Crows x Souls

Chapter 76 – Blindsided I

“Admiration is the furthest thing from understanding.” — Sosuke Aizen




[1st Division – Head Captain’s Office]

“How is the boy?” Yamamoto asked none of the three people in the room with him in particular but the first to answer was Shunsui who had a wheat stalk in his mouth. 

Along with him was Yoruichi and Isshin, the latter who like Shunsui, appeared to want to be anywhere but here. 

“He’s a good lad, old man Yama. A bit too serious, but I guess that’s why he has such a good head on his shoulders despite being so young. A real tragedy if you think about it.” Shunsui affirmed wistfully. 

Yamamoto nodded slightly before turning to look at the other two Captains. 

This time it was Isshin who spoke up. “I don’t have that much interaction with the boy but from my years of watching him, perhaps lost is the most apt word I can use to describe him.” Isshin scratched his head, grumbling audibly before adding his last observation of Itachi. “He’s damned skilled, that’s for sure. He always seems to know if someone is keeping an eye on him. A bit too cynical and stern for my liking… I doubt he even trusts his own comrades from the Second.”

The last part was barely a whisper but it caused Yoruichi who heard it to snort. “Of course he doesn’t trust anyone, not even me – or at least to the point that I can comfortably say so.”

“So you don’t trust him?” Shunsui asked lazily. 

Yoruichi shook her head with a somewhat difficult expression on her face. “Apart from Soi Fon, I’ll say I trust him the most out of all my subordinates. Don’t let the stoic mask fool you, he’s a lot kinder than he looks. Maybe even kinder than Jūshirō in his own way.”

That caused Yamamoto, Shunsui and Isshin to snort as that was practically hard to believe. Jūshirō Ukitake was the most optimistic and understanding man any of them had ever seen – kind enough that it almost bordered on the point of naiveté. 

“Well he did practically take that boy he taught in the Rukongai as some sort of student even though he barely possesses any talent as a Shinigami.” Isshin added as an after-point. 

“Unohana told me as much. She, like Shihōin here, vouches for his upright morality. If only he had achieved his Bankai, he would be a prime candidate now that Ginrei is thinking of stepping down as Captain and his son is no longer viable for the position.”

“That’s a lot of consideration for someone like him from someone like you, Head Captain.” Isshin could help but exclaim softly. Even after being a Captain and leaving for a few centuries already, seeing the Head Captain even a bit interested in a specific individual that wasn’t an enemy of the Soul Society was a very rare thing. The old man was as aloof as he was ancient. 

Yoruichi cut in with a subtle frown of displeasure on her face. “And what does Central 46 say? Can he come back to duty? Or my Soi Fon at least?”

“Hmm.” Yamamoto nodded. “They can both return to duty but for now let the boy continue doing what he’s doing. The Academy says he is great as an instructor.”

The joviality around him suddenly disappeared and its place was a stern gaze. “And what of the traitor in our midst?”

While Isshin and Yoruichi’s face turned taut, Shunsui scratched the side of his head and tipped his straw hat a bit down.

“No clue. They are a lot more subtle than any rebellious groups we—” 

“— They are not just a ‘rebellious group’, Captain Shihōin. They are traitors who have trampled on everything it means to be a Shinigami. Find them, and I’ll personally execute them.”


[POV: With Itachi]


Sparks flew off as Itachi parried Junpei’s fast pace dual swing, twisting his heel and pushing Junpei back. 

Junpei used Itachi’s force to backflip and landed horizontally on a tree, he dug his hands into his sash and drew two kunais that he threw at Itachi, who without moving an inch, easily caught the two kunais midair with one hand and threw them back to Junpei who’d used the opening to try to blindside Itachi. 

Junpei’s eyes widened at Itachi’s swift counter and was forced to slow down his dash to dodge the first kunai and deflect the other one. 

“Seriously?” He smiled in unbelief as to what just happened which was Itachi countering him with his own attack—


“Good initiation, but you had nothing prepared for if your opponent attacked you in the opening of your own attack.” Itachi spoke as Junpei pulled himself up after being slammed into a tree.

“I thought about it but attacking in such a tight window was the best I could do at the moment. Even the follow-up was delayed. I’m not exactly talented in these types of things, Mr. Itachi.” Junpei frowned at himself as he picked up the kunais and sheathed them in his sash. 

Unexpectedly, the moment he turned around to face Itachi, he was forced to duck as Itachi’s hands flew over his head. 

“I agree that you don’t have talent in the Shinigami arts, but don’t blame talent for something you can overcome with hard work.”

Junpei felt his world spin followed by his brain rattling as a palm struck his chin. 

“Most of the time hard work gets mistaken for talent, do you know why?” Itachi asked while staring Junpei down. 

“N-no.” Junpei cradled his chin and winced as a sharp pain cut through his jaw. 

Not taking consideration of his pain, Itachi continued speaking. “Because most times the success from hard work is so natural and overwhelming that you have no other word to describe it except ‘talent’. Talent shortens the learning curve but true mastery comes from hard work.”

Their personal exercises had resumed after a decade and unlike before where Itachi wasn’t fully invested, he had taken it upon himself to train Junpei for no exact particular reason other than the boy’s determination. 


Hearing the tiny voice calling his name in such a comical manner caused Itachi to sigh, except that no expression of displeasure was seen on his face. 

“Um, who’s that?” Junpei asked skeptically as this was a private place they have been using to train for a while now. 

His thoughts were halted at the appearance of a pink haired girl, only for it to combust on itself when he saw where the little girl landed on. 

“Tachi-tachi, is this another of your hiding spots?” Yachiru looked down at Itachi from his head where she was standing on with one foot. 

“I’m bus-,” He paused what he was about to say and changed his words the next moment. “I’m training someone.”

Yachiru followed his gaze and saw Junpei staring dumbly at her. 

“Who’s this Tachi-tachi?” She tilted her head curiously and flash-stepped in front of Junpei which greatly startled the youth. 

“Junpei, an Academy student.” Itachi simply replied. “Is Zaraki anywhere near?” He asked after not sensing the behemoth around. 

“Nuh uh. He’s drilling the squad members.” She walked around Junpei, poking him and giggling at his reaction. 

“Um, Mr. Itachi…”

“Yachiru Kusajishi, Lieutenant of the 11th Division.”

Junpei immediately stood ramrod in fright, paling even more as he finally noticed the Lieutenants armband on her arm along with the mention that this childlike girl was the Lieutenant of the most bloody and strongest Division in the Gotei 13. 

Itachi gave him some time to compose himself before they continued the other facets of their training. 

“You still haven’t awakened your Shikai, right?”

Junpei lowered his head in shame. “I meditate everyday but so far nothing. Though I can faintly feel it, it’s nothing to go off on.”

“Then take your time. However, an advice from my personal experience; don’t view your Zanpakutō like a special weapon, instead regard it as meeting an old friend or finding a lost piece of yourself. Treat them how you’ll treat yourself and more because they will be your closest confidante till you die.”

Junpei nodded solemnly. He is barely able to cast the first ten Kidō spells of Hadō and Bakudō, Shunpo was nowhere near decent, Hakuda is average according to Itachi’s assessment, and he still had a long way to connect with his Asauchi to talk less of awakening his Shikai – the path ahead of him was very rough. 

“Cheer up, Jun-jun. Although you’re very weak, at least you’re still trying to be better than some bums in our Division.” Yachiru patted to console him. 

“It’s nothing admirable or an achievement to be acknowledged.” Itachi doused whatever hope Yachiru had built up in Junpei’s mind as she was basically comparing him to the lowest of lowest Shinigami that barely graduated the Academy. “We’ll still–” 

The two of them looked weirdly at Itachi who suddenly paused and closed his eyes. 





They both let out confused noises as they saw Itachi burst into feathers. 

Though they would both come to learn of it later, something huge was happening in the Soul Society. 


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