Dedication (Alpha)
Me, me
Its all about Meme
Like Mikasa Sucasa & Mimi
It’s all about you. You close the door. We enter the joint. Magazine on the floor. Mag in the closet. Skeletons on our shit list so choice is none at all. You load the mag into the gun. You put the gun under the jaw.
“Habsburg,” says Meme like the per-photographed say Cheese. Camera clicks…masterpiece. Magnum opus? Don’t matter, you’ve been mind-blown. You’ve experienced the mag in magnum opus and Methinks that magnum opus is mag’n’um opus ’n’ um opus is a story for another day. Today is all you. Mimi has no face. Mimi’s tongue is gone. Mimi is lean of words so lean on Meme. That’s purple. P in POV. POV thats not POV. Point of view is old news. It’s Purple Or Violet now. Pandemian Or Vulgar. Pop Or Ultraviolet. You are Pop. You are Pandemian. You are Purple.