Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch8- Training Begins!

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"Hello, I am Tadashi! I will be your Martial Arts Instructor for the time being. " A well-built man said from where he was sitting. He was on his knees and looked intimidating. Momo and Mokami were sitting across from him. "I will teach you mixed martial arts that can help you in various situations. After all, real life is not like staged fights.  Your opponents can use many tricks and you should be ready to counter them all, thus you will learn multiple arts, and we will spar regularly to instill them in your muscles.

"Hai, sensei! " Mokami and Momo said at the same time.

"Good! Now, why don't you introduce yourselves to me? " Tadashi said with a smile.

"I am Yaoyorozu Momo, I am four years old, and I would like to be a great heroine one day! " Momo started.

"Mokami, I am her brother and would also like to be a great hero! " Mokami followed.

"So! You two want to be heroes. It's not an easy path to take, you know? If you make it, then you are considered a celebrity, and everyone will know who you are. Your friends may envy you, your enemies may hate you, and the media will harass you. Not to mention all the fighting villains. So, you have to be prepared for all of that, really. " Tadashi said.

"Don't worry! " Mokami said. "We are ready! To be a hero for the sake of others is a good thing!

"Hai! " Momo added.

"Well, that is the spirit! " Tadashi said with a smile. "Now, I will teach you Martial Arts from now on, and you will do your best to master them all.

"I will give it my all, sensei! " Mokami said.

"As will I, sensei! " Momo cutely followed suit.

"That is a good start! I will now teach you a few methods that can help you if you were attacked. First off, you must be sure you'll block the attack correctly. The enemy will not give you a second chance and so you must absolutely be sure that you do it right. That is the most important advice that I can give you, so remember it! Always be aware of your surroundings, understand?

"Hai, sensei! " Mokami and Momo said.

"The first thing you have to do is get away from the enemy as soon as possible. A fight is useless if you do not need to fight them. Once you have enough distance, you can start looking for ways to counterattack. The best way to counter is to strike where it hurts the most. Eyes are weak points, so you should aim for them. Also, you should aim for the joints of your enemy, breaking them. I will show you an example. " Tadashi said and placed a martial arts dummy. "Now, watch closely!  This is an effective attack to strike the dummy, and quickly attack weak points to neutralize your enemy.

'Mokami, Momo you are both doing great. ' Mika thought as she watched the two of them train. She was very proud of her children. They were really growing up. Mokami was going to be a great hero one day, she just knew it. Mika was going to watch over him and support him.


A few months passed and Tadashi had already finished teaching Momo and Mokami a few basic moves. He had also finished basic self-defense for both of them. They had begun their first session of sparring and were taking to it quite well. Mika was right. Mokami wasn't like other children. He acted like an adult that was determined to do anything necessary to protect his family. It made her proud and sad at the same time. Sad because he had to cast away his childhood. Proud because he was so considerate.

Tadashi then struck the dummy with his knee, breaking it. He then disarmed the dummy with a kick.

"You see, the knee is an effective way to attack the dummy, but you should punch it with your fist if you want to keep your mobility. That's the best way to do it if you don't want to give away your steadiness. " Tadashi said as he grabbed the dummy's head and placed it back. "Now, repeat after me. Leg, fist.

"Leg, fist. " Momo started.

"Fist, knee. " Mokami continued.

"Leg, fist, knee, kick," Tadashi said.

"Leg, fist, knee, kick! " Momo happily followed.

"Good job! Now, let's try to do it with the dummy. If you do it right, the dummy head should come off, and you should break one of its joints. " Tadashi said and placed the dummy again, and made them both repeat.


Months flew by and Tadashi had already finished teaching Momo and Mokami a few basic moves. He had also finished basic self-defense for both of them. They had begun their first session of sparring and were taking to it quite well.  Tadashi noticed that Mokami wasn't like other children and had great discipline despite his young age. He also supported his sister and both of them were already working hard.

"Now, I will show you an example. Watch closely. " Tadashi said. He grabbed a dummy and knocked it over his shoulder.

"Uh? Tadashi, weren't you supposed to show us how to knock the dummy's head off? " Mokami asked.

"I will show you how to do it. Be patient! " Tadashi calmly said. "Now, watch.  Aim your fast kick to detach the head and loosen the joints, then take the fast kick to the knee to detach it, then again to the elbow to break it, then again to the shoulder to detach it. Repeat. " Tadashi said.

"Let's do it! " Mokami cheerfully said. "Leg, fist.

"Leg, fist. " Momo followed.

"Fist, knee," Tadashi said.

"Leg, fist, knee, kick. " Mokomi too repeated.

"Good, now that we covered the basics, we will continue with the advanced arts. Starting with Muay Thai. " Tadashi said as he put the dummy away.

"Wow! Cool! " Mokami said as he saw the things Tadashi showed.

"Now, you will sit on this mat and watch me as I give you my bits of advice. You will then practice by yourself in your own time. " Tadashi then sat across the mat that Mokami and Momo were sitting on.

"Yes, sensei! " Mokami and Momo said at the same time.

"First off, Muay Thai is a simple yet effective martial art that can be used in battles. It is a very effective way of landing a punch without getting injured. " Tadashi started.

"A technique that can be used in battle? That's good! " Mokami expressed.

"Yes, it is. So, the key to hitting your enemy is your stance. " Tadashi said as he stood in front of Mokami.

"Muay Thai is a martial art developed in Thailand. It is a fierce martial art, and it's a martial arts style that uses the foot, fist, knee, and elbow to attack the opponent. I also have another art that I will teach you after Muay Thai. It is called Karate and is a martial art developed in Japan. It focuses on using the hands and feet to attack the opponent. Now, follow me. " Tadashi said and walked to the ground. "We start with Muay Thai.

Mokami and Momo both followed Tadashi to the ground.

"First, you must realize that Muay Thai is a martial art that is heavily aggressive.  You must instantly close your distance from your opponent and attack with fast kicks and other strikes. Watch me. " Tadashi said and demonstrated a few advanced moves to widen kids' horizons.

"Wow! Amazing! " Momo said.

"Now, follow my movements," Tadashi said and showed the way to execute the technique.

"Yes, sensei! " Mokami said and repeated after him.

"Very good! Keep it up! " Tadashi said and went back to the mat and prepared to show more techniques.

Mokami and Momo tried to copy their sensei.

"Now, you do it with one another. Remember to foot your opponent before he or she does it. Okay, ready? " Tadashi asked as Mokami and Momo nodded. "Good. You start, Mokami.

"Hai! " Mokami said and immediately lunged at Momo. He started punching and kicking as fast as he could. He was punching and kicking at Momo, trying to do as much damage as he could.  Momo, in the beginning, wasn't as eager as Mokami, thus she would easily get overpowered, but as the days went by, she too started to adapt and fight back. Now, they could spar for tens of minutes without one side losing.

"Alright, it is enough for the day. Remember, rest is as important as practice, so don't train too much and eat well. " Tadashi smiled and left.  Momo and Mokami smiled and spared once again while Mika shook her head helplessly from the gazebo that could see the training ground.

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