Cultivation Nerd (xianxia)

Chapter 64 – Big Guy Problems!

As I made my way down the steps to the library, my pace slowed, allowing me extra time to reconsider my decision.

While I had fulfilled my relatives' mission by successfully introducing the twins to the Sect, another task remained: scouting for talent to fill the librarian position.

Discovering someone of exceptional ability capable of compelling the Sect to promote an outer elder was no small feat. Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately in this case, I had identified two individuals who perfectly matched that description.

One such person was Ye An. If I requested her assistance, I was confident that Song Song would agree to lend her, albeit temporarily, to facilitate the librarian's promotion to the inner Sect.

The second candidate was the red-haired guy. Convincing the librarian to mentor someone who appeared less talented might have been challenging, but I was confident he would trust my judgment and accept the red-haired individual as his personal disciple.

But just because I could take these actions, did that mean I should?

The librarian had been helpful to me, and I held genuine concern for his well-being. However, directing either of these two candidates toward him could inadvertently increase the risk to his life dramatically. The giant serpent had already shown that sometimes those favors by the heavens could attract trouble far more than some Foundation Establishment Cultivator could handle.

Had anyone else assigned this mission, I might have simply completed it with little consideration. However, my genuine desire for the librarian's welfare compelled me to weigh my options carefully.

"So, the brat finally returns," the old janitor interrupted my thoughts, busily wielding his broom to tidy the area—an unexpected sight that momentarily surprised me.

"And you are as stubborn as ever, old goat," I sighed.

"Do you expect people my age to change? There's a reason they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks," he retorted, smirking as he leaned on his broom.

"Comparing yourself to a dog? That's rather sad, old man," I teased, shaking my head with mock concern.

But the old bastard had a thick skin and only chuckled at my backhanded insults. "Just screw off, you brat. I'm already sick of you, and you've only been around for not even a full minute. Already, you've insulted your elders, calling them dogs and abusing your authority as a cultivator."

This was the best victory I could achieve against him in a verbal spar. The old goat must have had something on his mind, as he was usually quicker with his words... and way more ruthless with his insults.

I walked past him and muttered, "It's good to see you again, old man."

He grumbled something inaudible under his breath before sighing and returning to his job. Only now did I notice that the old goat was sweeping the broom in just one place.

As I entered the library, the place was as welcoming as always, and the smell of books made me feel at ease. This was the closest thing I had to a home in this world.

The librarian's gaze turned toward me, and he nodded in acknowledgment.

Though I had already decided, now that I was in front of the guy, it felt like a knot had formed in my stomach. But I swallowed such silly things like anxiety, which paled in comparison to the fear I felt when staring at the giant serpent.

Before we could exchange greetings, I walked up to the librarian and bowed my head. "I'm sorry I couldn't find any talented disciples for you."

Jade-like beauties and those favored by the heavens only brought misery and disaster to those around them. My choice may be biased on superstition. But this was my decision at the end of the day, and I could do nothing but continue moving forward.

"I heard how the exam turned out this year. Some say that there was even a Core Formation monstrous beast, and that is more than enough reason. We still have next year, and it isn't like one year makes much difference for me," the librarian shrugged. "Also, it isn't like the kind of talent we were looking for is common. Even if there were talents like that this year, they would usually be snatched in the first part of the exams."

The librarian's lack of surprise at the outcome was unexpected but also a relief. I had been overthinking things.

He was right—typically, the kind of talent we sought never surfaced, and even if it did, some inner or core elder would snatch them up before anyone else had a chance.

"Also, it isn't like your journey was without merit," the old librarian said, his cold facade cracking slightly as the corner of his lips tilted upward to almost form a smile. "Song Song has already been singing your praises to the higher-ups for your skill. Some individuals have even approached me, expressing interest in... If Song Song were to ever leave the Sect for a mission, she would invite you along."

The librarian nodded, adding, "She is being quite generous. Song Song has a reputation for being forceful with her commands."

She had garnered enough notoriety that even outer sect elders were aware of her habits?

I couldn't help but grimace when he mentioned Song Song had spoken to higher-ups about my supposed skills.

"What's with that look?" The librarian raised a questioning brow. "Sure, she might have indirectly tied you to her master's faction in the inner Sect. But her words have positioned you in such a safe place that not even inner elders would dare harm you. Isn't that what you wanted after the incident with the inner disciple? Besides, whatever occurs in the inner Sect doesn't affect us here, so even if she causes trouble, you're not a target for anyone's wrath."

He had a point, to some extent.

But, damn. Song Song could have refrained from discussing my perceived "abilities" with dangerous individuals. I should have communicated clearly with her before our separation. That was a mistake on my part.

Well, there was nothing to be done now. Though I had expected things to move slowly.

How did the librarian know these details so quickly? It had only been a few hours since Song Song and I parted ways, and things were unfolding rapidly.

"Who exactly is Song Song?" I inquired. No matter how I pondered it, the Sect undeniably favored her. She might align with me most of the time, but there was an air of arrogance about her, a sense that she had been raised with more than just a silver spoon.

"Officially, she is one of the core disciples of Xiang Ju, one of the core elders," the librarian stated as he removed his glasses to clean them.

"And unofficially?" I probed.

"Do you want the detailed version?" he asked, replacing his glasses.

"The long and detailed version, please," I insisted, tired of being kept in the dark.

To some extent, I was already entangled with Song Song. Now, I wanted full disclosure to avoid stepping on any landmines.

"When the current Sect Leader ascended through the ranks of the Blazing Sun Sect, he was a commoner with no lineage to speak of. It's quite a famous story, even beyond the Sect," the librarian began, glancing at a bookshelf behind me before returning his gaze to me. "But that's only the tale the Sect shares to entice commoners to join in hopes of uncovering untapped talent. Unlike those from esteemed clans, individuals without notable backgrounds are only loyal to the Sect. They are often nurtured if they show promise."

I grasped the situation thus far and was tempted to write down what he had said. But for now, I chose to simply absorb the information.

"However, no matter how talented one may be, they cannot ascend without causing some disturbance. To solidify his position and preempt any potential challenges or disloyalty, the Sect Leader wed into a prominent family with ties to the Sect, supposedly tracing their lineage back to the Blazing Sun Immortal," the librarian elaborated.

My heart sank at the implication of Song Song being the Sect Leader's offspring...

Damn, that would thrust me into the spotlight in the most unwanted way possible!

"Song Song is the niece of the Sect Leader—or more precisely, the daughter of the Sect Leader's brother-in-law," he clarified. "She technically holds royal status within the Blazing Sun Sect. Her position ranks just below that of the Sect Leader's son in terms of power within the younger generation. It's indisputable that if she continues cultivating, Song Song will likely become a Core Elder."

Something must have betrayed my emotions because as soon as the librarian finished speaking, he glanced at me and asked, "What's wrong? You look pale."

"Nothing..." I replied, attempting to regain my composure.

Song Song ranked second only to her cousin, the Sect Leader's son, in the younger generation...

To an outsider, that might seem like a casual remark. Having spent enough time with Song Song, I somewhat understood her mindset. She would never settle for second place, regardless of familial ties.

Song Song's demeanor didn't align with someone who would accept anything less than first place. Whether he was her cousin or not, she would kill him. If given the opportunity, Song Song wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Furthermore, I had no doubt that there was already underlying family drama surrounding this situation. Merely contemplating involvement made my stomach churn.

Rejecting Song Song's offer was undoubtedly one of the wisest decisions I'd made in this world. I had no intention of opposing a Nascent Soul Cultivator—especially not one with a commoner background who likely maneuvered and schemed his way to becoming the Sect Leader! He probably was intelligent, formidable, and cautious!

"Additionally, she is renowned for possessing top-grade talent with eighty-nine spirit root branches," the librarian added, retrieving a book from under his desk and flipping it open. "If you plan to study arrays today, I suggest returning tomorrow. Take a day to rest instead of tirelessly exerting yourself."

Yeah, I should probably digest this new information.

Though lying in bed and doing nothing sounded far from entertaining or relaxing, I lacked the modern distractions of smartphones, games, or the internet to pass the time.

Regardless, Song Song's talent rated A Grade on my scale, indicated she had the potential to reach the Nascent Soul Realm. So the notion proposed by the outer elder—that Song Song could be the next Sect Leader—was not entirely baseless.

Born into remarkable circumstances with exceptional talent, Song Song seemed to possess everything one could desire... except, perhaps, sanity.

After concluding my discussion with the librarian, I departed the library. From the platform on which the library tower stood, I gazed upon the sect grounds. Even from afar, I observed people bustling about, and the setting sun on the verge of dusk did little to obscure my view, as it should have.

Well, it was time to unwind and enjoy some leisure...


After a day of supposed rest, I was eager to return to the library as soon as morning arrived. But first, I needed to eat—a necessity I couldn't ignore.

I joined Yang Cho, my now muscular friend who still looked like Giga Chad's favored offspring. Engaging in our usual banter, we gossiped like housewives about sect affairs, or he relayed rumors he had heard.

The latest gossip centered around a man allegedly assaulting and robbing someone in the dead of night. It was likely mere speculation, but Yang Cho and I entertained the topic nonetheless.

Amidst our conversation, a certain redhead entered the dining hall. Not the charming kind of redhead girl, mind you; this was a crimson-haired man.

"Do you know that guy's name?" I asked Yang Cho.

"Yeah, his name is Hu Jin. He's a newcomer, and he participated in the same test we assisted with," Yang Cho replied, detailing the other exam takers who had accompanied us.

Yet, my focus remained fixed on the intriguing newcomer.

I suggested to Yang Cho, "From now on, I'll avoid coming here during dining hours like breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

"Why?" he looked puzzled.

"It can get a bit overwhelming with so many people around. Sometimes it feels like tensions are high like they're always on the verge of starting a fight," I remarked with a smile, attempting to downplay the seriousness.

"Fair enough. A couple of hours after the usual dining times works for me," Yang Cho agreed. "By the way, have your cousins approached you yet? They're in the same dorms as me, and they've been pestering me to reveal your dorm location."

I was about to respond when a disturbance erupted, causing a table to crash as someone slammed their fist upon it. Amidst the chaos, the red-haired guy and another tall, lanky individual became embroiled in an altercation. The latter appeared to be significantly older, adding another layer of tension to the scene.

Grabbing my plate of rice, I stood up and exited the dining hall with Yang Cho trailing behind. He courteously finished his meal and returned the plate to the staff.

"Do they allow someone to take their plates?" he asked.

"Not sure. But as a personal disciple of an elder, I'll return it after I'm done," I replied, leading us down the stairs from the dining area. "Also, shouldn't you be eating more?"

He sighed, "I'm trying. But now that I've bulked up, no matter how much I eat, all the energy goes toward maintaining muscle rather than forming fat."

It reminded me of bodybuilders needing to consume copious amounts of food to sustain their muscle mass.

"I never considered it, but having so much muscle feels strange, too. I used to have a body that felt like a pillow when I lay down. Now it's uncomfortable," Yang Cho lamented, continuing to voice his complaints.

As a supportive friend, I listened attentively, nodding occasionally to indicate my attention.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, he was still airing his grievances. "People perceive me as some kind of barbarian, which is irritating in its own way. I'm not concerned about impressing the girls, but hearing them whisper as I pass by is annoying."

There wasn't much I could do to help him with that. Big muscles weren't as popular in this world as they were on Earth. If Yong Cho was on Earth with his body, he would be the buff guy in a yacht.

"Wanna do some training to take your mind off things?" I suggested.

He grinned, "Sure. Just go easy on me."

It was nice having friends...


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