COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Ch 107 – Team Voting

For example, now.
“About the Candidate for the team leader....”

Every student of Class C is gathered like files, a group of wild NPC dogs outside, alerting their Masters about the intruders!

But Hirata, who was in the Golden circle, tried to speak, but feeling very nervous, he didn't even treat Hachiman to lunch, and broke his promise.

Now, he feels a little ashamed, but then gathered his pitiful courage, even looked at our Hachiman from above, “Hikigaya-kun, what do you think?!”

'What do you think, Hikigaya-kun?'

“.....” Hachiman knew this voice very well, he directly looked over at this Fallen Angel, that just brings trouble on his poor head.

That's why, he just shook his head slightly, Hirata is actually not a good person.

'His lack of ability cannot be made up his good-guy attributes...'

At Critical moments, Hirata is just prone to shrinking back, and explode!

That's why, Hachiman had no such expectations from him...

'I can only look at this black-haired girl, my free worker....'

“So, do you have any thoughts, Horikita-san?”

Very polite gesture, even used honorifics

“.....” Suzune, who was just thinking about ditching this group, results being pointed out by Hachiman, “As for the team leader....”

'I am very hesitant to open...'

Because of the video taken by Sakura, they have an advantage to gain a nice stronghold, and Suzune herself recorded 7 or 8 possible locations, drilled inside her brain.

'It's just....we need to use the Leader card to swipe, and occupy the base.'

'And my...body is not fertile enough, walking on Deserted Island, then occupying the Camp, before....'

'But, if I don't get involved, then Hachiman, and other NPC's won't know the location....'
'Gotta chose to be the Leader...I don't know where I should go?!'

Suzune just became very lost again, has no direction, what to do?

“I really don't know anything.....”

“....” Hachiman. 'Oh, Did her fuse really blow up?' I knew it would happen eventually....but...'

'Wow! Horikita's just useless! Only Kushida can help me....'
“...On the Cruise, I also saw the location of possible base camps”

Hachiman is really feeling grateful, about the poor custom of taking Life insurance.

Phew! Who terrible it would be, if he didn't....

"Holy mother!"
“Isn't that a good thing?!"
Random NPC's looked over at this boy, with eyes bulging.

'Are we trying to elect Hikigaya as Our team leader?!'

Indeed, Because the stronghold can only be used by Leader card and, Since Hikigaya knows the best GPS positions, we should make this rotten bastard our leader!

'Who the fuck cares, if he broke the School's digital camera in 1st month?!'

NPC's would never!

'Don't want to roam around in the Sahara weather...'

'What if I got lost? Get skin-burned! I have no problem with carrying empty tents, and stuff!'

'Don't order us around! We are not your Slaves!'

“Never underestimate the Power of Random Characters!”

“.....” Now, Hachiman is really sure, he can't leave such important tasks to others.

The Total number of base camps, I recorded were approximately 9 or even 10....

'But, the White tower, I saw before is the highest point on the island, very similar to a lighthouse....Observation tower...If I can just go there, possibly find more ground....Get bonus scores!'

I must seize this Chicken!

Hachiman now has the upper hand, and what he decided to choose is...

'I just want to bite... Even a Larger Harem, than my counterpart!

Oh, really now? Can you really defeat me!.....I have Arisu, Masumi, Hiyori, a sex friend, Chiaki.... there's also new 1st year girls...'

“Just wait for me!”

Indeed, Hachiman is now feeling very motivated inside, then looking at a specific person....Sudo Ken, the fastest Animal, of Class C.


'My physical fitness can only be said to be average, probably at the level of an ordinary boy.....'

But, the students in Hachiman's class are even worst after being selected.
'Therefore, my physical fitness is considered to be Above average, when I try to compete with these scumbags....'
But, Hachiman still didn't think, at such low speed, the Leader card, will be used quickly to steal the entire island's bonus areas.

Since we have to seize this chance....Only naturally to maximize my profits.

All people are nothing but tools. It doesn't matter, how it's done.

It doesn't matter, what needs to be sacrificed.

In this dark world, Winning is everything to me....

“.....” Hachiman's thoughts are starting to turn very dark, even having psychopathic ideas.

NPC'S are great tools...

'But, the leader I choose should be the Fastest Abomination of the class....'
For now, there are two sports Monster's hangings in Hachiman's class.

One of them is Sudo, who joined the basketball club and even became a regular member, within just a week of enrolling.

It's just that Sudo hasn't made any progress, after entering COTE until now....

'As for Sudo, I still had to consider whether the opponent is a roadie....'

Although, this guy is very fast....but there would be other problems, if he just got into a fight, during his task of quickly moving in the woods.

Considering this, Only 1 person is left to declare from....

'Yeah, gotta be bold Hachiman!' 

"As for our Team Leader candidate," Hachiman just looked in one direction, and clapped both his hands, to gain everyone's attention, "I declare... Mr Koenji Rokusuke!”

This Delinquent Hikigaya, just opened his mouth,.said a very unexpected name.

"Mr. Koenji Rokusuke?" Hirata was left stunned, completely unprepared, for this outcome.

“Can he really do it?” Suzune also frowned. In her eyes, this Koenji is on the same level as Sudo.

'I am usually isolated, likes to be unsociable,

Unable to provide any kind of help to my class....'

The only good thing, Suzune has known about Koenji so far...

'I never saw him get into trouble.'
"Mr. Koenji Rokusuke is a genius!”

Hachiman directly put his Monkey cap on a boy, named, Koenji Rokusuke who also looked over in surprise.

'Very busy doing my Roll Call.'

'This Hikigaya-boy, first tried to delete my perfect existence from Class C...”

"But, now I am a genius!”

.....” Koenji, who was now directly being praised.


Author's Note

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