Comprehensive Freedom

v9 Chapter 109 - Aru was scared


At this time, Aru and Komatsu caught up.

Coming out of the boundary between the two women, she was curiously looking at the boundary and studying this novelty.

However, no reason has been studied.

The Aru reached out tentatively to touch it, who would have been bound by the enchantment as soon as he touched his finger.

With just a touch, the fingers that were flicked off hurt.

“Is this what the old man said?”

The two of them stayed in the enclave, but they were frightened by the behavior of the Aru. They thought he was a bad person.

Realizing the thoughts of the two women, Komatsu beside the Aru was very embarrassed.

“Cough cough cough.”

Aru looked at Komatsu suspiciously, only to see that he lifted his fingers to the two daughters in the enchantment, and turned his eyes to see it.

The expression of the two women’s fear, how could they not have misunderstood each other.

Awkwardly touching the back of the head, Aru quickly explained to them.

“I’m sorry, I’m not malicious, just curious.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Aru didn’t deliberately scare you, we are not bad people.”

Komatsu beside Aru, he quickly helped explain, trying to dismiss the misunderstanding.

Looking at the two embarrassed and apologizing, Gan Ri dared to ask Zi Zhuang.

“You guys also invited igo to collect rainbow fruit?”

“Yes, we are indeed invited by igo, the purpose is to collect rainbow fruit.”

Without thinking much, Aru answered honestly.

After hearing Aru’s answer, Ganri glanced at Zizi’s eyes and raised his hand in the direction of Noel.

“Then go to help solve the Doroth King Kong, otherwise no one can get the rainbow fruit on the top of the mountain.”

With a little thought, Aru thought it was a good note.

As long as I help solve the Dorothy King Kong, I can reasonably propose an invitation for a rainbow fruit.

In this way, not only can you get the rainbow fruit, but also avoid conflict with the other party, it is simply a double benefit.

For the sake of insurance, Aru decided to make the request first.

“Okay, I can help solve the Dorothy King Kong, but afterwards you will divide us a rainbow fruit, so it is not excessive.”

After hearing the words, the two women glanced at each other, and then shook their heads at the Aru at the same time.

Seeing this, Aru frowned, but he didn’t expect such a reasonable invitation to be rejected.

I just wanted to ask why, but the words of Aru could not be uttered yet.

Mujiu Zhiyuan took the lead and explained why he shook his head and refused.

“Your request is very reasonable. It is reasonable that we should agree to it, but we agree that it is useless. This requires our partner to agree to be effective.”

“So this is ah!”

Now Aru understood that it was the two women who could not make the decision.

That’s not easy, now go directly to the person who can make the decision, and then just talk to him.

Anyway, it is not an excessive request, there should be no reason to be rejected.

In other words, this thing must have gone.

After thinking about it, Aru raised his hand and put it on Komatsu’s shoulder, the other hand pointed at the mountain of Rainbow Tree.

“Komatsu, you have also seen the number of Dorothy King Kong on that mountain. You should wait here for me to come back.”

“Okay, Mr. Aru.”

Hundreds of Doro King Kong on the mountain, Komatsu nodded decisively and agreed.

Although he really wanted to see Aru in the past, he knew that he was a burden. He really didn’t want to cause trouble to Aru.

Seeing that Komatsu could understand, Aru immediately rushed past.

Seeing Aru go away, Komatsu was a little scared.

Watching the surroundings very alertly, fearing that a foodie creature might pop up, I dare not relax for a moment.

The two women didn’t have sympathy, they didn’t even look at Komatsu and looked at the situation in the distance.

The hearts of the people are unpredictable, and the defense of people is indispensable. They still understand this.

Yes, even if it was determined that Aru and Komatsu were the people invited by igo, the two women did not relax their guard.


On the other side, the mountain with rainbow trees.

At this time, Noel has captured a lot of Doroth King Kong, and they are still in the small world.

In order to be able to catch the live Doro King Kong, he has always used the domineering domineering color to pass the stuns in groups.

Now that there are enough reserves, there is no need to show mercy.

It is entirely possible to use a violent means to directly kill the blocking Dororo King Kong.

A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, and Noel no longer restricted his killing intention and murderousness, letting it spew out of the body.

The dark red murderous, full-bodied, madness quickly extended in all directions.

Wherever the murderousness went, it became cold and biting.

The clouded sky was about to rain, and due to the murderous influence of Noel, there was a lot of ice formed by rain.

The murderous atmosphere covered the entire mountain, and most of the Dorothy King Kong was scared to death.

Only a few Dorothy King Kong were alive, but they were frightened and fled like crazy, away from the mountains that inhabited them at the fastest speed.

The Aru who had just arrived at the foot of the mountain was also affected by the sudden murderousness.

Now he felt the whole person, as if he had fallen into the ice cave, trembling coldly.

Full of fear in his eyes, he looked up at the mountain with his head up.

“Hey hello! What a joke!?”

“So strong murderous, how many creatures have to be killed!?”

Although I don’t know what kind of murderous creature released, Aru was really scared by this rich murderous murder.

Under this kind of murderousness, the heart strongly resisted to continue to move forward.

At the same time, curiosity wants to find out.

Very contradictory and very tangled.

The Aru was stalemate at the foot of the mountain and failed to take a step or take a step back for a long time.

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