Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 50

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“Hey, have you heard?”

“Heard what?”

“There’s an exciting nursing opportunity.”


“Why are you giving me that strange look? It’s not unusual.”

“Oh, I was just curious.”

“Hmm hmm! Well, here’s the scoop: the Crown Prince is organizing a competition to select professional nurses.”


“Yes, nurses.”

“A competition for nurses? That’s interesting. But why are you telling me this?”

“I have you in mind.”


“Yes, I’ve noticed you’ve been searching for employment for the past five years.”

“Why would my landlord concern themselves with my job situation? Isn’t that overstepping boundaries? Have I ever been late with the rent even once?”

“Not once, but twice.”

“…I apologize.”

“Well, anyway, about the nursing competition. I thought you might want to give it a shot.”


“Yes, you.”

“You want me to become a nurse?”

“Yes, the pay is quite substantial.”

“How much are we talking about?”

“It’s enough to cover your rent for two years.”

“…I’m in! I’ll seize this opportunity!”

The young man’s eyes widened.

The landlord chuckled.

“You’ve made a wise decision. Now head to the public hall in Prontera Square.”

“The public hall?”

“Yes, they’re currently holding an art exhibition there, and the main artwork provides detailed recruitment guidelines.”

“Oh, thank you, sir! If I manage to secure a job, I’ll buy you a new outfit!”

“Hehehe, just go already.”

It was a lovely spring morning on Magenta Boulevard. The news quickly spread throughout the city, drawing those who heard it to Prontera Square.

An exhibition was taking place in the public hall, showcasing the works of a talented up-and-coming artist, Dinraier Young Master, who was making a name for himself in the art world.

At first glance, the exhibition appeared ordinary, with nothing particularly remarkable. However, one painting hanging at the center of the public hall caught everyone’s attention. It was a piece titled ‘The Healing Crown Prince and Nurses,’ serving as the centerpiece of the exhibition.

“Is that… the Crown Prince?”

“Nah, it can’t be. He’s not that handsome in real life.”

“Right? And his legs are definitely not that long.”

The exhibition layout was cleverly designed.

Every visitor had to pass by ‘The Healing Crown Prince and Nurses’ at least once. Consequently, everyone who attended the exhibition halted in front of that artwork.

“But what are those phrases written on the painting? What do they mean?”

People’s eyes widened as they took in the bold and provocative typography inscribed above and below the painting, firmly capturing their attention.

<Discover the art of nursing>

“You can be an angel in white too”

<Find joy and happiness in life through nursing>

“The Crown Prince ensures full compensation!”


They swallowed hard.

The salary offered by the Crown Prince himself was enough to make anyone’s mouth water.

“Isn’t that on par with a decent job’s pay? And they’re willing to give it just for nursing patients?”

Everyone’s thoughts aligned.

It’s worth a shot. It’s practically free money. Plus, with the Crown Prince as the employer, there won’t be any salary issues.

“Honey, I’ve made up my mind.”


“It turns out my childhood dream might have been to become a nurse.”


The hearts of the spectators were filled with uncertainty and hesitation. They collectively experienced cognitive distortion and manipulated their own memories, altering the career aspirations they had cherished since childhood.

Adding to their wavering sentiments, the clever arrangement of the exhibition hall dealt a final blow to their uncertain hearts. A strategically placed booth labeled ‘Show Me the Nursing’ was set up near one of the hall’s exits.

[Nurse Selection Test Application]

…A sign on the table.

A never-ending line formed in front of it, with people even attempting to cut in. Fueled by the inflated expectation that nursing might not be too challenging and the allure of a generous and stable salary, they believed it was worth a try. Some hoped that this opportunity would improve their fortunes.

More than half of the exhibition’s visitors eagerly queued up to register their names for the nurse selection test. It was the outcome that everyone, including Raciel, had anticipated.

“Hehe, hehehe.”


“Hehehe, hahahaha.”


“Hehehehe, haha.”

“……Your Highness.”

“Ah, what is it?”

“Why are you so delighted?”

“Why shouldn’t I be?”

Raciel smiled widely and gestured toward the towering stack of documents on the table.

“Just look at how many candidates we have for the nurse selection test.”

He said to Demian.

“There must be talented individuals among them. With this influx of nursing staff, our clinic will operate smoothly. More patients will receive treatment efficiently and recover from their illnesses.”

In return, he would gain an extended lifespan, living for a thousand years with the additional time.

“Why shouldn’t I be delighted?”

“I understand…”

Demian admired Raciel wholeheartedly.

The Crown Prince he served was no ordinary person. He sincerely strived to treat patients without seeking any compensation. Hiring more nurses was a noble endeavor aimed at healing and bringing happiness to more patients.

‘What an exceptional individual.’

Slightly misunderstanding the situation, Demian nodded in agreement. Ignoring the misunderstanding, Raciel’s smile grew even more proud. The days passed with their mismatched smiles. The five-day exhibition came to an end.

And on the sixth day.

The ‘Show Me The Nursing’ professional nurse selection competition, sponsored and organized by the Crown Prince himself, took place at the Star Palace. Surprisingly, the method employed was quite simple.

“Now, attention! Gather numbers 1 through 50!”

In the square outside the Star Palace gates, hundreds of applicants congregated. Among them, those assigned numbers 1 to 50 came together. A guardsman addressed them.

“We will now commence the first task of the nurse selection exam. The first task is ‘Charge, to the Interview Hall’.”


The applicants tilted their heads in confusion. What was this nonsense? However, the guardsman’s subsequent explanation offered no mercy.

“Starting here, you will follow a designated course through the garden and proceed to the main building of the Star Palace, where the interview hall is located. However, the course is approximately 3 kilometers long, and only the first 10 people to swiftly reach the main building will be eligible to take the interview test.”


“Excuse me?”

“Wait, what about the other 40?”

The startled applicants inquired. The guardsman cut them off sharply.

“The remaining individuals who don’t make it into the top 10 will be eliminated.”


This was absurd. They had come for a nursing examination, so why were they being subjected to a physical test? Confusion engulfed everyone. But then, the starting signal abruptly sounded.



And so, it all began from that moment.

50 individuals sprinted frantically, without discrimination based on gender or age. Shortly after, the top 10 winners emerged.

“…gasp! pant! pant!”

“cough! cough!”


The 10 winners, somewhat ceremoniously, stumbled into the interview room. There, Raciel and Gardin greeted them. Gardin addressed the applicants.

“You have all worked hard to reach this stage. Now, we will proceed with the next task.”

The candidates were not given a moment to catch their breath. Gardin pointed towards the 10 tables arranged in the spacious room.

“On each table, you will find six different types of medicinal herbs.”

Indeed, as he had stated. Gardin continued his explanation.

“One of these six herbs has been improperly stored and has deteriorated. Your second task is to identify the spoiled herb using your sight, smell, and touch.”

“Uh, okay, understood……”

Still panting, the candidates took their positions at the tables, their faces flushed and perspiring, straining to identify the spoiled herb.

In the midst of their efforts, something unexpected occurred.

“…pant! pant! gasp! groan……”

Perhaps due to pushing himself too hard during the race, a burly applicant began to waver, relying on the table for support. Suddenly, with no one to catch him, he collapsed and fell to the ground.


The table toppled over, scattering the herbs in every direction. The other nine candidates flinched at the sudden commotion. All eyes turned to the fallen man, but the concern only lasted for a brief moment. The candidates exchanged glances.

‘Is he okay…?’

‘What’s happening? Why isn’t anyone helping him?’

‘Shouldn’t the guards or someone from the palace assist him?’

‘Where is the organizing committee?’

Anxiety filled their darting eyes. Uncertainty raced through their hearts. Yet, the candidates soon realized that, apart from themselves, nobody seemed to care about the collapsed man.


Silence fell. An unspoken consensus formed among them. After all, this was a competition. The fallen man was unfortunate, but it was a part of the competition.

From that moment onwards, the nine candidates stopped paying attention to the fallen man. They redirected their focus to the herbs before them. Raciel smirked at the sight, exchanging a knowing glance with Gardin.

“That will suffice. Let’s conclude here.”


The candidates flinched at Gardin’s words. They hadn’t even identified the spoiled herb yet. Confusion clouded their eyes, but Raciel paid them no heed. He had seen everything he needed to.

Gardin made an official announcement.

“We have observed your efforts in identifying the herbs. That will be all. We will inform you of the results at a later time. You have all worked hard.”


With bewildered expressions, the nine candidates left the interview room. Some held onto a glimmer of hope, believing they might have passed.

Once all the applicants had exited the room, the man who had previously fainted rose up, seemingly unscathed. It was Demian.

“Phew, fortunately, they all fell for it.”

“Indeed. I was slightly concerned because you seemed excessively dramatic during your collapse.”

“Did I?”

“Yes, it felt somewhat awkward.”


“You should work on your acting skills. If you’re going to do it, do it properly.”


“Anyway, thanks to everyone falling for it, the evaluation has been made clear.”

“So, what happens to the nine individuals who just participated?”

“They all failed.”

Raciel stated matter-of-factly.

“They passed the basic physical test. Taking care of patients requires much more physical strength than one might imagine. It becomes even more challenging when you have to attend to multiple individuals rather than just one or two. However, the issue arose during the second task.”

“No one paid attention to me.”

“Yeah, at first, they were cautious, but soon they stopped caring. There was someone who had collapsed right next to them. But they shouldn’t act that way. You can acquire the knowledge to distinguish medicinal herbs and other skills through education…”

“So, you’re saying their existing character is more important.”

“Yes, exactly.”

Placing others before oneself, an altruistic and dedicated mindset. Raciel believed that was perhaps the greatest virtue of a nurse.

“People tend to reveal their true nature when pushed to their limits. Just like now. They were physically exhausted, struggling to breathe. In that situation, they felt the psychological pressure and competitiveness to pass the nurse selection exam.”

“So, their true nature was exposed.”

“Exactly. They dismissed the collapsed person, not as someone to care for, but as a competitor. That’s not right. It’s not fitting for someone who aspires to become a nurse.”

In reality, the true task in the interview room was a test of character and qualities. The medicinal herbs placed on each table? They were all in perfect condition. There was no herb that had been stored improperly and deteriorated. It was, in fact, a hidden camera test to assess the applicants’ character.

“And at the same time, all the special guard members have been taking turns in mixing with the physical test applicants. How did it feel to run 3 kilometers?”

“It was easy.”

“I’m sure it was. By now, Sergio is probably among the next 50 applicants running.”

Most likely, that was the case.

In the next group, another special guard gladiator would be among them, and in the following group, the next gladiator in line would participate. They would be among the first ten to arrive. And they would test the character of the remaining nine by feigning a collapse, just as Demian had done.

“Keep up the good work. And don’t forget to change your disguise.”


Demian departed. A mischievous smile appeared on Raciel’s face.

“Now, let’s see everyone’s true character!”

The test continued thereafter. However, the results were disappointing.

“What is this?”

After the interviews concluded, Raciel, who remained in the interview room, felt incredulous. Not a single applicant had paid attention to the collapsed special guard.

He had expected at least a few to express concern. He wondered if this was the level of empathy in this era. Truly, unbelievably, shockingly, not a single person had cared for the collapsed individual!

“…Sigh, is this real?”

Raciel let out a deep sigh.

‘I suppose the test mattered more to them than the collapsed person. But regardless, this is a somewhat bitter outcome.’

A bitter laughter escaped him. He even began to ponder if the pessimistic viewpoint held some truth.

‘So, what should I do? Should I select a few reasonable applicants from the participants?’

However, he quickly shook his head. No, that wouldn’t be right. It would be far better to train the palace maidens and attendants who were currently fulfilling the role of nurses.

‘We wouldn’t have organized this selection competition if we were going to choose mediocre candidates.’

That was not the purpose of the selection event. Raciel’s desire was to find genuinely exceptional candidates.

‘But what can I do? Almost everyone in the city who might be interested in nursing probably attended today.’

Was there not a single outstanding applicant? Was there no truly reliable candidate to whom he could entrust the patients? The problem gnawed at him. His head throbbed. He felt the need to take a walk and breathe in some fresh air.

‘Should I take a walk?’

He strolled through the garden with Demian. Perhaps due to his sense of regret,his feet naturally led him towards the outer gate of the palace, the very place where the ‘Show Me The Nursing’ applicants had gathered. As he reached the gate, a somewhat peculiar scene unfolded before him.

“Please let me in. Huh? I want to participate in the test too. I submitted my application, so why can’t I enter?”

“I’ve already told you multiple times. Only humans are eligible.”

“But I’m also…!”

“Hey, do you think you can raise your voice here? Do you need to be forcibly removed to come to your senses?”


There was commotion outside the gate for some reason.

‘What’s happening?’

Judging by the voices, it involved a young woman and a man. The woman was protesting while the man reprimanded her. From the conversation, it seemed…

‘The woman is an applicant, and the man seems to be a gate guard.’

Despite having submitted her application, she was denied entry. She couldn’t participate in the test because she wasn’t human.

‘What’s going on? Did someone get turned away at the entrance without me knowing?’

Considering how valuable every candidate was, how could they dare to do that? Feeling a deep and profound irritation, Raciel quickened his pace. Finally, as he reached the gate, he witnessed the applicant who had been turned away for ‘not being human’.


Raciel’s eyes widened at the sight of the applicant.

(To be Continued)

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