Creation: A Scifi-LitRPG Worldbuilding Story

Holy Scripture #3

...and that is how deductive logic works. It is about taking larger theories and placing them on smaller situations or scenarios. For instance, if all men are mortals, and Joe is a man, then Joe must be mortal. Simple and yet profound at the same time.

The last sixty pages have taught you quite a bit. From basic math(s), to algebra and geometry. From the greatest of punctuation marks, the all-powerful comma, to how paper is created and books are bound. From governments and philosophy, architecture and standardized sewing, basic evolution and magical. I have taught you much in this writing, but I'm afraid we're already coming to a close on most of my writing implement. If I had known that I would write a scripture for a burgeoning religious text, I would've brought a serious amount of paper. Alas, my hindsight is still mortal after all. Do not worry, the moment the crisis of creation begins to settle down, I will expand on this.

For now, let us focus on how we, as a religion and not individuals, will operate. There was a grand story from my world, wherein a council of high-level fighters ran a spatial policing force for the good of the universe. They were barred from having children, and were taught from a very young age to control and often negate any form of emotion. I know it is a story and not a true one at that, because multiple high-level fighters agreeing on something for the common-good of a massive amount of people is almost impossible. They were wrong, and we are not them.

There was another story, of how two people represented an entire race of fighters. Throughout their history, they have indulged in their passions and fought against what they perceived as the "weak" or the "coddled" of their universe. They built grand empires, destroyed others, and ultimately fell from grace and through corruption. Betrayals were common and only the strong prevailed. They were wrong, and we are not them as well.

Both the two representatives, and the council, are inventions of an imagination far greater than mine. The writer told stories where time and again he would pit these two civilizations against each other for the entertainment of the reader. These fictions encased great moments of triumph and conflict, heartache and loss, and inspirationally moved me as a child. They represented a grand idea of what a civilized society could be, and what it would take to bring one down. There's a quote from my world that applies to why I just taught you about them, "Good artists copy, great minds steal."

And thus, we will take from the greatest of stories and religions my old planet held, to build a foundation for what is needed for Symphony.

Each high-level Horizon Chaser will mentor those below them. If your path has crossed similar intersections with a younger member, one who has a real potential that you have belief in, then it is your duty to help them gain self-suffiency in their path. Be a trail maker for their route up the Unending Summit, not the trail. Guide them to the signage with a pointed finger, and not an unearned map. Each path is our own to walk, and only we can truly grow from our own ordeals.

Each junior Horizon Chaser will seek a mentor for the right path to elevation. Do not attempt to force them to take you on, as that may lead to an early grave and the shrugged shoulders of all who watch it occur. Your mentor's relationship with you will not be individually scrutinized or regulated. If they decide you are no longer worth the effort and choose to move on, then that is that. Place yourself into a position of value for your mentor, and see them guide you to a new plateau.

Some members may be chosen to be "Watchers." For reference, only those who follow the Unending Summit will be allowed this option, and it is in fact a choice and not a form of forced servitude. There is a unique selection process involving the Zenith and/or me and my assistants on who will be given the choice. Those selected will likely always be the Chasers who follow the intended spirit of the Unending Summit, and have a proven track record with their juniors progressing down their paths. Unique bonuses and gifts may be given to Watchers who perform their tasks faithfully.

The purpose of Watchers is prescribed and greatly valued. They will be on the lookout for great moments in the world of Symphony, be they positive or negative. Or in the limited eyes of mortals, good or bad. When they view a citizen of Symphony perform a great feat, they will have the option to reward said citizen with unique blessings. Some may receive nothing more than a little bit of Symphonic currency, while others may receive a unique title that only they can hold. It all depends on the achievement of the citizen. Be great, be terrible, but always strive to improve yourself one way or another.

It is not up to us to tell a person whether the path they are choosing is right or wrong. Leave that up to the institutions that will naturally form across the map of the world. Those two representatives, whom I mentioned just a moment ago, were just as necessary to the welfare of their galaxy as the council was with its misguided notions. It is often said, you have to destroy in order to create. If you feel morally self-righteous, and begin to burn all of those around you who don't hold up to the values which you proclaim to be the best, then you never give them the chance to reach the end of their road. You never grant them the time to find their own path in helping to form Symphony's relatively young history.

I'm not saying don't stand in front of those who intend to do a great evil if you feel that you need to, but I do ask that you first try to look at the bigger idea of what is happening. My father used to say, "There are three truths in an argument. Your truth, their truth, and the real truth." Attempt to find the "real truth" and you will be much better off as a person.

As I only have a limited amount of space left in my writing implement, I'm going to write a series of breakdowns in basic hygiene and healthcare, so every Chaser will know self-aid buddy care, or SABC. Cleaning yourself is paramount. Nobody wants to smell you as you walk by......

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