Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 81

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All of a sudden, old thoughts pop into the mind.

Could it be due to the sound of wagon wheels rolling beneath the dark night sky? The dimly lit streetlights lit up by enchantment? The fleeting clatter as they go by. The slightly chilly and damp nighttime breeze. The somewhat tired sensation of coming back somewhere after a long day. Do all these feelings constantly stir a piece of memory?

Raciel didn’t have the answer.

Raciel raised his head.

‘Did I nap for a bit?’

Evidently, the lengthy journey from Cremo to the imperial capital took a toll. He slept soundly in the carriage the entire day, yet it appears he nodded off once more. Just like back in those days.

‘It brings back memories of my senior year in high school.’

Initially, his house was close to the school. It remained that way until the second year of high school. However, right before the first semester of his third year, they relocated. From Daeyeon-dong in Busan to Haeundae. During that time, there wasn’t a subway over there.

By bus? The vivid recollections of buses 40 and 109. It consumed a whole hour and a half just to reach school using them. The same went for the return trip home. As a result, he would often arrive home just before midnight after completing his nighttime studies.

The sound of bus wheels turning beneath the dark night sky. The faintly illuminated streetlights casting light on the nocturnal streets. The clattering as they sped along. The somewhat chilly and damp night breeze. The weariness of coming home after a lengthy day.

It was a daily routine.

He was exhausted.

Back then, it was genuinely monotonous.

‘So I told… a lot of lies.’

He fibbed to his teacher about getting home too late, about the school’s proximity to his house, and how finishing all his nighttime studies would make him late for school.

He fibbed to his parents as well. About excelling in his nighttime studies. About the lateness being due to their completion. He lied and skipped his nighttime studies. He indulged in activities during those study hours and then returned home.

The day his father collapsed, it was the same. That’s why he received the call belatedly. He hadn’t even noticed the phone ringing because he was gaming in the PC room. Consequently, when he eventually answered the call, it was all too late.

‘…… Tsk.’

Put a stop to dwelling on it.

Raciel shook his head to dispel the lingering thoughts. The emperor had summoned him. That particular finicky and irritable man might find something to criticize. So, there’s no need to let himself be consumed by gloomy thoughts. He needs to clear his mind and be prepared to face the situation head-on.

That was Raciel’s determination. In due time, the carriage arrived at the palace, and he stepped out.

“I will lead the way, Your Highness. Follow me.”

He followed the chief steward who had come out to greet him. After traversing several corridors, staircases, and turns, he reached the throne room. The throne room stood vacant in the midnight hour. The chief steward lowered his head.

“His Majesty will be here shortly.”

Thankfully, the wait wasn’t long.

After only 2 or 3 minutes, the door on the opposite side of the throne room swung open. A familiar yet unwelcome middle-aged man entered.

It was the emperor.

“In the presence of His Majesty the Emperor, the rightful ruler of this land, Crown Prince Raciel Adria Magentano.”


As soon as he spotted the emperor’s face, he automatically paid his respects. However, there was no response. The emperor simply walked by without acknowledging him, taking his place on the throne and regarding him with a cold stare.

A gaze that communicated, “If you have something to say, say it.” Those eyes devoid of emotion.

Raciel swallowed hard.

It was challenging and embarrassing.

‘That man is up to his usual antics.’

He found it mean. Summoning someone in the middle of the night and then behaving with that attitude, expecting them to speak first.

‘Isn’t it customary for the one who summoned to state their purpose first?’

He genuinely had no clue why the emperor had called him. And facing that attitude right from the start was truly vexing.

The emperor must be intentionally exerting control. Raciel refrained from hastily speaking. When the situation is unclear, it’s best to observe and wait. He made that decision and calmly met the emperor’s gaze.

Perhaps it was due to this approach.

In the end, the emperor spoke first.

“I have a question for you. Why did you act so irresponsibly and incompetently in Cremo, causing our envoys to suffer?”


So, that was the crux of the matter.

He had been summoned to address his actions in Cremo. But irresponsible and incompetent? Which actions from that day was the emperor referring to?

As he pondered for a moment,

The emperor’s sharp inquiry continued.

“Why the silence? I’ve heard that the Minotaur attacked the city’s official residence. Is that accurate?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I see. I’ve also heard that you were caught in the situation, and your life was in grave danger. Is that also true?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“That’s why I’m asking. On that day, why didn’t you escape more swiftly, needlessly endangering and burdening the agents who were trying to protect you?”


“You might argue that you did your best to escape. But you were mistaken. You should have anticipated the danger and prepared in advance. If you’re in an unfamiliar place far from the secure path of the imperial capital and you understand the significance of your role as a crown prince, you should have taken proper precautions.”


“But you didn’t. You approached life in a foreign land with the same mindset as you would in the imperial capital. That’s why you failed to foresee the impending danger, didn’t react proactively, and consequently put those in your service in great danger and hardship.”


Is this old man trying to convey this message? Yet, he seems to have little concern for him. Raciel felt somewhat unjustly treated. He wanted to respond, but the emperor’s sharp scolding and lecturing took precedence.

“You are the one who will inherit my throne, provide guidance, lead, embrace, and bear the responsibility for millions of imperial subjects. Yet, you’ve overlooked even the minor precautions, carelessly subjecting a mere few dozen attendants to danger and hardship. Isn’t this a matter of shame?”


Raciel kept his lips sealed.

It felt profoundly unfair. But somehow, he couldn’t counter. The emperor’s rebuke was entirely accurate.

“So remember this. Reflect deeply on this incident, and utilize it as a lesson for the future. Ensure that you never repeat the same error. Do you comprehend?”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

“Any other remarks?”


He promptly replied. He acknowledged that the emperor’s words held truth. Yet, he wasn’t ready to surrender so easily. He desired to offer some resistance.

‘Otherwise, this will continue being a one-sided dynamic.’

That’s the nature of power struggles. Once you yield, the balance is set. Once that equilibrium is established, altering or disrupting it becomes harder, especially when the other party is the emperor.

‘I’ll likely keep getting pushed around unilaterally. I can’t allow that. I must demonstrate that I can push back, at the very least.’

That’s the key to making things smoother moving forward. With that resolve, Raciel opened his mouth and aimed to prick at the emperor’s conscience.

“I will heed Your Majesty’s words. However, I also dare to ask something.”

“You wish to ask something?”


“Go ahead.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. May I dare to ask if you have successfully quit tobacco, as I inquired before?”


The emperor’s eyebrows twitched. Raciel didn’t miss this opening and repeated his question.

“I dared to ask if Your Majesty has stopped smoking.”


This time, the emperor remained silent.

Had he hit an unexpected nerve? If so, Raciel intended to press further with his counterattack.

“You should unquestionably quit smoking. It would enable you to attend to state affairs in a healthier manner. As Your Majesty mentioned earlier, you are the one who supports, leads, cares for, and bears responsibility for millions of imperial subjects.”

“Hmm. That’s…”

“So it’s imperative that you give up smoking! Because Your Majesty’s well-being is integral to the stability of the imperial family.”

It was the truth. Not mere rhetoric. Not a ploy for power.

‘In reality, the emperor suffered a stroke due to excessive smoking and stress.’

Suddenly, the narrative from the original work “Devil Sword Emperor” came to mind. This must have occurred after Crown Prince Raciel’s demise. The Emperor’s smoking had escalated. Whether it was due to stress or other factors, he would frequently set aside his sword to reach for a cigarette. Within a year, he succumbed to a stroke.

And that’s why.

‘I must make him quit smoking.’

Simply quitting tobacco would significantly reduce the risk of a stroke. If he wished to avoid the same fate of his father, who fell ill during his third year of high school, and if he wanted to prevent a family from shattering, the Emperor had to quit smoking.

Only then could the empire withstand the impending upheaval. Only then could the imperial family remain intact. Only then could Raciel find solace. He continued to advise with resolute determination.

“People often lament that smoking shatters families and disrupts society. My words might echo those sentiments. However, this time, it’s far from an exaggeration. If Your Majesty falls ill, the imperial family will falter, and the empire will crumble. This is a stark and plausible future that looms before us.”


“Your Majesty, you must quit smoking.”

Raciel locked eyes with the Emperor as he spoke. But at that instant, the Emperor’s lips curled into an enigmatic smile, and he replied unexpectedly.

“When it comes to smoking, I quit long ago.”

“Pardon me?”

“I said I quit a long time ago.”

“……Is that true?”


The Emperor’s smile deepened.

“I stopped the day you dared to admonish me.”


“Is there anything else you wish to say?”


Raciel swallowed his words.

The Emperor was undoubtedly no pushover. Yet, Raciel felt relief that he had indeed given up smoking. Avoiding further reprimand, he promptly bowed his head.

“If there’s nothing else, Your Majesty, I’ll take my leave.”

“Go ahead. But keep this in mind.”


“Refrain from consuming the Phantom Beasts’ food thoughtlessly. It can’t be healthy for your body to experience such rapid growth in such a short period.”


Could he have been aware that he ate the red sunflower seed?

“Do you comprehend?”

“I understand.”

There was no space for argument now. It was a relief that he didn’t face further criticism. Raciel quickly bowed and exited the throne room.

Once he departed, the throne room fell silent. Inside, Emperor Asterion let out a soft chuckle.

“Hehe… Hehehe.”

He was content.

He took pride in his son’s transformed demeanor. His son, who once couldn’t muster the courage to respond to his reprimands, who couldn’t even take a breath in his presence, had now dared to inquire if he had quit smoking.

‘So you were that concerned about your father, huh? Hehe, hehehe!’

He felt gratified.

He felt profoundly proud.

His son’s actions in Cremo – facing unforeseen perils, subduing the Minotaur monster, and, most importantly, returning safely.

He felt thoroughly satisfied, proud, and elated. It seemed like a modest delight for the Emperor, not as a ruler but as a father. That’s why he wished to provide him with more support. He yearned to strengthen his son’s resolve.

“So, how is that new medicine my son developed faring?”

The Emperor directed his question to the empty space. A subdued voice responded from the shadows within the throne room.

“As per your orders, we’re using the imperial family’s intelligence network to disseminate information about the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill extensively.”

“And what are the outcomes?”

“There won’t be anyone in the empire, not even in the remotest noble households, who remains unaware of the Minotaur-bile Clear Heart Pill.”

“Excellent, very good.”

The Emperor nodded in agreement.

His smile was even more content.

(To be Continued)

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