Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch229- All Might & Fat Gum vs …

Hello you all! I hope you are doing great! I will post the final chapter of this novel to Patreon today, and in 20 days here too. It has been a long journey and I would like to thank you all! I hope you like the novel and will enjoy how it ended. I love you all and wish you best!

"All right, Toshinori," All Might murmured to himself, the name a reminder of his mortal limitations despite the aura of invincibility he projected. He eyed the Titan Nomu, its size fluctuating erratically, while the Glue Nomu writhed and squirmed, a sticky substance oozing from its form.

With a deep breath, he dashed toward the Titan Nomu, fists clenched and ready. He delivered a powerful punch, his remaining strength sending the Nomu reeling. "Can't handle the punch, can you?" he taunted, grinning despite the strain he felt.

The Titan Nomu roared, its size doubling. A massive fist came crashing down, but All Might twisted, using his momentum to dodge and land a series of blows against its arm. He could feel his punches not having the usual impact, the remnants of One For All just a whisper of what it once was.

The Glue Nomu lunged, spewing a torrent of sticky substance towards him. All Might somersaulted, avoiding the adhesive but landing close to the creature. He threw a punch, his fist sinking into its gooey body, which absorbed the blow without damage.

"Slippery, aren't you?" All Might muttered, retracting his hand from the sticky grasp of the Glue Nomu.

A sudden onslaught of the adhesive caught him off guard, binding his foot to the ground. He grimaced, yanking his foot free, but not before Titan Nomu lunged, landing a heavy punch that sent him skidding across the battlefield.

Panting, he dusted himself off and charged again. This time, he aimed for the Titan Nomu's legs, intending to topple the giant. His fist connected, but the creature barely flinched. He frowned, realizing he'd need a new strategy.

"Alright," he murmured to himself. "Let's try something different."

He turned his attention to the Glue Nomu. The creature seemed to be the more dangerous of the two, given its immobilizing adhesive and elusive form. If he could neutralize it, he might stand a chance against the Titan.

Mustering his strength, All Might leapt at the Glue Nomu. The creature anticipated his attack and formed a wall of adhesive to shield itself. But All Might was already on the move. He twisted mid-air, landing a powerful kick on the creature's side. The Nomu wobbled but quickly regained its balance.

But the Glue Nomu took advantage of his distraction, immobilizing his leg with a sudden onslaught of adhesive. The Titan Nomu, recovering, sent a punch flying towards All Might.

Gritting his teeth, All Might tore his foot free, the action causing him to stumble. The Titan Nomu's punch connected, and All Might was sent sprawling.

"All right, you two," he growled, slowly picking himself up. "Let's finish this."

"All Might, heads up!" Mirko's voice echoed over the tumult. All Might turned just in time to see a shockwave headed his way, courtesy of one of the Nomus Mirko was battling. His years as a pro hero kicked in, and he swiftly dodged, the shockwave instead hitting Titan and Glue Nomus.

"Good timing, Mirko!" He called back, using the momentary distraction to his advantage. With a burst of speed, he charged at the Titan Nomu. The beast tried to increase its size but was still recovering from the shockwave and couldn't react in time.

Using the last vestiges of his power, All Might delivered a powerful uppercut that sent the Titan Nomu flying. He didn't miss a beat, pivoting to face the Glue Nomu. The creature tried to ensnare him with its adhesive but was too slow. All Might gripped the Nomu's arm and, with a forceful pull, tore it away from the ground.

"You're next," he growled at the Glue Nomu. Despite its flexibility and the adhesive covering its body, All Might held on, relying on sheer strength and determination. His free hand shot forward, clamping a gravity-bound bracelet onto the creature. "Mokami’s work. You’re not getting out of this.”

With a press of a button, the bracelet activated, and the Glue Nomu collapsed under the sudden weight. Its gooey form struggled against the force but was effectively immobilized.

All Might didn't wait to celebrate. He was already sprinting toward the Titan Nomu who was just recovering from his uppercut. "Don't think I've forgotten about you, big guy," he yelled.

As the Nomu started to grow, All Might was already in the air, a gravity-bound bracelet in hand. He landed on the Nomu’s shoulder, grappling to keep his footing on the creature’s growing form.

"Gotcha!" All Might yelled, slapping the second bracelet onto the Titan Nomu. Like its counterpart, the Nomu immediately started to shrink under the increased gravity. It tried to swat at All Might, but its movements were sluggish and slow.

With a satisfied grin, All Might leaped off the incapacitated Nomu, landing deftly on the ground. The battlefield was silent for a moment, the only sound was the labored breathing of the heroes.

"All Might!" Mirko's voice broke the silence. She was on the other side of the battlefield, a triumphant look on her face. The two Nomus she had been fighting were incapacitated, bracelets locked onto their wrists. She gave him a thumbs-up, "Looks like we did it!"

He chuckled, returning her gesture, "Well done, Mirko.

As the first wave of debris settled, Fat Gum, the Shield Hero, squared off against Rikiya. His sizable body rippled and bulged, ready to take on any incoming attack. Across the destroyed entrance, All Might and Mirko faced the ominous figures of the Nomus.

Fat Gum's round face broke into a grin, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "Let's show 'em what we're made of," he declared, slamming his enlarged fists together. Rikiya, standing at an imposing height, watched on silently, a cruel smirk gracing his features.

The fight broke out with an explosive burst of energy. Fat Gum charged towards Rikiya, his enormous body moving with surprising speed. With a resounding clash, their fists met, creating a shockwave that sent dust and debris swirling around them.

"Is that all you've got, hero?" Rikiya sneered, unfazed by the onslaught. He lunged forward, throwing a powerful punch that Fat Gum was quick to block with his arm. The surrounding landscape shook from the impact, but Fat Gum's form didn't waver.

A loud crash from behind drew their attention momentarily. It was All Might, grappling with a behemoth of a Nomu. Nearby, Mirko was locked in combat with another monstrous figure. However, their battles remained in the background, the focus remained on Fat Gum and Rikiya.

"No idle chatter during a fight," Fat Gum grunted, pushing back against Rikiya's fist. "It's unbecoming of a true warrior."

The air around them was heavy with anticipation, the rumble of the ongoing battles serving as a relentless backdrop to their fight. Sweat beaded on Fat Gum's forehead as he drew back, readying for the next move.

"Bring it on, hero!" Rikiya challenged, his tone filled with mockery.

"Be careful what you wish for," Fat Gum replied with a grin, his body starting to absorb the energy of the attacks. With a swift movement, he lunged forward, landing a powerful punch on Rikiya's torso. The impact sent Rikiya staggering back, a look of surprise crossing his features.

"I told you," Fat Gum chuckled, standing his ground, "I absorb and repurpose."

"No more games, hero!" he growled, charging toward Fat Gum once more.

Fat Gum merely nodded, his grin never leaving his face. "That's the spirit."

Rikiya glowered at Fat Gum, sucking in a deep breath. The air around him shimmered as he used his Quirk to siphon away the stamina of those around him. His body swelled in size, muscles bulging and eyes glowing with malicious intent.

Fat Gum remained unfazed, standing his ground even as the ground quivered under Rikiya's amplified strength. "Bigger ain't always better, y'know!" Fat Gum retorted, spreading his arms wide as if welcoming the impending attack.

Rikiya roared, launching himself at Fat Gum. Their clash rattled the battlefield, a shockwave of raw power radiating from their collision point. The sounds of Mirko's and All Might's fights momentarily drowned by the fierce exchange between Rikiya and Fat Gum.

Fat Gum absorbed the brunt of the impact, his form rippling with each successive blow from Rikiya. "Ain't too light on your feet, are ya?" he taunted, his grin never wavering as he took in the kinetic energy.

"Enough talk!" Fat Gum bellowed, a newfound intensity in his eyes. Ignoring the strain on his body, he plowed forward, meeting Rikiya head-on.

The ground shook as Rikiya retaliated, his bulk increasing with each inhalation, the stolen strength rippling across his body. His fist connected with Fat Gum's hefty form, but instead of being sent flying, Fat Gum just absorbed the impact, the energy being stored in his fat layers.

"All muscle, no technique," Fat Gum taunted, his smile growing wider despite the searing pain. His own body was dwindling, the stored kinetic energy being converted into muscle. But his spirit was far from diminished.

Around them, the battle raged on. All Might's grunts echoed as he clashed with a Nomu, their massive forms a blur of power and determination. Further away, Mirko danced around another Nomu, her agility matching the creature's brutish strength.

Returning his focus to his opponent, Fat Gum charged, using the kinetic energy he had stored to fuel his punch. Rikiya was taken aback, the force of the blow sending him stumbling back.

"I don't just absorb blows," Fat Gum declared, charging again, "I give 'em back tenfold!"

With a primal roar, Fat Gum launched himself at Rikiya, his slimmed down figure a stark contrast to his opponent's hulking form. Their collision sent a shockwave rippling across the battlefield, the force making even the battling Nomus pause momentarily.

Rikiya struggled to regain his footing, his size dwindling as Fat Gum's onslaught continued. He swung wildly, but Fat Gum easily dodged, his agility enhanced by his decreased size.

The tide was turning. Fat Gum moved with an air of certainty, his strength bolstered by his determination. He lunged, landing another hard punch on Rikiya, who grunted, stumbling backwards.

"Not so tough now, huh?" Fat Gum taunted, holding up a pair of gravity bracelets.

Rikiya's eyes widened in alarm, but it was too late. Fat Gum lunged, slapping the bracelets onto Rikiya's wrists. There was a flash of light, and then Rikiya was forced onto his knees, his hulking form struggling against the amplified pull of gravity.

"End of the line," Fat Gum declared, standing tall over the subdued villain. In the distance, All Might and Mirko continued their fights, their determination unyielding. But for now, one opponent was down, and it was a victory they sorely needed.

"Fat Gum captures Rikiya!" Mirko announced, her voice carrying over the din of the ongoing battles. A cheer rose from the heroes, their spirits lifted by this initial triumph.

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