Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 69

Chapter 69 – 【Push Through The Clouds And Mist And See The Day Again】

Chapter 69 [Seeing the day again after clearing the clouds and mist]


After pondering for a while, Jian Zhengchu decided not to ask the reason, and said, “Mr. Fang, please come in.”

The three of them opened the blue curtain together and entered the back room.

A half-grown boy was lying in his mother’s arms and crying loudly, with hazy eyes.

His mother patted and comforted helplessly, seeing the child in her arms full of distress, and tears fell down.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the two brothers Jian Zhengqing and Jian Zhengchu were as dark as ink, and then Jian Zhengchu sighed, not knowing what to say.

Fang Chang stepped forward lightly and took a look.

There is a cloudy air between the child’s eyebrows, with a rotten smell, and…


He looked at it carefully, cast a spell, and flicked lightly from the air in front of the child Jian Xingwen’s face.

Immediately, Jian Xingwen’s crying became quieter, and he fell into a deep sleep.

During his sleep, there was a smile on his face, his face was calm and sweet. Seeing this, the boy’s mother was overjoyed, but she didn’t dare to make too much noise for fear of waking up the child.

Holding the child, she raised her tear-stained face, showed a gratified smile, and said very softly, “Thank you, sir.”

Fang Chang said to the three:

“There should be nothing else. Let the child have a good rest first. After he wakes up, I have some doubts and want to ask.”

The child’s mother carefully put it back on the couch, covered the quilt, and sat aside and stared at it like that. Fang Chang and the Jian brothers left the back room, went back to sit outside, and changed to hot tea.

Jian Zhengchu said: “I didn’t expect that when I met Mr. Fang, I would help Xingwen now. Just now… I don’t know Mr. Fang, who are you?”

“You can be regarded as a practitioner.” Fang Chang said with a smile.

“It turned out to be Fang Xianchang.”

Jane made a salute at the beginning, and he respected it even more. As a learned person, he has also seen some records. He knows that there are practitioners in the world, and he also knows that most of them are virtuous scholars.

Therefore, he does not believe in the scary bedtime stories about fairy catching children that he heard when he was a child, like the mountain villager.

Fang Chang returned the salute: “No, just call me Mr. Fang as before.”

Without waiting for Brother Jian to speak, he immediately talked about the child’s situation, which instantly attracted the attention of the two:

“From my point of view, Jian Xingwen’s condition is not a disease.”


The two brothers said in surprise in unison.

Fang Chang’s tone was a bit strange: “If you read correctly, this child should be possessed by a ghost…”

Although they usually don’t talk about ghosts and gods, they are very concerned about the life of the third generation of single seedlings. Moreover, Mr. Fang’s simple gesture just now calmed down Xingwen immediately, which is very convincing.

Seeing the two brothers looking at him with questioning eyes, Fang Chang said:

“But this matter is very strange, because the dead people in the world have their own places to go, and there are city gods to manage them, so no wandering soul can stay in the world for a long time according to the plan.”

“The upper body of an old ghost should only appear in stories and novels, and it will almost never happen in reality. I know some techniques of hopefulness. It seems that there are no dead people in Xingqing Mansion in recent days. It shouldn’t be in this way.”

“When the child wakes up and I solve his predicament, I will ask again—sleep is the best way to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality. Only when the child has cultivated his spirit can he perform actions.”

Opposite, Jian Zhengchu raised his forehead with both hands, and said:

“Thank you for your help, sir. If you don’t delay, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Fang Chang waved his hand and said:

“This is the fate of this child, and as a practitioner, I am really interested in this matter, and this trip is worthwhile.”

“It is estimated that he will have to sleep until the early morning of tomorrow. You can consider letting everyone go to rest first, and I will come to visit tomorrow morning.”

“How can this happen!” Seeing Fang Chang about to leave, Jian Zhengqing hurried forward and said, “Mr. Fang, let’s rest here. It is not the way to welcome guests to leave in the middle of the night!”

After repeated courtesy, Fang Chang didn’t bother to refuse, so he accepted it.

Jane’s family acted immediately, vacated a room from the opposite wing, laid out clean bedding, and gave Mr. Fang a rest. Fang Chang’s hearing was sensitive, so he knew that this was Jian Zhengchu’s room – in order to make room for himself, the Jian brothers slept together tonight.

Fang Chang’s spiritual sense is extremely keen, not to mention that according to the “Cultivation Law”, this kind of night practice that he carried out in a specific way is not considered to be falling asleep at all.

In the early morning, he heard that in the opposite house, the boy Jian Xingwen had woken up and begged for water.

Got up from the bed, walked over, and found that the two brothers Jian Zhengqing and Jian Zhengchu had already got up.

At this time, a few **** crows came from outside the window.

“Good morning, Mr. Fang.”

Fang Chang smiled and said: “Good morning, both of you, Jian Xingwen is awake?”

“Yes, I just woke up and can talk.” Jian Zhengqing said, his face was full of smiles now, his grandson was ill these few days, and the whole family was restless.

“Okay, let me go down and have a look.”

“Mr. Fang, please—”

In the house, the boy had already woken up. His mother was feeding him water with a cup. Seeing the Jian brothers coming in, she obediently called out, “Grandpa, grandpa.”

Jian Zhengchu smiled and said: “Xingwen, it’s good that you wake up, this is Grandpa Fang, let him show you.”

Fang Chang: “…”

He walked up to Jian Xingwen, looked again, and saw that the boy was already conscious and stable, and felt that the time was ripe, so he said to the Jian brothers and Jian Zhengqing’s daughter-in-law:

“Get out of the way everyone, I need a little space.”

Everyone did as they said, and retreated to the door curtain.

Fang Chang took a step forward, and first comforted the boy: “Xingwen, right away…Grandpa Fang is going to make a big move, so you can watch with peace of mind.”

“Okay, Grandpa Fang.”

Jian Xingwen’s voice was crisp and full of curiosity.

After soothing the child, he shouted softly:

“come out!”

Accompanied by the voice, he stretched out his five fingers into claws, and grabbed Jian Xingwen from the air!

The three people next to them couldn’t see anything, but the sound of “Plop!” hitting the floor was clearly audible. Their breathing became heavy, and they stared wide-eyed.

But I saw Mr. Fang in front of him, his hands were shaking, as if he was holding down a humanoid creature, and he was pulling off his belt, tying something in the air.

The three onlookers did not dare to make a sound, and even held their breath, for fear of disturbing each other’s actions.

Then Mr. Front stood up, clapped his hands and smiled:

“Caught it.”

The Jian brothers and the boy’s mother could only see a cloth belt tied in mid-air, and it seemed that something was still struggling, twisting the circular cloth strip into different shapes.

But the boy Jian Xingwen was able to see it. He curiously asked the other party: “Grandpa Fang, who is he?”

“It’s a ghost.”

“Ah, is this the legendary ghost? It’s really dark.”

“That’s right, it’s this thing that hurt you these few days.” Fang Chang said, and waved his hand in front of Jian Xingwen, as if pushing away something like a veil of clouds and mist.

The boy felt that the cold winter months met the spring breeze, and his body instantly warmed up.

Thank you for the rewards for A, do you want it, book friend 20190418230010581, shallow condolences, 錷靊, book friend 20190930191622195.

(end of this chapter)

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