Containment Control Starts With the Umbrella

Chapter 18 The First Containment Operation


William had no objection to the battle plan.

Mainly because he didn't know much about military operations and couldn't make useful suggestions.

However, William still asked Andre: Colonel, how many people are there in that town? Are there any survivors?

About 2,000, because the Canadian army has implemented a signal blockade on the town in accordance with the terms of the signing, I am not sure how many survivors there are.

Oh, really.

Hearing the answer, William thought for a while, and then ordered the UBCS sitting in front of him:

Soldiers, whenever they see surviving civilians, they will implement containment measures and classify them as D-class personnel.

If you encounter strong resistance, you are allowed to shoot and deal with it, and don't let what happened in this small town leak out.

The world cannot be panicked because of a small number of people.

Moreover, after this incident, the leadership will no longer be the government, but us Umbrella.

So everyone, heed my orders.

Yes! All the UBCS nodded in agreement.

All of them who have been assimilated have loyalty above 90.

Although not to the level of the USS, William's orders will also be absolutely executed.

As for Andre, who was beside him, it was impossible to have any dissatisfaction.

The old brawny was even a little relieved...

I think William is really not as rambunctious as he used to be.

After all, decisiveness is the basic quality that a monopoly business owner should have.

Not bad! William seemed satisfied with UBCS' answer, and smiled:

This time I have brought strong reinforcements to your company, I wish you a smooth containment!

Yes! Boss!


The firepower configuration of the UBCS company is as follows;

A class consists of six people.

Squad Leader: Responsible for commanding, the rank is generally corporal or sergeant.

Rifleman: Carry a large number of rifle magazines.

Support Soldier: Carry a large number of rifle magazines and serve as the squad leader's deputy.

Breaker: Equipped with shotguns and submachine guns, as well as blasting equipment.

Machine Gunner: Light machine gun firepower output unit.

Grenadier: The rifle carries a grenade launcher and holds a large number of grenades.

A platoon consists of five squads, and the platoon leader has the rank of sergeant or second lieutenant.

A company consists of four platoons, and the company commander is a lieutenant or captain.


The sky was exceptionally clear.

Not many clouds block the moonlight.

In this night sky, two Umbrella large transport planes An-124 were heading towards a small town in the west called Athabasca.

Since the distance between Hafa City and Athabasca is about 4,000 kilometers, after William and Andre finalized the battle strategy...

Local time in Hafa, at eleven o'clock at night on January 27, 2007, two An-124 transport planes took off quickly.

Carrying one hundred and twenty UBCS and three tyrants, they sailed fast at an altitude of 13,000 kilometers.

Due to the three-hour time difference, the time when the UBCS company arrived over Athabasca was about 12:30 a.m. locally.

Inside the cabin of an An-124;

Sixty UBCS were well-groomed, with special helmets and gas masks hanging in front of them.

Each of them, armed with guns, sat in their respective seats.

Some people's facial expressions are tense, indicating that they are very anxious.

Some people look like they don't care, and they can even sleep peacefully in the environment where the engine is noisy.

This was Umbrella's first major military containment operation.

Soldiers of the UBCS are informed of the existence of paranormal events in this world when they are recruited.

Despite their absolute loyalty to their bosses, they can't help but doubt the truth.

Until now, they have completely believed it.

Veterans are naturally prepared long ago, while recruits seem a little immature.

Especially the seats at the rear of the cabin, there is a gray-skinned 'person' as support.

This left the recruits scared, curious, and even vaguely excited about what to do next.



The tailgate of the cabin lights up with a warning light, and the captain's voice also said through the broadcast:

Members, it is expected to reach the target in three minutes, please be prepared.

This series of movements made the UBCS soldiers in the cabin get up and start to check their own equipment.

Put on a gas mask and connect it to the oxygen cylinder, confirm the tightness of the clothing, and whether there is any abnormality in the parachute.

The tyrant also got up and stood behind the hatch, waiting for instructions.

The operational commander, who is also the company commander of this UBCS company, Captain Michal Victor stood at the hatch and shouted to a group of soldiers:

Boys, the boss and the colonel handed over the first containment operation to our company, so we must not live up to the company's expectations of us!

The main thing is!

Let the group of USS open their eyes and watch, we UBCS are the main force responsible for the company's military operations!

Put out the arrogance of that group of special forces, can you hear me!


A group of soldiers, motivated by Victor's mobilization, responded with a roar.

Yeah! This is what Company A should look like! Victor also laughed.


Then, there was another harsh reminder, and the red lights in the cabin began to dim.

At the same time, the rear hatch also began to slowly open.


Due to the difference in air pressure inside and outside the cabin, the airflow suddenly swirled and the temperature dropped sharply.

The originally noisy cabin began to fall into silence, and everyone was watching the signal lights.

Just a few seconds later, the red light of the signal light went out, replaced by a green light.

Seeing this, Victor grabbed the handlebar, swung his left hand outside, and roared through the headset:

One row! Roll down for me first!

Yes, Captain!

And the tyrant also heard Victor's order. In the state of only wearing the deceleration parachute, the huge body directly went out of the cabin of the An-124.

It was followed by a row of thirty UBCS.

But within tens of seconds, the An-124 completed the airdrop mission, and the captain also smiled and said in the communication:

Guys, remember to give this flight a five-star review.

Also, happy hunting.

at the same time.

Another An-124 also released another 60 UBCS and two tyrants.

Then the two large transport planes began to turn their course in unison, returned to the Troy base in the east, and left the airspace.

Shortly after;

The UBCS company and three tyrants were accurately scattered on three sides of the Athabasca town, forming an encircling formation.

The location of the company commander Victor is on the south side of the town.

While observing the town, he used the communication to order the company:

Everyone wears night vision goggles and is not allowed to act alone, and must be searched in class.

The second row, the first shift, put the drone into the air to let the headquarters see the situation clearly.

Everyone is not allowed to turn on the helmet's live camera without being ordered to.


Meeting survivors is mainly about containment, supplemented by shooting, and do not have any compassion.

After seeing an unknown creature, confirm whether there is hostility, and immediately shoot and kill if there is a tendency to attack.

Yes, Captain.


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