Count of Wizards

Chapter 33

Chapter 32 Have a plan

“Article 17 of the current “Inheritance Law” of the empire stipulates that as long as there is a record in the will of the decedent, even an illegitimate child can obtain a part of the inheritance of the decedent! Fabinho’s inheritance is conservatively estimated to be at least 30 Such a large amount of wealth of more than ten thousand gold pounds is enough to make people have greed and evil thoughts, one less heir, and more inheritance is enough to be an astronomical figure!” Rodri said quietly:

“So the immediate task now is to make sure that what Connor Ferguson told us is true?” After thinking for a while, Keane said softly:

“Yes! Ms. Naya is an important witness. Regarding whether Miss Rebecca and Fabinho are father-daughter as Connor Ferguson said, I think we can all know from Ms. Naya!” Luo Delhi analyzed:

Keane nodded, but he seemed to have thought of something. He hesitated and said, “I think Connor Ferguson, the nobleman, seems to have a problem…”

Rodri waved his hand, and said in a deep voice: “Connor has no problem, there is a problem, and it is okay…”

“Inspector Rodri, what do you mean…?” Keane frowned and asked:

He patted Keane on the shoulder, and Rodri said helplessly, “Do you know why I speak so politely to Connor Ferguson, who is almost the same age as my son? Although our empire is democratic, it is just a name. Democracy on the upper level, the ruling class of the empire is nothing more than a capitalist added by the nobility!

“Although the Ferguson family that Connor is in has begun to decline, Connor’s father, Ferguson, is still the Earl of the Empire after all, and his influence in the aristocratic circle is still not small, and there is another point that Connor’s mother’s brother is also It is Connor’s uncle, Rudolph Francis, president of the Francis Consortium, who just won the last election and became a member of the Imperial House of Commons!”

“So I said so much. Officer Keane, do you understand what I mean? Why does the police agency send us two inspectors to do something that ordinary police can do with Connor to understand the situation? Isn’t it because of Connor? Belongs to the privileged class of the empire? Even if the disappearance of Rebecca is really related to Connor, we successfully sent Connor to prison. Believe me, Connor Ferguson will be released on bail soon! ”

“So… forget it?” After a long silence, the young police officer Keene said with his head in pain:

“Listen to the young man, what I just said is a hypothesis. It is to let you recognize this decadent empire. As a police officer, the most important thing is to act on evidence, not on reasoning and feelings. “There is no suspicion.” These four words believe that you, a police genius who came out of Scotland Yard, must be more familiar than my bad old man, and the reality is that we don’t have any evidence to show that Connor Ferguson is related to Rebecca’s disappearance!” On Keane’s shoulder, Rodri said solemnly:




After mentally sensing that the two policemen had gone away, Connor, who was sitting at the dining table, burst out laughing.

When he saw the two police officers, Connor’s heart sank completely. He thought he had killed Rebecca and Vidal himself. The Winter Window incident happened and the police came to the door!

But slowly Connor learned from Officer Rodri’s polite attitude, he realized that Officer Rodri was only suspicious of himself, and he was afraid of his identity. Knowing these two points, Connor’s head moved extremely fast. He deliberately pretended to be a mysterious look, confuses the audience and said vaguely, let the two police officers think about their own guesses, and led them to the law. Binho had a heart attack.

Judging from the state of the police officer Rodri when he was leaving, Connor felt that he had succeeded, and the police was led to another path by himself.

After eating the rest of the breakfast, Connor did not go back to practice the abyss secret method, but put on his own windbreaker and bowler hat, ready to go out.

Time flies quickly. The day after tomorrow is George’s father, Mr. Harvey Sanchez’s 60th birthday. Now that Connor has agreed, George will go to the birthday party. It’s impolite to go empty-handed.

As for the birthday gift to Mr. Harvey Sanchez, Connor is already eye-catching. When he was young, Mr. Harvey Sanchez served as the colonel commander of the Eleventh Army of the Imperial Army and participated in the imperial suppression of the New World. There were several battles between the aboriginal Hoi people. Unfortunately, in the famous “Battle of Tingen Harbor Meat Grinder”, Mr. Harvey suffered some injuries to his leg. Although he saved his life, he also suffered some injuries. So he was forced to retire, and the walkway needs the help of a cane.

Sending a cane to Mr. Harvey as a birthday gift was not made by Connor with a tap of his head. It was a decision made by Connor after asking George. After all, some people are very taboo about these things. If you give him a cane, maybe he will pay it back. You think you are mocking his lameness. And Mr. Harvey Sanchez is not taboo about his leg disability, even in public, expressing that this is the best medal of his military career, proving his bravery in war!

Walking on Queen Street, the most prosperous business district in Ruen, Connor was thinking about his budget for buying walking sticks. This month’s education fund was 30 gold pounds. He has already withdrawn from the bank and threw out the meal and social expenses for this month. , He has about fifteen gold pounds to spend.

As a big banker, Mr. Harvey is the largest shareholder of Girona Bank, the second largest bank besides the Imperial Bank. He is a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of thousands of pounds. Naturally, the birthday gift given to him should not be too shabby. Of course, as a good friend of his son, there is no need to give too expensive gifts.

Connor planned in this way, spending about ten gold pounds to buy a cane for Mr. Harvey as a birthday gift. Although the ten gold pound cane is not very expensive, it is indeed not cheap. It is very suitable for the current status, and the rest For the hardware pound, Connor plans to customize a suit for the birthday party.

Conner usually likes to wear a windbreaker, a bowler hat, and rarely wears a tuxedo suitable for large-scale banquets. Therefore, his original tuxedo is no longer in line with the current fashion trend of the upper class. So when the time comes, you don’t want to be laughed at. It’s better to customize a new set.

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