Conquering The Omni-Verse!

Great Dragon


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎1st May 2003▪︎]

[▪︎Naypyidaw, Myanmar▪︎]

Sliding through the air, I stop and hover a distance away as my attacker roars and charges toward me again.

My assailant is a huge dragon with bright azure feather-like scales that gleams in the sunlight, a terrifying mouth covered in steel-like teeth with long black whiskers at the sides, two small forelimbs with razor-sharp claws, and a long serpentine body.

It looks like a Chinese-oriented dragon from the myths with something akin to a pectoral fin only made of feathers running from its back to its bulky tail. Its name is Great Dragon.

Below me, is the capital of Myanmar, and the street I'm hovering above is currently filled with fire, smoke, destruction, and screams as the civilians hastily run away from the place.

The street is a mess with flaming buildings, destroyed cars, and a whole lot as the Guardians fight against the people responsible for the chaos and destruction while also guiding the nearby citizens toward safety.

The people are a large group of Chinese mobs wearing white traditional martial arts uniforms with advanced weaponry in their firm clutches. 

With serious expressions on their faces, they are attacking the Guardians with their rifles, missile launchers, etc to no avail so as to not cause further property damage, the Guardians are picking them off one by one efficiently.


Suddenly, a large fire beam the thickness of a building moves across the sky at high speeds towards me like a moving train from the mouth of the approaching Dragon.

A beam so hot that I can see the air sizzling loudly as it approaches.

With a wave of my hand, the beam starts moving backward and as the Dragon's eyes widen in shock—trying to close its mouth—the beam speeds up and enters back into his mouth.

With a snap of my fingers, it explodes inside its mouth.



It tilts its head up in pain and roars angrily—its giant body wiggling also—as large amounts of black smoke flow out its mouth and nostrils into the sky, it's originally orange nows now crimson red as it faces me again.

Its visage is more menacing than before as it hisses in an eerie frequency—like glass shards rubbing against each other—showing its unnatural set of steely pike-like teeth.

Showing it a smug smirk as I cross my arms against my chest and flash it a provocative look, it roars again and charges toward me with a boom that echoes everywhere.

As it approaches, I glance towards a certain part of the street where Bulletproof is chasing a tall and extremely bulky Chinese man with a face as still as stone who is running into an alleyway with someone in his arms.

Mister Liu, is a short old Chinese man with balding grey hair, dull brown eyes, a face marred with wrinkles, and a traditional Chinese black suit covering up his frail body.

From his chin—even the sides of it—his lower lips to his neck is a sophisticated plate of titanium serving as support and a form of cyber kinetic enhancement.

That is Mister Liu, the supposed leader of The Order and the owner or better yet the habitation of the Dragon heading towards me like a bullet train.

I look up as the world around me slows down to a stop, Great Dragon a few feet away from me with his abyss-like mouth wide open—its white teeth shimmering in the sunlight.

...My fight with Omni-man was the push my mind needed to adapt to light speed and above transition, a very welcome enhancement that will allow me to toy around with anyone I want at almost anytime.

Smiling darkly, I move to Great Dragon's motionless head, the whole world still around me. Placing my left hand on its hard scaly head, I focus my [Psychokinesis] on it and send an incredibly potent [Force Push] directly into its head.

My perception immediately slows down to normal as my feet leave its body. I hope it puts up a better fight next time.


Instantly, like a puppet cut from its string, Great Dragon's body plunges towards the ground and falls on a series of abandoned story buildings, crushing them beneath its weight as its motionless and fuzzy eyes draw the fearful attention from the crumbling Chinese mob force. 

Not really surprised, the Guardians seeing that there are no civilians and that the mobsters are stunned strike as fast as lightning and knock them out harshly.

Meanwhile, a little further away, Bulletproof easily beats Mister Liu's bodyguard and apprehends both of them to the surprise of the Guardians, Great Dragon's body becomes immaterial and flies into Mister Liu's body.

Because of this as Bulletproof fixes a special kind of handcuffs on them, Mister Liu wakes up, and upon seeing the state of the place, his mobs, his bleeding bodyguard, and my figure in the air, he grits his teeth and sighs helplessly.

"Damn it, I was so close..."

"Close to what Mister Liu?"

I ask coldly as I descend gracefully unto the ground—the road—near a smiling Bulletproof while the rest of the Guardians round up the downed mobs.

"Humph! You think I'll tell you, you the man who has been foiling my plans!? It's because of youngsters such as yourself that the world isn't moving forward."

He scoffs angrily, his slightly mechanical voice irritating to my ears. His tiny arms crossed on his back with black restraints glowing with a blue hue holding his two hands together tightly, firmly in place.

Amused at his hate-filled eyes and arrogant tone, I smile whereas Bulletproof frowns deeply.

"Shut up old man. Start thinking about where you going next, you ain't getting out anytime soon."

Bulletproof comments harshly as at our backs, the Guardians with the help of Robot's personal arsenal of specialized nanobots, start more or less cuffing them.

In response to Bulletproof's comment, Mister Liu just snickers derisively with unmasked disdain, a weird smile on his half-mechanical face, making Bulletproof narrow his eyebrows.

"Don't mind him, we are done here. He has been on both the American and Chinese government's radar for a long time but like the rat he is, he hid perfectly. I'm sure he'll find his new accommodation very...interesting."

I say coldly with a smile still on my face while reading through his mind, because of my tone his face changes but before he can speak, I kick his head to knock him out.

...These guys are smart, I'll give them that. From his memories, all this was a setup, a ruse to be more accurate, confirming my suspicions.

In the last two days, the team and I have been going around the Globe disrupting illegal activities from human trafficking, huge drug trades, etc....activities all linked directly and indirectly to The Order.

Together with the Israeli human trafficking ring I destroyed a few months back where I encountered Embrace, they think I'm specifically targeting the organization so they want to blow away some heat from them.

Truthfully, it's just a coincidence...

This is where Mister Lui comes in. As the supposed leader of the Order, he is acting like a scapegoat, a sacrificial lamb of sorts to appease my actions and the government.

While he is in custody, the rest of the members will go on with their plan, dominating the whole underworld to firmly be in their hands since their control is shaky at best.

A clever plan. On any other day, I would've used this information to stop what they are doing but it's indirectly in line with my wishes.

The faster they take control, the sooner their hidden leader Seth will act and the sooner I get rid of this dangerous variable.

Well then since I'm done here, there's a special occasion that requires my presence.

"Robot, I'll leave this to you. Make sure every single one of them is in the custody of the Global Defense Agency. I have somewhere important to be."

I turn and say to Ruddy who is busy helping the team as I conjure up a regular human-sized portal next to me.

"Roger that."

He stops what he's doing and nods at me as the Bulletproof and the team look at me.

"I'll see you guys later, oh, and take the day off."

With a smile on my face, I wave to them and walk into the portal as they beam at me with Monster Girl and Kate heaving a sigh of happy relief.


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