Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Guardians Of The Globe


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


"Hey man calm do--"

"Are you deaf? Or maybe you don't understand the word. Hmm, let me break it down for you. I said you like someone of low intelligence like a feral animal. There you have it."

I nonchalantly insult with a slight smile, cutting off the green guy who tried to defuse the situation.

Normally, I wouldn't casually antagonize someone but he started it and...I haven't messed around with assholes in a while so yeah. 

"Listen, pal, I don't know where you came from and who you think you are but no one insults me, ever."

He says darkly as he walks and comes to stand right in front of me with his bearded face in a frown, his two hands bawled into fists.

Unfortunately, I'm an inch taller than him so his goal of towering over me in a silly attempt to be intimidating is failing badly.

"Wow, your breath stinks and your suit is lame. Very bad combination, but I guess it matches your face."

I feign a look of disgust as I take a step back, making him so much angry that his hand muscles begin to bulge as anger becomes more apparent on his face.

"Shit! He's angry, we need to stop this now."

The green-skinned Alien wearing a blue and red caped suit shouts and without waiting for his team members floats towards us speedily.


He screams and sends a fast left jab toward my face. 


But I casually block it before it hits my face using my palm; a sizable shockwave emits due to the impact and destroys the crops two meters around us.

"What the--"

He mummers in surprise as he looks at my palm. The Alien stops midair a few meters away from us with shock plastered on his face; the others also look surprised but they immediately posture themselves in a battle stance and look at me with caution as I grasp his fist and start crushing it.


He grits his teeth in pain and tries to remove his fist from my ironclad grasp as my grip increases with popping sounds coming out of his fist.

From the corner of my eyes, I see the jacked humanoid fish in a suit shoot a jet of pressurized water in my direction so I tilt my head and dodge, making it hit the field behind me.


The field explodes in a shower of soil and stones and the next moment I backflip some meters away, dodging a strong uppercut from a pissed Mr. Alpha.

His teammates converge around him and they all look at my smiling face with caution and respect as he looks at me with venom.

This is interesting. The guy is on the same level as Homelander, no possibly higher. Hmm, this team isn't half bad but why the hell do they look like a watered-down version of the Justice League? First The Seven and now this, sigh, this must be some sick joke.

"Immortal, please stop, and let's be reasonable. This isn't the time to antagonize a potential ally."

The guy dressed similarly to Batman glances at him and reprimands stoically, relaxing his posture when he picks up my body language.

This guy is very perceptive, I'll give him that.

Immortal clicks his teeth in annoyance but doesn't complain as the guy walks toward my position.

"My name is Darkwing and my colleagues and I are part of a global defense team called The Guardians Of The Globe. We appreciate your help back there and I apologize for all that transpired moments ago."

He introduces himself and apologizes politely as he comes to stand in front of me. His teammates at the back upon hearing him also relax with some of them even flashing me friendly smiles.

"Don't worry, it's also kinda my fault. I'm called Virgil and as you can see I'm not from around here. I was hoping if you guys could help me since you're obviously experienced in matters like this."

I wave off his apology with a friendly smile that makes a faint smile draw on his masked face.

"Sadly what you say is true. We have had some situations like this but in those cases, it was either an evil alien in the pod who wants to conquer Earth or something along the lines. You're not here to conquer Earth right?"

He asks with a smile.

"Hmm, that's a tricky question. Do I look like I'm here to conquer a planet to you?"

I shrug nonchalantly, making him shake his head.

"Honestly, no. But since we don't anything about you or your purpose here I suggest that you follow us to our base of operations. There you can get the information you need and we can build a profile on you that will help you settle here, a win-win deal. Are you cool with that?"

He proposes in a professional tone.

Sounds great to me and I understand where he's coming from. After all, from what I've picked up this version of Earth is pretty freaky so there is a need for intense extra-terrestrial and special visitors like me.

"I'm okay with that."

I reply cooly.

"Good, then let's move."

He says and gestures for me to follow him as he starts moving toward his team.

I follow and when we get to them, I flash them a charming apologetic smile that calms the apprehensive ones down and wink at Immortal, gaining a scowl as a response.

"Do you want me to make calls for them to pick up your pod later?"

Darkwing asks and presses a button as we walk past the destroyed fields and corpses toward the exit of the plantation.

"There is no need to trouble yourself, I will take it with us."

I reply as a black wing jet flies out of the surrounding thicket and lands before him.

"Are you going to ca---, never mind."

He shakes his head and they all watch as the pod activates with a glow and hovers toward my position silently. Not surprised, Darkwing steps inside his jet followed by Red Rush and the fish, and fly into the sky.

The rest of us leave the ground and fly into the sky behind the jet, leaving behind a partly destroyed plantation soaked in insect blood and filled with insect guts.

The gentle cool air caresses my face as we fly through the air at relatively high speeds out of the area. Cruising through the sky, we pass by numerous large farmlands surrounded by green hills and small towns as we head in the direction of the jet.

"Hi, the name is War Woman."

The hot woman in the Amazonian armor with the mace says with a smile as she comes close to me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Vi--"

"Virgil right? Nice name for a warrior."

She cuts me off and compliments me with a charming smile.


I smile politely, making the smile on her beautiful face grow wider.

What can I say...I'm a charmer.

"Hello, I'm called Martian Man. Sorry for Immortal, by the way, he's a nice guy if you get to know him."

The Alien says as also comes near me with an apologetic smile.

"It's cool. Forgive me for asking but where are you from?"

I ask politely as more of the heroes fly closer.

You might be wondering why I haven't read their minds and that's because it's more fun this way. I've spent my whole life always in the minds of others that I'm kinda fed up and tired. 

Imagine spending like ninety years always seeing the fucked up and dirty thoughts of others, it gets tiring and disgusting at a certain point I'll tell you that so I've decided to only do that when I need to. 

Besides, it's more fun this way.

"Oh, I'm from Mars. It's a long story, I wa--"

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. When we get to know each other better, you can tell me."

I suggest with a smile since I could sense that it was an uncomfortable subject for him. 

His eyes widen then he nods with a warm smile on his face.

Seeing this, the rest smile and nod in approval, and moments later except for the grumpy Immortal, we start chatting.

Twenty minutes later, we fly past a sign that shows that we have arrived him Utah and head towards a normal-looking mountain north of the sign.

Darkwing's jet flies towards the side of the mountain and with an amused smile on my face, I stop and watch as the jet passes right through as the surface turns jelly-like.

"Neat huh?"

Black Sampson smirks as he floats beside me as we both watch the Immortal and the rest enter through it like the jet did.

"Meh, I've seen better."

I smirk in response. He chuckles and then we both follow and fly through it, making us enter inside a large and open futuristic room littered with numerous sleek screens that show live footage of all parts of the world.

"Welcome to our Headquarters, Mr. Virgil. Please follow me."

Darkwing says stoically as he jumps out of the jet.

I nod and after waving my new acquaintances, follow Darkwing through an advanced hallway. 

"Please make yourself comfortable inside the room. I'm going to make some calls and will be back shortly."

He says as we arrive in front of a door that slides open, revealing an illuminated white painted office-like room that has a wide desk with chairs, two blue parallel couches, a fridge, and a small ball-shaped mattress.

A glorified cell in all but name.

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

I smile and step inside. The door immediately closes and after Darkwing enters some code on the keypad near the door, he leaves.

Well then, since I'm here I might as well chill. Can't have the cameras showing my lovely viewers that I'm possibly agitated.

I go to the fridge at the corner of the room, take out a cold bottle of coke and relax on the chair behind the desk.

After minutes of waiting and drinking bottles of coke, the opens.

"Sorry for the delay, there was traffic. I'm Cecil Stedman, an associate of the Guardians."

A middle-aged man with balding grey hair wearing a black suit enters the room with some files. The right side of his face has a terrible scar that makes him look older than he looks.

Associate my ass, he's obviously a government agent. Based on his demeanor, he's part of a secret service. From my experience, these guys don't fuck around. 

Oh and he brought company, hehe, this ought to be interesting.

"Sure sure. So Mr. Cecil what brings you here this fine afternoon?"

I smile as he takes a seat in front of me with a stoic expression on his face.

"Nothing much, I just want to ask you a few questions."

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