Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎23rd July 2003▪︎]

One of the twins—the one wearing a pair of dark engineering goggles—exclaims in shock and fear the moment he notices my arrival, alerting everyone in the room.

"Shit! This is bad...really bad. Levy do something!"

The other twin shouts anxiously—facing me—and slowly backs away as the other Angstroms turn to each other in confusion.

Prime Levy just frowns upon witnessing the situation and waves his hand dismissively as he looks at me.

"...Don't worry about him. Let's get started immediately."

He orders sternly as he sits down on his distinct seat at the base of the Tower, his eyes flashing with fervent excitement.

The Twins glance at me nervously in disbelief but I just shrug at them with a harmless smile, take a step towards the wall, and then lean on it after crossing my arms above my chest.

"Is this for real?"

The goggle-wearing twin asks his counterpart standing next to him in a hushed whisper, eyeing me fearfully from the corner of his eye.

"...I think it is. Jeez, if we knew this Levy guy has Prime in his pockets, we could've done more to earn some brownie points for the future. Shit, we missed something big."

The one without any goggles sighs, shaking his head, and turns his head slightly to glance at me.

"Well, at this point it doesn't matter. Let's just hope with what we've done for Angstrom, he'll maybe talk Prime to let us off for life. To be honest, I'm tired of breaking out of jail over and over again."

They all sigh in unison and then move to their respective spots. The one with the goggles goes to the wall to my right while the other one just faces the Tower with his bulky muscles all tensed up, as if ready for action.

"Give me a minute to link my mind to my counterparts from our sister dimensions, it'll only take a moment...."

Prime Levy says as he dons his metal cap and adjusts it to fit his head while the goggle-wearing twin places his large hand on a gear-like mechanical switch attached to a horizontal panel on the wall.

"....Alright, the connection has been made. You may proceed."


The Mauler Twin holding the switch grins and just as he's about to pull it down, my eyes turn to the wall facing me on my right as my senses pick up an anomaly.

...Invincible is coming. He has bad timing, I'll give him that.


The wall blasts apart as Invincible dives inside through the wall, startling those in the room.

"Oh great, not this clown again."

The battle-ready twin mutters as the alarms in the room start blaring, drenching the blue room in a reddish brown color as he fixes his posture to face the hovering Invincible.

"Stop him! The procedure must proceed at all costs!"

Prime Levy yells anxiously, bringing a dark smile to my face as I watch the machine start-up, knocking out the other Angstroms as the memories start flooding Prime Levy's mind. 

...He's right. At this point, I'd rather kill Invincible than let it fail. But he doesn't need to die to prevent that from happening, that's too inefficient.

"We've stopped this clown before and we can do it again!"

The Mauler Twins dash towards Invincible with bloodthirsty looks on their faces but Invincible calmly hovers steadily, clenching his hands into tight fists.

Meanwhile, on my left side, numerous portals pop up and from within ten different versions of the Mauler Twins in entirely different sets of clothing come out with hideous smiles on their blue faces.

....This was supposed to be a quiet process, but now it's becoming pandemonium. I can't have one anxious man ruin everything.

Sparing a sweat-drenched and anxious Prime Angstrom whose face is twisting due to tf the pain he's experiencing with the ten Mauler Twins quietly surrounding the tower, I shake my head in disappointment.

Just as the duo—this reality's Mauler Twins—are about to clash with Invincible, I snap my fingers, and instantly everyone apart from Levi freezes up.

"Go home..."

I step forward and mutter to a frozen and surprised Invincible quietly while manipulating his mind, ignoring the rest of the fear-ridden faces in the room.

Like a robot—his eyes seemingly dead—Invincible nods mechanically and flies away through the hole he created.

I turn to the resident Maulers and their Multiversal counterparts and after taking in the spooked looks on their faces, I wave my hand and dispel my hold over them.

"Go back home, I'll deal with you guys at a later date."

I order the other Maulers calmly and after glancing at each other with weird looks on their faces, all of them turn around and walk back into their respective portals while the resident ones just stand there, frozen in shock as they watch all this in amazement.

"What are you staring at? Don't you have jobs to do?"

I turn my head to them and raise an eyebrow, my face cold and stoic. 

"Yeah, we do."

They nod in unison and promptly, they start working on the tower as Prime Levi starts convulsing in his seat, his blue shirt entirely drenched in sweat.

In minutes the red light from the blaring alarm offs, bringing the room back to its blue normalcy due to the working efficiency of the twins.

Back in my previous spot—near the wall—I patiently wait as a screen pops up, displaying the percentage rate of the procedure's completion. Currently, it's at ninety percent.

In two minutes, it reaches the hundred percent mark and the buzzing of the machine crawls to a stop.

"...Levy, wake up."

The jacket-wearing twin moves to Prime Levy who is seemingly unconscious and shakes him violently as the metal cap or helmet detaches from his head, giving off streaks of grayish smoke.

Suddenly, his eyes flutter open and immediately he starts laughing maniacally.

"Hahaha! I've done it. After all these years I finally have extensive knowledge regarding more than a thousand universes and dimensions in the Multiverse! My life's mission is complete."

As he stands up—still happily crackling—the twin cringes and backs away to give him space.

"I'm complete now and it's all thanks to you guys..."

He stops laughing and addresses the twins with a thankful smile, infecting them also as sly smiles etch on their hard faces.

"Its t——"

"... It's time for me to get my prize."

I smirk darkly as I take slow steps toward Prime Levi, making the smiles on the faces of the Twins disappear.


I grab his head and raise him, making his feet hang above the ground and ignoring the fearful and nervous looks on the faces of everyone in the room, I enter his mind and instantly download everything.

"...Interesting, very interesting. With this knowledge, everything changes. I'm glad I met you Levi Angstrom, but sadly you have something I need so you'll have to go now. At least you'll go knowing you achieved your life's aim."

My face is now stoic as the almost boundless knowledge settles in my mind, I mutter with a sigh as I stare upon Levy's robotic face and eyes, his mind broken beyond repair.

With a thought, his head instantly explodes, splattering his blood everywhere across the room and filling those present with obvious dread as the other counterparts freeze in shock and fear, including the twins.

The next moment, I feel a familiar presence deep within me, and as if calling for something, out of the blue, another similar presence shifts into this reality, appearing as a floating shard glowing inside Levi's body.

...There it is.

Without being able to react, the shard shoots into my being at speeds I'm unable to react to and instantly, everything goes black...


Check out Patreo.n/KingSeyer to read ahead.

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