Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 695 The Last God

After Ridisti's death, all the priests of the entire Church of the Tundra God lost their power.

The army of the Kingdom of Kuin, which was many times stronger than before, drove straight in, and it took only a dozen days to conquer the entire Church of the God of Tundra. However, the place is really barren, so the kingdom of Kuin has not gained much.

But this can be regarded as the only territorial expansion in the Land Abandoned by God for thousands of years, so the significance to the Kuin Kingdom is far more than harvesting a barren land.

At the same time, during this attack, the Kuin Kingdom's army demonstrated extraordinary combat effectiveness.

Every soldier wears fine armor, and every warrior in an army holds enchanted weapons that greatly increase their combat ability.

Moreover, among the army of the Kingdom of Kuin, there is still a combat spellcasting group, which is in stark contrast to the army of the Church of the God of Tundra without spellcasters.

Under the ebb and flow, the Church of the God of Frozen Earth was captured in only a dozen days.

However, there were not many priests in Ridisti, and most of his believers were alien races with some fighting power, so it was beyond Roland's expectations to be able to fall so quickly.

This shows that under the leadership of the Magic Council, the Land Abandoned by the Gods has been developed for more than two hundred years, and its own strength is actually very strong. As long as there is no hindrance from the gods, it is now qualified to compete for hegemony on the mainland.

Now the most elite legion in the entire Land Abandoned by God is no longer Roland's King's Wing Knights, but the legion directly under the Magic Council.

The legion has a total of 100,000 people. Considering the size of the Magic Council, it seems a bit small, but the quality of the legion is very high.

60,000 infantry, including 25,000 heavy armored infantry, 25,000 light armored infantry, and 10,000 engineers.

40,000 cavalry, including 20,000 six-horned beast heavy cavalry, 15,000 velociraptor light cavalry, and 5,000 griffin cavalry.

Every soldier's equipment has been strengthened by magic, and every set outside is hard to find, which can be said to be extremely luxurious.

In addition to the luxurious equipment, their training is also top-notch. Every year, a large number of soldiers are eliminated, and the eliminated soldiers are assigned to various cities to maintain law and order.

Those who remained in the legion were all the best soldiers, and only the Magic Council could afford such a legion.

With such a luxurious army configuration, the combat power is naturally top-notch, but they haven't had the chance to play yet, but their first battle will definitely shock the mainland.


Dragon Island.

A ray of flame suddenly appeared, and Horn's figure appeared.

Three dragon gods, I have fulfilled my promise, will you act with us this time?

The three dragon gods looked at each other and nodded together.

Humans, we are willing to join you, but we want to know what we can gain. Bahamut said in a deep voice.

You can share the wealth of those gods with us. After the gods fall, there should be new legendary dragons in the dragon clan. Finally, the dragon clan can survive in a world without gods!

Horn promised them.

Then, deal! The three dragons said at the same time.

Very few, three, this is a wise choice, because the general situation is with me now, and we will gather in the Magic Council in two months, and we will start the next hunt!

After speaking, Horn disappeared into the air.

After killing the first god, Horn knew that he had succeeded.

Now time is on his side, and this is what he originally conceived when he created the Magic Council.

It has been developing until the power of the church is irresistible, and then push it over.

He did not choose to hide in the dark and try to subvert the church's rule, because as long as the gods exist, this is impossible.

But the current situation tells him that his original idea was correct, as long as magic develops correctly, it can have infinite possibilities!


Two months later, another god fell, and a new legend was brewing.

Another month later, the gods tried to use their avatars to turn the situation around. Eleven legends fought against nearly a hundred priests who performed the god descending technique, but after all, the avatars and the main body were completely different.

Nearly a hundred gods all suffered huge losses. Most of the fourteen legends including Horn were seriously injured and their progress was hindered, but none of them died.

After a year of cultivation, the hunt continued, but the gods were powerless to stop it.

Then, the hunting continued, the gods fell one by one, and the local legends of Ceylon began to be born. Although the birth was slow, it was still increasing, and Horn and the others were constantly fighting with the gods, becoming is getting stronger and stronger.

Twenty years later, the Kingdom of God of the Church of the God of Thunder.

Because the God of Thunder is powerful, everyone put him last. This kingdom of God is several times larger than other kingdoms of God.

After everyone entered, the God of Thunder stood in the middle of the Kingdom of God and waited for them.

I have waited for twenty years, and it is finally my turn, but you will find that even if I am the only one, I am not something you can easily take down. Austin, the God of Thunder, said full of fighting spirit.

Horn's expression also became serious. This guy is right, he is not at the same level as other gods.

I have also fought against some powerful gods before, such as the god of war and the god of fire, but the oppressive force they bring is completely incomparable with the god of thunder.

I admit that you are very powerful. Maybe we were really unable to deal with you when we first hunted the gods, but every time we hunted the gods, we were stronger than before. The current us are completely different from the original us.

Roland drew his sword and pointed at Austin.

Whether it is strong or not, let's wait until you beat me.

Austin became extremely dazzling, as if he was Thunder himself, more like a super-enhanced version of the original Thunder Spirit state, this is the strongest state of his Thunder God!

Looking at the extremely powerful God of Thunder, Horn suddenly realized that he might be able to kill the current God of Thunder without the help of others!

After becoming a legend, the speed at which his strength improved was unimaginable!

The power of faith is illusory, but the gods can indeed rely on faith to improve their strength, otherwise they would not need to preach in Ceylon.

Although Horn is not a god, but the legendary powerhouse has some god characteristics. Horn is the leader of the coalition against the gods. In the past twenty years, the whole of Ceylon has been mobilized to fight against the gods and the church.

Although the desire of all life cannot directly increase Horn's strength, it makes Horn's strength grow faster and faster!

After starting the God Slaughter Project, the Magic Council had a deep understanding of the gods and conducted in-depth research on the power of faith.

The final conclusion is that the power of faith has the greatest effect on the gods, but at the same time it is also poisonous to the gods. After the gods absorb a lot of power of faith, their own character and ability will change in the direction of the power of faith.

Although the legendary powerhouse will also be positively affected by the power of faith, the effect is much smaller, and there is no negative effect.

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