Counterattack [Interstellar]

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

“Where did you just go? Alston sent his lion to find you!” Mrs. Jenny angrily tapped Allen’s arm with a fan. Leave an impression that you don’t understand etiquette!”

Allen quietly sat down beside Mrs. Jenny and apologized with a smile: “I’m sorry, I met a former subordinate just now, so I can talk a little longer.”

Mrs. Jenny nodded without hesitation, and nodded indifferently: “Alston is still giving a speech… He must have a lot of grievances to post recently, and they have been talking for almost ten minutes…”

Allen turned his head and told Mrs. Jenny a few jokes, his eyes slowly swept to Anthony’s side, and sure enough, Pei Yao was already sitting next to Anthony.

A dark color flashed in Allen’s eyes. Although it was confirmed through the shallow combination that Pei Yao has no partner yet, the suspicious Allen still couldn’t help thinking more about Pei Yao’s side by Anthony for so many years, day and night. Did Anthony really have no thoughts about Pei Yao that he shouldn’t have?

Pei Yao’s handsome beauty is needless to say. From the royal family to the House, from the guard to the army, Alan can hardly find another general younger and more handsome than Pei Yao. The most important thing is that Pei Yao is very popular. The emperor is highly regarded, but his parents have long passed away, and there is no strong support in the family. If Anthony really wants to intimidate Pei Yao, Pei Yao will not be able to resist.

Thinking of this, Alan added another misgiving. Anthony has always been worried about what happened on the Pearl ten years ago. In order to find out the truth, will he use any disgusting method to threaten Pei Yao?

Or, there is no impermeable wall in the world, will Anthony already know the various things before, and Pei Yao has to accept some **** demands of the **** in order to protect himself…

The thoughts of His Royal Highness Allen, who has been living in crisis all the time since childhood, galloped towards the dark side of human nature like a runaway horse. Mrs. Jeanne’s leopard sensitively felt the changes in Allen’s mood, and couldn’t help but stretch out worriedly. She took out her paw and gently touched Ellen’s arm. Mrs. Jennie turned her head and looked around and said with a chuckle: “Dear…”

Allen came back to his senses and smiled reluctantly: “What’s the matter?”

“Your expression just now seems to be tearing Alston alive.” Mrs. Jenny chuckled her lips and said in a low voice, “I also hate hearing him talk such nonsense, but for the sake of so many reporters here, Pretend to listen carefully.”

Allen shook his head and basked, trying to calm down his emotions. It should just be that he thought too much… Thinking back to Pei Yao’s young kiss skills, Allen is almost certain that the last time he kissed was the strong kiss ten years ago.

Allen relaxed a little, and couldn’t help but recall the scene on the top garden just now. It could be pushed away, but Major General Pei Yao, who was treated as he pleased in order not to hurt himself, was so pitiful. He should be very pitiful. Sorry, as a loyal dog of the empire, someone accidentally buckled the cabbage of the empire.

Thinking of the situation of the union just now, Allen couldn’t help but smile. Pei Yao’s compatibility with him is very high, probably more than 90%. With this compatibility, after the real union, the two of them The spirit of Alan can almost merge into one, and Allen’s light can’t help but float to Pei Yao again. He can’t wait to mark this little sentry.

Speaking of which… After the short mark, Alan did not become submissive, but when he ordered Pei Yao to return to his side, Pei Yao also successfully rejected him. It seems that at least in the case of the short mark, he wants to It is still difficult for a sentinel to surrender himself.

After thinking about it for a while, Allen relaxed his mind. It’s okay. His mental power has not yet fully formed. Taipan snake is still growing. He is confident that in the future, he will go from head to toe, from the inside to the outside. Mark Pei Yao well…it’s just a pity, Pei Yao really doesn’t have any emotions. The panic when kissing just now is of course cute, but Allen still hopes Pei Yao can hug him back, take the initiative, and attach himself a little bit more. , It’s better to be able to separate your lips obediently when you first touch him, let yourself do whatever you want…

Allen’s thinking took a bend from the dark side of human nature, as if sitting on a photon cannon, he rushed to another discordant direction at full force.

Allen’s gaze swept across Pei Yao’s leather army boots, straight calves, thin and powerful thighs, thin waist… Probably it was Allen’s gaze that was too explicit, Pei Yao turned his head to look at Allen unconsciously, and looked around. In contrast, Alan continued to be obsessed without changing his face, but Pei Yao blushed angrily.

“It’s time for you to go.” Mrs. Jenny pushed Alan’s arm, wondering, “What are you looking at?”

Allen got up and adjusted the cufflinks, and smiled faintly: “It’s nothing.”

“His Royal Highness Allen, did you temporarily return to the main star to help His Highness the Crown Prince solve the current crisis caused by the’non-preparation’?”

Allen smiled and turned his head to look at Anthony, shook his head and said: “First of all, I want to clarify one point. As early as six months ago, His Majesty the Emperor asked Apollo’s therapists many times whether I could return to my family as soon as possible. It’s just Apollo. The doctors on Luo’s side are too careful. Your Majesty respected their opinions. Otherwise, I think I would have returned half a year ago, so there is no “temporary”. Besides… there is no so-called crisis, I think Everyone still had some misunderstandings about what happened before, Brother Anthony, do you feel the crisis?”

As if he had rehearsed countless times, Anthony gave Alan a cowardly look, then smiled and said, “The crisis is serious. I have read all the negative reports. Thank you for your attention to me. I accept all your criticisms, and I hope I can satisfy everyone in my future work.”

The reporter nodded and asked: “Then, is it possible to implement the ‘non-preparation’ mentioned before?”

“Absolutely not.” Allen suppressed his previous smile and solemnly said, “From the beginning, this was just a proposal. The House receives hundreds of such unrealistic proposals every year. Most of them are It was rejected during the process of review, and this proposal has not been formally reviewed by any house or royal family at all. The public may not understand this very well, but the media is absolutely clear about this, and it will be worthless and worthless. Documents that have not been reviewed by any government agency are raging, and I think some people might want to reflect on them first.”

“Forgive me for being a bit more serious. I believe that most of the media still have professional ethics, but I have to admit that there are indeed some people who are profitable and forget their righteousness, in order to attract attention, or for some more obscure purpose. They exaggerated the false content, and they slandered the royal family. I said on behalf of the royal family that it can be tolerated, I don’t mention it too much, but for their vain attempt to fool the kind people for profit, I will hold it to the end on behalf of myself.” Allen calmly watched. To the camera, he said lightly, “If someone gets stuck in a painful foot, feel free to retaliate against me and wait anytime.”

“…Oh my God, how many girls are going to dump under His Royal Highness Allen’s army pants.” Not far away, Mrs. Jeanne sighed softly, shaking her folding fan, “I almost saw you when I was young.”

Alston looked at Alan quietly with a sullen face, and said coldly after hearing the words: “Excuse me, I was not so shameless when I was young.”

Mrs. Jenny raised her eyebrows: “None of us knows whether Alan is leading the public opinion, and even if it is him, at least Alan is now trying to stabilize the situation.”

“Stable?” Allston sneered, “He obviously provoked it…”

“Your Majesty!” Mrs. Jenny interrupted Auston, “I hope you haven’t forgotten. It was Anthony who made the brain damage proposal first. Even if Allen contributed to the situation, it was based on your eldest son’s own death.”

Allston’s lion stood up and shook her mane at Madam Jenny in warning. Madam Jenny’s leopard responded by directly raising its paw and slapped the lion’s face with a fierce slap!

Although she hadn’t talked with Mrs. Jenny for decades because of the throne, it was her sister who had been so beloved since she was a child. Alston’s lion couldn’t bear to fight back, so she rubbed her face angrily.

The informal small press conference on the other side has come to an end. A female reporter smiled and said gently: “Then, my Royal Highness, how will the royal family make up for these shortcomings after realizing these shortcomings? Can we disclose some first? What are the effective solutions to the human rights problem of guides? Finally, I wish you a happy birthday.”

“Thank you.” Allen nodded politely, and continued, “As for solving the problem of guidance, our current plan is to build another guidance college. The college will use the “freestyle” teaching proposed by Queen Marian that year. In the early days, we Thousands of guides who volunteer to become volunteers will be accepted as trial teaching. The details are not perfect because they are not yet perfect, but they will certainly not be like a white tower. The guides are free to choose what they want to learn. Meet your family and friends at will.”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone on the scene widened their eyes, Alston clenched his fists tightly, his lion lowered his voice and roared at Ellen. This time it was Mrs. Jenny’s leopard who didn’t dare to do it again. , But Mrs. Jenny was so excited, she looked at Alan’s eyes with sparkle.

The reporter obviously did not expect such a big move by the royal family, and was stunned for a while. Another reporter interjected at the right time: “Is this plan proposed by your highness, or…”, the reporter looked at Ellen’s side with a slight expression. Anthony glanced in surprise, swallowed his saliva and continued to ask: “Or did all the members of the royal family agree?”

“Of course it was agreed by everyone, right, brother Anthony?” Allen smiled and looked at Anthony. Anthony had reacted and nodded quickly to agree. Allen laughed and dropped the second bomb tonight. “Although this plan was announced by me, please believe that His Royal Highness fully supports His Royal Highness, and many of the work planned by His Royal Highness One of the knights, Major General Pei Yao, will serve as the principal of the New Guidance Academy.”

Numerous shots instantly turned to Pei Yao, who was standing guard alone in a deserted place. Pei Yao looked at Allen in surprise, and Allen smiled: “And I, as Major General Pei Yao’s boss and partner, will serve as the director of the New Guidance Academy. ”

“Major General Pei Yao, please advise.”

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