Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 29

Chapter 29 – 【Selling Wine To Look Forward To Gas】

Chapter 29 [Selling wine to hope for gas]

The tavern looks like it’s doing brisk business.

There are two or three small tables inside the room, which are unevenly placed in the room, surrounded by four or five benches, all of which are full of people sitting, and the aroma of wine is tangy among the toasts.

Some people at the table were obviously a group of people, drinking and eating food around the table, and a few strangers had a drink and were sharing the table, and even began to share the wine and food in the greeting room, and there were even people in different clothes sitting at the table. Facing the small dish while drinking carefully, it is quite interesting.

Some people were holding wine and leaning on the long counter where the shopkeeper was located to drink it on their own.

At the entrance of the tavern, there were a few brawny barefooted men drinking carefully and hastily from thick porcelain bowls.

From time to time, someone would come in for a drink, and from time to time someone would wipe their mouth, hand the cup and bowl to the shopkeeper, and then pick up the tools and start to make a living again.

Fang Chang stepped gently over the threshold and walked to the counter.

At the small table next to it, except for the group of people who belonged to the same group who were talking in low voices, most of the rest were drinking and eating in silence. It was rare to persuade people to drink, so that the small shop was not noisy.

Take a look, most of the wine and vegetables sold here are marinated products. The head meat, mouth strips, hoofs, ears, etc. of pigs, beef and sheep are stewed in a large pot. The prices are different. Serve.

Then there are traditional peanuts, dried tofu, broad beans, skin jelly, etc., which are all simple and quick to serve, and there is no need to cook those types.

However, there are still a few people who can sit around the table, drink and eat food. Most of them just serve the wine and ask for some peanuts, or lean on the counter or stand outside the door, and sip carefully.

There are also people who will order some of the worst wine, without using any food, and drink it all while standing on the spot.

Fang Chang even saw a ragged idler standing at the door sucking iron nails to drink.

“Shopkeeper, what kind of wine do you have here?”

“Ordinary one pennies a big bowl, better ones one penny, medium three five pennies, high-end ten pennies, and the best one is the small altar of hundreds of flowers brewed from Jingzhou City. , this is sold by two, I don’t know which kind the guest officer needs?”

Fang Chang observed, smelled it, and said to the tavern manager: “Bring me this high-quality wine, and I will take it away.”

The shopkeeper glanced at Fang Chang, and asked: “Guest officer, there are no take-away containers in this store. What are you going to use to hold the wine?”


Fang Chang suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him not to bring a bamboo tube down the mountain. He thought for a while and said, “Wait a minute, shopkeeper. I’ll come as soon as I go.”

Then walked out of the tavern quickly.

On both sides of the outside door, there are many small vendors. One of them is dressed like a farmer. There is a broken straw mat in front of him. There are gourds on it, all of them are round and chubby, which is really beautiful.

He came to the stall and squatted down, asking the stall owner:

“How do you sell this gourd?”

“The big two coins are one, and the small ones are one. They are all grown in their own backyard, and they are exchanged for lamp oil money.”

“Then I’ll get one that’s not too big or too small.” Fang Chang said with a smile, and then picked out a medium-sized gourd.

Seeing the business coming, the simple stall owner quickly said: “The ones that are not too big or small are worth a penny.”

Hearing the price reduction from the stall owner, Fang Chang said with a smile: “No need, I can’t let you suffer.” Then he threw down two copper coins, turned and left, leaving the stall owner behind him very happy.

Playing with the gourd in his hand, he took out the small jade knife and gestured, feeling inappropriate.

He sighed, inserted the straight knife back into the scabbard, and then used his fingers to pinch the mouth of the gourd and gently twist the green gourd in his hand.

The sword energy is as thin as silk, from the mouth of the gourd, cut in a circle, and cut off the mouth of the gourd.

When you spit out your strength, shake the seeds and pulp of the gourd, find a place where there is no one, pour it gently, and then pour out the gourd seeds that look like melon seeds and the pulp that has become powder.

He didn’t throw away the gourd seeds, but wrapped them in the straw paper that had previously wrapped the tiger pancakes and stuffed them into the bag.

Due to the direction of the cut, the mouth of the gourd can be plugged back in as a stopper, but the wine gourd that does this is not durable.

One is that the gourd is still young and cannot be carried around, and the other is that it has not been boiled and dried in the shade, and a good gourd mouth should also be made of cork or horn. Without these steps, the wine gourd can only be used temporarily…

“Shopkeeper, help me fill up.”

Back in the tavern, Fang Chang handed over the gourd and said to the tavern manager.

The latter readily agreed: “Okay, guest officer, top up the top-quality wine.” At the same time, he pulled out the mouth of the gourd, took out a small funnel and inserted it into it, then pushed open the lid of a waist-high wine jar, picked up the wine and put it in the bottle. , It took three or four lifts to fill the gourd.

“Guest officer, just give me thirty-five Wen.”

Fang Chang nodded, took out the money readily, and then asked for a half-foot straw rope, tied the gourd around his waist, and walked out of the tavern with it in his hand.

Looking at the sun on the opposite sky, which had already slanted to the west and approached the opposite eaves, he opened the gourd and took a light sip.

Really good wine.

It was much better than the bamboo tube I got from Linxi Village.

This is under the rule of Jingzhou. Generally, small towns purchase goods, and they should go to the prefectural city or nearby prefectures, so there is a means.

The owner of this tavern can go further afield to buy high-end goods in the capital, so he is a well-connected person. The good wine Baihuaniang in those small altars should be prepared for those passers-by who have higher requirements.

Although not many people will buy it, it won’t be bad, and it can also improve the level of the tavern.

It is estimated that the wine purchased from the state capital and packed in small jars will taste better than those in gourds, but it is definitely not as strong.

Fang Chang is not addicted to alcohol, but when he sees it, he will make a copy as he likes, so he is not picky.

The reason why he didn’t buy the other two cheaper ones was because they were all mixed with water. If they weren’t mixed with water, they would be exactly the same as the gourd in his hand now.

Adding water is an open secret, everyone knows it, but no one cares about it, because rich people will buy good wine to drink, but if it is not mixed with water, expensive wine will make many people unable to afford it, and those who just want to drink it will not be able to afford it. People who are refreshing with wine and taste are turned away by high consumption.

He took another sip, swirled the sorghum wine on the back of his tongue, and swallowed it lightly.

The mellow meaning is not only on the tip of the tongue, but it is more profound.

Not far in front of the stone road, there is a house that is obviously taller and more luxurious than the surrounding ones. It should be the residence of the wealthy family in Huqiao Town.

Fang Chang wants to go and have a look, to find out why the strange things happened there according to the legend.

It was quite deserted along the way.

Although it is close to the official road, no one opened a shop near the house, and no one set up stalls on both sides of the gate, and there were even few pedestrians.

Walking nearby, Fang Chang looked up.

But I saw that the aura above the house was quite vicious. It seems that this house is not easy to mess with.

But at the same time, this wisp of energy is dangerous, showing a slight decline, and it seems to be entangled by a faint strange energy between the teeth and claws. The strange aura was ethereal and tenacious, while tumbling and a bit sluggish, like a demon or a ghost.

It is indeed a strange thing.

Second update~

Thank you Silaixiangqu 06 for your tip.

(end of this chapter)

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