Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 599

Chapter 597 – 【Ma’Am】

Chapter 597 [The past is like smoke]

So now, several stations have formed the rudiments of small markets, and as long as they are standardized and fixed, they will become new commercial gathering places. With that good vision, the layout has already been made here in advance. For example, Chang Fang saw a newly opened bookstore at the station at the south gate. Not only the facade, but also the building was newly built here.

Because the people here are relatively dense, the entrance of the bookstore is very lively, and there are many people coming in and out. Although only one out of ten is holding books in their hands when they go out, it is completely enough to support the business.

Fang Chang also frequents places like bookstores, second only to restaurants and pubs. Anyway, he can fit in his backpack, so he often collects some books at the foot of the mountain and brings them back to the cliff to read as a refreshment for the long time. So after seeing this bookstore, Fang Chang walked in to see if there were any books he was interested in.

“Well, this has also been published…” Fang Chang rummaged through the table full of books, and suddenly found two of his own works, which were donated by some predestined person and published worldwide. This is a good thing for him, anyway, he doesn’t care about the bonus fee, and it’s good that his works are read by more people.

Putting the two books of his own back, Fang Chang took a clean basket prepared by the store, and randomly selected dozens of sets of books around, but he stopped looking at the title of one of the books.

“”Chen Yuan’s Journey”…”

The moment he recited the title of the book with an unreadable voice, he was also reminded of a long time ago by this set of books. It seems that the young man who aspired to travel all over the world has completed his works for the rest of his life and compiled them into this set of works. Fang Chang added this set of books to his shopping basket, and then went to the counter next to the door to pay the bill.

After coming out of the bookstore, Fang Chang walked around the imperial capital a few times to experience the atmosphere here, but the memories evoked by Chen Yuan’s set of books also implicated more memories. Recalling that there was an acquaintance in Beijing, Fang Chang thought for a while, and then went to look for the remains of the old man.

Following the guidance of the spiritual sense, it is not difficult to find. Soon, Fang Chang found the last place of the two acquaintances in the imperial capital in a beautiful place outside the imperial capital. Among the pines and cypresses is a tall and tidy tomb that is often visited by people. The tombstone in front of it is inscribed with the posthumous posthumous title bestowed by the emperor. Liu Xiuwen and his wife Hu Xueqiu, who were extremely respectable ministers, were buried here together.

Fang Chang recalled that year, that fox demon gave up his cultivation and chose to spend his life as a human being, but he lived an open-minded life.

Standing silently for a while, he took out some incense candles from his backpack and lit them, bowed his hands, and turned to leave.

Speaking of which, back then there were two old friends who chose to retire from the arena when they became famous. Curious, Fang Chang took advantage of the opportunity to calculate the whereabouts of Liu Yuande and Yu Qingling, then turned around and went to the official road, toward the Walk away step by step in the direction away from the imperial capital.

Outside a small valley with beautiful scenery and few people, Fang Chang stopped silently.

There is a smoke rising from inside.

He walked towards the valley, the path was winding and quiet, the roadside was overgrown with weeds, interspersed with some wild flowers. There is a stream flowing out of the valley. Sometimes the sound is heard in the distance, and sometimes it is seen flowing by the side of the road. The stream is translucent and clear.

After walking for a while, I saw a small courtyard with a wooden fence, a bamboo forest was planted on the side of the courtyard, and there was an octagonal pavilion on a high side next to it. Outside the courtyard was a half-acre flower field and a few crops and vegetables. The crops were divided into three and four. It looks like it’s not enough to eat.

“anyone here?”

Gently knocked on the door, and soon there was movement from inside.

“Who is coming? Wait a moment.” Then the footsteps came from far to near, and then the two wooden doors creaked open.

The person who came out had white beard and hair, and was old but still in good health. However, age affected his memory after all. Seeing the familiarity of the person, he recalled it for a while before he recognized who it was. Immediately he yelled out:

“Mr. Fang?! It’s you!”

“It’s me.” Seeing that Liu Yuande was still alive, Fang Chang smiled.

“Please come in quickly.” Leaning on crutches, Liu Yuande quickly let Fang Chang in, and sighed at the same time: “Time flies so fast, we mortals are exhausted, and Mr. is still the same as before. The demeanor of that year… is truly extraordinary.”

Picking up the teapot, Liu Yuande refilled Fang Chang with tea, and invited Fang Chang to have lunch together.

Fang Chang asked: “How have you been all these years?”

Liu Yuande nodded, and said in a rambling voice:

“I had a good life. I was much more relaxed and happy than before returning to the hermitage. With the gift from my husband, we didn’t have to worry about food and expenses. We lived in this valley. Later, the children gradually left, and the only ones left Qingling and I are always wandering in the valley when we have nothing to do.”

“Although we didn’t have the chance to practice, when we were in the rebel army, we still learned some techniques of persuasion and health preservation, so we lived longer than others, and even survived the generation of our children. However, Qingling left twenty years ago. I will be buried in the nearby bamboo forest.”

After some simple tea and rice, Liu Yuande led Fang Chang out of the courtyard and into the bamboo forest.

There is a small path in the bamboo forest, which is very narrow, but it is very firm after frequent walking. There are often steep places, and several steps are laid. The wind passes through the gaps between the long bamboos, making the bamboo leaves staggered and rustling. Noisy, the hillside is covered with faded bamboo leaves, and no other plants grow.

At the end of the path, there is an open space in the bamboo forest. A small grave is in the middle of the open space. There is a wooden sign in front of it that reads “Yu Qingling’s Tomb”. It can be seen that the handwriting was erected by Liu Yuande, and it was rebuilt after the handwriting faded. depicted many times. The chivalrous woman from back then is no longer around, and the scholar next to the chivalrous woman has also become old-fashioned.

Liu Yuande looked at Yu Qingling’s tomb with loving eyes, while Fang Chang took out a joss stick as usual and made a simple worship.

I just heard Liu Yuande say: “I don’t know how long I can live, but what I need to do is to try my best to live. She is also happy to come to Qingling. When I can’t live anymore, I will be buried next to her, and I will never be separated.” .”

The human world is still prosperous, but Yunzhong Mountain seems to be unaffected.

Going down the mountain for the first time in a hundred years, after Fang Chang left Liu Yuande and Yu Qingling, he went to Shu, the desert, and the ice field, and went around from the East China Sea to the south of the Yangtze River, and then went up the river and returned to Yunzhong Mountain. Along the way, he saw many stories and visited some friends. The journey was very fulfilling and comfortable, and it didn’t take a few months.

The waterfall on the edge of the cliff is relatively slow, and the next rise should be in autumn, which is already very close. Fang Chang put the package back on the bed, took off the Lingquan Sword from his back and hung it on the wall, took a sip from the gourd at his waist, and then gently placed it on the table next to him. He changed back to the basket and the steel axe, walked into the field, prepared to pick some vegetables for cooking, and then checked the growth of the melons and fruits.

Before leaving, the melons were planted and ripe.


I hope you like this story, I wish you all: good luck like the East China Sea, longevity than Nanshan! (end of text)

【After finishing this testimonial and new book information, I will post it later. Before the new book is released, there should be an extra chapter in this book. Please don’t delete the book (humble)】

(end of this chapter)

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