Comprehensive Manga: The Wandering Ninja World Started From Questioning Payne

Chapter 188

Vol 2 Chapter 20: End Of Quiz

End of Chapter 20 Answers

In the examination space, the seventh question slowly appeared above the navy crowd.

Everyone in the Navy held their breath and looked at each word. When the topic was fully revealed, everyone took a deep breath at the same time.

[Question 7: What is the lifelong pursuit of Dr. Vega Punk? 】

[A: World Peace, B: Become One Piece, C: Destroy the world, D: The distant starry sky]

At this moment, when they saw the seventh question, all the navies were silent. How to choose such a question that has nothing to do with everyone? Most of the people present have never seen Dr. Vega Punk, let alone know that he is a What kind of person, let alone know his lifelong pursuit.

“Warring States, you have been in contact with Dr. Vega Punk, do you know anything about him?”

The crane turned his head to ask the Warring States, and the Warring States looked at this question with a confused look. According to the previous questions, there were basically people present or experienced related events related to the question, but after this question came out, the Warring States was fundamentally How can there be such a tricky subject without a response.

“According to the rumors, Dr. Bergapunk is a relatively righteous person, and he deserves our respect.”

“In the archives, his hometown is a “Winter Island”. It snows all the year round and the temperature is extremely low. Growing up in this environment, in order to improve the lives of the people in his hometown, he also built a large heating furnace for people. Heating, it is said that this large heating furnace is still in use to this day.”

According to the records of the archives he had seen, Warring States told some of the experiences of Dr. Vega Punk.

He listened to the analysis of the Warring States period, followed by the analysis, expressed his own views, and ruled out two options.

“In that case, I don’t think B and C are the correct answers. With his experiences, it is impossible to destroy the world. After all, he cares so much about the people in his hometown. And isn’t he working for the world government now, let alone becoming the pirate king. It’s possible.”

Karp and several generals nodded in unison, seeming to agree with Sengoku and Crane’s analysis. Sengoku also nodded, agreeing with Crane’s statement, and continued.

“So, now there are only two choices left: world peace and the distant starry sky. Which one should you choose?”


Warring States seemed to remember something, looked up at the title again, turned around and said to the crowd.

“I know what to choose for this question. A should be the correct answer. Dr. Vegapunk pursues world peace.”

Karp didn’t know what Sengoku had in mind, so he asked back.

“Then why isn’t it a distant starry sky?”

Warring States smiled mysteriously, and in his mind, the figure of the big bear who was still the king’s Qiwuhai appeared in his mind.


Hearing the five words in the mouth of the Warring States period, several high-ranking naval officers suddenly realized that they were modeled after the king’s Shichibukai bear, and there was a pacifist created by Dr. Bergapunk. Isn’t that the name that Dr. Bergapunk took!

“According to the logic of the name, Dr. Vega Punk must be hoping for world peace!”

“Then choose A, Marshal of the Warring States Period, it’s up to you to choose.”

“Marshal of the Warring States Period, it is up to you to give the correct answer.”

After listening to Sengoku’s analysis, everyone in the navy felt that it was justified, and they all agreed, shouting for Sengoku to give the correct answer.

At this time, the machines in the underground laboratory where the World Government Science Forces are stationed roared, and they turned a dark corridor. There was a faint light at the end of the corridor. The light was a single-person laboratory. In this laboratory, in this question The protagonist, Dr. Vega Punk, stared at the navy people on the screen who were answering the question, and his eyes never left the question.

“World peace? It’s just the beginning.”

“Heh, to become the Pirate King? I’m not interested in big treasures.”

“Destroy the world? Isn’t it something that can be done at any time, and does it need to be the ultimate goal?”

“Well, the distant starry sky…”

Vegapunk turned his head to look at an iron door in his laboratory. There were no lights in the door, but it was pitch black. Then he looked up at the ceiling of the laboratory. His eyes seemed to penetrate the building and the space. If you can look along the line of sight, the end of his line of sight is actually the world ship of the ninja world.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly shuddered on the ship of the world of the ninja world, and a coldness came from behind, and Ada got up all over his body, as if someone was staring at him behind him without saying a word, he hurriedly turned around, Seeing everyone staring at the questions and the navy on the screen, no one paid any attention to themselves.

Naruto wanted to mention the inexplicable feeling just now, but he didn’t know where to start, and he hesitated.

“Who is this Doctor Vega Punk?”

Madara Uchiha asked with a puzzled look in his eyes, because he knew that the person who can ask questions in the exam space must be the key person who can determine the future trend of the world.

“We have to remember this name, and when we enter this world, someone will stare at this person.”

Hei Jue’s eyes were full of belligerent light, and then he cast a questioning look at Anilu on the ground.

“Hey, do you know who this person is in the title?”

“I haven’t heard of this person either. I don’t know many things about Blue Ocean.”

Anilu was only able to be king and hegemony on the empty island. As for some things on the sea, he was really like a child and knew very little.


Jiao Du was always so irritable, and wanted to go up and kick again, but he held back after thinking about it.

In the exam space, Sengoku listened to everyone’s request, and finally made up his mind to say the answer to the seventh question in the sky.

“This question, choose A.”

However, the sound from the space poured cold water on all the navies, and everyone’s fierce analysis before actually came up with a wrong answer. Everyone in the navy trembled, as if they had thought of something incredible.

Wasn’t Dr. Bergapunk’s life goal not world peace?

Is he a dangerous person?

He now has the most advanced technology in the world. Shouldn’t he want to destroy the world?

“Answer wrong, the exam is over.”

“You can choose to view the analysis, or skip the analysis, and directly choose to end the exam to receive rewards and exit the space.”

The Warring States Marshal and the crane looked at each other. They both heard what everyone was saying about Dr. Vega Punk, and some scenes they had never thought of before also appeared in their minds. Could it be that Dr. Vega Punk was using the power of the World Government to think about it? Want to do something awesome?

“In that case, choose to view the analysis.”

At this time, the people on the world ship of the ninja world were excited. This group of people were not in a hurry to covet rewards. It was great to choose the analysis first. It seemed that they didn’t understand at all.

Just like everyone in the ninja world, everyone in the navy had no information about Vega Punk at all. The examination space could give an analysis, so they naturally got a clear understanding of this person. Everyone stared at the screen and waited for the test. Analyse the space.

[Correct answer: D: The distant starry sky]

[Analysis: As the person with the highest technology in this world, Vegapunk chose the world government and worked for it because he took world peace as the first step in his plan. He believed that the world government had the ability to complete world peace. After waiting to complete the goal of world peace, Vega Punk plans to create a new laboratory and gather high-tech talents from all over the world. At that time, the world was no longer divided between navy and pirates. 】

[Vegapunk named this laboratory the Starry Sky Laboratory to explore the distant starry sky. The starry sky is the goal of his plan to explore in his entire life. 】

In the underground laboratory of the World Government Science and Technology Forces, Dr. Vegapunk’s eyes lit up, staring at the screen in front of him, as if an infinite question mark appeared on his head. Since it sprouted and took root, it has not been mentioned to other people. How can anyone understand their own thoughts?

Besides, I live in a secluded place, I don’t listen to anyone’s orders, I don’t do some messy chores, I don’t get in touch with anyone, and the thing behind that door is with me every day. How could anyone know that I was buried deep inside? What’s in the heart.

“Is it a technology that I don’t understand, what kind of technology and strength can achieve this level?”

Vegapunk became interested in the examination space on the screen in front of him, and he secretly made a decision to find an opportunity to enter this space.

“Starry sky!”

“There are people in this world who know about the starry sky! They actually set the starry sky as their goal!”

The world ship of the ninja world was still sailing smoothly, but the hearts of everyone on the ship were not calm. Naruto remembered that looming gaze and the goose bumps that had just covered his body.

“Could it be that this was the Vega Punk just now?”

Orochimaru, the chief scientist of the ninja world, jumped up when he saw this analysis, stretched out his long bright red tongue and licked his lips, even the experiment he was doing was suspended. What world situation was just shown earlier, He’s not interested in any of these things. He is most interested in technology, which is the technology of a new world, some interesting things that he may not know.

“The world’s top high-tech? Hahahaha! Then I want to raise some interest. I don’t know what this person can do?”

“He actually set his goal on the starry sky. With his goal alone, he deserves my attention!”

“I don’t know if I can have a chance to communicate with him. If possible, it would be a good thing to be a subordinate, hahahaha.”

In the gas-filled laboratory in the corner of the new world, a man with long black pointed hair with sheep’s horns stood in front of the experimental bench. The strange thing was that the pink-white gas around him looked like clothes, and he held a The bells and whistles of the apple saw the analysis of the questions and answers displayed on the screen in front of him, and immediately crushed the apple in his hand in excitement, and the scum fell to the ground.

“Vega Punk, what **** starry sky, I don’t believe in these nonsense things!”

He raised his eyebrows in disdain, and after speaking, he turned his head and threw himself into his own experimental research.

Blackbeard, who was running wildly on the sea of the New World, stared at the screen as if he had seen an interesting toy, his eyes were shining, his eyes were excited, and he turned his head to Van Oka, who was aiming at a seagull and was about to pull the trigger. said.

“I haven’t seen such an interesting person for a long time, Vega Punk? Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie”

“I want to find a chance to pull him onto our boat.”

“When I rule this sea, I will explore the distant starry sky with him.”

“It’s really a beautiful dream, isn’t it?”

At this time, the Moby-Dick on the New World Sea had sailed to the periphery of a naval branch, and dozens of large ships of the Whitebeard Fleet tightly surrounded the branch. Even a seagull would not want to fly between the ships.

The navy in the branch had never seen this battle, but all the calls to the naval headquarters said that they could not be the leader of reinforcements, not to mention that they were surrounded by the strongest Whitebeard fleet in the world.

After Marco arranged the siege mission, he turned into a phoenix and flew directly back to the main ship.

“Father, everyone here is ready. There are only two or three lieutenant generals guarding the branch.”

“Let’s surround ourselves first. Those who can issue orders from the navy are still in this mysterious place. When they come out, it’s time to negotiate the terms, and Ace will be fine.”

Whitebeard’s mind is also full of What is Vega Punk pursuing, he is not interested.

New World, in the high-rise building of the World Government, five old men were sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely. Some of the previous events did not cause them much psychological fluctuations, they just raised their eyebrows and scratched their heads lightly. Seeing this question and answer analysis about Dr. Vega Punk, he crushed the teacup in his hand invariably, a gust of wind flew by, and the broken teacup was also wiped out.

“Vega Punk? Have you set your sights on the starry sky? Is there something in the starry sky that can make this guy a target?”

“Looks like it’s time to chat with him.”

“Indeed, some things may be out of our control.”

“Well, is it Starry Sky?”

“Drink tea, drink tea, let’s talk about the future. He is just a researcher and has no fighting power.”

The conversation ended like this, and the five old men sat on the sofa and exchanged new teacups to continue drinking tea.

At this time, a voice came from above the examination space, and a line of words appeared at the same time, and everyone’s eyes were attracted by this line of words that came out slowly.

[End of the test: choose the reward, answer a total of 6 questions correctly, you can choose 6 rewards to leave]

The word “reward” above made the navy’s breathing become heavy and rapid. What kind of reward will this magical place give? Is it a devil fruit? .

The eyes of everyone on the ship of the Shinobi World began to heat up, and it was finally time to get to this point. What kind of reward would that person give?

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