Conan’s Strongest Inspector

Chapter 32

Chapter 32 The Missing 200 Million! 【4】

4 more delivered, asking for flowers! Ask for a recommendation! 5 more fight! If the effect is good, I will show you 5 more every day in the future!

The hostage female high school student is safe and sound! Just got a little frightened and fell into a coma.

Enter Bank Mu Mu Inspector alone, safe and sound!

The two robbers were killed on the spot, neatly!

Shiratori’s mouth grew bigger and bigger, with a confused expression on his face.

His dream of killing Mu Mu and becoming his own boss was ruthlessly shattered after only a few minutes!

Shiratori’s mouth was bitter, but he had to admire Mu Mu and shouted loudly: “All! Salute to the lone hero who successfully rescued the hostages, Mu Mu Inspector!”

Satou, Takagi, the police, in awe, salute Mu Mu Inspector!

“Mu Mu Inspector!”

Mu Mu smiled slightly, returned the courtesy, and was handsome.

At the same time received a prompt.

“You killed the robber and rescued the hostage Xiaolu!”

“[Mihua Bank’s 200 million robbery case], the first stage is broken!”

“You get 10,000 justice points!”

One by one, the police respected Mu Mu Inspector and talked a lot.

“Mu Mu Inspector, so handsome!”

“Alone, without weapons, entered the bank, and finally rescued the hostage perfectly and killed the robber!”

“What moved me the most was his saying that he wouldn’t hide behind his subordinates!”

“Humph! It’s not like Shiratori Inspector’s high-ranking rich kids! Mu Mu Inspector is a trustworthy boss!”

Shiratori, who was sad in his heart, vomited blood when he heard the police talking about it…

Damn, how can I compare with Mu Mu, I’m a scum every time?

“Report Mu Mu Inspector!”

After Satou inspected the scene, he added his high-heeled legs together: “After the scene inspection, the female high school students are safe and sound, but only the 200 million yen has disappeared!”

“What?” Shiratori frowned. “How did it disappear?”

“Nothing strange!”

Mu Mu said calmly: “In this bank robbery case, in addition to the two robbers, there is also a main culprit!”

“What? Not just these two?”

Shiratori, Satou and others were shocked.

“Well” Mu Mu said calmly: “Just now, a man contacted these two people and took away the huge sum of 200 million yen. Unfortunately, I was trapped in the car by these two people and couldn’t see the man’s appearance. ”

This is the rhetoric that Mu Mu has long thought of, and the purpose is of course to swallow the 200 million.

“The robber’s cell phone was found! It was found that there was indeed a telephone communication on the road!”

Takagi came running.

“It must have been in contact with the robber boss! Sending away the huge sum of money from the robbery halfway! Damn it! This time I was careless!”

Shiratori gritted his teeth.

“In addition.” Mu Mu said with a contemplative expression: “I heard the conversation between these two people on the way. One of the robbers told the boss that his face was seen by the abducted wife, and he wanted the boss to kill him!”

“What?” Shiratori’s chicken froze: “I’m going to investigate this case right away!”

This murder case is an opportunity for meritorious service.

Shiratori is determined to climb up, surpass Mu Mu, and become the head of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Hehe, you go.”

Mu Mu is not in a hurry, this Shiratori, whose IQ goes offline at every turn, can be renamed as a rookie…

Mu Mu is not worried that he can solve the case and make merit.

Shiratori immediately jumped into the police car and whizzed away.

“Inspector, that high school girl, is about to wake up!”

Satou pointed.

Mu Mu walked over and saw that Xiaolu slowly opened his eyes.

“Go away! Don’t touch me!”

Little Green was hazy and screamed when she saw Mu Mu coming over.


Mu Mu is speechless, this girl is really cute, hot and cute.

“Miss, calm down! This is Mu Mu Inspector! He successfully saved you!”

Satou said displeased.

“Huh?” Xiaolu blinked and looked at Mu Mu with a bewildered expression: “You trash Inspector, saved me?”

Mu Mu smiled without saying a word.

But Satou and the police quit.

collective contempt.


“The Inspector saved you, but you were rude?” Satou has become Mu Mu’s fangirl. Anyone who dares to question the Inspector is her angry enemy!

Little Green blushed, very embarrassed.

I thought this was a waste Inspector, but I didn’t expect it to be so fierce!

His life was saved by him.

“Those two robbers? Are you beaten down by yourself?”

Little Green still couldn’t believe it.

These 2 robbers threatened to rape and then kill themselves, and they were frightened and fainted…

Xiaolu’s face turned even redder when she remembered the words she had scolded Mu Mu.

“Hey, this Inspector, may I ask your name?”

Xiaolu rubbed the hem of her sailor suit timidly.

Mu Mu smiled: “Mu Mu!”

“Mu Mu Inspector!” Xiaolu bit her lower lip and suddenly said: “I have a best friend who was hit by a perverted murderer and ran away with a crazy car. But the police couldn’t catch the murderer, I want to do anything Everything, revenge for my good friend… can you help me?”

Mu Mu’s heart moved.

Satou lost his voice: “Could it be that you are talking about the murderer who drove a vehicle like crazy, specifically hitting high school girls, causing many casualties? That murderer is so vicious that the police can’t do anything about him.”

“Yeah!” Xiaolu said in a low mood: “It is also because of this incident that I deeply distrust the Japanese police!”

Mu Mu laughed.

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