Comprehensive Manga: Becoming a God From the Dungeon Encounter

Chapter 6

As the three corpses disappeared, three little magic stones were left behind.

As for why they are all beheading… It’s just a habit to ask.

The other two goblins rushed towards Hayasaka Ai and Kato Megumi, the female demon on the back! They dare not look back!

“Xiaohui! Be careful! We are one by one!”

Hayasaka Ai and Kato Megumi saw Li Hualuo and Chana solve three of them so neatly, and they seemed to be very at ease.

I am afraid that dozens of them will not be a problem.


Xiaohui tightly held the short knife in her hand, and was ready to use magic at any time to hide and protect herself.

After Li Hua Luochan killed the three goblins, he stood not far from the two of them, and the samurai sword in his hand did not retract the scabbard, ready to strike a fatal blow when they encountered danger.

As a member of the ghost killing team who often struggles on the line of life and death, I have seen many companions killed by ghosts, and… Sister Kanai, who rescued her from human traffickers… also…

Protect them!

Believe in a **** named Lin Feng, you should! It will definitely help me resurrect my sister!

Of course, she didn’t tell Megumi Kato and Ai Hayasaka about these things.

“Hayasaka loves you! Come on!”

Seeing the green and disgusting goblin, the figure gradually grew larger, clenched the sword in his hand, and waited for the moment when the goblin was about to charge in front of him and waved the sword.

It is likely to cause a fatal blow, which is learned from kendo.

Although she is not as proficient as Miss Hui Ye, she has defeated many old students, and her strength is not low.

It’s just that in more than ten years of life, I never imagined that such a thing would happen.

Hayasaka Ai gradually steadied her breath, her eyes fixed on the approaching goblin, who soon came not far from her.

“Swing the knife!”

Hayasaka Ai roared inwardly! I gave myself the order that I had to swing the knife.

The left foot took a step forward, and the samurai sword was swung from the upper right to the lower left. Because the goblins were particularly small, the angle of the swing was large.


The goblin who was slashed by Hayasaka Ai’s samurai sword was screaming, but from the outside it seemed that the sword was very sharp and deadly.

Hayasaka Ai didn’t wait for the goblin to make other movements, and immediately went up to two more slashes. In ten seconds, the goblin fell to the ground and vanished, leaving only a small magic stone. .

Chapter 12 Destroy a wave of goblins

On the other side, Megumi Kato’s first battle was also at an intense moment.

Of course, there is a back-and-forth in the battle between her and the goblins. After all, she has never participated in or learned fighting methods such as kendo, so in the eyes of both Hayasaka Ai and Kanae.

Just like two newbies.

Fortunately, the goblins produced on the first floor are the weakest, and their strength is generally not as good as that of ordinary girls, comparable to children.

So Kato Megumi was not defeated for a while.

Hayasaka Ai over there quickly leaned against the wall to rest after killing the goblins. Physically, she was not very tired. The key point was that she was mentally stimulated, so she seemed a little tired.

But she is still very happy. It seems that she is not that weak. As long as she plays what she has learned before, she can fight well.



Kato Megumi was very distressed. She was always suppressed or passively defended because she could not fight. She knew in her heart that if she dragged on for a long time, she would definitely not be able to keep up with her physical strength.

So don’t think too much, just use stealth magic directly!

The effectiveness of this magic is not low, and it can disappear directly from the enemy’s eyes. Unless the enemy can reach the strength level of LV2, Kato Megumi will not be found at all.

But this stealth magic has a downside, that is, after using it, the movement speed will slow down, only one-third of the original, and it will reveal itself as long as it attacks.

Sure enough, it is hard to find such perfect magic in this world.


Obviously this green goblin is also very strange. There was a human curtain blade fighting back and forth with it just now, why did it suddenly disappear?

This makes its brain capacity as big as a walnut, and it gets stuck in an instant, and I don’t know what to do.

You can only look around in a panic, the enemy is not in front of you, he must be hiding!

Kato Megumi, who was hiding, wiped the sweat on her forehead. The battle that lasted for nearly a minute just made her a little overwhelmed, otherwise she would not use magic.

Using magic will consume magic power, and poor teams like them have no props to replenish magic.

If you consume too much mana, you will fall into a syncope and become unable to fight, becoming a burden to your team.

Therefore, magicians who generally use magic will also learn combat skills and try not to use magic to fight.

But Kato Megumi’s “hidden” magic is that kind of assassin-type magic that can almost eliminate existence, which is simply cheating.

After Kato Megumi disappeared from the goblin’s eyes for more than a minute, it became very impatient, but it also knew fear, knowing that the human woman not far away, killing it was like slaughtering a chicken and a dog.

Thinking like this, it ran directly to the other fork.

Monsters “born” in these dungeons only need to go through battle and not die. If they continue to live, they will have a state similar to an upgrade, and their strength will be strengthened.

Otherwise, the Adventurers Guild will not say, try to let the adventurers who enter the dungeon deal with the monsters that appear in front of them.

If they accumulate more and more, these surviving monsters will slowly upgrade, gradually increase their strength, and their intelligence will increase, which is very dangerous.

Therefore, it is best to solve it within the scope of controllable strength.

“it’s over!”

Hayasaka Ai knew in her heart that this goblin was going to die, and Kato Megumi was waiting for this opportunity.

As expected, when the goblin relaxed his vigilance and tried to escape, Kato Megumi suddenly appeared behind the goblin on the right side, and the short knife in his hand slashed at its neck.


Although this knife caused huge damage to the goblin, it still didn’t die for a while. After all, there was a spine at the back of the neck, which could withstand a lot of damage.

And Kato Megumi doesn’t use skill like Hayasaka Ai, so it’s not fatal.

But in general, there are no major problems, and this goblin is just waiting to die.

After more than half a minute, the goblins completely disappeared from the eyes of the three, and a magic stone appeared in front of them.

“Hey! Xiaohui is doing well!!”

After seeing Kato Megumi ending the battle, Hayasaka Ai immediately ran over, patted her shoulder lightly and said with a smile.


“Take a break! We’ll leave later!”

Hayasaka Ai is very smart. Seeing Kato Megumi’s pale face, it is very likely that she has not yet gotten rid of that fear, so she takes a little rest to restore her mental state.

They dealt with five goblins here, what about Lin Feng, the main god?

Penniless, after seeing Hayasaka Ai and the three entering the dungeon, he turned to see Ais and Tiona not far from here.

“Loki Familia?”

Lin Feng repeated the general in a low voice.

One thing I have to say, Ace looks so cute!

It’s just… as the main **** of a family, if he runs over to chat up suddenly, he is likely to be resisted by Loki!

Cough cough! of course there are exceptions.

“Ais, look! That man seems to have come over!”

Of course, the two powerful people noticed Lin Feng’s gaze, and their gaze was opposite to his.

Ace wants to be stronger! I don’t want to be stronger all the time.

Seeing the girl with the emerald green butterfly hairpin, it seems that this is her breakthrough point, can… become stronger!

Chapter 13 Ais who is different from usual

Ais looked at Lin Feng and walked over directly!

“Ehhhh!! Ace! What are you doing!”

Seeing Ais looking at the man and walking straight over, she was dumbfounded! Could it be that Ais has also reached the age when her heart is sprouting?

If Loki found out, he wouldn’t have strangled her, who was with Ais, to death.

Others in the family probably won’t let her go.

It’s terrifying to think about!

Get up quickly, chase Ais, and call her not to go there!

“Ace? She… seems to be coming towards me? What’s the situation?”

Lin Feng was a little confused by the sudden thing.

Shouldn’t it be because he looks so handsome! Among the gods, he dares to recognize the first, and no one dares to recognize the second!

It’s okay to think about such a thing, Ais is not the kind of superficial person.


Ace still greeted politely.

“Hello! Is there something wrong with this lady?”

Lin Feng asked suspiciously.

“I’m Ais from the Loki Familia! I want to ask, the three girls just now… do you know them?”

Three girls… Could it be that Ais wants to pull his family’s followers to join the Loki Familia! That’s abominable!

“Well… those three lovely children are my family!”

Lin Feng said this, it should be able to make Ais in front of him realize that it is extremely wrong and immoral to dig the corner of the gods face to face!

“I want to ask, the girl with the butterfly hairpin! Can you introduce it to me?”

Ais heard Lin Feng say this, her calm face was slightly excited, she stretched out her hands to grab his arm, and asked in a slightly hasty tone.


Lin Feng was stunned by the appearance of Aisi. The golden pupils seemed to be shining with a little starlight, and the expression of desire to know the news was only slightly revealed.

“It’s alright… let’s wait until my kids come back from their first adventure.”

“First adventure?!”

“The level is LV1?”

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, Ais faced another series of questions, and even Tiona, who had just caught up, couldn’t stand it.


After Tiona’s light drink, Ais finally realized how close she is to Lin Feng now, and she can already feel the breath coming from him.

A blush suddenly appeared on Ais’ small face, she slowly released her hand, took two steps back in a row, and lowered her head a little at a loss.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ais would definitely think that Ais likes the man in front of her, but Tiona knew that Ais just wanted to know the girl’s information.

will do so.

Otherwise…then she can only call Loki to come here, she can’t handle this.

“Of course it’s LV1, because we only came to O’Larry yesterday, and we only extended favors last night.”

Hearing Lin Feng say all the real things, Ais’ eyes were full of shock, can LV1 exude such a breath?

If she can learn it, she will definitely be able to strengthen her strength again!

Don’t miss this kind of thing! Otherwise, I don’t know when the next opportunity will come!

“Hello! I’ll be treating guests at the ‘Massive Mistress Tavern’ in the evening, please come by all means!”

Tiona next to her was dumbfounded. For so many years, she had never seen Ais speak so much, and her emotions changed a lot. It was really unexpected that Ais just now and Ais now are the same person.

Just now she was an expressionless, cold-faced blond girl, but in a blink of an eye, she turned into a ‘star chasing? ”eager? ‘ Probably that kind of emotion.

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