Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 97

The sun began to rise.

Raciel regained consciousness shortly after sunrise. Thankfully, he felt quite full of energy.

“Is the crown prince feeling improved now?”

“I’ve been perfectly fine from the beginning.”

“Of course you have.”

Rattle, rattle.

A playful smile formed on Princess Adeline’s lips. The wider she smiled, the more assertively Raciel prodded at his salad with his fork. However, Adeline paid no mind. Her eyes glistened as she gazed at Raciel from across the lengthy dining table.

“Do you remember what you said just before you passed out yesterday? It was incredibly embarrassing.”

“No, I don’t recall.”

“Of course you’d say that. You were staring right into my eyes when you said it. What was it again?”

“That’s all for today’s session.”

“If I agreed to undergo treatment…”


“You are my…”

“That’s all.”


“Oh, come on.”

Raciel’s expression turned sour.

“Did you come this early just for this?”

“No, absolutely not.”

“Of course you did. You’re teasing me while looking right at me. What’s this called?”

“A well-intentioned visit?”

“Yeah, right.”


Raciel grumbled as he bit into a carrot.

“Anyway, I’m fine. Yesterday’s incident… was an unavoidable part of the treatment process. So, you don’t need to worry about it affecting my ability to treat.”

That was the truth.

The extracorporeal shock wave treatment for Princess’s gallstones required him to absorb the shock. He had anticipated that, having practiced with Demian. However, the power of the mana Adeline emitted with her authority was stronger than he had anticipated.

‘Indeed, it had the power befitting a mid-level expert martial artist.’

The mana emitted by Demian, who primarily used a sword, was different when produced with bare hands. The moment Raciel redirected and absorbed that mana, he felt as if his stomach turned upside down.

It felt like the figurine in the hand of a three-year-old on a holiday being deconstructed and then gently and satisfyingly reassembled. The esophagus, the villi of the small intestine, and the pyloric sphincter seemed to join hands in this process.

But he had chosen this treatment method.

He endured with sheer grit.

Then he fainted. Up until then, it was okay. The problem was that he had shown an unimpressive image in front of the patient. This was Raciel’s main concern.

“In any case, the treatment will continue without issues. This morning, I have to see other patients, so you can come back at noon. I’ll keep the entire afternoon free for your gallstone treatment. Also, for the procedure’s stability, please fast for at least three hours.”

Raciel earnestly requested, hoping to shift Princess Adelin’s focus.

Firstly, the princess should not doubt the treatment. She shouldn’t question Raciel’s skills either. She needs to trust him completely so the treatment can proceed smoothly.

‘So, I must not faint today. Absolutely.’

He resolved internally.

At that moment,


Princess Adeline chuckled mysteriously.

“It seems the crown prince is worried I might doubt the effectiveness of the treatment?”


Was he caught? As Raciel was about to frown, Adeline unexpectedly said,

“It’s okay. In fact, I’m grateful.”

“…Excuse me?”

“I saw yesterday. How much effort you put into treating me. How much you endured on your own. And how you didn’t show any of it.”


“That’s why I trust the treatment you provide. Since that moment yesterday, I have chosen to believe in the presence of the gallstones and that I need to eliminate them to survive.”


“Yes, wholeheartedly.”

Adeline nodded.

It was her genuine sentiment.

“At first, I questioned your intentions, whether you were attempting to deceive me. From my perspective, it was only natural to feel that way. But now things have changed. I believe in your noble intentions, providing free treatment to countless people in Imperial Capital and your altruistic offer of assistance to the royalty of a potential rival nation.”

“Um, so, why did the Princess visit me so early in the morning…?”

“I wanted to express this to you. Thank you.”


Raciel concealed his flushed face with a feigned cough. Receiving such straightforward praise caught him off guard, leaving him both flattered and embarrassed.

‘I thought she barged in during breakfast to voice a complaint or something.’

He wondered if she had come to protest. Or perhaps to voice doubts about the upcoming treatment. So, he made an effort to explain and appeal. But it seems that wasn’t necessary. Somehow, he seemed to have received a somewhat favorable(?) misunderstanding.

‘A noble heart and altruistic intent… Me?’

Absolutely not.

The reality is the opposite.

Treating the people of Imperial Capital? It’s just a desperate effort to gather extra lifespan to survive. Bringing the Princess here for treatment? It’s to prevent the impending major war and the resulting devastation.

In other words, all these treatments are nothing but a personal and selfish investment for him. However, it appears that the Princess views these actions differently.

‘Well, if she sees it that way, there’s no need to correct the misunderstanding.’

Because that would be advantageous.

Raciel shrugged. Once he reached a conclusion, his face hardened like a paving block that gets replaced every year-end.

“Sigh. I thought you’d perceive it that way, and I was going to pretend not to know. It’s embarrassing.”

“…I don’t think that’s it.”

“Ahem! Anyway! Yesterday’s incident was a part I naturally had to endure for the treatment. I was prepared. Honestly, I was scared and worried, but the determination to assist the patient was stronger, which made it possible.”


“Well, something along those lines.”

“You seem oddly pleased.”


In any case, it was evident that the Princess had placed complete trust in him. A significant gain. Raciel capitalized on the momentum. From that day forward, he embarked on thorough kidney stone breaking. Every afternoon, he conducted extracorporeal shock wave therapy.


“Go ahead.”

Adeline inquired.

Raciel nodded.

Immediately after.


The Princess’s fist launched a self-shot towards her right vital point. Powerful mana surged forth. Simultaneously, Raciel acted.

He employed Asrahan Core technique to harness the released mana. Guided it. Like the spirit of the Seupta Craft guiding a nuclear missile. Or akin to a great white shark in a pool of fresh blood.

He lured it to a single point.

And struck the kidney stone.



Each time, Raciel’s face reddened. Yet now he didn’t faint as before. His face didn’t even turn pale. He had gradually grown accustomed to it.

‘Uh! Oof! Gulp! Gack! Groan!’

He had developed a method to withstand it.

Whenever a shock wave struck, he held his breath. He expanded his abdomen with diaphragmatic breathing, maximizing his intra-abdominal pressure. He employed the Valsalva maneuver utilized by weightlifters and fitness enthusiasts. Concurrently, he expanded his mana circle extensively.

The experience itself had become specialized training for him.

Ding dong!

[You are absorbing potent external mana shocks through Asrahan Core technique.]

[In this process, you learned not to passively endure the shock, but to absorb, neutralize, and integrate the shock as your own.]

[This series of processes has enriched your expertise in Asrahan Core technique.]

[Level of Asrahan Core technique has increased.]

While resolutely enduring the shock waves, a congratulatory message appeared. Raciel swiftly read the message.

[Skill Name: Asrahan Core Technique]

[Level: Single Circle Lv.4]

[Absorbs ambient mana. The absorbed mana is processed and amplified within a circle around the heart and operated. As the number of circles increases, the amplification rate significantly rises.]

[Mana amplification rate: %]

[HP needed for next level up: 1,800]

[Current HP: 2,500]


Could there be a better tonic?

[With the advancement of the Asrahan Core technique, the circle slots you possess are also impacted.]

[The storage capacity of the circle slot expands.]

[Slot number 1 has been expanded.]

[Max capacity of slot number 1: 12 liters -> 13 liters]

As he endured the pain, his mind, on the brink of blacking out, grew alert. This enabled him to concentrate even more.

Days went by. Every afternoon, without fail, he shattered one gemstone, totaling 15. The Asrahan Core Technique climbed to a single circle level 6. The circle slot’s capacity impressively expanded to 15 liters.

Perhaps it was thanks to this.

Adapting to the shock delivered by external shockwaves became less challenging. Like strengthening core muscles, the circle grew more resilient. The circle slot also solidified. His abdominal muscles became slightly tougher. His patience increased. Thankfully, he no longer fainted as easily.

“Instead, I now only feel queasy but can endure it, like a true man. Ugh-“


“Don’t worry. It’s just a little nausea… Ugh-“


“Why does the Princess keep looking like that… Ugh-“

“…Could you do that vomiting thing elsewhere?”

“But… Uh, I need to check if the gemstone broke properly…”

“If you make that noise again, I’ll strike you.”


“Understood? The nausea.”




Raciel struggled to suppress the urge to vomit as he faced the princess, who towered over him by half a head. Perhaps due to her combat training since childhood, her physique was also impressive. Confronting such a fierce princess, one could only maintain politeness(?).

‘Oh, if only I had my Korean physique!’

He might have had a slight belly, but he wasn’t a stick either. Raciel swallowed his sense of indignation and chuckled.

“If you continue to threaten me, I’ll have no other option.”

“No other option?”

“I might mercilessly wield the power of the Imperial family.”

“…How petty.”

“Regardless, the fifteenth gemstone shattered nicely. The process is proceeding smoothly. With a few more days of treatment, we should be able to address all the remaining gemstones.”



Raciel nodded.

“It’s thanks to the princess’s active cooperation. The shockwaves you emit are so intense and forceful.”

“Does that mean the gemstones break effectively?”

“Yes. Although at times, I feel like my life force is on the verge of breaking as well.”

“Oh, oh. You’re making me feel guilty.”

“Just be appreciative.”

“Your words of gratitude seem to carry an undertone of seeking compensation.”

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch, right?”

“So, what kind of compensation would satisfy the prince?”

“Well, for example-“

“For example?”

“Not waging war against our Magentano. For a lifetime.”

He genuinely proposed this idea to Adeline. She hesitated, gazing at him intently with a curious expression. In response to her gaze, his shoulders instinctively tensed.


Why was she observing him so intently? Did he overstep with his recent statement? Adeline didn’t answer directly, instead offering a more enigmatic response.

“Well, what you said caught me off guard.”


What was so unexpected about it?

“Furthermore, for someone like me… it’s a first.”


What does she mean by that?

He couldn’t comprehend. All he knew was that after her cryptic remark, she gave a faint smile.

“Anyway, that concludes today’s treatment. You put in a diligent effort today. See you tomorrow.”

“Ah, yes…”

Understanding human emotions.

Comprehending a woman’s emotions.

It’s truly complex to understand.

He had straightforwardly expressed his desires. Why did she look at him with that gaze and wear that mysterious smile? Why did she steal glances at him twice as she left the treatment room?

It was puzzling. So he responded with an awkward smile. Naturally, neither of them had any clue.

Princess Adeline, who came for treatment every day, and him, who allocated his afternoon treatment time exclusively for her. People within the palace were gossiping about the two of them, and the rumors spread throughout the entire kingdom.

Little did they realize that these rumors would eventually reach the ears of the emperor, who was undergoing stroke rehabilitation. Up until this point, they truly remained oblivious.

(To be Continued)

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