Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 285


Chapter 285 The Mother of Evil Dragons (Monthly Pass!)

Kara planet.

In the gap between the moments when the Legendary giant dragons leave the planet and go to the Dragon Court demi-plane.

Dragon and dragon suddenly had nearly ten fatal conflicts.

In addition to those who died one after another, there have been more than 20 cases in total, and they still happened one after another in a short period of time.

Because the battles between the dragons are relatively large, and now there are a lot of dragons in the Kara planet, after the battle, some dragons located near the battle site and territory looked forward to check the situation, and soon found that After taking the True Dragon’s corpse, the victorious side did not hold back at all and killed the True Dragon of the same family.

And from the traces left on the scene.

Most are battles between different dragon species, resulting in death.

At this time, Galleon had just returned to Kara planet when he got this bad news.

After the Legendary giant dragon of various tribes joined the Dragon Court, they have issued an express prohibition immediately. The battle between dragon and dragon is not a matter of deep hatred, and you cannot kill each other after winning the battle. If he directly ignores the warning and kills his fellow clan, the Legendary giant dragon in Longting will be held accountable later.

For this rule, the giant dragons who are not at the Legendary level actually have nothing against it.

After all, no dragon wants to be defeated and killed by a more powerful kin one day.

The dragon killing the dragon is relatively rare, but it has always existed.

Especially between different dragon species.

This frictional conflict that directly leads to death is also the negative situation that most easily exacerbates the internal contradictions of Dragon Clan.

Just like now.

Some metal dragons who attach great importance to family relationships, because they learned of the death of their blood relatives, have spread out around the dead metal dragon’s territory, looking for the trouble of the nearby five-color dragons. For a group of overbearing, metal Dragon Clan to track down the murderer, the five-colored dragons who did not do this kind of thing do not want to be confused as scapegoats, so let the metal dragons enter the territory to investigate.

However, the five-colored dragons cooperate.

But invisibly, their perception of metal dragons is even worse, and some grumpy five-color dragons directly fight against metal dragons who come to investigate.

And it’s not just the metal dragons that died.

Metal dragons, five-colored dragons, and gem dragons, all of the three most powerful dragon species in Dragon Clan all have dragon deaths. From the surviving relatives, we can know that behind the death of these dragons, there are basically Silhouettes of other dragon species.

For a while.

Because of these death struggles, the air of Kara planet is almost filled with a fire medical smell.

The giant dragons, who have always disliked each other, because they restrained themselves for too long, coupled with the stimulation of these things, are now like powder kegs, a little conflict, and even A glance when passing by may turn into a violent bloodshed.

“I was just crowned the Lord of the Dragon Court, and this happened.”

In the dragon’s nest, Galleon, who had only returned a few days ago, looked thoughtful and frowned slightly. rise.

If the current situation cannot be resolved, the prestige of the Dragon Court will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and he, the Lord of the Dragon Court, will also be considered to have insufficient ability. it becomes difficult.

“Is the conflict between the planet Dragon Clan naturally developed to such an intense level.”

“Or is there someone behind the scenes?”

A sharp light flashes in the pupils of the Platinum Dragon.

Without the enemy of aberrant creatures, the Kara planet at this time has completely become the home of giant dragons. Except for dragons, no other creatures can threaten the dragons here. With the passage of time, the contradiction between the dragon and the dragon will become deeper and deeper.

However, Galleon doesn’t think it’s going to happen in just over two years.

And the intensification of contradictions is not step by step.

The Kara planet, which was still safe and sound, suddenly had a struggle to cause death, and the other dragon that killed the dragon seemed to have no fixed territory, and no trace was found.

Ordinary dragons will only be angry and upset after learning this kind of news, and will not consider so many details.

But Galleon sees a big problem behind this from a global perspective.

His intuition and inference at this time are telling Galleon that there is an unknown force deliberately intensifying the contradictions within the planet Dragon Clan.

What enemy does the dragon have?

Giant dragon , elves, humans, dwarves. Because of the pride of dragons and the mindset of seeing themselves as natural rulers, Dragon Clan has an innumerable number of enemy races. If Dragon Clan is not strong enough, with the style of Dragon Clan, it would have disappeared in the historical stage long ago.

After learning about the kingdom of the giant dragon of the planet Kara, I can’t help it.

Too many enemy races to offend.

Galleon couldn’t be sure for a while which side the unknown force belonged to.

“Rockveld, Allison, Augsger (Ancient Red Dragon).”

“This needs to be taken seriously.”

“The strength of the three of you is already Peak in the Kara planet, and you belong to the three dragon species. It is up to you to come forward and calm down the anger inside Dragon Clan first.”

Through the Dragon Court contract, Galleon Contacted three relatively powerful giant dragons.

They, like Galleon, realized the seriousness of the problem, so after being told by Galleon, they immediately agreed.

Afterwards, Galleon arranged for some Legendary giant dragons of various races to track down whether the creature that killed True Dragon was a dragon or something else.

As for Galleon himself, he can’t just do it so easily.

As the Lord of Dragon Court, if Long Court encounters something, he will show up. After many times, Long Court itself will lose the trust of the giant dragon, and Galleon doesn’t want to be a do-it-yourselfer. Dragon Lord, when he promised to be the Lord of the Dragon Court, he made it clear that he didn’t want to be troubled by too much trouble.

“Maybe some creatures deliberately want to destroy the prestige of Dragon Court.”

“If this matter cannot be resolved quickly, the follow-up will be even more troublesome.”

Yuna’s thoughts are similar to Galleon’s, and they both think that someone is doing a trick.

She gritted her dragon teeth and said, “Let me know who these guys are and I’ll spray them all to death.”

Galleon nodded and said, “Don’t worry. , there will be a result soon.”

Legendary giant dragon act together, it is easy to trace the target.

None of the dead dragons are at the Legendary level. This may be because the creatures who are secretly involved cannot guarantee that they can kill the Legendary level giant dragon. It shouldn’t be too strong.

In the dragon’s nest, which is stacked with many treasures, the silver giant dragon slightly closed his eyes, waiting for the results from his subordinates.

Time is passing little by little.

In the quiet dragon’s nest, suddenly, a female voice full of bewitching power rang in Galleon’s ears, using pure Dragon Language.

“Little Time Dragon, hehe, you’re getting stronger.”

while speaking, as if with a wet voice licking his tongue.

Galleon opened his eyes sharply, stunned inwardly.

He looked left and right, and there were no other creatures in the dragon’s nest except himself and Yuna.

“What’s the matter?”

Yuna didn’t sleep, she was stacking gold coins, building them into sculptures, and then using force to fix them, when she noticed the abnormality of Galleon After the appearance, he said.

Galleon brows slightly wrinkle, look the head.

“Nothing,” he said.

The voice just now didn’t ring in my ears.

Yuna, who was also in the Dragon’s Nest, did not hear any sound.

It sounded directly in Galleon’s mind, and the sound was strange and a little familiar.

Just as Galleon wondered who was talking to him, the voice rang again.

“Little Time Dragon, you seem to have forgotten me.”

“I rarely see a Dragon Clan junior in a different light. You make me sad.”

The voice that sounded directly in my head said sad, but the tone was full of condescending mockery.


Galleon’s eyes narrowed when he heard the voice again.

He remembered.

Just when the will of Light God and the will of the metal dragon god came one after another for the first time, this voice sounded in his mind, and he wanted to speak to Galleon, but before the voice fell, he was heard by the metal dragon god. Forcibly expelled, through the words of the metal dragon god at the time, Galleon knew the identity of the owner of this voice.

Mother of Evil Dragons, Queen of Immortal Dragons, Lady of Darkness He has many titles.

His name is Tiamat.

Tiamat, the god of evil dragons, is as famous as Bahamut, the metal dragon god.

Among all the Dragon Gods of the Dragon God Department, these two are among the best in strength, and they are also the two Dragon Gods with the most widely spread names and beliefs.

The Mother of Dragons suddenly contacted Galleon, making Galleon’s heart vigilant.

The Metal Dragon God once instructed Galleon, and all the words and promises that the Mother of Dragons said to him should not be believed, without the Metal Dragon God’s reminder, Galleon also clearly understands this— —The Mother of Evil Dragons is a sinister and cunning evil deity who is very good at bewitching dragon hearts.

He loves to destroy beautiful things, and has even plotted to kill the Metal Dragon God many times to gain the power of the Metal Dragon God.

Many of the corpse islands of the gods in the Star Realm were plot against and poisoned by the Mother of Dragons.

What is his purpose?

Is it related to Dragon Court?

Galleon thought silently.

Quietly, his thoughts focused on the white Golden Dragon scales given by the Metal Dragon God.

On the Material Plane, deities can only exert very little power.

But the gods should never be underestimated.

Especially powerful dragon gods like Tiamat.

“Great Dragon Queen, I remember you.”

Galleon replied in his mind, maintaining his respect for his own gods.

The Mother of Evil Dragons has lived through countless epochs and endless years. Although she is only weaker than Divine Force, her strength is deep and unmeasurable, even if Galleon is Time Dragon, but before she grows up, For a dragon god of this level, there should be no less respect and Dragon Clan etiquette.

“Smart little fellow.”

The Mother of Dragons smiled playfully.

“You know, I am very fond of you.”

“If you will be my spouse, I will give you the Supreme pleasure of the flesh, and I will do my best to help you. You grow into Immemorial Time Dragon, and if you want to become a god, I also have a way to help you get Divine Spark.”

“What do you think?”

That wet voice It rang again.

The seductive voice of the Dragon Mother made Galleon’s mind quiver.

But he quickly calmed down.

The private life of the Mother of Dragons is quite confusing in inheritance records.

It is said that in the kingdom of the Mother of Dragons, all male giant dragons above Immemorial are actually the head of the Mother of Dragons. This kingdom of God is also his harem.

And recently I heard that the dragon mother has an interest in collecting alien dragons into the harem.

Don’t know true or false either.

“The great dragon queen, I haven’t left my infancy, isn’t it a little bad for you?”

Galleon declined politely.


“Are you rejecting my invitation?”

“You know, being my consort is what it means to a dragon. What a great honor.”

The voice of the dragon mother faintly added a hint of coldness.

Galleon was silent, speechless.

The white Golden Dragon scales are ready to call the kind and righteous Metal Dragon God at any time.

But if you do this, it would be tantamount to casting aside all considerations for face with the mother of dragons. Galleon held back and did not use the white Golden Dragon scales until the end.

“Hehe, you dragons with alien souls really make me love and hate.”

In the almost frozen atmosphere, the mother of dragons said abruptly.

Hearing his words, Galleon’s heart trembled and his scalp tingled.

The biggest secret was told, and he involuntarily gave birth to a tinge of fear.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

Galleon said.

“Don’t understand?” The Mother of Dragons sneered.

Immediately, He said: “In the endless years of the multiverse, there are not a few soul alien dragons like you, and most of them are born in five-color dragons and belong to my children.”

The voice that was cold just now became as gentle as the breeze.

“Little fellow, don’t be afraid.”

“Since you were born in the dragon’s body and chanted your real name, then you are True Dragon.”

“And, do you really think that the situation of your alien soul can be hidden from the eyes and ears of the dragon god?”

“It’s just that the dragon with the alien soul is also a dragon, and our dragon god will not deliberately embarrass the alien soul. Dragon.”

Galleon was silent again.

It turned out that the secret he thought could not be considered in the eyes of the Dragon God.

From the Dragon God’s point of view, he is a simple dragon, because it is the Dragon of Time that has attracted special attention and attention, not because of the alien body of the soul.

“I also know that your mother is a White Dragon.”

“You have the blood of five-colored dragons flowing in your body. In this way, you are my child.”

The voice of the Dragon Mother became loving and peaceful.

Galleon remains unmoved.

“Galleon, you are my best child, my arms are always open for you.”

“One day, you will stand in front of me and understand that I am right Your selfless love.”

Galleon remained silent, closing his eyes.

He believes that everything the mother of the dragon says is harboring malicious intentions.

Under this premise, no matter what the Dragon Mother says, he will not be influenced by her fascination.

In a word: don’t listen, don’t listen, the dragon mother recites the scriptures.

On the other side, seeing Galleon’s oil and salt do not enter, the attitude of the Mother of Evil Dragons is still mild, not showing the cold and evil intentions at the beginning.

“My child, I have a gift for you that you might like.”

“Do you want to know what it is?”

The Mother of Dragons took the initiative to ask, and it would be bad to keep silent.

Galleon doesn’t care about this so-called gift.

Since the dragon mother wants to send it, he will not refuse, but after that, he will immediately throw it away, there are traps waiting for him in the province.

“Of course, I’m looking forward to the gift from the Mother of Dragons,” said Galleon.


The Mother of Evil Dragon smiled softly and said slowly: “The gift I prepared for you is the sealed time god, Fianni.”

At the same time .

The information about this Fianni was passed on to Galleon by the Dragon Mother.

After learning about it, Galleon’s eyes gleamed, a look of longing flashed in his eyes.

The gods are the unanticipated products of Divine Force in the attempts of the gods, and they are failed works. The gods abandon and hate their creators, and are full of desire to destroy the world. Because they are as difficult to kill as gods, most of them are sealed by gods.

Occasionally, the gods who break through the seal will cause catastrophic damage once they come to the main material world.

As for what the Mother of Dragons said, the god of time is a deformed child of an unknown god whose priesthood is related to time, and was personally abandoned by her.

If you can get Time Avenger and gain its power, Galleon will enter the growth mode of advanced by leaps and bounds.

“It’s a big tonic for you.”

Galleon was a little shaken.

“Thank you for your gift.”

He plans to wait until he gets the Time God’s Sin, and then act accordingly to see what the Dragon Mother wants to do.

After hearing what Galleon said.

The mother of dragons said: “This gift represents the love of me, a mother, for his child.”

“I tell you the world, the main material world that seals the evil of time. Get the location yourself.”

Immediately, the Mother of Dragons told Galleon a world coordinate.

It seems to have remembered something. After Galleon got the coordinates, the mother of dragons casually added: “By the way, there is a powerful Formation in the place where the evil of time is sealed.”


“When you go, remember to bring the Ferrite Dragon King. This Formation can only be opened by the Ferrous Dragon Clan King.”

Ferrous Dragon King?

What kind of Formation just needs Ferrite Dragon King to open.

Galleon was a little puzzled, but he was nodded, saying: “I see, great dragon mother, many thanks for your gift.”

“Get it as soon as possible, if it’s too late. If so, it may break through the seal and escape, and when the time comes it will be difficult to catch.”

The voice of the Mother of Dragons became quieter and quieter, and eventually disappeared completely.

Next, Galleon let out a long breath.

He reviewed the dialogue between the Dragon Mother and himself, and analyzed his purpose word by word.

To be honest, Galleon didn’t believe that the Mother of Dragons was so kind, so she deliberately contacted herself in order to give herself a great gift.

However, after knowing what the Time Gods are, Galleon can’t ignore its existence.

For Galleon, the sealed evil of time is a great feast, no matter true or false, he can’t help but want to try it.

“However, my thoughts at this time should be in the hands of the Dragon Mother.”

Galleon knew this, but he still couldn’t stop wanting to get the Time God. .

Eventually, he took a few deep breaths and his mood gradually recovered.

Although Galleon can’t ignore the existence of the Time God and crave it, he’s not a reckless dragon.

He wouldn’t leave until he figured out what the Mother of Dragons wanted to do.

As the Dragon of Time, even if there is no Time God, he will become stronger and stronger as time passes. It would be bad if he died in the middle because of the thirst for strength in his heart.

Galleon silently surveyed the plane coordinates, shook his head, and forgot about it for the time being.

Soon, a week has passed.

Because of the appeasement of several ancient giant dragons, the medical smell of the Dragon Clan in the Kara planet has temporarily subsided a lot.

At the same time, following Galleon’s orders, the Legendary giant dragons who tracked down the dragon killer sent a message to Galleon.

Recommend a book that is often the first in the battle power list.

The author was inspired by the boss of tentacle monster and worked hard.

(seeking monthly pass)

(end of this chapter)

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