Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Just Your Average Group Of Robots.

  5 figures stood atop of a snowy hill. The area down the hill laid nothing but a blanket of snow. The fierce blizzard blowing through the area seemed not to affect these 5 people in the slightest. None of them were wearing clothes appropriate for the season. One of them wore a standard blue police outfit and was eating a box of chocolate donuts, another was wearing a suit and tie that most lecturers wear along with a wrestling mask, and one was even wearing a full-body suit with a gas canister on his back. What could these 5 strange individuals possible be doing here in the middle of nowhere? But the bigger question was... Did the golden A present on each of their figures have to do with anything?

“Is this the hideout Doc?” A southern voice asked.

“Correct. Daruma Ujiko is hiding just below us.” He responded.

“This lesson is sure to be an educational one! I’m fired up! Let’s do this Doctor!” The masked man shouted as his suit looked as if it was on the verge of being stretched into oblivion from his large muscles.

“MMMPHHHH!!!” The full-body suited figure agreed as they lifted their flamethrower in the air and shook it up and down.

“Time for police duty boys. Hahaha.” The largest of the 5, said while patting his round belly.

“Let’s move out then.” Medic ordered.

  The 5 members of Apex headed down the hill towards the middle of the snowy plain, following Medic’s lead as he seemed to know exactly where they needed to go.

“Infinite. I need your assistance. The hideout is located right below us. Do you mind opening it up for us?” Medic asked politely.

“I thought you’d never ask! Haha give me some space.” Professor Infinite said jovially.

  Everyone gave Infinite room to pull off whatever he was planning on doing.

“Algebraic Elbow Drop!!!”

  Infinite jumped high in the sky and aimed his elbow down towards the bed of snow below.


  The sound of metal tearing apart and opening rang out along with a large rise of snow. The snow rose into the air from the impact of Infinite’s attack. Infinite was seen falling down below into a huge hole.

“HOOOOOOO!!! YEAHHHH!!!” Infinite shouted as his voice also fell with him.

“Well ain’t that something...” McKenny muttered.

“Mhphhh!!” Flamey hopped down the hole after Infinite with excitement.

“Well. Let’s head down gentlemen.” Medic said as he also hopped down the hole with no discernable bottom.

  Officer Guts, or more commonly known within Apex as Blubber Guts and McKenney followed after the rest of their comrades and entered the seemingly bottomless hole with no reservations left.

“Get them!!!! Don’t let them ruin our chances of getting into the Survivors!!” A young man with a crazed look in his eyes screamed.

“Haha like a bunch of losers like you guys could ever do anything.” A childish voice stated.

“What... are you...?!” One of the criminals asked in terror as he looked upon the “child”.

“What do you think? It’s my quirk obviously.” The boy lied as he rapidly spun and became a mini cyclone.

  The boy was the size of a regular 5- 8-year-old child but looked nothing like an average kid. His body was spherical and mostly blue with a brown triangular patch on his chest. He has short legs with white bands near the hands and feet. His feet are large, blue and have a circular brown pad on the underside. Along with a skinny brown tail that ends with a blue sphere with a spike on it. His head is round and brown with flat, curved extensions on either side and a single spike on top. He had spherical hands with no digits.

  The frightened man used his quirk in retaliation and fired multiple wooden spikes out of his fingers at the boy. The situation he was in currently didn’t allow him to spare any care for anyone but himself. Even if he had to maim this child, he wouldn’t let himself get caught here. The spikes were deflected by the cyclone and as he got close to the man, he kicked him from below into his jaw, launching the man off his feet.

“I can’t call myself TipTop if I don’t finish you off properly!” Tiptop said as he jumped into the air and finished the criminal off with a spinning kick in the side of the head, knocking the villain back towards the ground with a harsh impact. Instantly knocking him unconscious.

“Retsu!! Damn it...! What’s with this freakish girl?! I can’t get a read on her! She’s like a wild animal!” Another criminal stated angered as he continued to fire yellow goops out of his chest cannon towards her.

  The girl in question was a young girl around the age of 5. She had blonde hair and was wearing a pretty pink dress with sunflowers decorated all over it. She was currently hanging onto the ceiling like a monkey watching the man.

“Not freakish! Sarah cute! Don’t say mean things to Sarah!” Sarah yelled as she pounced towards the criminal.

“I got you now, you dumb kid...” The criminal smirked as he fired directly at the incoming Sarah.

  Sarah flexed her fingers as she ripped straight through the yellow goo with her hands and landed roughly on the man’s stomach, nearly causing him to foam at the mouth just from the power of her body. She grabbed his face and smashed the back of his head on the floor, knocking him out for good.

“Guh..! Even Yanma was taken down! I’m getting out of here!!”

  The female criminal reached the edge of the window and was about to leap out of the window to get away but before she could, she felt a strong pull on the back of her jacket.

“Whoa there lady! You can’t skip out so soon you know! You gotta pay the price for trying to take our local government representative hostage to try and get into Survivor. And the price of that is.....” The six armed young teen dressed in a tight hero spandex pulled the lady next to his feet and wrapped her up body in his webs.

“A nice cold jail cell.”



  Her mouth was covered by his webs.

“Jeeez lady. There are kids around you know? Watch your language for goodness sake.” He rubbed the back of his head.

“Your local Apex member, Arachnid, is finished up with his part! How’s it going up top BeatB?” Arachnid spoke into his communicator.

“That’s what’s up man! Me and RR are almost finished up with the baddies up top. He’s a lot tougher than the usual guys we deal with.” BeatB answered.

“Need any help?” Arachnid asked.

“Nah dude. We got this in the bag. He just keeps trying to use his friends as hostages. We’ll be down there in a bit.” BeatB disconnected from the call.

“We’re all done here Arachnid. Is RR finished yet?” TipTop asked with his arms behind his neck, looking as if this didn’t even make him break a sweat.

“She’ll be done soon apparently. They said they had it covered so, we should tie these guys up and wait for em.”

“Boooring.. . You can handle the tying them up part. I’ll go play with Sarah.” Tiptop said as he headed over to Sarah.

  Arachnid chuckled to himself. He is the oldest out of the group appearance wise, so he didn’t mind doing the tedious part of the job. He started gathering the unconscious or incapacitated bodies of the criminals and just before he got to the last member, he heard the sounds of groaning behind him. He turned around to see the two kids playing hot potato with one of the criminals’ bodies.

  TipTop kicked the well-built man in an arc towards Sarah. Sarah with a large smile on her face ran on all fours towards where the man was going to land and used both of her feet to launch him back towards TipTop. An amused smile appeared on TipTop’s face as he received Sarah’s toss and with a small spin back fisted the man straight towards Sarah. With an innocent and adorable giggle, Sarah leapt towards the incoming body and body bashed it with her own.

“Ah guys! Don’t get too rough. He might not be able to handle it.” Arachnid worriedly warned.

“Don’t worry man. He has a quirk that makes his body tougher. I know better than to play with something that could break so easily.” TipTop casually responded.

  Arachnid accepted this response and let the kids continue their game but it seems fate had different plans for the two kids. As TipTop was just about to receive Sarah’s hit, a large body came crashing down from the upper floor and smashed into their current “potato”. The body from upstairs and the potato were taken all the way down to the first floor of the building.

“What the...?” TipTop asked as he looked up and saw Runner Road. “Ah.” He understood immediately.

“Awh....” Sarah sadly lamented at their game being over so soon.

“We can play some more when we get back home.” TipTop tried to cheer her up.

  Sarah’s sullen expression quickly changed back into one of happiness. She hugged TipTop excitedly while repeatedly saying the words “Play at home! Play at home!” TipTop couldn’t stop the small smile from forming on his face and just patted her back in response.

  BeatB hopped down in his classic neon green and black outfit while Runner Road suddenly vanished from the third floor and appeared on the second floor.

“Time to head out dudes. The feds are on their way, and the representative has been saved.” BeatB announced.

“Where are we headed to next?” TipTop asked.

“Yeah! Where next!? Where next!?” Sarah repeated.

“We’re getting close to finding the recruiters of Survivor. The guy downstairs that RR beat got an invitation to an official recruitment of Survivor from taking the representative hostage. We’re gonna infiltrate the place and try to find out as much as we can.”

“Neep! Neep!” RunnerRoad added.

“Oh, and if we can, try not to cause much of a ruckus. The goal will be to have one of us infiltrate and successfully pass the recruitment test. The person who passes will act as a spy for Apex and gain as much as they can while posing as a member of the Survivors.” BeatB told them.

“I’m getting excited thinking about it. I can’t wait. When is it going to be held?” TipTop asked.

“A few days from now. So, we’ll have to prepare a plan just in case things go wrong and in case things go perfectly right.” BeatB said.

“Neep. Neep.” RunnerRoad said, finishing up their current matters.

  Sarah crawled up and onto her back while TipTop hopped on. The three soon vanished from the building while BeatB and Arachnid were left alone.

“Hah.... I guess we’re walking back home.” Arachnid lamented.

“Haha. You already know RR only lets 3 people on her back. I’ll take the train back to the base. See you later man.” BeatB said as he turned on his music and started walking down the stairs.

“I guess I'm swinging home.” Arachnid said as he balanced himself on the edge of the window and shot out a web towards the top of the building, taking off into the sky swinging like another certain web slinger does in another universe.

  It was night time in this certain city in Japan. But like in most cities, it was still active and quite bright. Whether it was day time or night time, with it being the 21st century the time of day didn’t matter for most people. Especially those that tend to dabble in the type of stuff that normal people generally refuse to. Such as doing drug deals! Like this group is currently doing right now.

  There were two different groups of people in this abandoned back alley. One dressed in professional black and white suits. The other dressed in hoodies and coats due to the winter weather. The group not dressed suspiciously had a man in a big black coat walk up with a briefcase in his hand. The suits sent their own man to retrieve the case. He had green hair.

  But what both groups were unaware of was the third group watching from above. These guys all sported the same golden A symbol on their outfits as they watched the two groups. One cool looking man was smoking a cigarette. He wore a regular graphic t with a golden middle finger pictured on it and some ripped jeans. He exhaled the smoke as if he was sighing and started scratching his head.

“What a bother... Can’t these guys just learn to live with what they got?” G-Smoke mumbled.

“Hoho I’d have to disagree with you there Smoke!” A mustached middle-aged man commented as he held a kettle of tea in one hand and a cup in the other. “While this group is indeed in the wrong, sometimes trying to live with what you got isn’t always the best choice.” He attempted to pour the kettle full of tea in his cup, but instead of landing in the cup, the tea whisked off into the snowy air.

“Such enlightening words Gentle..!” La Brava added.

“Gentle, Elastic, and I will subdue everyone. La Brava, disrupt any electrical signals from leaving this area. G-Smoke, you’ll be handling anyone trying to escape. Move out.” Commander ordered.

  With an army outfit and a circular shield with a golden A on it, Commander hopped off the roof with Mr. Elastic. Elastic had the appearance of a middle-aged man who looked like he would spend the rest of his life in a dead-end office job with no hopes of ever getting promoted. He wore the type of glasses that made him look quite weak and timid. Most people would think of him as the type of guy that definitely got bullied when he was younger and thought that once he grew up, he would be on top and the bullies would finally be on bottom.

  Gentle stylishly used his quirk to bounce from the elastic’d air all the way down. The items given to him by Apex have allowed him to increase his strength even more. And with more strength, it would be much easier for him to get his name known throughout Japan. He was given 3 items. A pair of futuristic looking gloves that increased his strength, some shoes that matches his gloves, and a scouter over his left eye.

  La Brava pulled out her phone that was given to her by Apex and began her portion of the mission by blocking any signals from leaving the area. G-Smoke stayed atop of the building and flicked a cigarette below as he watched Commander, Gentle, and Mr. Elastic land in the middle of both groups. His cigarette exploded behind the group dressed in coats and hoodies, forming a large smoke cloud.

“The Gentle Vigilant is here to put an end to your plans!” Gentle announced.

“Take them out.” The green haired suited man ordered.

  The three members of Apex were suddenly aimed at with multiple pistols by the suited men while the group of civilians tried to run through the smoke G-Smoke made. Anyone who got a whiff of the smoke immediately fell asleep, making those who haven’t yet run into it hesitate momentarily. But as they looked back at the guys aiming guns in their direction, they willingly chose to fall asleep rather than risking getting shot over some stupid drug money.

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