Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Tournament Part 1!

“I think I managed to show off my babies quite well thanks to you Neil-kun! And thanks to you I get to show off some more in the upcoming event. Thanks!” Hatsume said.

“If I could only show off my gadgets, this entire sports festival and those big business companies would be like putty in my hands. How fortunate you’re in the support class Hatsume.”

“That’s right hero boy! I’ll see you later!” She teased before laughing and running off to check on her babies for the final event.

“Grrrr!!!” Toru growled cutely.

Antoine softly smiled.

“You still got two more chances left my dear Toru.” Antoine said to her before getting punched in the arm. “OW!”

“Don’t tell me something like that! I really wanted to win..!” Toru said.

“That’s right or cheat!”

She giggled.

“I’m not that desperate to win.”

“Yeah I think you’re the only one who would stoop that low Antoine.” Yuga added.

“A hero has to do whatever it takes to win against the corrupt and unfair system placed against them.” Antoine waved off their criticism.

All the students then began exiting for lunch so that the next event could be set up. Antoine, Yuga, and Toru joined up with their classmates as they ate.

“I still don’t understand how you can hang out with a jerk like him and be fine with it.” Yaoyorozu said.

“He’s a good person at heart. Even if he acts like a total jerk.” Toru explained.

“Why haven’t we seen any of this good person at heart then?” Jiro asked.

Toru giggled.

“Well that’s because he’s pretty shy.” Toru revealed.

The girls did a spit take.

“HIM!? SHY!? YOU’RE JOKING!” Ashido yelled.

“I know it’s hard to believe but Antoine can be quite sweet when he’s not putting up any walls around himself. If you can ignore some of the mean things he says, you can see that he can be a really nice guy.”

The girls still had a hard time processing that Antoine could be anything but an asshole. And Toru’s defense for him wasn’t all that convincing due to her growing up with the boy. But they wouldn’t completely abandon Antoine if he could show some signs of growth or niceness in the future. Some of the boys however managed to bond with Antoine.

“I think they’ll do it. They are the gullible type so, it wouldn’t be hard to convince them if you three said it.” Antoine said to Mineta’s plan of getting the girls into cheer leading outfits like the American cheerleaders in the stadium.

“Really!? You really think they’d do it Neil!?” Mineta asked.

Antoine nodded.

“Just make sure all three of you go over and said that you heard from Aizawa-sensei that they needed to do it.”

Mineta, Kaminari, and Sero went over to the girls table and went ahead with their plan while Antoine ate and chatted with Yuga and some of the other guys.

‘Katsuki, Izuku, and Shoto are missing. But that’s not right… Did Izuku somehow use his quirk on Shoto during the cavalry battle and frighten Shoto enough to use his flames in fright? I completely missed it.. I was too busy focusing on my team it seems.’

Lunch break ended a little bit after and all the students returned back to the arena.

“Before we get to the final event, I’ve got good news for all those out of the running! This is still a sports festival, so we’ve prepared a recreational activity for all participants! We even shipped in cheerleaders from America to get you pumped up…” Present Mic announced before suddenly stopping. “Hmm… What’s this? The girls from Class A are also in cheer leading outfits! Why?!”

“Nice.” Antoine said in agreement with the other three boys.

“Well anyway! We hope you all enjoy this little recreational competition until it’s time for the final event.”

“A tournament huh? So we’ll be up on that ring I see on tv every year!”

“Was it a tournament last year too?”

“The formats always different, but most years involve some kind of head-to-toe competition.”

“The matchups will be decided by drawing lots. Once that’s settled, we’ll move on to the festivities and then the tournament itself.”

“It’s up to each of you 16 finalists whether or not you participate in the fun. I expect some of you would rather take a breather and save your strength.” Midnight explained. “Now let’s start with first place team…-“

  1. Midoriya vs Hatsume
  2. Todoroki vs Sero
  3. Kamakiri vs Kaminari
  4. Iida vs Antoine
  5. Ashido vs Aoyama
  6. Tokoyami vs Yaoyorozu
  7. Tsunotori vs Kirishima
  8. Uraraka vs Bakugou


“That’s me! Hi there! I want to talk to you for a second actually…”

“I’m meeting him in the second round.. He better bring his best.”

“I’ll carve him up!!” Kamakiri, the guy who can manifest large blades from anywhere on his body, said.

“Class President… I’ve been meaning to kick your ass. I still remember you threatening me some time ago about my behavior. Don’t take it too personally when I crush you.” Antoine told Iida before walking away.

“Bring everything you got Neil! I won’t hold back in our battle!” He shouted determinedly.

“Now let’s set aside the tournament for the time being and get on with the thrill-a-minute festivities!” Present Mic said.

Antoine didn’t participate in the activities and went to one of the rooms in the back to dwell on the upcoming matches. He wasn’t worried or anything but was coming up with the best plan to completely destroy and annihilate all of his upcoming opponents. He could just wing it and be fine but winging it nearly cost him the last event. He can’t continue to underestimate his peers as much. Especially when they grow in strength and smarts like in the later chapters. While he still plans on looking down on them a bit, he wouldn’t be completely careless anymore.

‘Keeping up with Iida won’t be a problem and then taking him out with the power uniform should be simple enough unless he starts at 100%. Then I’d have to use my secret weapons… Beating the sword guy or Kaminari shouldn’t be too hard. I hope those blades aren’t organic if he does beat Kaminari.’

As Antoine sat alone in the room, he was visited by Midoriya.

“Uh… This.. This is the room for the---”

“Yeah I know.” Antoine responded as he left the room with Midoriya looking at him thinking that he looked different and not scary at all.

“HEY ARE YOU GUYS READY!? YOU’VE BEEN THROUGH HELL TO GET HERE!! BUT NOW IT’S TIME FOR THE ONE-ON-ONE TOURNAMENT! You’ve only got yourself to rely on! Even if you’re not a hero, this saying holds true! Spirit, technique, strength, wisdom, and knowledge!! Use them em all and show us your best!” Present Mic started everyone off.

Since Shinso was eliminated, Midoriya was facing off against Hatsume and it seems he fell for the same scheme Iida fell for in the original anime. He had no idea the type of personality Hatsume had due to not being on the same team as her as well. The match went exactly like how Hatsume’s match did in the manga with her showing off her tech and Midoriya being taken for a ride until she felt that she showed off her stuff a good amount and surrendered. The next match ended in a flash with Todoroki unleashing a gigantic ice attack on Sero and winning. The third match, however didn’t turn out the way Antoine thought it would. He thought the sword quirk guy would easily take this but it turns out he was a god damn idiot. He let the electric bastard get close and shock him, ending the match. It was now his turn to come up.

“Next up is Tenya Iida of the Hero Course versus Antoine Neil of the Hero Course! I wonder whose gonna win this matchup!?”

Antoine got up to the stage with Iida on the opposite side. He grinned while cracking his knuckles. Iida eyes focused on Antoine and turned serious.

‘Strength uniform is equipped along with some misc agility items. This should be a piece of cake.’

“Lackey. Pro Wrestler variation.” Antoine whispered as Present Mic yelled “START!”

Iida shot off at incredible speeds towards Antoine. Once he got near, he kicked his leg towards Antoine’s chest. Antoine moved in close and grabbed Iida’s leg and moved along with the initial momentum of Iida’s kick and slammed him into the arena’s ground with a whirlwind slam. Iida impacted against the ground face down and suffered a bloody nose from it. He was completely shocked that Antoine was capable of reacting against his speed and then also being this strong! He quickly rolled over and dodged Antoine’s foot that was coming down straight towards his legs. He noticed that his body felt slightly weaker and slower after taking Antoine’s attack.

“What are you scurrying around for Class Pres? Aren’t you from a famous hero family? Can’t let them see you being toyed around with. Get up! Show everyone here what you can do! Don’t hold back and show us everything you got!”

“You’re right… Prepare yourself Neil! I’m going all out! Recipro Burst!!!” Iida disappeared and reappeared in front of Antoine, ready to kick him out of the arena but unlike what everyone thought, Antoine managed to avoid the now vastly faster Iida and sneak his arm in between Iida’s legs and jump far up in the sky. Antoine carried him up and they began falling down while Antoine held Iida in his hold.

“THIS MIGHT HURT A LITTLE BIT CLASS PRESIDENT! ACTUALLY I’M LYING! THIS IS GOING TO HURT A FUCKING SHIT TON!” Antoine yelled as he slammed the speedster hero-in-training into the arena with a large crash.

Dust rose around the arena, preventing anyone from seeing what the aftermath was of Neil’s attack.


As the dust slowly cleared up, a young boy was seen dusting his outfit off while looking completely unharmed. The other one was completely unconscious and sprawled out in a human shaped crater in the stage. His body didn’t look too good, his face was bloody, and his glasses were completely broken.

“It seems even your best wasn’t enough to match me class president. Maybe if you trained a bit harder you would’ve stood a chance.” Antoine mocked to his fallen opponent.

“IIDA IS UNABLE TO CONTINUE! Antoine moves on without anyone knowing exactly what his quirk even is! Is it super strength!? Super speed!? Super senses!? Or even all three!? Let’s find out as the tournament continues!!!”

‘Don’t worry. I’ll reveal everything in the end. It’ll be the greatest twist of all.’ Antoine said thinking about his miscellaneous items that helped him defeat Iida.

[Speedy Sneakers – These pair of shoes were created with various materials from inside U.A.’s Development Studio. These are the fourth in a series of sneakers created built with agility as the focus. Are very comfortable to wear.]

[+40 Agl added to stats when equipped.]

[+10 Cha added to stats when equipped.]

[Dexterity is increased moderately.]

[Base movement speed is increased moderately.]

[Shocking Socks – These pair of socks were made with the only intention of increasing the wearers agility. They are the fourth pair in a series of socks. Are very comfortable to wear.]

[+40 Agl added to stats when equipped.]

[+5 Vit added to stats when equipped.]

[+10 Cha added to stats when equipped.]

[Socks can store speed and once fully charged can unleash it in a burst of lighting around the socks. Boosting speed up to 10x at max charge. If left fully charged for too long, can electrocute the wearer!]

[10% increase to Agl when moving for longer than 60 seconds.]

[Boosting Tank Top – This shirt was made in preparation for the Sports Festival! It is the fourth item in a series of shirts and is meant to increase the wearer’s Agility. Is very comfortable to wear. Made out of various strong fibers from U.A.’s Development Studio and looks no different from any other white tank top.]

[+50 Agl added to stats when equipped.]

[+20 Cha added to stats when equipped.]

[User can boost their speed x2 for 10 seconds at the cost of rapidly depleting wearer’s stamina.]

[Wearer gains +3 Luc when equipped.]

[Swift Boxers – These underpants were made wit the only intention of increasing the wearers agility and supreme comfort. They are the fourth item in a series of boxers. Are extremely comfortable to wear.]

[+30 Agl added to stats when equipped.]

[+25 Cha added to stats when equipped.]

[Agility is increased moderately.]

Antoine returned to his seat and was greeted by his classmates.

“I didn’t realize you were so strong Neil.” Tsuyu pointed out.

“That ain’t the only thing impressive about me Asui. If you wanna know more we can go see a movie together tomorrow and talk all about how great I am.”

“No thanks.” She refused bluntly.

“Hehe.. rejected.” Toru made fun.

“I’ll get her to agree eventually. I just gotta show off more of my good side.” He said while flexing his skinny arms.

“Not happening.” She firmly stated.

Antoine didn’t put it to mind as Yuga went up on stage with Ashido.

“But seriously when did you get so strong and fast and stuff Neil!?” Mineta asked.

“All it took was an intense training montage. I don’t know if you guys understand this yet but quirks work in tandem with your physical state. The stronger your body is the more you can exploit your quirk. So eventually if you work your body out to its maximum potential, you can also use your quirk to its max and maybe even further. Just depends on the type of quirk.” Antoine explained.

“Oh wow…” Mineta said in response.

The rest of the students started thinking about what Antoine said while keeping quiet as the match between Yuga and Ashido began.

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