COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Ch 91 – Love Affair

Kushida deliberately flirted with Ike and other Npc's by allowing them, to drool, and take a small peak of her chests.

You must know, her slutty nature was noticed by most of the girls inside Hachiman's class, but just thought, Kushida is a very innocent girl, and then hated Ike's friendship circle even more, for taking advantage of her kind nature.

However, if only people can see what's going on inside Kushida's heart.....she hated those Npc's to the extreme. It's just pretending to be a good person..and, make others think, she's very cute.

"....." Hachiman. 'So, what do you want?'

Even if Kushida hates others, she always did her best to get in touch with...... those jerks.

'I think, Kushida is also sick....'

'If she obviously hates those people to such disgust.... then, why does Kushida even want their attention?'

Why do you want so many friends? Hachiman doesn't even have a single one, yet!

Normally this is a mental illness, but most of his classmates are bombs like this.

That's why, it's much better to not point her out, and focus on how to make Kushida work even harder in the future....

'I shouldn't care about rectifying her evil ways...'
Because, even if Hachiman asks Karuizawa to help, then he will obviously feel the need to protect this girl, which is more like a transaction.

'That's why, I value free people such as Kushida even more!'

So, it's a pity....that, Hachiman chose to keep his mouth shut, and let this blonde-haired girl blow the seniors to acquire intel about, future exams.
There is no reason to bully Kushida, for having such creepy ideas....'Even, I wanted to jump from this ship, moments ago....'

This is really a subtle emotion.
Only, while Hachiman was busy thinking, scary things, Kushida has already typed a message...

[If that scum, really asked me to come over, I will just have to give a shitty excuse, about dating a boy from another high school, and then make him give up!]

'Although I am very unhappy, about Kushida's double life....a gentle way of refusing is being adopted.'

I already have a boyfriend, so I can't return your feelings...

Using this method, Kushida can reject most of the people, without hurting anyone.

'In other words, even if she wants to reject someone, Kushida will not be that straightforward...'

Only, this kind of trick, had already been used by Ichinose, which made people in Hachiman's class thought, this boy's very strong, directly want to sleep with the Archangel, and, even named their future children.

But, it turned out, Horikita Suzune of Class C, was also a dark horse, who got jealous of her partner, having feelings for another girl, that's why....she directly invited Hachiman to lose his virginity, by asking this boy out, inside her room, and then played UNO cards together.

[Or, if this wasn't enough, I can also use Hikigaya-kun to become my fake boyfriend! ]

[You have already experienced this, with Ichinose-san before, right? So, I don't think, it would be any trouble at all!]

"......" Hachiman. 'I am really starting to hate these angels, now?!'

'Besides, I don't think, anyone would even believe, what I say....'


Only, it wasn't that dark, like he imagined, because Kushida only requested Hachiman to make a phone call using a modulator, not directly asking him to kiss on her lips.....

So, that was no problem.

In this way, that same night.
"Confessing is really hard work!"
"The risk is too great..."
"Ike almost made a fool of himself."
Back in the cabin, Hachiman, who just entered, into their shared room, realised that, Yamauchi was very excited, and Koenji wasn't busy fucking his pillow either, it's coloured pants were discarded on the floor.

Summary, Ike invited Kushida to the deck, only, before he could rub her tits, she received a call from her angry boyfriend, and then, very polite insults were directly exchanged.

In this way, the love affair between Kushida and Ike, that hadn't even begun, ended in such a tragic way.

"Fuck it, I should have forced Kushida in my harem, earl...who is there?"
"Hikigaya....Hikigaya, come back here?! And tell me, what kind of person do you think Kushida's boyfriend is?"

Yamauchi came towards, this visitor like a flash of arrow, not even caring about the fact, his boxers were still a little pulled down.
"....." Hachiman. 'Don't look, don't look, don't look!'

Only, what kind of person is Kushida's boyfriend?

"Ah, wait....let me just put...." When Yamauchi noticed that, his roommate, standing in front of him, was still looking at the wall instead, he realised.....

Yeah, this boy is really Yamauchi Haruki.... It's all Hirata's fault!

But, as the person responsible for calling Kushida to make excuses, Hachiman himself, didn't know what kind of person he was.

Because, this is indeed very difficult to imagine, what kind of boy, with such a powerful inner endurance would truly be able to date Kushida Kikyo, the girl, who has two-sided attributes.
In this way, Hachiman realised, he probably did something very extraordinary, today.

Which made his mood a little better, after seeing, Yamauchi's pitiful matchstick...

As a result, after today's battle, Hachiman's first night on this ship, he unexpectedly dreamed of his class's little angel, Kushida Kikyo.

In the dream, Kushida, was the final girl, who married him, and then started to kick Hachiman, out of their home.....earn some money for her!

Maybe, it felt like a nightmare, that caused, Hachiman to wake up immediately, and then realised, his body was sweating profusely.


Early in the morning, there was one boy, who came towards the deck, while yawning, and just stared blankly, at the sunrise, over the sea.
It was only around 6 o'clock, that's why, not many students were found on the deck at this point of time.

In this way, after having such a terrible dream, Hachiman was now, enjoying the beautiful rising on the sun alone.....

It's not like the usual view, Hachiman, saw outside from his window, by living on the campus.
"You seem to be in a bad mood." Just when he was looking at the sky, while rubbing his sleepy eyes, trying to delete that water, a girl's voice came from behind.
But, this was not unfamiliar, and even though, Hachiman didn't have a good night's sleep, yesterday, he was still able to recognise her.

After turning his face slightly, he saw a cute girl, with a single ponytail.

'Karuizawa Kei....The one thought, which always comes to me....As long as she's not trying to fake her persona, and just acts like usual, this girl suddenly becomes very cute.'

"......" Hachiman, was really stuck now. Because, even though, it's only close to 6 in the morning, he just started to have, these naughty ideas....

'I just married Kushida, yesterday.....'

Directly cheated with another girl....


Author's Note

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