COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 200 + 201

“You must know that Class A's performance was very poor. The main reason for this, Sakayanagi Arisu, who did not participate...If she had taken the exam, you would definitely not have been able to get such a high score. At least, the information about the leader of Class A would not have been exposed!”

No one can deny this.

But, Hachiman just took advantage of Sakayanagi's absence to desperately gain points.

“So, while that girl is not here to participate, shouldn't we continue to give Class A a heavy blow?" Ryuen was doing it now, trying to sway the other boy's heart, “This is a God-given opportunity!”


"So, do you agree?" Ryuen was a little surprised. He originally thought Hachiman was the most difficult to deal with, but in the end he just agreed first?

“Then, I will give you the same treatment.....You tell me names of VIP recipients of Class D, and I will provide you the information about  recipients except Class A.”

Ichinose's face now turned very ugly.

“.....” Ryuen, who got a new deal.

“This is impossible. I can get all the VIP of Class D. But, you can't do it! If you can unite and cooperate, won't be D in the first place! But I can, using violence to rule, I checked every student’s cell phone, so I knew who was receiving biased treatment.”

Fist Slam! Boom!

This kind of statement truly belongs to a cold, and very terrifying man.

Ichinose and Kanzaki from Class B became serious, because apart from the fact that Kaneda and Ibuki were spies, they once again confirmed what kind of people the original Class C, which was ranked after B, was.

Ryuen's current advantage is that he alone has the status of the VIP recipient of Class D, so he probably wants to obtain the status of other classes to use reasoning.

This is a very smart idea.

Are patterns being hidden? May be.

Because there are 3 preferential recipients in Class B.

12 in total, and 3 per class.

It looks like an even split.

Hachiman even sent a special message to Ichinose, which also made people think.

Boy wanted to know what Class B’s preferential treatments are...

That's right.


But, Suzune just stood aside and listened quietly.

Although Ryuen's method was to directly force the students to check the VIP information on his mobile phone, Hachiman also did it.

He, she, and Kushida were responsible for checking.

Hachiman took cell phones of his classmates and put a Dagon seal.

Stopped people from messing around.

“In short, the person I want to contact most is you, Class B. First of all, our common enemy is A. At the same time, Ichinose, you must be able to control information about the preferential treatment in your class. After all, your che-are so popular!”

“Ah...haha....” Ichinose now looked embarrassed, for being called an idol in disguise, “Actually, you just overestimate me. I don't have that much trust from everyone, so...”

But this is obviously just self-effacing, because Ichinose is really popular and has trust of classmates in B.

And letting them continue talking like this is actually not very beneficial to Hachiman.

Because he has determined that Ryuen has the same idea as him, now obsessed with getting information about preferential treatment in other classes.

It is not just for the victory of a certain group, but he has considered  possibility of this exam.

Regularity, selection of preferential recipients is regular.

It can be seen from the previous incident of Sudo's beating that Mr. Sakagami from Ryuen's class also participated and spoke for him.

The digital teacher in Ryuen's class is relatively unruly and often discloses some ambiguous information to him which teachers should not....

So, fact that VIP is regular has been confirmed again from Ryuen.

It was not in vain that he always regarded Ryuen as a very useful person.

So Hachiman decided to stand up and end this whole farce, “This is obviously a meaningless cooperation, because once you do, it means pushing Class C and A together, and in this situation of being targeted, Class A will definitely choose to play with us.....Do you find it interesting that both sides are working hard? And you have tricked Class B, Ryuen, what do you do to ensure your credibility?"

"..." Ryuen looked at Hachiman with nothing but utter disgust, even biting his tongue so hard to bleed inside, “Then, you just wait to be beaten to a pulp in this exam!"

Bam! Thud!

Kicked off the chair and walked out.

Obviously, just now he actually wanted to deceive Ichinose, first obtain the information of a VIP recipient and then deduce the rules from it.

But what Hachiman said meant that Ichinose would be wary or even not cooperate with him.

Plan was interrupted.

So Ryuen, who was more than a little dissatisfied, kicked his own chair.

Very rude.

But, this is just an appearance.

Since BC class has long been known to be an alliance between the two, very difficult to split them up or get information about VIP recipients.

What Ryuen is really looking for is the weakest class in this exam.

Class A, first grade.

Dragon group's discussion in the morning ended on bad terms.

Katsuragi remained silent.

He had already withdrawn from the room, and before that, he had actually obtained the information about preferential recipients in his class.

The students of the Katsuragi faction naturally support him.

Everyone must know this exam should be treated with caution, otherwise the position in Class A may not be guaranteed.

After the students from the Sakayanagi's family background received the VIPs name, came over directly with their mobile phones to check on him.

It can be said this time, everyone has achieved a strong cohesion.

According to his plan, students took the way of not participating.

There is no escape around it.

Class A is now like a piece of fat sheep that everyone is watching, so we have to consider the dire situation of the other three classes joining together.

The students in the class were divided into 12 groups, and they could not take everyone into consideration, so in order to avoid being discovered and having their points reduced, he adopted a strategy of refusing to take this garbage exam.

'.....I always feel a little uneasy.'

"Katsuragi, Ryuen is here!"

At this time, his most loyal follower Yahiko hurried over and yelled directly at Katsuragi's face.

“Ryuen?” Bros furrowed.

Katsuragi was also a member of the Dragon Team and knew that Ryuen was even directly plotting to join forces with Class B or C during the group's discussion meeting.

He very much would like to obtain information about favor recipients from other classes.

“Let him come over...” Katsuragi said with a frown, nevertheless let's first gaze at other party's expression.

"But Ryuen tricked us last time!"

“Do you think I have forgotten my shame?!”

In other words, let Ryuen come over and then launch nothing but drastic insults

People of Katsuragi's faction like to see this on a big screen.

After all, Ryuen is nothing....

Had taken test on an Deserted island before and even begged Katsuragi to exchange the initial S points for living points....

Only in the end, there was a direct betrayal during leader guessing process, and BC class also came out as a huge shock.

It was really disgusting.

So it would be a good thing if the contract with Ryuen could be terminated.

When said magenta haired boy came over, he found that more than 20 people from Class A had gathered and stared at him eagerly.

“Oh, are you welcoming me?” Ryuen who dared to come alone, but didn't mean to be timid at all.

It would be better to say that he even smiled a little.

“What a grand welcome. But I don't have time to take care of your other chores....Let's join forces in this time's VIP treatment test!”

“Go fuck yourself!”


It's now okay if Ryuen talked about the alliance, students of Class A instantly became angry.

"You guy agreed to be friends with us, but then stabbed our back! It's simply unbelievable!” Yahiko shouted loudly at Ryuen, with a dog barking.

“I've already said this before, nothing on the contract mentioned about not guessing your team leader, right? I only believe in proofs! And don't even think about tearing up the contract. There are dozens of special exams to come over. If you just tear up the paper, there will be no reliability....When others are really needed, no class will help a scum like you!”

“This is a situation you need to worry about, Ryuen!” But Katsuragi also looked at him coldly and seriously, “Even if you try to unite with Class B or C now, won't trust you! Otherwise you wouldn't have come here to still lick my face!”

“.....” Ryuen, who now also felt that Katsuragi's vocabulary has now gotten a little bad.


But he knew that what Katsuragi said was actually reasonable, which was why he had to come here now.

His reputation was bad, so normal cooperation directly rejected.

“This time I can sign a parchment with you! Don't attack each other! I just want information about a favored person in your class. And for the price....”

“Are you going to give us the information about 2 VIP recipients in your class?” Katsuragi was now perfectly using his mouth to fire the new M249 like a pro.

“....You have a really big gun, are you sure of being able to handle it?”

“What do you think, creep with a long beard on face?!”

“× •” Ryuen, who didn't have much private time to shave yet.


Chapter 201

“Fuck this, look I can promise you 1 for 2! But we need to write down a rule not to guess who is favored by each other's class.....”

In other words, this is to be written in black and white.

And Class A only needs to provide 1 preferential treatment information in exchange for 2 from D.

It seems to be a profit.

Ryuen found that students of Class A now seemed a little excited after he said this.

In other words, we must break an agreement this time!

“Then, you can go!” But Katsuragi just said coldly, he didn't have anything to do with a bastard,“Ryuen, don't even think about setting your plans here in Class A!”

“ sure?” Ryuen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Katsuragi.

Because this time contract was written in black and white, he did not attack Class A, even his own was at a disadvantage in the transaction.

Wouldn't Katsuragi agree to this?

“I'm sure....Or do you want us to send you away?”

This is the territory of Class A.

24 Class A students around,  Ryuen is only 1 guy here.

It is indeed...somewhat weak.


“Then, don't regret it!” Ryuen said harshly, then kicked his chair and left with some dissatisfaction.

Random faces looked at his back with very big eyes.

"Katsuragi, why did you let Ryuen leave?”


A guy who had never spoken before, now suddenly opened his mouth.

It was really a big deal, early child from Katsuragi faction.

Because if sign an agreement with Ryuen this time, own class is going to have more advantage.

Write down the rules of not guessing each other's recipient information, so Ryuen will not violate.

So, overall Class A has a good life.

“I don't know if you have noticed it.” Katsuragi said with a frown, he also didn't know this guy could actually speak,“The number of VIP in our class is 3...And if the same goes for other evenly divided. What benefit does Ryuen's special offer of this 2-for-1 condition bring to him? Ryuen is a dangerous guy. Will he just seem to eat a loss?" Katsuragi is a doubted paranoid figure, “I surmise that VIP treatment test will not be easy. Maybe there is a shortcut....That's why Ryuen wants to get information about  preferential recipients of our class. Judging from the group discussion, BC will not join forces with Ryuen in the short term.”

“And he only wants a single VIP's name.....” Katsuragi is now just talking more to himself.

“What do you mean?” Hashimoto, trying to increase his image in other people's hearts, decided to voice everyone's question.

“I suspect there may be some pattern to list of favored recipients.....It may not be possible to verify or deduce just by looking at the information about the VIP in your own class. At least you need the information from another class to verify or assist in the derivation! And this is why a scum like Ryuen so generously exchanged the data of two preferential recipients in his class!”

"Isn't it too insidious of Ryuen for being in this way?" Yahiko said immediately, shaking his fists like mad, “He doesn't want about one VIP in our class, but actually to dig out the information about other 2 preferential recipients of Class A!"

Indeed....this is scum like behaviour, no wonder he dropped to Class D.

“.....It's just that Ryuen is willing to make a deal of not breaking each other's names....”

“It's also possible that information about our class's VIP can be sold to enemies!”

Who are these people?

But, Ryuen doesn't have to guess their class, but that doesn't mean others are prevented from launching a violent attack.

Therefore, Class A is still in danger.

Katsuragi felt like, he needed to calm down these people from going extreme rage, and do something regrettable, “Since, Ryuen can use this plan, so can I....if able to obtain VIP names from B or C..."

Then wouldn't it be possible for Class A to deduce the rules of preferential treatment and guess others?

And once information of other 9 VIP came into Katsuragi's palm.

Direct Class A +450 points.

'What else is there to worry about then? Class A's advantage will be restored!'

Students in Class A know everything.

Next time is to find information about VIP.

While now overlooking the students in Class A started to take action, Katsuragi did not leave.

He just walked towards a girl with long purple hair, a hairpin who had just gathered around because Ryuen came over.

This is Kamuro-san, Sakayanagi’s pet.

In fact, if the VIP has a pattern, then there is a high probability that Katsuragi will also deduce pattern when he just agreed to Ryuen's conditions.

Only, Katsuragi himself could not guarantee whether he....deduce the rules earlier than Ryuen.

And once the speed goes down, you will lose.

On the contrary, it may even put your class into a Huge crisis.

Katsuragi's brain would never gamble on something like that.

“Hey Kamuro, what actions do you think Sakayanagi had taken here?” In fact, when he asked this question, he vaguely had an answer.

"Sakayanagi just think, you can't defend Class A!”

Blasted! Hooting!


“I think so too!”

“× •” Katsuragi, who didn't have many words to respond back after getting a biased opinion.

Sakayanagi didn't trust his strength.

Only, Judging from the current test results, he indeed...has not demonstrated his perfect ability to lead Class A.

“If Sakayanagi were here...”

So what will that Little girl choose to do?

In fact, Katsuragi already had the answer in his heart, Sakayanagi must have joined forces with Class C immediately.

Sakayanagi is very confident, arrogant, too radical, so she will definitely seize this opportunity.

But, she's not here yet!


The other side.

Although Ryuen hit a wall then left, but Hachiman and others were also working hard.

The information of 3 preferential recipients in class has been obtained.

Now there is only one preparation.

Derive information about favored recipients.

They got the name of all students, so if they were lucky, might be able to deduce entire list of preferential recipients just based on the information of 3....

And if you are unlucky and fail to deduce it in a short time, you will need to obtain more lists of preferential recipients from Class B.

Just like solving a problem, if the answer cannot be found, add known conditions.

Suzune is working hard now.

Because it needs to be kept confidential, even list of students needs to be protected.

Other classes probably haven't been able to write the names of each group immediately, so now their class has the advantage.

Sakura is now standing at the door.

Although she looks weak, actually quite reliable.

“I don't know if this counts as news......” Kushida said that she did not participate in derivation session because felt that she did not have talent to use her brain, “One from Rat Team is not here....”

“Sorry?" Hachiman looked over.

"Well, Mei is rat group. There are 12 students, but when they finally gathered, only 11 of them. A student named Shiina Hiyori from Class D did not come to participate.....”

Mei refers to Wang Meiyu.

Top student in English department of class, also Kushida's best friend.

According to rules of the exam, one of them...if you do not cooperate in participating in group discussion, you will be punished or even have points deducted.

For example, Sakayanagi Arisu, because of her absence, 30 points were deducted from the initial S points of Class A on the Deserted island.

And it's the same now.

In this exam, unless Class A doesn't get a single point, but if you got points they get will be deducted.

The number of points deducted is not specified, so it can be more or less.

And now, there are people in Class D, that is, Ryuen's, who don’t go to the assembly.

'Isn’t this just for nothing and points will be deducted?' As for Ryuen's class, if the score is 0, of course he is not afraid of deductions.

But Hachiman thinks that rules for deducting points in Benefits are somewhat similar to those on previous exam.

Points will only be deducted when you earn something. If you don’t, they will probably not go under a -ve.

'Did Ryuen allow his classmates to do this because he didn't want to score points in exam?'


“That's extremely bad luck, Kushida! If Shiina doesn't come, then maybe Ryuen wants to do something and copy us!”

“Huh?” Kushida let out a dumb voice, she actually didn't understand what Hachiman just shouted at her for.

Showing a cute expression.

....In fact, you don’t have to act cute, he will explain it.

But now he goes on to say, "Ryuen invited Class B and us for joining today. In fact, he discovered there are rules for those who receive preferential treatment...And according to that guy's bad character, he must have mastered all the information about students in the class who are favored!”

“Then, he started arranging his students to deduce the rules? You don't even participate in group activities!" Suzune, who had just been immersed in thinking, looked up in fury!

Girl has beautiful straight black hair and delicate facial features.

'Normally she looks just like a painting, but when I think seriously, Horikita becomes even more temperamental.....'

Seriously girls are beautiful though.

But now she is distracted and will pay attention to these, which only means that Suzune is confused about the rules now.

Progress sucks.

“Yeah....“ Hachiman who just thought Suzune looked quite pretty in his heart on being frowned, “This can verify that smart person in Class D is none other Shiina!”

“....Shiina-san?" X2

Suzune and Kushida both looked over now, even now made such a unique motion in pure sync.

It even forced Hachiman to think for a second, if both are....

Now, seems to be asking you why she just feels so familiar.

“I met her twice," Hachiman felt like being questioned after coming home from work, “One time in the library, she recommended painting as a way to vent high-pressure emotions, so I borrowed a few painting-related stuff at that time!”

Kushida just lost her interest after hearing this.

Because, this guy Hikigaya-kun actually wanted her to learn painting to vent her emotions!

You must know that painting requires talent. What do you want her to do if she doesn't have it?

It’s not like anyone can get admitted to Tokyo University just by giving orders.

“• •” 'Hey, don't you look down on me?!'


Ryuen from Class D wanted to sneak away, and even refused to open in group meeting, trying to deduce rules against the clock.

It seems that some unscrupulous means have been used.

“Don't worry...I don't think she has deduced it by now.” Suzune consoled with a look that only meant she doesn't think a girl like Hiyori would be able to do so....

'But that's just because, you were defeated by Shiina in a quiz!' Still, Hachiman just remained quiet on this matter, he didn't want to make trouble for his own.

“I don't know...There’s a race against time. But what's understandable is Ryuen basically can't get information about the recipients of other classes. In our, except for three of us, no one else knows data about VIP, so it's safe...As for Class B, Ichinose is just looking for trouble and won't reveal it.”

“Class A....” Hachiman let his talk stewed for a while, “Last time on the island, one of Class A's own people should have betrayed Katsuragi....”

“Katsuragi would be so miserable, and if that guy betrayed again, he will become an isolated member of the class....Just getting cursed from everywhere, he goes. He is a criminal after all, once he is exposed, no one can protect him. And Katsuragi a conservative, so even if Ryuen comes to him, he will not agree easily....So, his chances of winning are not that great....”

"Actually, if you really want to be promoted to Class A, Ryuen's original deal of BCD to unite and drag Katsuragi into trouble in this exam is very correct," Hachiman added a little too mysterious, walking to the other side of the room.

It has a window, and you can feel the sea breeze immediately when you get closer, so it is very comfortable to be blown by the wind.

“If you want to be promoted to Class A, what do you mean-" Suzune already has some experience because she has been by his side.


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