Count of Wizards

Chapter 16

Chapter 15 plan

Asked the residents of the town, Connor knew where Rebecca’s father, the great merchant Fabinho, was located.

Passing through the streets of the town, walking towards a hillside near the town, watching what appeared in his field of vision, the exterior walls were covered with green plants, and the bare places were a little mottled and ruined old castle. Connor thought of The information about this old castle, this old castle in the small town of Dhaka, did not belong to the big businessman Fabinho at the beginning, but belonged to a baron in the small town of Dhaka, and the old castle was still The ancestral house passed down by the baron’s ancestors, but because that baron mortgaged the castle to Fabinho’s bank in exchange for a loan in order to maintain the luxurious life and social life of the nobility.

The nobleman who got the loan was naturally very happy. He continued his lavish life. However, the loan must be repaid after all. When the loan expires, the baron who squandered his money and was unable to repay the loan can only leave dingyly. , Gave up the old castle where he and his ancestors lived a lifetime to Fabinho, a great businessman.

It stands to reason that the castle fell into the hands of the wealthy Mr. Fabinho. It should not be as dilapidated as it is now, but it is a pity that Mr. Fabinho has a mortgaged house like the castle. Too many sets, this old castle in Dhaka town is not to his eyes, and the annual repair cost of the old castle is also a lot of money, so in order to save money, Fabinho only left one in the old castle. The old servant is responsible for guarding the castle, leaving the castle to fend for itself.

approached quietly near the castle. Connor was hiding in the woods. He took out his monoculars from his arms and looked at everything in the castle carefully.

Due to disrepair for a long time, the outer wall of the castle has appeared a lot of damage, and it is no longer as unattainable as it used to be, keeping the enemy out of the high wall, and with the help of the monoculars, Zhang Tongming It is observed that inside the outer wall, there is a well in the castle, and there is no other water source in the castle.

had a panoramic view of all this, Connor hiding in the woods on the angular face, a weird smile appeared, after field investigation, he now has more and more confidence in his plan!

With his current skill, he can use the damage on the outer wall of the castle to sneak into the castle secretly. The well in the castle is Connor’s killer. He got the drug from Vallejo. Very powerful, only three or four grams of dosage is enough to make a lion fall asleep, but the only drawback of this drug is that it will not work immediately after taking it, but will attack after an hour. .

When Rebecca comes to the castle tomorrow, Zhang Tongming only needs to sneak into the castle and put the medicine in the well. It can almost be said to be done. Connor doesn’t believe Rebecca. She can still live for another day. Drinking water? Maybe by that time, if you are lucky enough, he will not use the Kurun Knife and the revolver that he has spent a lot of money to buy, so he can catch Rebecca alive without blood!

After taking a few deep breaths to calm the excitement in his heart, Connor slowly retreated to the depths of the woods. Although there is a hotel in the small town of Dhaka, he has decided to sleep in the wild tonight. The police of the Man Empire are not waste. They are murderers when they come here. It is best to reduce their traces here as much as possible.

At six o’clock in the morning the next morning, Connor, who was sleeping in the woods, opened his eyes on time. Normally, there are only four trains passing by from Ruen City to Dhaka Town, at seven in the morning and nine in the morning. Three thirty in the afternoon, and a quarter past six in the evening! Valverde’s information to himself only records that Rebecca bought a train ticket from Ruen to Dakar today, but he did not specify which train Rebecca bought, so now Connor needs to go from The earliest train began to wait.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and soon arrived at seven o’clock. Connor had quietly ambushed, a hidden but very good viewing angle. He had taken out the monoculars for observation. .

It takes only twenty minutes for an adult to travel from the train station in Dhaka Town to the castle. In other words, Rebecca, the goddess who originally admired Connor Ferguson, will be 20 minutes at the fastest. Minutes later, become the prey of Connor now!

At 7:18 in the morning, two minutes earlier than Connor had expected, a purple figure appeared in Connor’s monoculars, the only path in Dhaka and the castle. It was a purple robe. , A woman with a black veil on her face.

Although her figure is covered by a wide robe, her face is also shrouded in a veil, UU reading, but Connor’s instinct tells herself that this young woman who is walking towards the castle is not someone else, but Rebecca!

Putting away the binoculars, Connor took a deep breath, and then hung the sun badge given to him by Professor Reyes on his chest. Rebecca and the cult worshiper Vidal mixed together, maybe Knowing sorcery, you must not take it lightly.

Watching Rebecca walk into the castle, Connor started his own actions. He took out the Kulunknife, the revolver and the drug from the piano box, and then quickly sneaked under the outer wall of the castle and observed it. No one paid attention to himself, Connor decisively took off and turned over, easily jumped over the outer wall, and entered the castle.

At this time, Connor was not in the mood to observe. The once gorgeous decorations and the heavy sense of age in the castle, he quietly came to the vicinity of the well according to his established plan, poured the medicine into the well, and watched The colorless and odorless drug melted in the clear water, and Connor smiled silently, his eyes full of madness.

After the drug was put in, Connor did not stay in the castle again. He sneaked out of the castle again, and returned to where he was at the beginning. Now all the preparations have been done. Connor will have to do it next. All he did was wait, waiting for Rebecca to drink the drugged well water and fall into her own deadly trap.

Looking at the scorching sun already high in the sky, Corning wiped the sweat on his forehead, took out the pocket watch from his arms, and looked at the hour hand on it pointing to eleven o’clock. He estimated that it was past since he put the drug on. After more than three hours, and the weather is so hot, Rebecca should have drunk the water from the well. If nothing else, Rebecca should have been drugged at this time, lying on the ground and fell into a coma!

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