COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 60

Although Hachiman knew that Sakayanagi was a genuine eldest lady, and her relatives must be some kind of big shot in this school, judging from her silent expression at that time.

But it turned out, that was really the case, the person with the highest authority of ANHS, was hiding inside her cane all along!

'Listen my boy, I advise you to stop these vicious thoughts fucking right there?!'

But Hachiman is also very rational.
'Because that girl is none other than, Sakayanagi.....even though she can support always feels like I would be exploited....As long as the usual lunch is provided, there will be no problem....'

In this way, our boy was finally able to calm was just that, his heart was getting excited....beating very fast....when he thought that his dream could finally become true...
And, now Hachiman's focus is still on getting promoted.

Otherwise, how am I going to continue writing this Fanfic....if the main character decided to run away, and become a sloth.

'As a student, I can get 10 million points from Chabashira-sensei, which is still a great sense of accomplishment!'

And completing this, is equivalent to completing her regret, Sensei has been stuck in the past and cannot extricate herself.

Although Hachiman has not read any psychology-related books, it can be confirmed that Chabashira-sensei must have a mental trauma. Her sickness can also be cured. 'This is killing two birds with one stone'
From this perspective, Hachiman is willing to complete the promotion plan here.
Then, Sakayanagi comes from a well-off family, but with her kind of arrogance, Hachiman doesn't think she would choose to violate the rules.
'Otherwise, she wouldn’t say that I am bored in this school and want an interesting life....

Because Sakayanagi already stood at the pinnacle of power in this school from the beginning, and it was very easy to use it to cause trouble.
Therefore, she may not have considered using Chairman Sakayanagi's authority at all.
Moreover, her kinship with him, is not the icing on the cake, but will become a shackle for her instead.
'Even if she wants to use the permissions, there will be restrictions.....For example, her current status as Class A.....'

Sakayanagi's body is very weak and usually needs a cane to move around....then probably has to abstain from special exams related to sports.

So, once it is revealed that she is a relative of the chairman....'Will it be suspected that Sakayanagi was actually put here in Class A by the Chairman? Keeping it in the family?'

Although, from the period of contact, Hachiman knew that she did not violate the rules, but was too outstanding in other aspects, so the interviewer must have ignored her frail body and assigned her to Class A.
She was probably being trained as a representative.
'Because, many times, as a leader, you do not need to do it yourself, but are responsible for coordinating and issuing orders.....'

In other words, Sakayanagi Arisu was assigned to Class A legitimately.
But there are always some annoying cretins in the world, so if her kinship with Chairman Sakayanagi is publicized, it will also bring trouble to her.

In this way.
As long as she uses Chairman Sakayanagi's authority, a crisis may arise.

'According to her wisdom, she would definitely not use it casually.' This also ensures that class competition is free from dangerous external interference. 

So, it's barely reassuring, and Hachiman had already tricked her into attacking the Student council and gave her a plan to "make campus life less boring", so she probably couldn't focus on the class battle for the time being.

'Meaning, I can earn points during this time period.... For the current first graders, this month’s special written exam is just around the corner.

Since he got the paper, there was no need to be pretentious.

After returning to the dormitory, Hachiman, like other classmates, began to study the questions.

In fact, it looks quite desperate from here.

'Because it is impossible to tell who wrote the paper, it is completely consistent with the category of the school.....' In other words, Sakayanagi Arisu is indeed a genius.
Although she is only a student, but already has the ability to make questions.

Then ordinary people will definitely not be able to defeat her using ordinary methods.

So, perhaps because he was studying the questions, Hachiman thought about Sakayanagi Arisu several times tonight.

The formal exam is the day after tomorrow, so for 1st-year students, it is basically the same, just take the time to study the questions.

Just the next day. Kushida-san brought some news.
That is, the exam was coming soon, but the students from Class D actually came to invite her to play together.
'Why are you so calm?' You must know that in Hachiman's class, after receiving the papers, most of the students had almost no time or mood to play.

They were trying hard to retain every single answer.

This is a typical behavior of poor students when they realise that the exam is just two days away....Have to open their cupboard, wear their headbands, and just start doing a marathon session, honestly.

'So, it's a bit surprising that the students in Ryuen's class are still enjoying life.'

Class C and D are both full of academic heroes and the like.

Although Class D... well, the truth is Ryuen's class was C when they first entered seems that the basic hardware is better than Hachiman and the others.

But what about those things.....
Therefore, the operation should be to  obtain the test paper, and  learn everything to heart like crazy.

In the end, they wanted to play, even started disturbing Kushida-san.
'In fact, they refused to take the paper, doesn't make sense no matter how I look at it.'

'But if that's the case, then Ryuen may be a more dangerous type than I imagined.'


In this way.
During lunch break the next day, Hachiman went to the third floor of the cafeteria.

But Sakayanagi wasn't there, so it would be better to let Kamuro-san convey the message.

"Isn't Hikigaya-kun very popular?"
"So, wouldn't it be bad to invite me, when you obviously have an admirer.... who treats you to dinner?"

"Besides, I don't want to come to the cafeteria to eat recently...” Sakayanagi directly rejected him.

'Therefore, it is really hard to guess what a girl is thinking....


In this way.

The time has come for the exam, which lasts for two days on the 24th and 25th. Five subjects in total.

Because they are all just pitiful MCQ type questions, they will have to take 3 exams on the first day and the following two exams on the 25th.

As students of Class C, everyone was already waiting in the classroom.
The invigilators for the five subjects are all head teachers.

Probably because she had to serve as a prosecutor, Chabashira-sensei changed her usual high heels into sneakers.

Hachiman speculated that this might be because she felt that the students were taking exams, and if as an invigilator.....Sensei walked around in high heels and made noise, then it would have an impact on the candidates......weird fantasies may take origin. 

That's why it was replaced. Only.

Chabashira-sensei is quite tall and has a well-proportioned figure. She has the charm of a royal sister.

At the same time, different from the Hiratsuka-sensei, whom Hachiman was very grateful to. 

A very feminine type.
And Sensei usually wears black stockings and high heels, which are very eye-catching.
Therefore, in terms of attractiveness, Chabashira is actually superior.

Therefore, when she came in through the back door and passed through the aisle at the edge of Hachiman's seat, he immediately noticed that she had changed her shoes.

“.....” Hachiman. He probably realised, that it was not a moral thing to stare at other people's legs, especially his own Homeroom teacher.
"Jingle bell--" Chabashira walked to the podium, holding a bulging cowhide bag in her left hand. 'There are probably test papers inside.'
When she heard the bell, then turned around straight away, and wrote "Math 8:30-9:30" on the blackboard.

“"Then, let's start the written test of mathematics now."

"Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode." Chabashira said, with a straight face, that seemed to warn the people inside the classroom,"No cheating," It actually made the students almost laugh out loud.
'Cheating is prohibited? What kind of BS is this? The whole class is cheating!' Suzune wanted to file charges against the school, for allowing horrendous crimes like this.
But Hachiman, on the other hand, was very calm, because he had already distributed test papers under the camera before, and the school wisely chose to ignore him.

'It just allows you to cheat.' Actually no, my boy, those higher ups didn't want to instigate the possible scion of Anakin Skywalker......

Who knows, what kind of Mystical arts this boy is hiding under those eyes.....
'Must be reading Darkhold.....' The staff members had already decided that..... this boy had already taken the wrong path.

But now, Chabashira-sensei is telling them not to cheat.
Um. 'In other words, the school still wants to save their face. This is their bottom line....'

“Now you can see that the packaging of the test paper is complete, and I will break the seal now.”
The students, gradually, straightened their backs and seemed to feel a little nervous only now.

Because. In the past two days, they were frantically reviewing questions, and it's not just that.....papers were still flying, even in the morning.

But when the time was really approaching, everyone realized how terrifying it was.

Rather, it would be so despairing if the paper they crammed inside their holes, was not tested at this time.

Therefore, many students almost held a lump inside their throat, but it couldn't go past their oesophagus.
Hachiman watched eagerly as Chabashira-sensei opened the brown paper, wrapping the subject of mathematics, and then brought the genie out.

But there was no smoke inside the classroom, after the seal was broken, only the final product of rubber trees being cut down, it was distributed to the students in the front row near the podium table.

'Let them pass from front to back.
There's no need for me to do it, what are students being paid those points for? Hmph!' Sae didn't want to put more effort than she has to.

“.....” Ayanokoji. He just decided to wait for the question paper honestly. Long been accustomed, for his things being stolen.
At this time.
"Eh-" The girl with short blond hair sitting in the front row seemed to exclaim.

This is Kushida-san, which made the students pay attention immediately.
'Could it be...that something went wrong?!

'Aren't we taking that test?!

“I'll definitely kill that yellow bitch, if that shit happened here?!' Many people's hearts turned cold, and the girl with a single ponytail felt....weird. 

Yamauchi, and his group of Npc's were looking in her direction, with a dark aura being released from their bodies. 
"It's okay!" But Kushida's voice echoed in the class, which made some people's eyes turn black again, and then passed the paper back.

"Fuck yeah!" A girl with orange hair in the back seat cursed in surprise, when she got the test paper.

"Sato, do you have any objections?" Chabashira-sensei looked over, not minding her bad language.
"N-no, it's nothing!" The girl in question, panicked immediately, when she came out of her own world....
Then, after leaving her own copy of the test paper, she passed it forward, with quite an amazing speed. If only she could perform like this in the Cavalry fight of the sports festival.....

"Huh--" However, after Sato, other students also got the test papers and decided to cheer out loud. The reason is simple.

No more risk! The exam questions have not changed.

Therefore, what Kushida-san did just now was probably the best thing that could have ever happened to their class.

'This is all thanks to Karuizawa-san!' These were the thoughts of those random Npc's wanted to kill a yellow haired bitch just a few moments ago.

“....” Karuizawa. She felt the difference between those two types of gazes.
The students in this class, except for Horikita-san, who thought Karuizawa was arranged by Hikigaya-kun to secretly photograph the test papers.... all the other defective products assumed that it was  Karuizawa-san doing something heroic.... because she did not want anyone to drop out of school, and then illegally took advantage of being the member of Student council.

“....” Koenji Rokusuke. Oh, he didn't care at all.

In this way. Even some of the boys who were usually scolded felt that Karuizawa-san was an angel at this moment. 'Even if I get scolded again, I probably deserve it.'

“....” Karuizawa. 'It's really insincere behaviour....they were obviously slandering me, just moments ago!'

In this way. The written exam begins!
The assessment time for each subject is 2 hours, but there are only 50 MCQ's

The students in Class C finished the exam in about 15-20 minutes, and even if some people's hands were having seizures, they probably wouldn't take more than 30 minutes. 

Everyone was very motivated to.....just paint their insides....leave some kind of mark.

After finishing the three subjects on the first day, Class C still continued to go back to the dormitory, and study honestly.

After all. 'Maybe this is the first time in my life that....I can get 100 points in the test!' There are many students who want to experience this feeling.... at least once.

In this way. The exam continues.
The next day, with Chabashira-sensei collecting the papers, the fifth exam, the English subject, ended.

“The results will be announced in two days,” But their teacher wasn't fun at all, “Although this exam is over, don't forget that there will be special exams every month." Sae really likes ruining their good mood.... It really fills her heart with joy.
“I don't want to give more exams?!”

“Why are they even called special?!”

“Yeah, I could have easily failed in this normal one!”

“Special exams.....?”

“Why's this school always torturing us poor students?!”

“I'll definitely file a complaint to the Ministry of Education after leaving this trash school!”

“Why's this?!” Some Npc's raised their voices against this, but the majority of Hachiman's classmates were still in a good mood.

Didn't take Chabashira-sensei's words to heart at all. Then came the days of the holidays.

Today is Saturday, which is generally a rest period for everyone. As a result, the efforts and restraint these days have taken a violent turn.
Something like this.
"Hey, Kikyo-chan, let's go to the shopping mall together later~"
As a little angel in the class and a busy person, Kushida-san was quickly invited.

"Eh? Do you want to invite me?" The person who just talked to Kushida-san was her best friend Wang Meiyu.

"Actually, we are thinking about whether to have a celebration party!"
"Because you see, our class will definitely do well in this exam -" the students were discussing.

"....." Suzune.

Hachiman found that the black-haired girl sitting next to him had just finished the exam, but she still... took out her textbook and was busy reading.

'It's really terrible, but some people are just born like this....'
"These people seem to be planning a celebration party," Hachiman said while looking at the message he received from Hirata on his phone.

[Hikigaya-kun, I want to organize a celebration banquet to connect everyone's that some students who usually cannot integrate well into the group can also learn to hug each other.]

[So, can you please invite Horikita-san? ] by Hirata.

This boy has a dark history, and values the current class pathologically, with some feelings similar to atonement.

But it is undeniable that, despite his indecent thoughts, Hirata is indeed a good person. Considering to balance the relationship with his classmates.

"I'm not interested in fake activities like this where a bunch of people just gather and talk nonsense," Suzune chose to take the short route, directly rejecting Hachiman's appeal.

She didn't like doing this mosquito type behaviour. 'It's better to study at home.'

And, that's the reason why Hirata entrusted him to persuade her.
But unfortunately, Hachiman doesn’t like to get along with others either.

Because, he also doesn't like to go on such lively occasions.

'Chabashira-sensei, was right about one thing. I am indeed very similar to Horikita....' In this way, without even realising, the said girl had a pretty high score in Hachiman's list of potential candidates, who can support him in the future.

And thinking about it.
"Didi!" Hachiman found that he had received a message. But this wasn't from Hirata.
An unfamiliar number.
[Grade C, first grade, just wash your necks and wait, I will get my place back soon! Enjoy shitting there for a few more days! ] And the tone of the message is a bit brazen.
"This information is-" Horikita, who had just been studying seriously, frowned, because she also looked at her phone.
Hachiman walked over to take a look, the data was similar. They were all threatening text messages, to enjoy taking a dump in Class C for now.
In other words, not only Hachiman, but Horikita also received the same message.
"Hikigaya-kun!" Kushida-san trotted over at this time. "Information!" It's just that she didn't pay attention....her chest was bouncing up, and down.

This is really a hard-working girl, the exact opposite to Horikita Suzune but her payment is too low.

It seems she got the same message.
"And this person is——" It was Kushida, who removed this dark curtain, and shared a new piece of information. "This number seems to belong to Ryuen-kun from Class D."

At this moment... both of these H people understood, why this girl was nominated to be an Angel.
It turned out to be a provocation from the puppet leader of Class D, Horikita-san.

“....” Hachiman. 'Wait a moment, what do you mean by puppet leader? Aren't we promoted to Class C?!'

“....” Author-san.

Author's Note

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