Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 306


Chapter 306 On the day I return, bones will pave the way.

Main timeline.

Six years ago, Time Dragon, the lord of the Dragon Court, was attacked by a powerful Divine Force and disappeared. The Dragon Mother confirmed that the attacker was the powerful Divine Force deity of the elf pantheon, the Life Goddess.

As soon as this matter spread, it caused almost the entire Dragon Clan’s anger and hatred towards the elves.

However, Goddess, the life of the elf god, insisted that he had never left the elven kingdom and never took action against Dragon Clan’s Legendary Time Dragon when facing the Dragon Mother.

At the stage where Time Dragon just disappeared.

Because the elves didn’t want to cause a war, they took defensive measures in the face of the angry giant dragon and did not fight the Dragon Clan head-on, so there were only some small-scale conflicts, mainly the loss of the elves.

However, an incident that happened five years ago completely intensified the contradiction.

The Elf Lord Corellon, who had just finished the battle with the Metal Dragon God, encountered several powerful Divine Forces and medium Divine Forces on his way to leave the Chaos Sea and return to the Elf Kingdom, and even the ancient Desolate God. Ambush together.

Orc Lord Divine Spark Ush, Wild Beast Lord Mara, Abyssal Spider Queen Rose, Night Serpent Dandel, and many more Divine Force-like Demon Lords from Bottomless Abyss. These are related to The elf gods have had hatred, or a powerful existence with the dragon mother.

And the mastermind of this ambush is Tiamat, the mother of dragons of Dragon Clan.

The mother of dragons who loves to play with crafty plots and machinations, is very clear about the grievances between gods and gods, and she always finds reasons that people, even gods, cannot refuse to make them unconsciously become your own helper.

The Metal Dragon God once suffered inexplicable losses in the conspiracy of the Dragon Mother.

And this time, the dragon mother changed her target to the elf main god.

Because he had just experienced a battle of gods with the metal dragon god for more than a year, the state of the elf master god was not in Peak, and immediately did not notice the ambush of many hostile gods.

It was too late when he fell into an ambush.

But Corellon is worthy of being the main god of the elf, and his individual strength is extremely powerful. He is a well-known figure in the presence of a powerful Divine Force. Forcibly, he was severely injured by the attacks of so many powerful Divine Forces. The price fled back to the kingdom of God.

And the support of other elven gods and allies of the elven gods came soon.

The main elf god also has his own friends, some powerful gods of the Divine Force.

These powerful Divine Forces did not directly oppose the gods on the side of the Dragon Mother, but silently stood on the side of the main elf god.

The gods such as the Dragon Mother failed to kill the main elf god in one breath. After Corellon fled back to the kingdom of God, after the arrival of support from all parties, there was no longer a stalemate, and they dispersed, and most of them returned to Bottomless Abyss .

After this battle, since the god patriarch was severely injured by the ambush led by the dragon mother, the conflict between the elf pantheon and the Dragon Clan has completely evolved into an irreversible situation.

In the eyes of Dragon Clan, the elven pantheon has attacked the future class-mighty Divine Force Time Dragon.

The Lord of the Dragon Court does not know his life or death at this time.

In the eyes of the elves, all this seems to be directed and played by Dragon Clan, their life Goddess denied that he had attacked Time Dragon, and the main god was also severely injured by the ambush under the dragon mother cloth.

In this way, the elves are no longer passively defended.

Across thousands of main material worlds, the war between elves and dragons broke out.

No other racial persuasion.

Whether it is elves or dragons, they are all other forces at the Overlord level in the multiverse, and it is fortunate that the rest of the biological races are not smashed by the aftermath of the war between the two overlords, unless they are hugged. There is a special purpose, where dare to take the initiative to join in.

The gods of the rest of the pantheon also watched with tacit understanding.

Whether it’s elves or dragons, if they suffer huge losses after the war, it’s a good thing for the rest of the gods.

So they didn’t stop the war, they just ordered their followers not to participate.

In this way, six years have passed in a hurry.

The blood and bones of dragons and elves fill the world of prime matter.


Carla planet.

The homeland of Dragon Clan in the past is now filled with the smoke of war covering the entire planet. Looking down from a high altitude, countless dragons and elves are constantly going on. irreconcilable fight.

A fleet of magical battleships from Apan Germany, that is, the kingdom of elves, came across the crystal wall of the plane and came across the plane.

A large number of elves, chimera, giant eagle and other creatures carried by the magic battleship continuously enter the Kara planet one after another, and fight with the Dragon Clan in the Kara planet.

Due to the deliberate targeting of the Elf Kingdom, the Dragon Clan forces in the Kara planet are weak.

And in the rest of the main material world where the elves are at war, Dragon Clan is mostly in the upper hand.

The northern hemisphere of Kara planet, originally the territory of the Dragon of Time, just happened to have a large-scale conflict.

In the battlefield where the flames are filled and the smoke is billowing, thousands of giant dragons from adults to Immemorial, belonging to different dragon species, soar between the sky and the earth, spit out Dragon Breath, release spell, and release the anger. It poured out to the surrounding elf army.

However, although these giant dragons are strong in number and strength, they are at a disadvantage.

The dangers of Dragon Clan’s weak beliefs are exposed in the war against powers no weaker than themselves.

That is—the number of dragon gods and the level of Divine Force are not as good as those of the elf gods, and the extraordinary Divine Force of the dragon god is basically weak, and it is impossible to condense a too strong Divine Force Avatar with the extraordinary Divine Force.

Dragon gods are powerful in combat, but because the supernatural Divine Force is weak, their means are far less abundant than those of elf gods.

The Time Dragon gods fought against spiritual gods in outer planes such as Star Realm, Chaos Sea, Bottomless Abyss, etc., but there were still a few spirit gods who were restrained by other gods and were able to get out of the battle. Participate in the war affecting the world of the main material in the way of the saint Avatar.

In the key material world of Kara planet, there is naturally an elf god who rules the overall situation.

A elven saint shrouded in divine rays of light, standing in the center of the battle, exuding a sharp and deadly breath, stood proudly.

This is the sharp eye in the elven pantheon, the god of bows and arrows named Soronor.

He has medium Divine Force.

The Soronor saint Avatar’s eyes are sharp, and his cold eyes are looking at the sky.

It was engraved with complicated patterns, and there was a divine halo flowing. The cold and white longbow appeared in the hands of Saint Soronor, and was pulled into the shape of a full moon by him.


A light arrow condensed by the extraordinary Divine Force pierced the wind and pierced the air, traversing a dangerous trajectory in the air, and instantly pierced the heart of a Brass Dragon Ancient Dragon.

This Ancient Dragon with Legendary strength and powerful life force, logically speaking, even if the heart is pierced, it is only a minor injury.

However, at the moment when it was attacked, it was like a thunderstorm, losing Life Aura, and the giant body more than 30 meters long fell, splashing countless ash and dust.

The authority of the gods can be taken away from life or death.

Sage Avatar also has this authority.

The only ones who can deal with the Divine Saint are the Divine Saint, or the corresponding class Divine Force.

Even if it is a Legendary creature, under the authority of life and death, as long as it is hit by an attack, there is no room for resistance.

And the death of this Legendary dragon is just the beginning.

The Soronor sage stared at the powerful Legendary dragons, the arrows of death pierced through the space, sniping them with precision, facing the attacks of the gods and sages, there was no equal powerhouse. Contained, the Dragon Clan here soon couldn’t hold on anymore.

“Vile elves.”

“You will pay the price in blood for your deeds.”

True Dragon roared, but could not save the decline .

Because the place of battle here belongs to the domain of the Lord of the Dragon Court, if it retreats, the domain of the Dragon Lord will fall into the hands of the elves, which will be a great challenge for the Dragon Clan of the planet. Huge blow.

Therefore, one after another, the Legendary giant dragon rushed towards the Sage of Soronor desperately.

Dragon Breath formed a torrent, trying to drown and kill the saint of the Demi-God level. In the face of the torrent of breath of so many giant dragons, Demi-God also couldn’t ignore it.

However, there are also a lot of Legendary-level elves here.

The towering trees rise from the ground, and the python-like vines are intertwined, forming a forest barrier, which blocks most of the attacks from the Legendary giant dragon while smashing.

The remaining part was easily avoided by Saint Soronor.


“The Mother of Evil Dragons set up a plan to attack the chief god of our clan. Who is despicable, you arrogant and mighty fellows know very well.”

Saint Soronor looked indifferent and raised his Divine Item longbow.

In order to better defeat Dragon Clan of Kara planet and achieve victory in this main material world, Soronor’s body directly handed over his weapon to the hands of Saint Avatar, which is enough to kill the leader of Spiritual God. Bows are used to treat giant dragons that are not Divine Force.

Buzz!Buzz!Buzz! !

In the slight tremor of the bowstring, the divine light arrows exuding dazzling dive light condensed and formed.

The sharp eyes of the deity saint locked a silver giant dragon.

This is Galleon’s familiar friend, the Immemorial Silver Dragon stationed on the Kara planet, Nehemiah.

At the moment when he was locked by the saint, Nehemiah felt a tingling sensation around his head. He knew that he could not resist the attack of the saint.

For True Dragon, it’s better to die in the midst of the battle than to be passively killed.

Therefore, the Immemorial Silver Dragon roared, the dragon wings trembled, and rushed towards the Soronor saint like a meteor, and the sharp claw came out.

On the other hand, Saint Soronor was expressionless, but slowly filled his longbow, with the silhouette of Immemorial Silver Dragon reflected in his pupils.

“You don’t know anything about Divine Force.”

The saint smiled indifferently.

The next second, the divine light arrow that ripped apart the space burst out of the sky and shot straight at Immemorial Silver Dragon’s head.

However, in the face of the imminent danger of death, Immemorial Silver Dragon’s movements were slightly paused, and his expression suddenly became excited.

Nehemiah, who had been in contact with Galleon many times, sensed a shift in the power of time.

“Dragon Lord?”

The Immemorial Silver Dragon raised his head in surprise and looked towards the sky.

At the same time, the long river of time, which is far away, ancient and deep, ripples, and a huge gate of time and space is formed in an instant, and a golden brilliance flows through it.


The power of time burst out.

The invisible power shrouded, the noisy spell in the battlefield, the blood-stained sword, the gust of wind and gunpowder stagnated at the same time.

The golden giant dragon with a length of more than 60 meters jumped out of the gate of time and space, and the silhouette covering the heavens, shielding the sun appeared in the most conspicuous position on the battlefield, instantly attracting the attention of the audience. The gaze of all elves and dragons who are out of time.

The dragon claw covered with golden dragon scales sticks out, and the giant dragon disappears in place.

When it reappears, it has come between Immemorial Silver Dragon and Divine Light Arrow.


In the dragon claw cast in iron and steel, the divine light arrows were shattered into pieces and turned into extraordinary Divine Forces that scattered little by little.

The chaotic battlefield was absolutely silenced by the appearance of the golden giant dragon, and it became deadly silent.

This atmosphere lasted for just a few seconds, and was broken by the excited roars of the giant dragons.

“Galleon, you’re back, very good!”

Galleon, wearing Imaska’s holy robes, transformed into a golden giant dragon, greatly increasing in size, but in the In front of Nehemiah, who was familiar with his breath, he was recognized at first sight.

Galleon fell into the chaotic vortex of time and space due to the attack of the powerful Divine Force, and did not know his life or death.

But this Immemorial Silver Dragon has always believed that the legendary dragon species of Dragon Clan will not die so easily. It knows that Galleon must still be alive, but cannot return for the time being.

And now, the Lord of Dragon Court is back.

On the day of his return, the road will be paved with the bones of the elves.

Galleon lowered his eyes, looking towards Nehemiah.

“Nehemiah, tell me everything that happened during my absence.”

When he was on the Valoran continent, he knew that after he was attacked, Dragon There is a high probability that a difficult war will break out between Clan and the elves.

This has just returned to his territory on the Kara planet through the portal of time and space, and is in the middle of a war.

The rest of the main material world battle situation is also evident.

Through the Pact of Dragon Court, Nehemiah, after hearing Galleon’s words, passed on to him the changes in the situation during these six years.

In an instant, Galleon knew what had happened.

The six giant dragons with breath like abyss and prisons turned their heads slowly, and the six dragon horns turned their heads slowly.

After passing over the corpses of many Legendary giant dragons, the cold gaze finally settled on Saint Soronor.

“You are the Lord of Dragon Court? Time Dragon of Dragon Clan.”

“Because of you, the people of my elven kingdom have suffered countless casualties.”

“And you’re still alive”

Saint Soronor’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his sharp eyes looked towards the huge giant dragon.

Galleon’s attack was just a fuse. Even if he returned to Kara planet unharmed, the war had already been ignited, and the white-hot war would not stop because of Galleon’s return.

At this time, Dragon Clan already has two Dragon Gods, the Metal Dragon God and the Mother of Evil Dragons, who are stronger than the average Divine Force, and then Appears the Time Dragon, which is a powerful Divine Force. The elven pantheon of blood feud will be very difficult.

Since the war with Dragon Clan has broken out, facing the powerful Divine Force giant dragon in the future, Soronor Saint Immediately has the idea of killing.

“Hehe, you’d better be dead.”

While speaking, Yueshaodivine bow has taken aim at Galleon.

As the dive bow slowly opened, sharp and deadly divine light arrows gradually condensed and appeared.

However, when the divine light arrow has not been fully formed, it was suspended due to the absence of Saint Soronor.

Across from it, in the sight of Saint Soronor.

“The power of time, belong to me!”

“I am the giant that swept the world!”

The giant dragon with a huge body, which is more than sixty meters long, is shrouded in endless streamers, and in the low roar, the body is soaring, and in a blink of an eye, it becomes a giant dragon. With a body length of more than a hundred meters and a wingspan of more than a thousand meters, it was a terrifying giant beast that caused the whistling of the storm with every breath.

Such a terrifying giant beast appears in the sky.

The oppression of the landslide and tsunami came all over, leaving many elves stunned in place. Only the invisible big hand held it.


A substantial Dragon’s Might swept across the Galleon.

The terrifying Spirit Attack covered the entire battlefield like a hurricane. One by one, elves, chimeras, giant eagles and other creatures fell down like being cut by wheat, with dilated pupils and blank faces. They were directly hit by Dragon’s Might. Broken heart.

Only creatures above Legendary can barely resist Galleon’s Dragon’s Might.

Dragon Clan True Dragon, who was stroked by Dragon’s Might, was like a spring breeze, and his tired spirit became invigorated, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. Under Galleon’s dragon wings, he killed him. To the living elves.

Tzzzzzzz .

Clusters of Space Cracks grow around Galleon’s body.

Fortunately, the space of Kara planet has been blessed by the Dragon God and is very stable, and it has not collapsed because of Galleon’s giant deification.

The mountain-like giant dragon lowered its eyes and looked at the gods and saints as small as dust.

“The Holy One?”

“Use all your strength to face me!”

On the other side, the Holy One of Soronor until Now’s calm face became shocked.

Because he knows the strength of Time Dragon, this undeveloped Time Dragon, when it disappears, is clearly still a distance away from Demi-God, but looking at its power at this time, where is it ordinary? Demi-God comparable?

In just six years, it became the well-known figure of the Demi-God hierarchy. Six years, for the gods who are immortals, this timescale is not much different from an instant.

“The Dragon of Time, the most mysterious legendary dragon species in Dragon Clan, really name is not in vain.”

“You have such potential, let alone let you survive. !”

The extraordinary Divine Force stirred up, Soronor’s eyes were solemn, and his body also grew rapidly under the catalysis of the extraordinary Divine Force, and finally turned into a giant saint with a height of about 100 meters. stance, but still not worth mentioning compared to Galleon’s giant Divine Physique type.

The extraordinary Divine Force can change shape.

But there are limits.

If you want to be able to change to the body shape of Galleon, generally speaking, you need to be at least weaker than the gods of Divine Force. The limit can only be achieved at the current level. The giant deification that Galleon learned from the Valoran continent is not a common skill, but a powerful ability possessed by the original Desolate God in that world.

The Sage of Soronor tightened his moonstone divide bow.

The Divine Force weapon belonging to the main body, this is his only confidence in the face of the giant deified True Dragon.

ps: ask for a monthly pass

(end of this chapter)

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