Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 673 Recovery

Except for Ilya and Arthur, the attacks against the church by others went smoothly.

Although the church has a large number of people, but after they are separated, their strength is much weaker.

Moreover, the people of Ceylon's will have been hiding in the dark, and they waited until the time was right to make a move, which caught the church by surprise.

While dealing with the silver-masked Lambert, Horn was observing the battle situation. Every time a treasure was taken away, one of the chains on those high platforms would be broken.

As more and more chains were broken, the feeling of ominousness became stronger and stronger. It seemed that when all the treasures on the high platform were taken away, the sealed Demon God would be freed.

With few chains left, Horn sent a message to all of Ceylon's Will.

Gathering in the center, I feel that the demon god inside is about to get out of trouble. If you don't hurry up and leave, it will be too late. The demon god has been sealed for thousands of years. When you get out of trouble, you must seek a blood sacrifice.

Afterwards, Horn turned his head to look at the silver-masked man who had been chasing after him. Now that he was ready to escape, it would be inappropriate for this guy to follow him.

After paying attention, the thunder light in Horn's left eye exploded, and the blue electric light began to spread outward, finally turning Horn into an electric man.

A large black cloud appeared out of thin air above him, just attached to the rock wall above, and countless thick lightning shot out from the dark cloud, wrapping around Horn's body.

At this moment, Horn's robes and flesh and blood hair disappeared completely, leaving only a human figure made entirely of lightning, with only a pure blue eye in the left eye!

Lambert looked at the current Horn in horror. After the superhuman strength reaches a certain level, due to the different levels of strength, they may show certain inhuman characteristics, but Horn's current appearance is no longer in that category.

He is hardly a human anymore!

This is the new form Horn obtained when he exploited the power of the Eye of Thunder to the extreme.

Horn has always been able to use this power. When he was a five-ring magician, he entered this state for a short time.

It's just that this power is too powerful, even he himself can't fully control this power, and he can't enter this state safely until Horn's Nine Rings.

It can be used for fighting is just a recent thing.

In this state, it was very easy for Horn to defeat the silver-masked man. He imitated Rex before, condensing countless lightning bolts into a lightning spear in his hand, and then threw the spear towards Lambert.

Lambert's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly mobilized his whole body's divine power to form a large silver shield around his body. This kind of shield has a slight spatial characteristic, and ordinary attacks can never penetrate it.

The spear passed Lambert's side, and the huge divine shield burst open. Lambert was ejected tens of meters away by the powerful lightning force, and one side of his body became burnt, but his life But it's not a big deal.

Although the blow did not kill Lambert, it frightened him out of courage. After he landed, the silver light under his feet flashed and disappeared from Horn's sight.

Horn didn't bother to chase after him. Even for him now, this state was a heavy burden. He relieved the lightning from his body and rubbed his shoulders.

Really, I shouldn't be throwing spears like others. How about I just use my mental power to control the shot? It turned out to be crooked. I, a nine-ring magician playing a fixed-point defense, actually shot crooked. This is terrible. Can't tell anyone.


Priest Jiuhuan, another god of space, was shocked when he saw Lambert escaped in distress, What's wrong with you, who can hurt you like this.

It's the guy who snatched our things before. He's too strong, beyond the normal limit of level nine! Lambert said through gritted teeth.

Impossible. Isn't the realm beyond the ninth level the realm of the gods? How can a mortal reach that level. The priest said in disbelief.

He has not stepped into the realm of the gods. It is impossible for someone in Ceylon to step into the realm of the gods, but he is indeed too powerful to control. We must eradicate him here, otherwise it will become a serious disaster in the future!

While healing the wounds on his body, Lambert said that no matter what church the pastor is, most of them will have some magic spells to heal people, which will help them spread the faith in Ceylon.

You said it all, how can you deal with him if he surpasses the ninth-level domain! the priest asked doubtfully.

God's descent! After my body recovers in a while, I will perform the god's descent and let Your Majesty personally deal with that guy! Lambert said with a gloomy look in his eyes.

But God's Arrival is not for dealing with...

That guy is more of a threat! Lambert said firmly.


After getting rid of Lambert, Horn began to gather people of Ceylon's will.

Now the entire third floor of the ruins is a mess, and the priests of the church are vigorously tracking the people of the Ceylon Will. Even though the Ceylon Will has the upper hand in individual strength, they are being chased and run around.

The pastors of these churches are not jealous. There are too many of them. They can't do anything to the people of Ceylon's will, but Ceylon's will can't defeat them.

This situation is different from what was expected before. It seems that the priests who came to the Ice Continent this time were not ordinary priests. They seemed to be very good at fighting together.

Apart from the initial panic, the people of Ceylon Will did not cause too many casualties to them.

These thousands of priests were definitely not recruited casually, but specially trained combat priests!

Do you need a battle priest for just one quest?

Except for Ilonier, no one else could get away easily, so Horn and Ilonil split up and went to help and brought everyone out. In the end, Arthur was the only one left. return.

At this moment, Arthur was taking turns with his long sword, making a fuss among the priests of the God of Strategy. He was chasing two ninth-level priests alone. The priests of the God of Strategy were good at doing some tricks, but the frontal combat power was scum , It is so hard to fight with the people of the God of Wealth Church.

Seeing that the crowd had gathered, Arthur stopped chasing and killing the priests, put away his long sword and rushed towards the gathering place.

At this time, the last chain was completely broken, and an extremely evil breath came from the underground in the center of the third floor.

Horn's heart skipped a beat. What else could have this kind of aura besides the demon god? That kind of aura is different from all the demon-like auras that Horn has felt so far, both in quality and quantity.

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