COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 74

“Suzune has a fatal flaw, but she didn't notice it, and just chased my tail...”

“Your tail?”

“... Hikigaya, it's just my way of saying”
'Right....but, in other words, Horikita-nii, also understood that his sister was targeting him..'
"Then, how about telling her this flaw?" Because, Hachiman didn't keep this info to heart, and just told his partner the whole truth on her face, yesterday.

Chasing your idol's tail and treating him as a target is a positive thing.....but, you can't become exactly like him. Even, the AI can't do that, this world is real, and making clones.... Hachiman didn't feel much good about this idea. Just thinking about, meeting a boy who was similar to him, in every single way, it would definitely creep him out.

'...But, what if there are two Komachi's?'

“....” Hachiman. 'I should stop these dangerous thoughts right here...'

People need themselves, be your own.
Horikita Suzune needs to find her goal, not just copy her brother...after all, even if she tried...her body would still be different, right? But, you can also undergo plastic surgeries and other stuff like that..... 'I don't think, she will do that....she won't right?' Suddenly, Hachiman wasn't too sure.

But, what this boy, wants the most is to be adopted, not to become the person who takes the initiative to go out for work.

He had always known this. 'I also know, that I don’t like working.'

Hachiman, knows better than anyone who he wants to be. However, he still tried to reconcile this twisted link between the two siblings.
Only, Manabu refused, by shaking his head at this junior, not finding any benefit in this question, “People in this world are not so easy to change....Once, they have chosen the wrong path, there are only a few people, who successfully overcame those shortcomings, after the realisation crossed their mind...So, I thought if Suzune also hit the wall, and felt pain, she might change her path....”

“hit the wall....” Hachiman felt like, he still couldn't ask Komachi, to do painful stuff like that, 'I might even throw a pillow just in case...'  

"Indeed, only yesterday...” Manabu, now felt, they both are in the same category, and most likely ride the same boat, “Suzune chose not to chase my tail anymore," He pushed up his glasses, and stared at Hachiman with a curious look, opened his mouth, that seemed to have blowing out the steam, “And, this is probably because of you, Hikigaya.”

'That's right....' Only, Hachiman did not reply, but was waiting for Manabu's attitude.

'Held accountable or get reward?' This was the main question, that was going on in the boy's mind at the moment.

“Suzune, always looks down on others, and she is always isolated....But, I think that no matter how good a person is, there is always an upper limit.” Manabu, was now getting to become emotional, probably trying to make this more believable to Hachiman, “However, if two or three people, work together with others, then maybe.... you can break through the bottleneck, that's what I think, and hope, she also realise this. But, Class D....”

“.....” Hachiman, who was born in the said class, also felt a little sad inside, after listening to the president's tone full of ridicule.

“I think she didn't understand this, which became the reason-

“You do know, that I was also born in Class D, right?”

“.....” Manabu, he chose to ignore this, and just took it as a pinch of salt, “Hikigaya, I'm serious about, please don't interrupt me”

“.....” Hachiman, who was told to shut his mouth, the boy just nodded his head in silence, he wanted to make a good impression.

Manabu also glanced at his face once, but then continued to adjust those cloudy glasses again, “At the same time, I also know that she cannot be promoted to Class A alone, but if Suzune really did means she has learned to use the power of other people.” Indeed, then he just gave a small laugh, while thinking about the future.

'Just like I expected, their quarrel at the vending machine, and even the President's gesture of beating up Horikita Suzune, and his order to that girl for paying attention to him, were actually just for this purpose.....'
'In order for my sister to understand that, she needs the power of others... Hikigaya can be utilised as a pig'

That is to say, 'he actually wanted Horikita to notice my strength, and wanted her to abuse.....'

Hey Hey hey. 'Are you a guy, who also likes to treat people as tools?'

Only, Since he expected, that girl to get better, and even paved the road for her. 'Then, just go tell her directly, you tool lover!'
'On the contrary, it also makes your sister think, that you hate her.... Make her feel like she's a trouble, and brings shame to the family.' It makes, Hachiman feel that...... his senpai is actually a tsundere.

"I did point out yesterday, that no matter how hard she two are still different people,” Hachiman, now opened his mouth, after thinking about it for a long time, but his eyes were looking at Manabu's chest, while saying this, “Rather, I asked her what kind of person she wanted to be....but that girl was just lost, and then maybe thought about to stop chasing your um, tail...and found her own path.”

“So, I was right.....”

“Do you need a towel?”

“....Why? I have my own”

“Then, what about your glasses...I have seen you touching it multiple tim-


“Right, sorry....Um, where was I? Yeah, Horikita...we both have agreed about working together to reach Class , and fight for our reputation”

“Really, you are talking about fighting for your reputation -" However, Manabu found this incredulous, and suddenly stared at him, with eyes full of disbelief, only Hachiman couldn't see it, because of the hot steam that may have blocked his vision, “What's your true purpose?"

“....” Hachiman. 'That's the reason, why I don't like dealing with smart people....

Although, he always praised or used Horikita as an excuse to stop his boat from drowning, but, he was discovered by her older brother in an instant.
The person, who really wants to be promoted to Class actually him.

Any attempt to perfect Horikita Suzune's weakness is all false.

Although, she hoped that Hachiman would help her, and get promoted to Class A together, it was like treating him as a tool.

Only, in reality, It was the other party who regarded her as a tool for promotion all along!

These two H people, just wanted to use each other's bodies to satisfy their inner lust. At the same time, the Student council president also hopes that, Hachiman can help his sister grow.

Overall, it was a threesome, with Hachiman crawling onto their shared bed. There is nothing to say about this.
But, Horikita Manabu still didn't get angry, which meant that, he was in a good mood, and also likes to sleep together. 'Then, maybe I can get some information out of him.....

Thinking like this, "Speaking of which, can seniors reveal the info about the exams to th-”

“You are talking about the exam content," Only, Manabu quickly understood what he wanted to ask, and cut him off in between, “We are not allowed to disclose information during the 1st and 2nd month of admission....but, after that?” he didn't continue the talk, because Hachiman was smart enough to realise what he meant.

The first month allows students to discover the essence of this school on their own, and then participate in the assessment of behavioral standards.

The second month's old test papers are designed to help students, for not being too rigid in their thinking.

'And, once you find old questions, it means....that, the students have started to adapt.
Then, it might not be a bad idea for Kushida to sleep with the upperclassmen, and use her pillow talk.
"But, if this kind of thing happened every month...” Hachiman was also worried, he can't allow Kushida's body to degrade, there are chances of getting loose in the long run.
'Because, it means that the test questions will be leaked every single time?...'
"Don't worry about this,” Manabu wiped his forehead using his right hand, and then waved at him, “those test questions are different every nine years."

“Meaning, the students on site will not take the questions their father's took in the previous year....."

“Father....that's very rud-

“Don't try to blame me, you are the one who's using the words like chosen boy, and su-

“.....” Manabu. 'I was just trying my best to follow Tachibana's advice...'

After saying this, Hachiman decided to roll his brain, the school also considered the possibility of leaking the questions, and made the necessary changes.

'Only, what Horikita-nii just said is wrong....' Because, the exam questions are different every nine years.

'For example, Chabashira-sensei was also a student 9 years ago.....then, Are there any exams that overlap with Sensei’s class?'

Maybe, he can also get some intel about the test questions from Chabashira-sensei?

It's just that... this kind of thing is suspected of cheating, so Hachiman put it aside in the meantime.

After all, Sakayanagi had already been fooled into attending the student council, and if he went to get the test questions from Chabashira-sensei, this would make him look shameless.
"However, you freshmen will have a two-week vacation next." Even though, Manabu didn't understand that, the boy sitting in front of him was thinking about cheating, he still continued. "This has been a tradition since the school was founded."

“And, if you go through the baptism of this school's exams, you will naturally be given a preferential treat-”

“So, is this vacation a test?" Only, Hachiman reacted quickly, because this person was talking about some hidden gems, and that's the thing he was looking for!

"Haha..." But, Manabu just seemed to smile in response, then he pushed up his glasses for the umpteenth time, and said seriously, "As the Student council president, I will not reveal information casually....”

“Oh, come on... Don't be too stingy!”

“Besides, you just talked about fighting for that so-called reputation just moments ago, right? Then, Shouldn't you think about th- Hey, what the, Hikigaya, where are you going? I wasn't finished yet!” It was Manabu, who started to get loud, when he saw the other party turning around and directly left the sauna.
But, the message has stayed. 'I need to think....'

In other words, although the test questions are different from the previous two years, the core is the same.

'The school is training us according to a fixed template....and, the core of the next exam is thinking....'

'So, I definitely need to think about it!'
Although, Hachiman had left, it was his partner's brother who paid the bill for him, that's why the boy with dead fish-eyes enjoyed the sauna, more than he previously thought, “Sure enough, I can't stand it."
Then, he went directly towards Horikita Suzune's room.

“....” Manabu, who was standing at the counter, and asked to pay the double, “Sure enough, that guy is really a free loader....”

“Sir, your payment?”


Author's Note

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