Conquering The Omni-Verse!

End Of Arc


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


[▪︎20th May 2077▪︎]

[▪︎Planet Earth, Earth Federation▪︎]

Fifty years have passed since the royal wedding and with the years there have been changes.

All over Earth, large towering skyscrapers could be seen filling up cities and towns. They were so modern and futuristic that holographic screens popped up on their surfaces to display some interesting news or advertise something.

The streets in every city regardless of the country were filled with pedestrians who either walked, run at sonic speeds, or even hover on the roads. Land traveling cars were hardly seen on the roads, no walkways since aerial roads used for accommodating hover or flying cars stretched along the sky among the skyscrapers.

Crime was nonexistent as bots patrolled the streets and skies, policing and helping maintain order among a growing civilization of superpowered humans. Of course, they weren't doing that on their own as the city regiments which were filled with thoroughly screened Neos with high morality and strong abilities capable of at least destroying a street.

Ten years ago, every human being on Earth was given a dose of Compound Vs thus, turning the entirety of humanity into 'Supes' or 'Neos'. Two years after that, the world government distributed pills to everyone and it was compulsory to take them. The pills encrypted the serum into the genetic makeup, ensuring that subsequent generations will be born as natural supes.

Unknown to everyone apart from the Prime Family, the pills were laced with a radioactive component that also attached genes and by using advanced artificial intelligence technology solely in the hands of said family, every Neohuman when born is immediately put into the system making sure that no matter how some people hide they will always be tracked.

Due to Virgil and Compound V, world hunger was eliminated since the serum worked wonders when applied anywhere. Disease was basically nonexistent since, with everyone's enhanced physiology, the sicknesses that used to worry humanity didn't work anymore and even if something new came up with the Federation/Empires' highly advanced technology, it will be instantly eliminated.

In the Federation, everyone got a job to do that was based on their powers and capabilities upon finishing College. Those with water-based abilities like past hero The Deep were sent to the marine or hydro industry and this increased productivity and development by a large margin, propelling the Federation to its current heights. 

One thing to note is the government system of the Federation. It was essentially a monarchy that was a mixture of capitalism and communism with total power being in the hands of The Prime Family. Things like schools, hospitals, etc were free and mandatory with every citizen getting equal rights to it.

Everything was based on merit in the Federation so how hard you work determines how successful you are and how rich you get. The Prime Family had total control but a board of leaders as in every elected Minister Prime of every country ruled the Federation together with the ruling monarchy with a very efficient constitution that ensured that no one was above the law even The Primus. 

This was done to create the illusion that the Primus wasn't absolute but in actuality, The Primus could do whatever the fuck he wants and the Federation Council knew that but with the intensive, subtle, and thorough brainwashing of the citizens throughout the years, no one had a problem with it.

Regarding the Federation's semi-utopian-like society, the population tripled and continued to grow due to the increased life expectancy, increased birth rate, decreased death rate, etc. It was because of this that The Primus invented numerous technologies that enabled the Federation to develop so much that it now boasted a Space Division and Fleet that roamed the solar system and planted working Colonies on planets like Mars after terraforming them. 

If you look at the planet from space, you could frequently see huge black gun-like spaceships going to and fro from the planet, the moon, and asteroid clusters nearby. The crazy technological advancements enabled them to slowly start to tap into almost every form of energy on the planet, creating zero energy crises.

The development of humanity could be largely attributed to Virgil and this made him almost like a God-like figure to the masses since he literally shaped their civilization and since he hasn't aged a bit during the last fifty years together with his powers, some extremists worshipped him but this practice was largely frowned upon.

In outer space, just above the planet, a huge futuristic space station stood. It was long, white, metallic, and pillar-shaped with three large similar colored rings around its length from top to bottom. The Prime Family sigil was engraved on its body, showing everyone that it was the seat of the ruling family. This was where The Primus and his family ruled Earth and the Federation from and their home.

Inside of it in a large futuristic laboratory illuminated by white light that revealed the sophisticated pieces of equipment laying around in the room, Virgil stood in baggy casual clothing in front of a large structure. 

He was in front of a hovering incomplete huge black spherical pod that had beautiful streaks of bluish-white lines traversing its surface waving his hands on a large holographic screen that showed complex arrays, equations, and a model of the pod.

As he interacted with the screen, parts and pieces of equipment from all corners of the room flew over and attached themselves to the orb with metallic tentacles coming out of the floor beneath the pod and started welding or putting those parts together using thin lasers that spewed from their tips.

He continued his hand gestures, making the hovering orb rotate, turn, disassemble, etc as precise adjustments were made on the pod. Little by little, the incomplete pod was becoming complete and in no longer than five minutes the structure was hovering there complete.

"Travel Pod has been successfully adjusted, and all marginal errors and inaccuracies have been precisely resolved. All installed functions are running smoothly. Nanobots have been installed. You can commence travel at any time."

Seraph announced as her voice sounded in the lab.

"Nice, I guess it's time. I've already delayed and prepared enough here, it's time to venture out."

Virgil muttered with a bright smile as he snapped his fingers, making trapped air gush out as the surface facing him slid apart like an elevator door. A lit room with dark sleek metallic flooring and ceiling, rows of cabinets on the left side, a small square desk with round seats around it on the right side, and in the middle, a tube-liked bed lay.

This whole structure was his Travelling Pod. You see his first universal travel was kinda a blind one, as in he didn't have a clue of where his part of the shard will pull him to. For all he knows, he would land inside a mountain, a star, in the middle of a cosmic war, etc so he wanted to be prepared and that's why he created the Pod. It was made using the hardest metals and materials known to mankind, some of the metals were mined off asteroid belts so they were very rare and hard.

It wasn't almighty but it would at least buy him some time to portal away if he lands in the middle of some deep least he hoped.

"Is it time already?"

Victoria asked somberly as she, Cindy, and Zoe entered the lab when Virgil just finished checking the insides of the pod. She looked the same as fifty years ago just that her belly was noticeably swollen. Cindy looked the same just that she looked way more mature than before and Zoe now looked like a young adult with a very developed body.

"Yeah, it's time."

He smiled ruefully as they moved towards him.

"Can you at least stay for a few more hours, please?"

Zoe pleaded emotionally with teary eyes as they arrived in front of him.

Seeing this, the rest also started tearing up but Virgil just shook his head with an apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Zo but I have to leave now. We've talked about this before so just trust me when I say I will come back. Hey, maybe the time flow will be so different that even if I spend a couple of centuries there it might only be a few seconds. We might see each other again sooner than I hoped."

Virgil playfully shrugged. Zoe suddenly threw herself onto him and started bawling her eyes out and Virgil only hugged her and patted her head as Cindy and Victoria let out silent tears.

"Hey don't cry, you're already old enough to be someone's grandma."

Virgil teased playfully, making her chuckle as she removed her face from his chest and looked at his sad face.

"Promise me you'll be back."

She sniffled.

"I promise."

He promised with a smile and kissed her forehead as she gave him a weak smile and left his body.

He then looked at Cindy and his wife with a loving smile.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much."

He hugged both of them as they sniffled and gave both of them deep kisses.

"Take care of our son and tell Ryan that I understand and that he shouldn't be sad and instead do his duty well. The people are going to need their hero while I'm gone."

Virgil said as he bent down and caressed her belly warmly. She nodded weakly and gave him one last tender kiss when he stood up and watched together with Cindy and Zoe as he walked towards the pod.


He waved with a smile and after they reciprocated, he entered the pod.

"Why didn't you tell them?"

Seraph asked as he lay on the bed with a weird smile on his face.

"Hmm, I don't expect to come back soon and I don't want them to be expecting me every Christmas. It's better they think that I can only come back after getting what I need."

Virgil shrugged as the pod let out a low hum due to the systems activating. The walls of the pod flashed and turned transparent, allowing him to see the outside clearly with those, not inside the pod unable to see him.

"....You're weird, you know that right?"

Seraph asked weirdly, making Virgil smirk.

"Says the AI. It's time to see the other side, I hope it won't disappoint."

He said with a cold smile and closed his eyes. He focused deep within himself and a second later he found the connection. Using that connection he willed and a large portal formed in front of the floating pod. 

He turned, looked at the ladies, and with a smile on his face, the pod moved and entered the portal.

"Omniverse here I come."


Hey guys, it's the end of the arc. I know it took long but I wanted to build it up more so that if one day Virgil comes back everything would be so much easier to explain. Anyways, next chapter in Invincible Comics so let's stick around to find out and again if you have any suggestions let me know in the comments.

Thank You.

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