Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Training Session + An Ambush!?

Toru’s body started lighting up like a disco ball with a large assortment of colors.

“MY EYES!!!!” A certain student screamed as Toru dashed towards the group of robots while generating a blinding amount of light.

She elbowed one robot in the chin and knocked it off its feet as the other four came after her. Toru jump in the air and split kicked two robots on the side of her before rolling forward and avoiding the two blows coming towards her from the remaining robots.

“Wow!!! Look at her go!” Ashido clapped.

“Make sure to keep using your quirk Toru.” Antoine said with Medic suddenly appearing next to him with no one realizing. “This is meaningless if you don’t strain your quirk to the absolute limit. Quirks can only improve through overuse and destruction. Kind of like how after an intense exercise your muscle fibers are repaired or replaced to make new stronger ones. Of course, you can strain your quirk without fighting at all but being placed in a precarious or life or death situation is much more effective in rapidly improving quirks.” Antoine explained.

Toru nodded her head as she kept bending light throughout her invisible body and generating a superb light show while fighting against the robots. She expertly dodged and agilely avoided most of the robot’s attacks but time was not on her side if she couldn’t figure out a way of disabling the training bots. She has limited stamina while the training bots could go on for nearly forever in comparison. Toru wasn’t able to put them in submissions and holds due to being outnumbered and her attacks were only good for incapacitating them for a few seconds. Her breathing was starting to become heavy, sweat was starting to soak into her uniform, and her light show dimmed in size. Antoine soon was capable of watching up close without his goggles at the size of her light refraction.

Aizawa looked at the boy and the sudden strange appearance of the middle-aged handsome doctor looking character next to him.

‘How does he know that…?’

“Various tests were done in the past on quirks. Some of those studies never reached the day of light while others managed to stay. The amount of fucked of shit people did in the name of science and progress is absolute disgusting. But what kind of retard would I be if I didn’t use that research for even greater findings and understanding!? Who doesn’t want to make their quirk stronger or to understand ways of training their own quirks? A god damn idiot is who!”

Aizawa walked over.

“Who are you? And how did you find this place?!” Aizawa questioned seriously while attempting to capture Medic in his cloth.

Medic ducked under the incoming attack and adjusted his glasses.

“Pardon me Mr. Aizawa. I am no one special and certainly not one that will be meaningful for you to capture. I have accompanied the Young Antoine and assumed that all would be fine. Is that a reasonable explanation for you?” He asked politely.

“Sensei, stop bothering my research.” Antoine said with his eyes focused on Toru’s training that was getting increasing difficult. “Medic is the only one here capable of treating and healing any serious injuries and I’m talking about beyond basic first aid. If you’re worried about someone finding out this place then I’m sorry to tell you that your defenses against this are horribly inadequate and complete shit. Especially adding the fact that there are only six pro heroes here for 41 students. With only one quirk useful in detection and she still didn’t manage to locate Medic.” Antoine said bluntly. “Maybe next time you plan a field trip for the student’s safety, you can fucking have real Pro Heroes on standby that can detect any threat, protect the students against all potential harm, and successfully crush any unseen or detected threats. Why would you even try to hide this in the first place? Isn’t this U.A.? The greatest hero school in Japan? Why the fuck are you scared of some villains?” He advised as Toru suffered a nasty hit to the chest and was knocked to the ground while her light was reduced to a tiny glow on the back of her palm getting dimmer and dimmer.

Aizawa was stunned at the boy’s harsh and brutal reply towards his and U. A’s method and plans for the forest lodge. He almost couldn’t retort back towards the scarily smart boy. He’d have to have a talk with the rest of the faculty regarding Antoine’s opinions.

“Regardless, of your opinion Neil. We can’t have strangers near the students whose capabilities and intent is unknown.” Aizawa replied.

“Think of him as my butler. Is that good enough for you? He’s on the same wavelength that Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow is but even more loyal.”

Aizawa’s eyes focused on the boy and Medic who was seriously staring at the completely haggard Toru. Toru managed to take out 2 of the training bots through quick wit against the bots. She slipped behind the robots so that they took out each other but once she got them down to three, they seemingly learned and she was unable to try the same trick on them a third time. The three training bots dashed at her already to pummel her into the ground while the light on her hand was apparently about to flicker out of existence. Her body was full of bruises and cuts as blood flowed over her uniform.

“I’m… not… done… yet…” She muttered, inaudible for everyone but herself. She struggled to form a fist for a few seconds while barely managing to take a step forward. “I… can.. still… take… one… more… down…” The three robot’s fists descended towards her and suddenly…. The flickering light on the back of Toru’s palm slowly grew into a blinding light that caused everyone to look away. Everyone could only hear the sound of mechanical destruction and Antoine’s “butler” shouting out.

“BRILLIANT!!!! IT’S AMAZING!!!!!” Medic exclaimed joyously.

A few seconds later the light faded away to reveal a fainted and injured Toru and three robots whose upper halves have been completely obliterated. Antoine grabbed Toru’s body with a scary smile on his face.

“IT SEEMS I WAS RIGHT AGAIN! HAHAHAHHAHA! YUGA YOU’RE UP NEXT BUD!” Antoine shouted excitedly as he and Medic took Yuga back inside.

Yuga showed an awkward smile.

“Plus Ultra training huh… If I can have my quirk become stronger then I’d be crazy to not do it… What kind of hero wouldn’t want to become stronger… and you can’t become truly strong without putting in the effort …” Yuga muttered with unwavering trust in Antoine.

Aizawa had the students do his training regimen while a very select few were interested in Antoine’s insane training method. Notably, Iida, Bakugou, Kirishima, and Midoriya. Although they didn’t say anything they seemed to be taking their training much more seriously than the others. Antoine would come back about half an hour later.

“How is she?” Yuga asked.

“She’s sleeping like a princess. She’ll be fine by tomorrow mostly.” Antoine answered. ‘She better be fucking fine with all that medical shit I crafted.’

“Alright I got the next robots ready. And even though I said you were next Yuga, I decided I’ll go next. Seeing my cute friend Toru fighting so determinedly and heroically really lit a fire into my soul as the future #1 Pro Hero. Even if I hate pain and physical labor, I can’t have you two fuckers showing me up. How could I claim myself as the future #1 Pro Hero if I can’t even go through a little training?” Antoine said as 5 training bots built of different material than Toru’s training bots stood in front of him.

These bots were made of metal that Antoine couldn’t easily chew through and would force his teeth to shatter or break off in the metal to regrow another set of teeth. So ultimately Antoine was forcibly putting his quirk, body, pain tolerance, and mind to the test as he forced his body to dodge and attack whenever he had the chance.


“I really don’t wanna do this anymore….” Antoine whined with his body full of bruises and the inside of his mouth bleeding. “I wanna play video games… I wanna go eat… I wanna go to sleep… this hurts…” He spat out some blood as four robots came after him again. “It hurts!!!!!!” He cried out as he forcibly made his teeth regrow and chomp off one of the robot’s arm while also being punched in the arm and knocked a few feet away. He laid on the ground hissing through his mouth (toothless) and holding his arm. “I’m going to cry. I think he just broke my arm….” Antoine said with just his gums.

He slowly forced himself back on his feet as his left arm became limp. A faint tear could be seen slowly falling down his face as he ran towards the robots. The robots attacked together and Antoine managed to narrowly dodge their attacks as he grabbed the arm he bit off earlier. He then smashed the closest robot up the head with his one good arm and repeatedly smashed its head into pieces before getting kicked in the chest by another robot and sliding backwards again, coughing up blood this time.

“Am I done yet Medic…. I don’t think this training thing is really meant for me… I feel like he just kicked my lungs into the dark dimension….” Antoine whined even more as his body slowly forced itself up once more.

“At the pace you’re going now, one or two more hits should be enough for forceful training cancellation.” He said.

“Thank Cthulhu, Zeus, Barbie, and all the other celestials in heaven.” Antoine muttered as he slowly walked towards the remaining 3 robots in a dazed and exhausted state. He wasn’t even looking towards the robot as they came for him.

He sniffed once, and his head lowered, dodging the robot’s punch. He sniffed twice, and he uppercutted the second robot off its feet. He sniffed a third time and his teeth grew three layers inside his mouth as Antoine turned around with his mouth open. His head and mouth slightly increased in size as the robot’s fist went into his mouth.


The robot’s hand was bit off and Antoine chewed and swallowed it whole before being hit upside the back of the head and knocked unconscious. The robots ceased all movement after Antoine went unconscious and the wheeling medical bot lifted Antoine over its body and took him inside.

“Patient acquired!” It said happily in a robotic voice.

Yuga was fighting against a separate group of training bots and he managed to take out 4 of them before failing to defeat the final one. Although near the end his laser seemed to have lasted a bit longer than it usually could. The trio were all being taken care of by Medic and the tiny wheeling bot and missed out on the curry feast. They wouldn’t awaken until the next day around time for the test of courage.

“I feel like shit……” Antoine complained seemingly completely healed, along with Toru and Yuga.

“I never felt better!” Toru contrasted Antoine’s negative attitude.

“I also feel great..” Yuga added after doing a few shadow punches.

“All right, the first class to be doing the scaring will be Class B. Class A will enter the route in groups of two, spaced out by three-minute intervals. In the middle of the route, there’ll be tags with your names written on them, which you’ll be returning with!”

“I fucking beat Alien Isolation, Slenderman, and fucking Fnaf all on the hardest difficulties. Like some little fucking babies would be able to scare me..” Antoine claimed.

“I don’t know any of those games!” Toru exclaimed surprised.

Antoine managed to cause Toru to gain a hobby in gaming growing up. However, Yuga never really got interested in video games and was more interested in physical activities and such. Antoine figured it was because of his strong desire to master and control his quirk.

When they were smaller, Yuga felt inferior to the rest of his peers due to his inability of controlling his quirk. He was born with a quirk far stronger than his body could handle and if he wasn’t careful, he could possibly have caused his stomach to collapse from overuse. Once he met Antoine who seemed to be so confident, bright, and smart, he felt a strange feeling. A strange feeling that told him if he became and stayed friends with Antoine, maybe he would become normal like the rest of the kids his age. Maybe Antoine would be able to build something that make him able to use his quirk as normally as the other kids… And he held onto that strange feeling for years until he finally saw the light with Antoine’s help. Antoine told him if he strengthened his body and most importantly his stomach, he would be able to use his quirk as freely as he wanted. Antoine even told him with his tech and equipment, in the future he could possibly even control his lasers into moving whatever way he wanted them to and be strong enough to blast holes in skyscrapers.

“The scarers aren’t allowed to touch you directly. They’ll try frightening you using your quirks, so this should introduce you to some of them.” Pixie Bob explained. “WHICHEVER CLASS USES THEIR CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION TO MAKE THE MOST PEOPLE SHIT THEMSELVES IN TERROR WINS!” Tiger, the tall masculine transgender member of Pussycats whose quirk allowed him to stretch, flat, and bend his body in impossible ways, shouted.

The class was set up in pairs and the test of courage started without a problem. For a little while..

“It should be about time now… I’ve set all the pieces… Now let’s see how much I gain from this little scenario…” Antoine muttered as Mandalay ordered the students to retreat while Midoriya went off to save Mandalay’s niece.


Kouta started running from the villain who murdered his parents while crying. Before he could successfully escape, the villain managed to dash ahead of him and nearly crush him into a pulp. But! He was stopped as his fist was captured by a mysterious savior. Midoriya grabbed Kouta and retreated a safe distance as the newcomer swung villain into the cliffside as another newcomer, smoking a cigar threw it underneath the villain’s feet, exploding into a green gas.

“DO NOT WORRY CHILDREN!!!! CLASS IS IN SESSION AND THIS PROFESSOR WILL MAKE SURE ANY NAUGHTY STUDENTS ARE DISCIPLINED ACCORDINGLY!” A hulking manly figure dressed in a professional suit and tie along with nerdy like glasses shouted in a heroic and deep voice.

“Let’s make this quick Professor. I didn’t bring enough smokes to mess around.” The smoking newcomer said as he pulled out another cigarette. This one was a cool young-looking guy. He wore a normal t-shirt with the words “Screw Off” and a middle finger in the middle of it with jeans on. A Golden A was present on the back of his shirt.

The villain, Muscular, came out of his personally made human-shaped crater and was laughing uncontrollably. His face was smiling, but not by choice, as drool came out of his mouth like a waterfall.

“I’d imagine that laughing gas would’ve knocked you out but you’re tougher than I thought…” The smoker said as he blew smoke in the shape of an exclamation point.

“G-Smoke! Don’t smoke around the children! Think of their futures!” The wrestler rebuked.

“Smoking will kill you kids. Don’t do it.” He said in a monotone voice. “Now let’s catch this guy and leave already. The boss has high expectations for this operation.”

“You children can leave now! We will handle this villain!” Prof Infinite said confidently.

“Who… Who are you people…?” Midoriya asked as he carried Kouta on his back, ready to leave with 5% OFA activated.

“All I can tell you kid… Is that we’re part of an organization called The Apex. Now get on out of here.” G-Smoke said as Muscular attacked Prof. Infinite with his body completely covered in his overgrown muscle fibers.

Midoriya nodded as he took off with Kouta and left the two strange adults with the villain.

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