak, but urged the waiter again.

Then Lu Yangcheng seized such a good opportunity, of course he refused to let it go, but continued to laugh:

“If Brother Song is hungry, here is some leftover soup and rice that I am waiting to eat. It can also satisfy my hunger. Brother Song can come here and bring it.”

Xu Shi was very hungry on the mountain. When Song Hongye saw the leftover bones on Lu Yangcheng’s table opposite him, he actually swallowed his saliva, and then reacted furiously:

“The surname is Lu! Don’t bully people too much!”

Lu Yangcheng was in high spirits: “No such intention, no such intention, hahahahahahaha—”

Song Hongye said angrily: “What are you laughing at! Didn’t you find nothing in this search for immortals? Just wait and see, next time I will definitely find a way to practice. After becoming a fairy, I will hang you up and grill you with thunder fire!”

Slightly raising his hand, Lu Yangcheng said disdainfully, “We are waiting for each other at any time.”

This Fuhu Restaurant is worthy of being the most high-end eating place in Huqiao Town. While the two of them were arguing, they prepared the dishes and served them like flowing water.

This ostentation made Lu Yangcheng a little envious. In comparison, Song Hongye’s family is really rich. Although his immediate elders are officials in other states, this power cannot be realized. After all, the experience is not good enough.

I saw that Song Hongye grabbed a fat chicken leg with his left hand, pulled a piece of fatty meat with his right hand, swallowed it in a few mouthfuls, then grabbed the tiger pancake, took two mouthfuls of this oily and sugary sesame seed cake, and ate it fiercely.

“Well, the pancakes here are pretty good, ask the recipe later, and make them for me when I go back…”

Lv Yangcheng looked at this scene with a smile, especially the scene where Song Hongye dragged his newly recovered stomach and devoured the tiger pancake. He didn’t believe that the other party’s stomach could survive this wave, so he was going to watch Song Hongye’s joke next.

The quarrel between the two just now was so loud that it not only echoed in the restaurant, but even spread outside the street, attracting many people to probe their heads.

It was afternoon at this time, and it was not lunch time, so the attendance rate in this Fuhu restaurant was not high. Most of the people at the tables inside came here for a drink at noon, and they have not left until now.

After seeing the two groups of people arguing, the shopkeeper and the waiter did not dare to step forward to dissuade them. The diners just turned their eyes and watched with relish. There are not many pastimes and entertainment in this era. When friends get together, they can watch the quarrel together , is also a very good and topical activity.

As the food was served, Song Hongye stopped speaking, and the diners looked away when they saw that there was no show to continue watching.

But not all.

In the corner of this restaurant, a thin woman and a burly man were sitting together, with two tiger pancakes and a small plate of cheap salted duck feet in front of them. Rest here.

The last one looked away from the people at the other table, and the woman said to the big man opposite in a very low voice: “The two groups of people over there are either rich or noble, and what they are looking for doesn’t seem difficult. .”

The big man nodded and agreed with the woman.

The two exchanged glances, swept away the remaining duck feet, and then each carried a tiger pancake in their arms to eat on the road. After everything was ready, they called the waiter to pay the bill, and they didn’t get up in a hurry, just sat at the table, sipped the pot of free tea just now and waited for the opportunity.

Lv Yang was bored seeing Song Hongye just eating and not talking to him.

Bored, he told the people beside him: “Let’s go, we should go back, but this time we have to turn back and go north again.”

The people got up immediately and began to pack their luggage. The coachman went out to take care of the horse-drawn carriage, and some servants even ordered some food to eat on the road…Everything was in order. It can be seen that this situation has been encountered many times.

In the corner of Fuhu Restaurant, the enchanting woman pointed at the big man.

The burly man understood and stood up gently.

When Lu Yangcheng and his group went out, the big man tightened his pack tightly, followed behind quietly, and followed.

The woman continued to glance at Song Hongye and the others, then turned around and continued to wait.

At this time, Song Hongye had already eaten eight minutes, slowed down his eating speed, and was slowly eating a rabbit’s head.

If the frame is fixed at this angle, as long as Song Hongye does not speak, just looking at his appearance, apart from some sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, he is also a handsome young man.


Lu Yangcheng’s vehicle went straight north after leaving Fuhu Restaurant.

They will follow the official road to the foot of Yunzhong Mountain, turn east from Linxi Village, and return to Long’an Mansion.

The wheels rattled on the stone road.

The density of roadside stalls is quite high. There are those selling brooms, baskets, and baskets, as well as needles, thread, candy and snacks, and so on.

There is a noodle stall among them. Because the owner of the stall, Lao Xu, is very good at making a bowl of mutton noodles, even if it is not a meal, it has attracted a lot of diners to stop here to taste.

After all, for most human beings, eating is almost the meaning of life.

Seeing the carriage passing by, several diners at the stall started talking:

“Oh, whose car is that? It’s a nice car.”

“That’s not true. When I was in Fengping Mansion, I saw such a car and went up to touch it. A car like this costs tens of thousands of dollars, and it is far from the best model. The material of the carriage is solid, sturdy and stable. , the bedding, carvings and paintings are exquisitely decorated, and there are special designs to reduce bumps, the seats inside are extremely soft, there are servant seats, hidden compartments, screen windows…they are good things, but unfortunately I dare not even think about it.”

“Indeed, it’s not enough to just buy it home. Even if you don’t need a special coachman, you need to raise two good draft horses. This is not much cheaper than a car. The horse feed alone costs a lot of money every year, as well as the maintenance of the car. , Accessories replacement, all kinds of things come down…Anyway, I can’t even think about it.”

“Don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this, it’s not depressing. Hey, Brother Xie, look at that man, he is very majestic.”

“Well, that’s right, and it looks like he should be a Lianjiazi. Looking at the short stick behind his back, he must be a quack…”

This is Xie Guang’an from Huaifeng Mansion, talking with a few fellow travelers he met recently, which allowed him to make a lot of friends and also brought him uninterrupted foot-carrying business.

He usually runs errands between Huaifeng Mansion and Longan Mansion.

According to the usual practice, when he came back from Long’an Mansion, he would stop in Huqiao Town, eat a bowl of mutton noodles, and then find a cheap place to spend the night.

But Xie Guangan was lucky today, and someone picked him up for a short distance, so he arrived at Huqiao Town a few hours earlier than usual—this is a common occurrence.

The second update.

(end of this chapter)

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