Contract Summoner

Chapter 1 [Revised]

I handed a stack of papers to my client, Jacob Hunt.  “Alright Mr. Hunt, the paperwork has been finalized, I just need your signature here and initially at the marked places.”

“And that’s it huh? She gets half of everything I earned, even after getting proof she cheated on me?”

“I am sorry sir, but you were lucky to only lose half remember? Plus you keep the house, the car, and the dogs. In all fairness you got off well. Everything is finalized, I suggest you take what you have and move on. I’ve seen clients in worse spots than you, and I’ve seen them turn around for the better.” And for the worse, but let’s not mention that to him.

Jacob sighed and started to sign the final documents. “There, can I go now?”

“Of course, I will have copies sent to you next week, and I expect my final paycheck before then. Have a pleasant evening Mr. Hunt.”

Jacob stood and sombered out the office door. I put away all the paperwork and smiled to myself. It was another successful client. Sure he lost half his money, but he got to keep his bigger assets. Was a shame he never got video proof of the cheating, otherwise he would have won everything.

I started to boil some water for a late night cup of tea. “Leo is going to be glad it finished this way, I hope he enjoyed his weekend off.”

Leo is my partner in my business. A new Law Firm here in the great state of Virginia. Years of college and law school, yet I am the youngest Lawyer in the region. Perks of coming from a wealthy family.

The pot was whistling and I started to soak the teabag in my cup when I glanced at my top drawer in my desk. Well, a little bit wouldn’t hurt.

I pulled out a bottle of scotch I was given when I first started here. “Well a toast, to another case. One without Judge Jerry hopefully.”

I didn’t hate Jerry, but I always felt he had it out for me. Ever since day one when he denied my request for an extension due to my client’s daughter being injured in a car crash so he could visit her after surgery.

I took a drink of my adult beverage and let the liquid warm me up. Putting the bottle away, I sipped at my tea while checking the latest news. It wasn’t anything new, tensions rising in the Middle East, more conspiracy that foreign countries were hacking our stuff, and that our current President was a kiddie fiddler. Just like the last president, and the one before that, and so on. Not everybody can be pleased, so rumors and false allegations were always spread.

“People love to jump to a reason without proof. Unlawful bastards.” I finished my tea and started to pack up. I spent last night on my office couch since I had to finish so much paperwork to do alone. It’s going to be good sleeping in my own bed for once.

I checked my phone and saw the time. “Well, good news is there is no traffic at this late hour. Bad news is my favorite sandwich shop is closed. Oh well, I think I have some leftovers from that Italian restaurant the other day.”

I started to pack my bags and soon was heading out the door and turned to lock it. However, instead of a door, there was nothing. Only the grey void filled my vision.

“What the-“ I turned and saw more grey. Only grey. I was somehow standing on the grey void, feeling a solidness to the ‘ground’.

“Where am I? What the actual fuck is going on?” I asked aloud.

Is it the second coming? Were my parents always right? Drugs? Am I dead? A series of thoughts filled my head and after a few moments something appeared in front of me. It was a blue box that floated about an arm’s length away.

Welcome to the Starting Void, the System has claimed your world under its protection. Remain calm while the magic finishes its work

What? I reached out to touch the floating box only for it to feel like the texture of a phone screen.

“Hello! What is going on here? I demand to speak to whoever is in charge. I know my rights.” Unless I am dead, then whatever new laws governed heaven….or hell is what rules now.

A few more moments went by with silence. I already pulled out my phone which had no service. Everywhere I looked the screen remained in front of me.

Surely this isn’t real? Did I have a stroke? I never heard of a drug that made people see things like this.

Soon the box was gone and replaced with a new one.

Congratulations! You are one of the many Humans who did not die! Achievement awarded: Survivor’

‘You and 75% of other Humans have been taken under the protection of me, The System. I bless each and every one of you with my magic to survive in your new way of life. I wish each of you the best of luck! This area you are currently in is a pocket dimension to protect you while you learn how to use the Menu. Simply say ‘Menu’ and everything will work from there, this will be the only time I will have direct contact with you.

“Huh? Menu? What-“

Suddenly a new blue box, this time with a bunch of numbers and smaller boxes within, showed up.

Name: Mathew

Race: Human [Grade G]

Class: Unknown [Grade Unknown]

Titles: None

Achievements: Survivor

Health: 105/105

Mana: 100/100

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Unallotted Stat Points: 5

Submenus: Abilities, Inventory

“Is…is this a character sheet from a video game?” I asked out loud.

It has been many years since I even played a game that wasn’t on my phone and cost .99 cents. However, such a thing was commonplace that I recognized it. What bothered me the most was that it had my name at the top.

Why does it know my name? What is going on?

I was confused, slightly scared, and above all, clueless. As I stared at the screen more questions appeared. What did the G rank mean next to humans? Why am I classless? Why are all my stats the same?

“The System was it? Can you hear me? Is this a video game? Will I go back to Earth? Why are you here?”

Nothing answered my shouted questions. I groaned in frustration. “What am I to do?”

I looked over the six core status names that represented what a person could do. The names seem self-explanatory, however I had no clue what each point I allocated to them could mean. Does a 2 in strength double my physical prowess? Increase it by 1%? 10%? I was tempted not to do anything but wait in hopes I would be returned to my office and I can call for help.

I focused on the Achievement ‘Survivor’ thinking that 25% of all humans on Earth are now dead, when a new box appeared.

Achievement - Survivor: For surviving the claim of The System you have been awarded 5 extra max health points.

“Oh, so that explains why my health is at 105 and not 100 like the mana. However, why do I have mana? It said it gave us magic, so can I use magic?”

I looked at my hands and held it in front of me. “Fireball!” Nothing happened.

“Uh, I cast Fireball!” Still nothing happened.

Well that’s a letdown.

“What are the rules? No rules means anything can happen. There must be something! Guidelines? Help? Terms and Conditions? Something!”

I was getting used to the appearing and disappearing boxes as a new one appeared. This one was long and even had a scroll bar. It looked like classic terms and conditions for any agreement I ever signed, made, or co-signed. A classic ‘Cover Your Ass’ agreement between people. Essentially by agreeing to it, you can’t sue or press charges for getting injured, or having something bad happen to you.

This version was similar enough that I was both happy and confused. Why are there Terms and Conditions?

At the bottom was the only thing that drew my attention.

By completing your character sheet before leaving the Safety Void, you hereby agree to all the above stated conditions. This document is officiated by The Council of Order of The System

“So by not doing anything, I am outside these rules. Interesting. So if I just wait till it kicks me out, then I am safe right?”

Except I knew I wouldn’t be. Section C talked about how The System was liable for your life, and would take strides to keep things fair and balanced for our newly captured planet. If I didn’t agree, The System wouldn’t be liable for my death.

“So do I agree or not? Force myself to whatever is going on now, or wait and suffer the possible outcome. I think I will stick with what I know. The Conditions didn’t have anything negative that I saw.”

That is, if this is even real. The thought wormed its way to the front of my thoughts. However there was one favorable law I know. Anything I signed to or agreed upon here is null and voided, since it’s under duress. I am captured, held against my will, and essentially forced to agree.

Title Gained: Lawyer

As the first Human to read the terms and conditions start to finish you gained a Unique Title! This title grants you +1 to Wisdom and Intelligence.’

“Unique Title? What?” I looked over at my Menu again and saw that under Titles, the Lawyer was there, alone with both Intelligence and Wisdom increased by 1 point.

My eyes wandered down to the two Submenus: Abilities and Inventory.

“Abilities” I said aloud.



Okay, rude. My ability to make the perfect cup of tea deserved to be there.

With nothing to check there, I looked at my Inventory. “Inventory.”

















Either my clothes didn’t count, or I was missing something. What really bothered me still was the similarities to video games. I just couldn’t understand or figure out why. It was just more reasons why I was betting this isn’t real.

“Alrighty, I rather not wait till someone with a camera comes in, so I might as well assign those five points.” I stared at the different stats until I decided to put 2 points into Intelligence and Wisdom, then my last point into Vitality.

More health never hurt.

I looked over everything and was satisfied. Both my health and mana went up, but until I had more context I wasn’t worried about it.  After all, this was probably fake.

When everything was done and I saw nothing else that I could check, all the boxes winked out and were replaced with a single one.

Finalize Tutorial and be sent back to your world?

Yes / No

I looked around one last time and took a deep breath. “Last chance, if I hit yes and someone pops out to scare me, I just might punch you out of reflex.”

No response came and I hit Yes.

In a blink of an eye I was in my own home, sitting on my bed. I blinked again and looked around. The lights were still off, and I was wearing the same outfit I left my office in. Holy fuck, it was drugs! I hallucinated everything and now the effects are gone.

I reached down and felt myself to be solid and real. A single tinge of fear was left in my mind, as I had to prove it was all fake. “Menu”

The blue box appeared and I jumped back startled, apparently not used to the boxes after all.

“Shit. Fuck. Nope, this can’t be real!” My stammering was interrupted by a phone call. I answered it, not looking at who it was.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Mathew, please tell me the creepy blue screens appeared for you also.” It was Leo.

“Yes! I thought I was crazy, it happened to you as well?” I asked.

“Yea, listen I am in my truck and was heading to my Sisters apartment. The office is on the way, so I will pick you up. Bring your gun, I got Lucky with me. There are dead bodies everywhere!”

“What! People are already killing?” I asked as I opened my bedside drawer to pull out my pistol. I kept here for self-defense, only ever shooting it once a month at a gun range for practice.

“No. It’s worse. You will understand if you look outside. I hope you have the stomach for it. It’s horrible.”

“Wait, shit. I’m not at the offices, I am at my house.”

“Even better, it’s closer. See you soon, I need both hands to avoid these Locos.” Leo dipped into this family language of Spanish to curse some more at people.

He hung up and I was left alone for a few quiet moments. Then I thought a few moments about my own family. I was about to not call them, breaking the silence when my Dad’s number showed up on the screen.

“Dad? I’m surprised to see you call me.” I said with a slight edge on my voice. I haven't talked to him since Christmas, and the rest of my family I have yet to talk to in a few years.

“She is dead, son.”

That stopped me for a moment. “What do you mean?”

“Your Mother, she’s dead. It’s….oh god. Matthew I am sorry, she was here before I disappeared, but now. Matthew, I'm sorry but I can’t deal with this. It has to be the second coming of Jesus. I pray for you son, join me and your mother in Heaven.” The sound of a gunshot and the phone falling to the ground was the last I heard from him as silence filled the call.

I hung up my phone and started at it. Did he really kill himself? What happened to my mom?

Then I thought about what Leo said and looked out my window. Outside it was dark, but street lights lit up the area somewhat. I could see a couple of bodies on the ground, none of them moving. As I looked closer I realized something, none of them had heads.

It looked like a watermelon fell on pavement with the gore on the ground. I turned away and fought down the urge to vomit. What I saw was horrible, and then I connected the dots.

The 25% who didn’t survive The System, that must be them!

I changed clothes out of my business suit into something more comfortable. Fearing for the worse, I pack a bag of some basic supplies. A half full first aid kit I used when camping, a knife and some other supplies. About 10 minutes went by before my phone dinged saying Leo was here. I opened my door and looked around in case nobody was around with a weapon of their own.

I made my way to his truck quickly and hopped in the passenger seat. “Leo, man am I glad to see you. I know I joked that you were my second best partner, but today you just jumped to number one. Also, if it matters, I closed the Hunt case today.”

“Mathew, I enjoy the jokes, but let’s be serious for a moment here. Shit is happening, and we need to be smart.” Leo put the Truck into drive and started to head to where his sister lived.

“People are dead, blue magical boxes float around our heads, and I can’t get a hold of my sister on the phone.”

As we turned into the main city area, I saw people looting shops. “Damn, they work fast don’t they?”

“It’s the end of the world hombre. Besides, that’s why financial lawyers exist. Although, I doubt most businesses don’t have an apocalyptic event as a claim.”

I nodded, then let silence filled the truck. I didn’t like my family, they all ousted me almost six years ago now. However, my dad still talked to me at least twice a year on my birthday and Christmas. Hearing him take his life was a bit of a shock, but not one that overwhelmed me.

I looked over at Leo and saw above his head a blue box.

Leo, Level 1, Unclassed

“Hey Leo, what’s with the blue box above your head?” I asked him.

“What?” He looked up. “I see nothing, but there is one above your head. Mathew, Level 1, Unclassed. Is what it says.”

“Just like yours, but with your name. This shit is weird. Are we sure this is real?”

“I don’t know man, it feels real enough. I pinched, slapped, and might have done a little cutting on myself to be sure it wasn’t a dream. Either this dream is massively vivid, or it’s real.”

I nodded in agreement. I looked around and saw a blue light not far from the direction we are going. I hope to god we are not going that way.

Leo turned to a road going in the direction of the blue light. “So where did you put your points at?”

“Huh? What do you mean?” I asked him.

“Those unallocated points. I put mine in Strength and Wisdom. Seems like two good areas.”

“Oh I did Intelligence and Wisdom, and the last point into Vitality, extra health could have hurt.” I said.

Leo nodded. “Good deal, it’s just around this corner.”

The large building had a small crowd outfront of it. All of them looking at the swirling blue thing. It was right where the front doors would be.

“Is that a portal? Shit looks like it’s from a Sci-Fi movie!” I said.

It’s what it looked like. A swirling blue glowing light. It was at least 15 feet across. We parked next to the crowd and looked around.

“How do we get inside? Is there a back door?”

“No, this is one of those women and children only places. One entry/exit except for the fire escape on the side. That’s how we are getting in regardless of the laws and rules of this place. Tonight I am not a lawyer, only a hermano mayor.” He stepped out of his truck with shotgun in hand.

I stepped out with my handgun in my hand. I looked over to the crowd. “Does anyone know if there are people inside the building?” I hoped someone had seen people leave or go into the building.

A young girl walked up, she was probably 16 or 17 years old, “My Mom ran into the portal; she thinks my brother is still inside the building after we both appeared out here. Nobody has left the building.” Her eyes were puffy from recent crying.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “If we see her, we will help her out. Thanks for the information.”

Leo and I headed to the side where a fire escape was. It looks like someone was here recently as well, since the ladder was lowered so anyone at ground level can reach it. Leo reached up and started to climb, I followed behind him.

Once we reached the third floor, Leo stopped and started to smash open the window. I assumed this was her floor. He stepped inside, and I followed careful to not cut myself on the glass. The hallway was dark, no lights on and a few doors were broken. The sound of moaning could be heard and it did not sit well with me. Some fight or flight response was going full throttle in my head and it was telling me to run.

We started to walk down the hallway, looking into different rooms. Most of the doors were still open from people fleeing in fear of what happened just an hour ago. Every room was eerily empty. I didn’t like it.

“Isabella it’s me Leo! I am here to bring you to our office, are you there!” Leo shouted down the hall. He stepped forward, the sound of glass crunching under his feet. A figure walked into the hallway, the darkness hiding his or her features, though the small frame made it appear female.

Leo got excited, “Bell it’s me! Come here, gods am I glad you are safe.”

When I focused on the figure I put a hand on Leo’s shoulder stopping him. Seeing what I saw made a stone sit in my gut full of fear. “Leo….focus on her like you did me.”

Isabella, Level 1, Undead Minion

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