Contract Summoner

Chapter 17

The kettle was whistling letting me know my water was boiling. I put down my pen and went to make my fourth cup of tea today. One of the few reliable things in this new world, tea fixes all my problems. I dug for one of my last tea bags and let it soak in the hot water.

While I let that happen, I looked down at the floor at the magical circle. I put the Ritual of Learning in my room in hopes that it would aid in my goal of gaining the Reading skill, while also increasing my other skills. Writing being the main one.

Looking back at my table, dozens of papers filled it. It made me remember the days of countless hours staying late at night helping my clients either keep as much stuff as possible, or take as much as possible. More reasons why I never married.

I looked at the top folder showing an image of yet another person on this base that was still Level 1. He only had the Knives skill and another skill called Barista. I had no clue how making coffee would help in our new world, but I knew this kid wouldn’t make a good candidate. I added it to the ever growing pile of Nope. I let the steam from my cup wash over my face, bringing me a moment of peace before I dug through more files.

So far I found five replacements for Hennessy, the problem was each of them were all level two one. It would take a huge amount of work, but it could be done. Luckily waves of Infernal creatures came every day.

Which is why you have your back up plan Mathew, but will it be enough?

I glanced up at the clock and saw it was just past ten at night. Shit I missed dinner again, oh well.

I dug out a breakfast bar and snacked on that for the time being. The feeling of guilt washed over me for a moment, however I pushed it down again. The feeling has been gnawing at me since we left for the Gobling Dungeon. I knew why it was there, but logic kept it away for now.

You can do this Mat, you know why.

I drank some more tea, letting the warmth wash over me for that moment of bliss. I couldn’t look at anymore files, there just wasn’t going to be anyone else who fitted the bill. A bullet to bite tomorrow, tonight I can enjoy some alone time. “Menu”

Name: Mathew Age: 27 Level: 8 Exp: 7,470 / 10,125

Race: Human [Grade G] Class: Summoner Profession: Contract Scribe Summons: 1 / 4

Titles: Lawyer, Solo Boss

Achievements: First Quest, Professional Profession, Survivor

Health: 573 / 573 Health Regen Per Hour: 168

Mana: 1400 / 1400 Mana Regen Per Hour: 325

Stat Base Modifier Total

Strength: 10 3 13

Vitality: 11 3 14

Dexterity: 10 3 13

Endurance: 11 3 14

Intelligence: 23 9 34

Wisdom 21 6 28

Unallocated Stat Points: 0 Credits: 217

Submenus: Abilities, Inventory, Options Terms and Conditions, Quests, Skills, Spell List, Store

Ever since I acquired the Options submenu, I have enjoyed messing with the settings. A large ‘thank you’ to Marcus once again. Something that has been bothering me is the ‘Modifier’ section of my stats. Crow’s M&M book is completely useless for most of this stuff. I focused on the Modifiers and a new menu popped up.


Lawyer: As the first Human to read the terms and conditions start to finish you gained a Unique Title! This title grants you +1 to Wisdom and Intelligence.

Solo Boss: For killing a boss on your own, you have obtained this unique title. Wear it with honor! +3 in all stats.

Robes of the Scribe [Uncommon]: Comfortable cloth that breathes easily and easy to clean! While offering little to defense, these robes are the mark of a Scribe. Has pockets. While wearing it you are given +3 to Intelligence and +1 to Wisdom.

Huh, I completely forgot about that new title. I realized with that title it granted me the stats of what? An additional nine levels of stat points? Am I really that strong? I looked back up at the clock and saw only a few minutes had passed.

I looked over my spells and a flashing notification caught my eye.

Spell slot available. Please select a new Tier 2 spell

Shit, I was too focused on everything else I forgot to grab my new spell for Level 8! The complete lack of efficiency of time with the spell slapped me in the face. I opened my spell list and quickly looked at all the tier 2 spells.

There were only three that caught my eye.

Frozen Shield

A layer of frozen magic covers your body protecting you from damage. Any fire damage will melt the shield instantly

Mana Cost: 30 Per Minute

Casting Time: Instant

Summon Creature

Summon a Creature based on the environment you are in. Creatures summoned this way are magical constructs and are typically not useful for combat.

Mana Cost: 100

Casting Time: 10 Minutes

Storage Bag

Enchant a bag to increase its storage capacity. Weight of all objects still applies as if carrying them normally.

Mana Cost: 1000

Casting Time: 24 Hours

Enchantment Lasts for 1 week

All of the Ritual spells were not going to help directly when fighting the Infernal Dungeon. Weather Team 1 was alive or not, I didn’t know. The feeling of guild spiked up just a moment more before I pushed it away again.

Wispy floated closer by my head and bumped into me. “Hey be careful! If you were a ball of fire, I wouldn’t have hair on my head anymore.”

I sipped at my tea while looking over the three spells. The only reason I didn’t instantly pick the first one was due to the nature of the upcoming dungeon. Everything would be fire aspected, so the shield would be useless. However if I got it to Beginner, couldn’t it get a fire resistance upgrade?

Summon Creature was the wild card of the three. However it showed the most versatility. I could have up to four summons at once, so it was a solid pick. The unknown of what could be summoned worried me. Would it not obey me like the Infernal Wolf I can summon?

Lastly was the Storage Bag enchantment. Such a spell would make carrying supplies easier for us, but other than that, it was useless. I only imagine upgrades would improve how much could be stored and the weight be reduced.

I thought it over for several moments and realized I had only one real answer. I selected my choice and read the new box.

Summon Creature | Novice 1

Summon a Creature based on the environment you are in. Creatures summoned this way are magical constructs and are typically not useful for combat.

Casting Time: 10 Minutes

Range of Control: Unlimited

Mana Cost: 100

I looked around my room to find a good sized space to test the spell, just in case a larger creature appeared. I started the ten minute casting and finished as all spells required, “Summon Creature!”

A blob of mana left my hands and started to change shape. The small red and fuzzy creature appeared on the ground. It’s bushy tail almost looked like it was on fire.

Infernal Squirrel, Level 1

I deadpanned looking at the little creature. Really? A magical spell that summons a creature to my aid, and it’s a squirrel?

The little guy must have read my mind because he scuttled over to my bed and climbed up to be closer to my face.

“Hey, get off of there. I don’t want you pooping on my bed!”

The Squirrel turned toward me, nodded, then climbed back onto the floor. Looking up at me as if waiting for me to give it another order.

“Uhhhh, okay. Not an evil Infernal Squirrel. That worry is out of the way. I guess you are not good for combat?”

It shook its head.

“You can understand me?”

It nodded.

“Can you speak?”

Another shake of the head.

“Alrighty, so what can you do?”

It scuttled away quickly and I lost sight of it in my room. A few moments later it appeared on my bed as if it was always there.

“You are good at hiding and running away? You can scout ahead at areas?”

It nodded.

Madison might be out of the business. I chuckled to myself.

“Awesome, I have three creatures, and a fourth crazy one at my bidding.” I smiled and then a new thought appeared in my head.

“Wait, will you always be a squirrel?”

It shrugged.

The spell said it depended upon my environment, so I doubt that it will always be this little guy.

I looked over to the table full of paperwork that I really didn’t want to go back to. Instead I decided to go and stretch my legs. I grabbed my staff and bag and looked at my new friend. “Come on, we are going outside, I want to test something.”

The squirrel climbed up my leg and then wormed its way into my bag sticking his head out to be able to see. I walked outside into the main hallway and left the building. At this time of night, only patrols were out and about. Once they saw who I was they just gave a friendly wave and went about their business. Only one person stopped me and asked what I was doing out after curfew.

“I couldn’t sleep, I wanted to take a walk outside, maybe blast a few Imps that get close to the walls.”

The soldier simply nodded, “I suggest the north side, they are more abundant over there. Unless you don’t want to fight, then I suggest the south.”

I thanked him and headed to the north gate. I could see a few lights flash in that direction, and I knew that a fight was going on. I quickened my pace into a run. Wispy was floating next to me as if the increased speed didn’t bother him.

When I got to the gate I saw four Imps flying around throwing bolts of fire at gate guards. One of them noticed me and waved me over behind one of the barricades for protection.

“Mathew! We can save the pleasantries for later, care to help us out?”

I nodded, “Sure can, Wispy will do most of the work. Any of your guys ranged?”

“Just Park. Rest of us only have melee skills or defensive skills.” He pointed at one of the guards that was wearing a black hoodie even though it was the summer months.

I called over to him, “Park! Attack the same ones I do, we will get rid of them one at a time.”

He looked over at me confused, but when he saw Wispy he nodded with a wicked grin on his face. I mentally commanded Wispy to start attacking and once the first blue frosty bolt hit an Imp, Park jumped up.

“Curse!” A black inky gas surrounded the same Imp and the notifications appeared.

Wispy dealt 99 Cold Damage to Imp. Resisted!

Park inflicted Curse to Imp.

Wispy moved to dodge a bolt of fire and attacked the first Imp again.

Wispy dealt 153 Cold Damage to Imp. Killing Blow!

What? Where did the Resistance go?

I looked over at Park who jumped up and Cursed the second Imp, followed by another attack. “Necro Bolt!” A black energy flew to the Imp

Park dealt 33 Necrotic Damage to Imp.

It took us a few more minutes and I only got hit twice by stray fire from the Imps, but soon all four were defeated. Nothing increased in grade so I just closed the Combat Summary and went over to Park.

“Hey there, I’m Mathew. What is that Curse spell?” I asked him upfront.

“Ah, it’s a debuff. It allows the next attack to ignore resistances of creatures. It helps with my Necro Bolts, since the Imps are resistant to Necrotic Damage. Names Park by the way, aspiring Warlock in our new world of magic. Level 3. Pleasure to meet you.” He stuck his hand out for a shake.

I shook his hand and wispy floated over behind me. “How long have you been at the base here?”

“I arrived the other day actually. Once I heard about the constant invasion of Imps, I knew it was an easy way to level up.”

A debuffer? I wonder…

“Have you heard of the Infernal Dungeon by any chance?”

Park nodded, “Isn’t there a big team going to defeat it, and hopefully rescue the first group that went?”

“That’s right, we leave next week. Although rescuing Team 1 probably isn’t going to happen.” I looked down at the ground.

“Wait, ‘We’? As in, your team? Woah, how did you get invited to their team?” Park asked.

“Well, it’s my team actually. So I invited myself?”

“Pft, sorry Mathew, but you are not the giant shield wielder who I heard was the leader. His name is Raven or something like that.”

I face palmed. “First, his name is Crow. Secondly Crow isn’t in charge of the team, even though he knows a lot about how stuff works.”

“So why are you here then?” He gestured to the area we were sitting at.

“I was here to test a new spell I got. I saw the fight and came over to help.”

Park shook his head. “No I mean why are you here at and not fighting your way to the Infernal Dungeon? Shouldn’t rescuing Team 1 be a priority?”

I looked at the ground. “They are dead, or at least, they are better off being dead.”

He raised an eyebrow at that, “Why do you think that?”

“The Dungeon increased in difficulty not long after they went in. The two running theories are they were killed and the monsters inside got stronger. The other theory is they are captured and being forced to fight for the creatures within, again increasing the overall difficulty of the dungeon. Either way, the only reason I didn’t personally run all the way there alone was the fact that I can’t help them.”

Not alone anyways.

Park stood up and stretched, “Well Mr. Mathew, sounds like you are in a pickle. I’m almost tapped out of mana for the night, good luck with your Raid.”

He started to walk away, but I called out to him. “Wait! Park, I have a question for you.”

“Everyone, this is Park. He is going to be our Debuffer.” I said

Park gave a small wave. “Hey everyone, pleasure to meet you all. Name’s Park. I plan to become a Warlock. Currently Level 3, and have two spells. For melee combat I prioritize knives.”

Park sat down at the table with everyone except for Crow. He was helping Hennessy work on the forging process.

“Today I wanted to work on a few projects. The first is capturing an Imp.”

Everyone who wasn’t Leo or Madi looked at me weirdly. “And how do you plan on us doing that? Getting some cheese and a box?” Marcus asked.

“I have a spell actually. It can trap a creature for a short time. The problem is getting it in the trap.”

“So you want us to act as bait?” Becca asked.

“Bait is such a strong word. More like potential targets.” I said “But yes, I need to lure it to the trap.”

“Why not just use Wispy or your Ice Elemental?” Leo asked.

“Wispy can only go 5 meters away from me.” I said. “As for the Ice Elemental, I thought about it, but the problem is it dies in one shot from any of the Imps fire attacks. So it would make for poor bait.”

“So which of us will it be?” Madison asked, looking at everyone.

“I vote Crow.” Becca said.

“I agree.”


“Can’t argue against that logic.”

“Sounds like it’s the majority”

I smiled. “That leads me to my second goal. I want to attempt to resummon the Infernal Wolf.”

“Wait, you can do that?” Park asked.

I nodded. “My Staff gives me the ability to summon one. However last time I did, it did not go well.”

Madison scoffed. “Almost made you into wolf chow.”

“Right, I feel like gaining it’s trust or dominating over it somehow is the best way to go about it. Otherwise it’s a wasteful ability that could be useful in the Dungeon.”

“Having the enemies own pets fight against them? That’s awesomely cruel.” Park said.

I shrugged. “I have the ability to bind creatures to my will. Not my fault it is only Infernal creatures around here.”

“Sounds like enslaving people still.” Leo said, crossing his arms.

“And I compare it to the famous game of Capsule Creatures. I won’t use them for slavery, I’m not like that.”

“Sure thing Not Master.” Madison chuckled.

I ignored her comment and continued on. “Other than those two things, all of us need to gain levels, and improve our abilities, skills and spells. Any other inputs?”

Marcus raised his hand. “Yes, I wanted to bring up the elephant in the room, what about our missing back up tank Hennessy? Also the promised healer Brown?”

“I’m working on both of those, the back up tank might end up being Leo, while we find an easy DPS replacement. As for the healer, it’s going to be a tougher job. Not many of his skills are around. Those that are, spend their time helping injured survivors or heal up those training. If anyone has any suggestions I am open ears.”

Nobody had anything to offer so I stood up. “Alrighty, let’s get to work.”

We stood in a clearing within the base, but far enough from anyone or anything that if something goes wrong, nothing will get damaged. I stood in the center surrounded by everyone. The plan was to kill the wolf if I couldn’t unsummon it, or control it.

I had five minutes of the summoning left before the spell finished. As the time ticked down, the feeling of worry built more and more. Eventually the spell was finished. “Summon Infernal Wolf!”

The horned wolf appeared and once he saw me, started to growl and took an offensive stance. I held my staff firmly but held my other hand out in a friendly manner.

“Easy there, I am your summoner. I don’t plan to hurt you.” I calmly said.

The wolf still growled at me however it didn't immediately lunge at my face. That’s a good sign.

I took a quick glance at the others, each had a spell or ability ready to hurl at the Wolf. In turn the wolf looked around and noticed it was surrounded. It looked back at me and I could see a moment of worry in its eyes.

“Good Wolf. Sit?” I asked

As soon as the command left my mouth, the wolf lunged forward at me. “Unsummon Infernal Wolf!” I said right before it met with my face.

I slumped to the ground defeated. “Why does it want to kill me? Fucking mutt.”

“What rank is it?” Park asked.

I opened my inventory and focused on my Staff, specifically the spell.

Summon Infernal Wolf

These infernal creatures love to fight. A fully grown Infernal Wolf can use it’s horn to its full potential causing it’s enemies to be inflicted with curses.

Health: 50

Damage: 75

Range: Unlimited

Casting Time: 45 Minutes

Mana Cost: 300

“It doesn't have a rank. But given it’s stats, I say it’s easily Novice still.” I said.

“Well, the uniwolf failed, time to capture an Imp right?” Becca asked.

I rubbed my head for a moment in thought. Trying to figure out how to tame this wolf. Everyone I asked who has any experience with taming animals in the real world, all suggested showing dominance. Bite its ear or something along those lines. However, I don’t want to do that unless needed.

“You okay Mathew?” Madison asked.

I nodded. “I’m good, just in thought. Let’s go fight some Imps. The one I capture, I want to be the higher leveled ones, or one that seems in charge somehow.”

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