COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 41

"I'm sorry, they saw me and you together," Next to Hachiman came Airi's timid and disappointed voice like a little squirrel.

"Huh? Would you feel uncomfortable if you were seen on the street with me?" Hachiman ignored her statement and asked his own question instead.

"Eh? No, it can't be, because... Hikigaya-kun is a good person." She denied it gently while waving her hands in front of him.

There's no way she would feel uncomfortable around him, who helped her a lot in this school and....also opened some new doors of wonder...full of self-pleasure.
That's right. Airi has been indulging herself by making some daily goals ....and if she can't complete the quota, there would be heavy punishment!

Indeed. She had been doing naughty things inside her bedroom....Airi would be very ashamed if someone found out her secret of self-beating.

Her left hand unconsciously reached backwards, rubbing her buttocks slightly as if, she's still feeling a little pain after last night.

So, Airi's a good girl now, very polite.

"Then it's the same for me. I thought I would embarrass Sakura by walking together," Hachiman chose to throw the pot at her head.

"No, no. I didn't feel embarrassed at all!" Airi shook her head quickly, when he saw his sad expression. It's true, she has been doing more shameless things inside her dorm.

But the problem exposed now is somewhat big. Because Hachiman realised that just now Airi felt inferior.

In other words, she has not yet been able to integrate into the circle of girls.

At the same time, Airi was probably just a little transparent existence in the class.
"Speaking of which, does Sakura and Hasebe have a good relationship?" So, Hachiman tried to know what was up during the P.E. class? Did she make a new friend?

Because Airi's more outgoing than usual, and now she has started to talk normally with him without stuttering or using any formal language.

"Hasebe-san..." She thought about the other party, and her face became a little tired, "I'm a little bit overwhelmed."

In other words, it was Hasebe who was talking to her. So, Airi must be under a lot of pressure because of her introversion.

"I think it's a good thing to make a friend," Even though Hachiman thought it was ridiculous coming from a person who has no friends either.

He still tried to help Airi, moving in the right direction.

"Make a friend...?" She seemed to be thinking very deeply about this topic.

'Is this an order? Am I going to be punished by Hikigaya-kun for failing this task?'

"It's actually very good to have someone who is like a friend and then live high school life together." Hachiman realised that it was working, so he continued to recite the lines he read from a book in the library about how to influence your friends.

"That's it...I'll try to do it!” Airi took the challenge and looked at Hachiman with her eyes full of burning fire.

Only. Hachiman thought. It would also be nice if he could become Sakura's friend.

That's why Airi wanted to go back to the dormitory first to prepare herself, so Hachiman separated from her.

He also needed to go to the supermarket to replenish some supplies.
It should be said that this is all due to Sakayanagi, because she often invites him to dinner, so he has more points left.

That's why he can be a little more luxurious when shopping. Certainly.

No need to be shy. The point card he got from Chabashira-sensei was carefully kept. This was his future pension and the start-up capital for raising his sister.

Just when he came out of the supermarket, he met someone unexpected.

That is Karuizawa Kei.
Her friends probably didn't know where they were going, and then she was alone again, waiting at the fork in the road.

So, she started operating her phone instead. Hachiman realised, this girl really didn't have anything to do.
"..." However, the two of them had little communication, so he was prepared to walk past her.

Only. At this time, several girls came over. One of them was crying, while the other girls were comforting her.
"Rika, stop crying, we must settle the score with that girl!"
"She was obviously the one who jumped in line -"

"Can you recognise her face? Some people said she is from Class C, someone called ....Karuizawa?”

Isn't this the girl who had a conflict with Karuizawa at the milk tea shop an hour ago?
She was with her classmates. Four people in total. It seems that they are still thinking about what happened before.

In other words, as expected of the students in Ryuen's class, they are already preparing to settle accounts with Karuizawa.

They came towards her. When it comes to girls fighting, many people would think that bitch-slapping would look good.

Or you can fondle the other party's breasts, if your nature is quite perverted like Horikita Suzune.


“Uh-chi” Someone sneezed inside the dormitory.

“....” It was Horikita. She was filling a small cup of water, preparing for her dinner very early today. Exams are coming, so it's obvious to study more than usual.

It's just her hand slipped when it happened and the paper cup fell down, spreading water all over the floor.

“Tsk” She clicked her tongue in annoyance, and went to pick up the mop to get rid of this mess. “So, annoying.”

'Someone must be talking bad things about me. It must be Kushida-san!' Suzune really thought that this girl would learn a good lesson from her last beating. But it doesn't look like this is the case.


“....” Kushida. She continued watering the flowers, honestly. Her luck is really bad these days.

Today she was told, that she was an annoying person by a student from 2nd year Class B, when she was completing Hachiman's orders.

What about the person who gave the orders?

Um? Hachiman just thought about leaving.
But Karuizawa, whom he had barely spoken to just now, who was not even an acquaintance suddenly changed the way she was looking at her phone, and...hugged his arm in an instant.

What the?! Eh?... This girl, what do you think you're doing?!
"Hachiman!" Even his name was called directly. So intimate.

"..." He had a blank expression on his face, his brain started malfunctioning.

Because at this moment, a name that's  only been called by his sister or family members has actually appeared.
At this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman was stunned.

Because what a terrible development this is. Moreover, she seemed to be wearing expensive perfume, which he probably smelled from Sakayanagi.

It's the scent of jasmine, smells very good.

'Of course, but I shouldn't be thinking about how nice the smell is, but being hugged by a girl?!'

Hachiman has already experienced this kind of thing with class's little angel, Kushida-san.

Then he compared it. But he found out, that she's completely useless.
Hachiman felt that his mind was wandering. But you have to force yourself to calm down.

Because. Karuizawa didn't have a good relationship with him, so why did she want to be so close?

'Don't you have a boyfriend?! Is Hirata being cheated? How many times did it happen already? Or am I the first one to be sacrificed?!'

"Rika...wait a minute...isn't that person Karuizawa!" The four girls walked towards Hachiman, including the girl named Rika who had argued with Karuizawa in the milk tea shop, all looked over at this moment.

"Hey... Hachiman." Karuizawa then decided to open her mouth, "Say something?” She continued to hold his arm intimately, asking him to express his position as her boyfriend.

"..." Express your stance. She looked at him with her eyes, they seemed to be promising a life full of difficulties if he didn't comply with her order.
So, Hachiman stared at the girls in Ryuen's class. Not wanting to get into more trouble, especially with a girl whose mouth is just a substitute for venom.

However, he now understands a little bit.
'Hey, hey! Are you trying to use me as a fresh wall of meat?!'

Karuizawa, I'm afraid you realised that the other party has four people coming, and you are only one person, so there are chances of being bullied?!
And Hikigaya's dead-eye look is indeed... If it were someone he didn't know, he would be regarded as a delinquent.

So, bad boys vs. bad girls? It is indeed quite impressive.

But this means that Karuizawa is seeking his help. She has a golden ponytail, thin but pink lips, a slender waist, with a cheerful but bad personality.

But her current tone and closeness are not annoying. On the contrary, she is very capable of stimulating male protectiveness.

The girls from the other class had already walked up to her.

"Do you want to rely on a man?... The girl in Class C is really a bitch..”

"She actually bullied Rika. If nothing else, apologize to her! I am Manabe from Class D of the first year. If you don't apologize, Then we will fight to the end!" But the red-haired girl named Manabe, who should be said to be from Ryuen's class, scolded her directly.

Rika, on the other hand, seemed to be the timid one. She was seen discouraging Manabe in a low voice, "Forget it, Manabe."

"No, you have to apologize!" However, Manabe took a step forward, except for Rika, the other two girls also stepped forward to boost her momentum. "Don't say we bullied you? Just apologize and it'll be over!"

Why's this girl shouting so much? Don't you have a normal tone? Are all students in Ryuen's class like this?!

Hachiman found this girl very annoying, and for a moment he even felt admiration for their class leader Ryuen, for being able to control these violent girls to such extent.

And now that it's reached this point, the only option for Karuizawa is to apologize.

But doing that might make her unable to look up to them in the future. So, get started.

"Look, Karuizawa is not wrong. I also saw the queue. She went out for a while after lining up, but then came back again. It does not count as jumping in line." Hachiman then opened his mouth to help this classmate, when he felt her hand gripping his arm even more tightly.

This is verbal help. But it seemed to make Karuizawa feel relieved, "That's how it was. She ran away crying alone. I didn't bully her. All my friends can testify! Right, Hachiman?!" Her grip tightened even further, but her words also became much more powerful.

Karuizawa Kei seemed to have returned to her original attitude in the class, casually scolding Ike or Yamauchi and the others, making no secret of her disgust.

And this is the aura of the leader of the hot girl group in Class C.
"That's bullshit. You're just spouting nonsense. Don't think you can say whatever you want! Karuizawa Kei, from Class C of the first grade, we'll remember you. And Rika?!” Manabe turned around to look at her friend, who was cowering back in fear of her own friend.

“Y-yes......?” She made a pitiful sound in response, wanting to get away from this situation as soon as possible.

“Let's go! You should avoid contact with such people otherwise you will also be tainted!” Even though Manabe was furious and wanted to retaliate even further, she seemed to be a little wary of Hachiman, a boy with dead eyes.

When it comes to fighting, girls generally cannot beat boys.
So, although she was unhappy, Manabe Shiho still took her friends and staggered away from Hachiman and the others, but she kept looking back when they passed each other.

According to Hachiman's camera experience, this girl will hold a grudge.
"In the future, please hang out with Shinohara and Sato more often. If you are alone, there are chances of this loud girl getting violent." Hachiman reminded her kindly, he was almost having a headache dealing with this person.
However, the person in question chose to remain silent. She just continued to hug Hachiman, and didn't know how long it took.

But when he realised that even after
Manabe and the others left, Karuizawa didn't respond. He thought her brain got melted.

"..." Hachiman.

"Karuizawa, are you okay?" He asked in a polite tone, while scanning her profile.

But. "I'm okay." She answered in a neither salty nor bland manner. It didn't look like she was arrogantly pissing off Manabe and the others.

It's not like she relaxed after using him to bully other people. Karuizawa was just in a daze, her eyes a little lost.
At this time, she also let go of Hachiman's arm, but she did not open the distance between them.
Only a few centimeters away. As long as she takes one or two steps, Karuizawa may end up rubbing her body, or she may touch Hachiman's arm or thigh.

But she didn't seem to mind. There really is something wrong with this girl.

"Then I'll leave first." So, Hachiman decided it would be better to give the other party some time alone.

And he is still carrying supplies bought from the supermarket in his left hand.

"Uh-huh." Karuizawa just responded casually. There is a feeling of cooling down in an instant.

If he wants to use a metaphor, it's like feeling that the water has been just boiled, but when I turn around, I realised that I forgot to turn the gas on, so the water in the pot is still cold!

Because obviously just now she was holding Hachiman's arm affectionately and calling him with his name, but all of a sudden she became completely indifferent.
It can only mean that she just used him to back her up, for suppressing Manabe and the others with her momentum.

He was just used as an item by her, and realised this girl's quite a scary person. Have a tool like personality.

After the person's expiry date has breached, or his usefulness has disappeared, just throw it away.
So, Hachiman just had a very complicated experience. Only.
"Hachiman.... I have something to tell you." However, after a while, Karuizawa decided to talk to him again, "I hope it's just the two of us."

'Eh?! You too?! What's wrong with this couple?' First Hirata, who almost gave him a love confession near the vending machine.

'And now his girlfriend too?! Are they even dating in the first place?' Last time Hachiman recognised the dark atmosphere and didn't ask Hirata about this matter.

But now, he found out that both of these people have some kind of weird fetish? Why him?!

And the title Hachiman... was also
retained. These people are not normal, no wonder they're thrown into Class D.


Hachiman needs someone to put his eyes and ears in the student council, and this person must be cunning.
The person recommended by Hirata was Kei Karuizawa. And he also said that he would tell him the information about his girlfriend tomorrow.
And now, this Karuizawa was right in front of him.
The two arrived together at the store where she met Rika from Class D while queuing up.
Two people at a table.
And she seemed to be hesitating about something. While frowning, Karuizawa kept tapping her fingers on the table.

Even though she ordered milk tea, 10 minutes passed and she still didn't take a single sip.

"It will get cold if you don't drink it."
Hachiman reminded her again, he didn't like to waste food. Especially when it was purchased using his points.
"Oh." However, her reaction seemed a little cold, which was inconsistent with calling him "Hachiman" before.
Karuizawa held the straw in her mouth, but instead of using force to pull it upward, she started chewing it lightly and after a while, just let it go.

She wasn't very interested in drinking it, but still made small bite marks on her straw.

"...." Hachiman. He was following her every single movement very carefully.

'Why waste my points?!' He started complaining in his heart, Sakayanagi was a much better person than her.

It should be said, this girl really has something on her mind. In fact, judging from the actions of Manabe and the others just now, Karuizawa is probably really worried about being entangled by the other party, so that's why she is so troubled.

However, the disgust she showed in the class said otherwise, and the absolute lack of frowning was not the case.

It's impossible for a hot girl to be afraid of just two or three people, but Karuizawa was afraid. Even worrying about such small things.

Her eyes even fell on the store door several times, as if she was worried that someone might suddenly rush in to kidnap her.
'Are you so scared?' This reminds Hachiman of an hour ago, when Rika left in tears.

Karuizawa also chatted absentmindedly with Sato and the others, and then kept staring at the store door, so she was able to point out Hachiman and Sakura hanging out together.
If she was worried about Manabe and the others going back to Class D to recruit more people, then it would be understandable.

After all, Manabe looked really angry, she had a very loud mouth, and must be holding a grudge.
'But her fear is also a bit exaggerated, because although she is alone, aren't I here now?'

And she has her own gang of hot girls, right? Karuizawa is the bos....'Oh, for fuck's sake, can you please stop eating that straw?!'

Hachiman was getting irritated, she obviously has no intention of drinking that milk tea? 'So, why tease me like this?'

'Didn't I help you out, before? And this's how you repay me? Just waste your backer's money?!'

"Speaking of which, Karuizawa, you obviously have no intention of drinking that, there anything you want to tell me?" Hachiman spoke proactively, he even pointed out her cup with his finger.

" do I say..." It was certain that she heard, and even understood what he said.

But her attitude was ignorant, like she wanted to close this conversation altogether.

'Aren't you the one who asked me to come with you alone?!' Hachiman feels that the current Karuizawa understands the atmosphere even less than his straight daughter, Horikita Suzune.

".... You're really not that tough in character," Hachiman had enough, he had an annoyed look on his face, and decided to step on her landmine.
This statement is actually quite rude.

But. "This..." However, Karuizawa seemed to hesitate for a while, but then suddenly stood up, "I remembered that I have something else to do, so I will go back first!"

She put the milk tea aside, picked up her schoolbag, and carried it directly on her back, obviously running away.
This is just procrastination. Not admitting but not denying either, Just delaying.

'What on earth was she thinking?! Just wanted to waste both of our time like this?!'

But then Hachiman noticed that Manabe and Rika, the first-year Class D students who had left angrily earlier, walked out of the cosmetics store on the side.

It seemed like she was wandering around, but she might also be heading towards this milk tea shop called "Happy Dove"

Because girls can't live without milk tea, no matter what kind of shopping they are, they will choose to sit down and drink that damn tea to take a rest.

But not this girl! Hachiman just snorted in anger, What a waste of 650 points?!

The said person, Karuizawa was already walking to the door when she saw them. And she would definitely be seen by them if she took a few steps forward.
There were only two people, Manabe and Rika.
If Rika is not considered to be a strong fighter, then Manabe is the only one left who looks violent, so Karuizawa should be able to deal with it.

But her current behavior is just getting ridiculous. "Hachiman, yes, my character is not that tough!"

Facing the "only one" opponent, she actually stepped back from her position at the door, and then quickly sat back next to Hachiman.

And her expression was no longer hesitant, but became full of panicked, and fear that was already visible in her eyes.

It’s completely clear now, Karuizawa is really afraid of hot girls and bad guys.

'But aren't you a hottie and a boss yourself? Is there any psychological shadow?' So, Hachiman took out his phone and called up Hirata's information.

 [Stay with me again during lunch break tomorrow. I have information about Karuizawa that I want to tell you alone. ] by Hirata.
"Don't worry." Hachiman then quickly thought of a plan, and finally decided to use his poisonous mouth, "...Hirata has told me everything about you.”

"Hirata-kun...Did he actually choose... to tell you?" But Karuizawa looked betrayed.

"But I can bring you absolute peace." Hachiman ignored her disappointed expression, and offered her a nice job instead, "For example, if you become a member of the student council, do you still need to feel uneasy?" That's it, he said the thing.

Now wait for the other party's reaction. Result.

"..." Karuizawa.


So, the two of them went to Horikita's dormitory.
But Suzune, who was studying inside, was thrown out of her room.

"..." Horikita Suzune. 'What kind of behaviour is this?' She was really dumbfounded.
However, she is still easy to talk to, and Hachiman has also told her to consider including Karuizawa as one of the candidates for promotion.
It was recommended by Hirata.
'So, hold it in for now. There must be a reason for this....if not.....'
Horikita Suzune faced the surprised looks of other girls but she calmly took out her vocabulary book and continued to recite.

This is her advantage, she is not interested in other people's eyes. Besides, there was nothing she could do about her room being borrowed. And the other party hasn't done anything creepy to deserve her violence yet.

Also, there are not many places in the school that can be sealed without cameras, and Karuizawa seems to be timid.

Yes. What Hachiman felt was that Karuizawa was not as tough as he seemed.

So, it is very important to give her a place where she can feel at ease.
"Because Horikita is right outside the door, if anything happens, she can call for help directly," Hachiman gave her peace of mind, just in case she thought he might try to attack her.

In other words, her safety as a girl was also taken into consideration.
Yes. It's not good to follow a boy to a dormitory. Especially since she's so cute. Regarding her appearance, Karuizawa is still confident.
She seemed to have recovered a little, after hearing this remark.
"It's a little disgusting that you even considered this!" Even Hachiman's earlier conclusion, that her mouth is just a substitute for venom, was also proven right.

Is it? He obviously got Airi's good guy card, but now Karuizawa called him disgusting.

It's really too much. What about holding his arm so tightly, and calling him so intimately by his name, Hachiman half an hour ago?

He again realised that these creatures are easily misunderstood. No wonder he has so much dark history.

Hachiman felt that he couldn't cross Karuizawa off the list in his little notebook just yet.
However, even though she stayed in Horikita's room, she did not take the initiative to speak.
So, Hachiman took the initiative, because he couldn't just keep the dorm owner standing outside, "I heard from Chabashira-sensei that the admission to this school is not that simple, and the recommendation of the school is necessary.

Each one has a corresponding quota, and then recommend it to the students and then review their file.

In order to pass, not all of these recommendations are students who are excellent in all aspects. The so-called barrel principle is to learn from each other's strengths, so there must be some problem children.

They can either be called scumbags, or they can be very is supplemented by the school to increase diversity...And the students in our class are those who are regarded as the shortcomings of the barrel theory."

They are selected for a specific purpose, each and every student has a unique experience. And only because of this they are selected to come here... so Karuizawa..."

"No, don't say it..." However, at this time, Karuizawa threw her schoolbag on the ground and squatted down holding her head, "No, don't remind me of those things again... don't mention my past school again..."

Her body started trembling in horror.
"..." Hachiman. In fact, he didn't guess the secret of Karuizawa's fear at all.

He just mentioned something about her past school, but she was so afraid that it's obvious something dark happened in her school.
That is to say. Hachiman picked up Suzune's empty paper cup and filled it with water.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then poured the entire glass onto Karuizawa's head.
The warm water flowed down her cheeks, making her clothes wet.

This is definitely not a joke but excessive bullying. It makes people furious.

Suddenly she was splashed with water, but instead of getting angry, Karuizawa burst into tears. "No, don't touch me! I, I was wrong. I will definitely correct it...?!"

It's completely the mode of begging for mercy that Hachiman had never seen before. She doesn't have the aura of a leader at all, or that's her reality.

Powerless, weak and scared.
"Besides being splashed with water, what else have you been done to?"
Hachiman approached her and looked at her condescendingly.

"..." But she remained silent.
"Say it!" His tone suddenly became fierce. Rather, his dead fish eyes came in handy at this time.

But Karuizawa's heart was broken.
"Putting thumbtacks in shoes, writing "Bitch" on the table, being written "obscene" on the school uniform, being beaten in the toilet, having buckets of cold water poured on, all the bullying you can think of is there..."
....No. , Don't let me say it... I don't want to remember it at all." Karuizawa's tears fell heavily on the carpet.

And Hachiman also understood what information Hirata said he would tell him about this girl. Karuizawa probably asked him for help.

Hirata has been associated with things in the 80s in the past, and people of the same type are easy to identify.

So. To stop being bullied, she asked Yosuke's mother for help. But, Hachiman began to think about this selfish guy's sincerity.

Because this is a trouble that Hirata encountered himself, and now he pushed it out for him to solve. 'What kind of novel solution is this?'
After thinking about it. Hachiman arrived outside the door.
"Can I borrow your towel?" He asked, such a random question making Suzune looking at him with her mouth open, as if she couldn't apprehend what this person's saying?


“What on earth did you do in my room?!" She couldn't help but complain, utterly confused by this kind of attitude.

First you throw her away? Then came to borrow her towel?!
"...Something a little extreme, but you can understand it as something similar to therapy?" Even Hachiman was slightly nervous, about what to say? Even his own statement came out as a question mark instead.

"..." Horikita Suzune. 'I can't understand him at all! At this rate, I definitely won't be able to complete my brother's mission?!'

"Whatever you want." She decided to reply with a straight face, "...But you have to clean the towel yourself and return it to me."

'Really? Thank you' Hachiman was once again forced to understand that this little sister was different from ordinary girls, because now he was borrowing something from her, but she didn't show any disgust or embarrassment.

'How should I put it, do I think Horikita is high-spirited and upright?

Or do I think she is not aware that she is of the opposite sex and is a little bit ambivalent?'

Only. A thud.

After getting permission from Suzune, the landowner, Hachiman closed the door on her face again, leaving her standing outside.

Then he put a towel on Karuizawa's body. But, she seemed to still be in fear, so Hachiman had to wait for her reply.
Finally. It was about 20 minutes later that she seemed to come back to her senses.
In this way. Karuizawa started talking about her past. Not a good thing.
Rather say. Her dark history, it was Karuizawa's secret which is hidden deep inside her heart, is the fact that she was bullied for 9 years from elementary school to junior high school.

However, telling both her parents and the school will only make it worse.

And it's not like she didn't resist, but even almost died for it.

In the end Karuizawa gave up on herself and even wanted to commit suicide, but that junior high school gave her a lifeline instead, saying that she could be recommended to come to this school, which would be closed for three years, and they also guaranteed that she would be the only one getting this special quota from the school, so she decided to come here.

Hoping to start a new life.
She changed her image, even dyed her hair blond, and acted like a hot girl.

Karuizawa was learning the image of those who bullied her, and in order to consolidate her position, she asked Hirata-kun for help.
Or maybe she knows Hirata's secret, so this is a deal. This is the ability for people of the same type to recognize each other.
It's probably similar to Airi's sixth sense. Hachiman thought.
But. "Then what is Hirata's secret?" Hachiman asked deliberately.

"..." But Karuizawa remained silent.
It seems okay. Her heart was broken, but she was still able to keep other people's secrets.

But this means that although she told her past about being 80, there was something else that she didn't reveal.
And that might be the reason why both Airi and Horikita pointed out for not changing clothes with everyone else. Then.

"You were injured, right?" Hachiman said while remaining calm, his eyes looked at her in sympathy, "They made you feel terrible, and although there is no problem with your body now, the scars are still there, right?"

"You! w-what the hell are you talking about-" However, Karuizawa's expression began to waver. She obviously didn't tell him about this?

"..." Hachiman said nothing, he just paid attention to the look in her eyes.

The more a person wants to hide it, the more likely it is that her eyes will betray her.

Karuizawa lowered her head, not to avoid his gaze, but to look down, and then quickly look elsewhere.

But she can’t hide it anymore, not from him. So, when Hachiman seemed to be walking over, Karuizawa burst into tears.

"Yes, yes, I was injured and almost died..." She put both of her hands out, similar to a position of self-defense, which seemed to warn him about not closing this distance any further.
"I'm scared...I don't want to be bullied anymore..." At this point, he already understood why she was so dominating in the class.

And why does she always act tough in front of her friends, even pretending to bully that weak girl named Rika?
Because she has always felt uneasy, and can only protect herself by pretending to be a boss.

At the same time, she is also afraid of her true nature being discovered. So, she was always worried.
Hachiman realised this girl is very pitiful.


Author's Note

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