Conquering The Omni-Verse!



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎11th June 2001▪︎]

[▪︎Chicago, Illinois▪︎]

I ask stoically as my gaze lands on Cecil in his usual suit and a middle-aged brown-haired somewhat heavy caucasian man wearing the same kind of suit as Cecil and glasses, standing in the empty living room space.

"Came to check up on you and the house, hope you like it by the way?"

He shrugs and asks.

"I expected something more but this will do. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

I ask as I come and lean on the black wall that separates the kitchen area from where we are with crossed arms.

"Sorry to destroy your expectations but we have a tight budget, I even had to pull some strings to get you this house. This is Donald, my assistant. Donald, this is Virgil."

He says and introduces as he turns to face him.

"Glad to meet you, Sir."

He salutes politely with a smile and I nod in response. 

"When are you getting the place renovated? You'll be living here for a while so you should make yourself comfortable."

He remarks with a smile as he places his hands in his pockets.

"Sadly, I'm not used to houses like this so I'll probably move out soon. That reminds me, Seraph please let them in."

I press my earpiece and mutter softly, making them raise their eyebrows in confusion.

Seconds later, the door bangs open as a wave of tiny black objects enter the room. Taking a step back with shocked face s, they watch as the nanobots sweep through the interior of the house and start transforming it.

"Why are you here Cecil? I want the actual reason."

I ask calmly as I hold a black chair that was just formed by the bots and sit on it while the bots slowly did their work in changing and renovating the place to suit my tastes.

Why should I renovate when my bots can do that and more for me for free? They just need materials, and mine was safely tucked away in the cabinets inside the pod. 

Really one of my best creations.

"Nanotechnology huh? Any chance you'd be willing to contribute this for the betterment of the country?"

He asks respectfully, breaking out of his shock as he sits on one of the two black chairs that just form near them.

"Not a chance. You still haven't answered my question, Cecil."

I reject and remind him as I rest my cheek on my upright fist while Donald, still gobsmacked takes his seat.

"Geez, why are you so cold? I just came to advise you to create an alter ego, after all, you need to blend in with society."

He says with a weird smile as he crosses his legs.

Unlike home, the superheroes here aren't superstars who are starved for attention so outside of their duties, they live a separate normal life as a regular human. 

This is why most of them wear masks and whatnot to hide their identities and it's logical since no one wants to one day come home and see their family or friends killed by villains.

I don't see the need to disguise myself since I'm used to everyone knowing who I am and back home, no one's stupid enough to attack me but this is a new place with new rules so I guess I have to do something.

"With the identity, we've created for you, it won't be hard for you to find a job or something to do. You are becoming a little well-known so you need a new suit with something to hide your identity, if you want help with that I know a guy who specializes in these things."

He continues and ends with a friendly smile.

Sigh, I almost forgot I'm in America. Even though I'm already working for them they still want me to find another job so that they can tax me.

"If I want to, I can become the world's richest man in less than a day so don't worry about me finding a job Cecil. Thank you for the offer, but I can create my own suit. I appreciate the effort but I don't think I need advice on how I live my life so please if you have concerns like this again just keep them to yourself."

I remark coldly, making Cecil frown slightly with Donald just looking at my expressionless face silently with unease.

Just because I work for you doesn't mean you can control me, even if it's subtle. 

When working with people like this, you need to set up boundaries otherwise they will think you are vulnerable and exert control over you. I hope they get the message otherwise...

"I see. Thanks for having us Virgil, see you next time."

Cecil squeezes a smile and stands up together with Donald.

"Bye-bye, oh and next time let me know before you come inside my house."

I smile dangerously, making Donald fearful as Cecil stands there expressionless.

The next moment, they walk on the new black floor and leave the house.

Now then, I have work to do.


[▪︎13th June 2001▪︎]

[▪︎New York City, New York▪︎]

"Hahaha, yes my beloved minions tear down the city and make it mine!"

On a busy street at the center of the city, a tall and slim gray-haired old man wearing a loose robe with a glowing staff in his hands laughs maniacally as countless demonic imps with murderous eyes slaughter the screaming and escaping civilians as they pour out of a huge gash above his head.

"At this point, I'm not even surprised. Yesterday, it was flying cats now it's deranged Wizards. Poor civilians, you can't even catch a break."

I mutter as I take in the sights of the people trying their hardest to escape the fire-breathing monsters, smoke being released from the burning cars and stores, and the mad glee in the eyes of the sorcerer with indifference on the roof of a skyscraper.

Currently, I'm in a my new suit. It is a sleek and black skin-tight full body armor that looks like its made of small scales with glowing red accents all over it and extends up to my neck.

"Since the opportunity has presented itself, it's time to study magic up close."

I shake my head with a dark smile and let myself fall from the roof.

As I near the road, I reel my arm backward and shoot it in the direction of the pouring imps and the sorcerer.


A large concentrated blast of concussive force emits from my fist and hits the ground, pulverizing the imps and sending cracks and tremors through the ground as the sorcerer's body flings away with a flickering red shield covering him.

The tear immediately closes, preventing more imps from coming and leaving the remaining like lambs for slaughter.



Loud screams and shrieks echo all over the streets as I fly around and kill one imp after another, saving the pedestrians.

Ten minutes later, every imp lie around dead with dismembered bodies as their dark blood cover the road.

I then fly to the magician's wounded and bleeding unconscious body as some nanobots secretly leave my suit and head towards the body parts of the imps.

Immediately, I raise him by the head and extract every piece of information related to magic forcefully from his head and throw his body to the sidewalk like trash. He is brain-dead now.

Waving the happy survivors with a charming smile, I blast off into the sky.

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